
376 lines
9.8 KiB

# to add a distro release tag run rpmbuild --define 'dist value'
# to suppress auto dependencies run rpmbuild --define 'nodeps 1'
%{!?dist:%define dist %{nil}}
%{?nodeps:%define no_auto_deps 1}
Summary: Yet Another Telephony Engine
Release: @PACKAGE_RELEASE@%{dist}
License: GPL
Packager: Paul Chitescu <paulc@voip.null.ro>
Source: http://yate.null.ro/%{name}-%{version}-@PACKAGE_RELEASE@.tar.gz
Group: Applications/Communications
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root
URL: http://yate.null.ro/
BuildRequires: gcc-c++
%define prefix /usr
Yate is a telephony engine designed to implement PBX and IVR solutions
for small to large scale projects.
%defattr(-, root, root)
%dir /usr/share/doc/yate-%{version}
%doc /usr/share/doc/yate-%{version}/README
%doc /usr/share/doc/yate-%{version}/COPYING
%doc /usr/share/doc/yate-%{version}/ChangeLog
%dir /usr/lib/yate
%dir /usr/lib/yate/modules
%dir /etc/yate
%config /etc/yate/accfile.conf
%config /etc/yate/cdrbuild.conf
%config /etc/yate/cdrfile.conf
%config /etc/yate/dbpbx.conf
%config /etc/yate/dsoundchan.conf
%config /etc/yate/enumroute.conf
%config /etc/yate/extmodule.conf
%config /etc/yate/moh.conf
%config /etc/yate/pbxassist.conf
%config /etc/yate/regexroute.conf
%config /etc/yate/regfile.conf
%config /etc/yate/register.conf
%config /etc/yate/rmanager.conf
%config /etc/yate/yate.conf
%config /etc/yate/yiaxchan.conf
%config /etc/yate/yradius.conf
%config /etc/yate/yrtpchan.conf
%config /etc/yate/ysipchan.conf
%package alsa
Summary: ALSA sound driver for Yate
Group: Applications/Communication
ExclusiveOS: linux
%description alsa
Advanced Linux Sound Architecture audio driver for Yate. This is the recommended
audio interface for using the client under Linux.
%files alsa
%package gsm
Summary: GSM audio codec for Yate
Group: Applications/Communication
%description gsm
European GSM 06.10 audio codec for Yate. This is a low CPU usage codec that
provides moderate compression and good voice quality.
%files gsm
%package h323
Summary: H.323 protocol driver for Yate
Group: Applications/Communication
%description h323
Yate driver for the ITU-T H.323 VoIP protocol based on the OpenH323 library.
%files h323
%config /etc/yate/h323chan.conf
%package isdn
Summary: ISDN PRI card and protocol drivers for Yate
Group: Applications/Communication
ExclusiveOS: linux
%description isdn
Yate drivers for ISDN PRI cards supported by the Zaptel or Wanpipe kernel
%files isdn
%config /etc/yate/wpchan.conf
%config /etc/yate/zapchan.conf
%package pgsql
Summary: PostgreSQL database driver for Yate
Group: Applications/Communication
Provides: yate-database
%description pgsql
This package allows Yate to connect to a PostgreSQL database server. All
modules that support database access will be able to use PostgreSQL.
%files pgsql
%config /etc/yate/pgsqldb.conf
%package mysql
Summary: MySQL database driver for Yate
Group: Applications/Communication
Provides: yate-database
%description mysql
This package allows Yate to connect to a MySQL database server. All modules
that support database access will be able to use MySQL.
%files mysql
%config /etc/yate/mysqldb.conf
%package gtk2
Summary: Gtk2 client package for Yate
Group: Applications/Communication
Provides: yate-client
%description gtk2
The yate-gtk2 package includes the files needed to use Yate as a VoIP client
with a Gtk2 graphical interface.
%files gtk2
%defattr(-, root, root)
%dir /usr/lib/yate/modules/skin
%dir /usr/lib/yate/modules/help
%config /etc/yate/yate-gtk2.conf
%config /etc/yate/providers.conf
%post gtk2
test -x /usr/bin/update-menus && /usr/bin/update-menus || /bin/true
%postun gtk2
test -x /usr/bin/update-menus && /usr/bin/update-menus || /bin/true
%package mozilla
Summary: Mozilla embedding in Yate
Group: Applications/Communication
Requires: yate-gtk2 = %{version}
Provides: yate-browser
%description mozilla
This package adds a Mozilla widget that can be embedded in a Yate client window.
%files mozilla
%defattr(-, root, root)
%dir /usr/lib/yate/modules/gtk2
%package scripts
Summary: External scripting package for Yate
Group: Applications/Communication
Requires: %{name}
%description scripts
The yate-scripts package includes libraries for using external scripts with Yate.
%files scripts
%dir /usr/lib/yate/scripts
%package devel
Summary: Development package for Yate
Group: Development/Libraries
Requires: %{name} = %{version}
%description devel
The yate-devel package includes the libraries and header files for Yate that
can be used to build and install new modules.
%files devel
%defattr(-, root, root)
%doc /usr/share/doc/yate-%{version}/*.html
%doc /usr/share/doc/yate-%{version}/api/*
%package all
Summary: Metapackage for Yate
Group: Applications/Communication
Requires: %{name} = %{version}
Requires: %{name}-alsa = %{version}
Requires: %{name}-gsm = %{version}
Requires: %{name}-h323 = %{version}
Requires: %{name}-isdn = %{version}
Requires: %{name}-mysql = %{version}
Requires: %{name}-pgsql = %{version}
Requires: %{name}-gtk2 = %{version}
Requires: %{name}-mozilla = %{version}
Requires: %{name}-scripts = %{version}
Requires: %{name}-devel = %{version}
%description all
Metapackage for Yate allowing to fetch and install all components at once.
It contains no files, just dependencies to all other packages.
%files all
%setup -q -n %{name}
%if "%{no_auto_deps}" == "1"
%define local_find_requires %{_builddir}/%{name}/local-find-requires
%define local_find_provides %{_builddir}/%{name}/local-find-provides
%{__cat} <<EOF >%{local_find_requires}
#! /bin/sh
grep -v '\.yate$' | %{__find_requires} | grep -v '^perl'
exit 0
%{__cat} <<EOF >%{local_find_provides}
#! /bin/sh
%{__find_provides} | grep -v '\.yate$'
exit 0
chmod +x %{local_find_requires} %{local_find_provides}
%define _use_internal_dependency_generator 0
%define __find_requires %{local_find_requires}
%define __find_provides %{local_find_provides}
%define __perl_requires /bin/true
./configure --prefix=%{prefix} --sysconfdir=/etc --mandir=%{prefix}/share/man
make strip
make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot}
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/etc/rc.d/init.d
cp -p %{_builddir}/%{name}/yate.init %{buildroot}/etc/rc.d/init.d/yate
# make clean
rm -rf %{buildroot}
* Mon Sep 18 2006 Paul Chitescu <paulc@voip.null.ro>
- Version 1.1.0-1
* Mon Jul 10 2006 Paul Chitescu <paulc@voip.null.ro>
- Added metapackage yate-all
* Fri Jul 07 2006 Paul Chitescu <paulc@voip.null.ro>
- Built separate packages for modules with external dependencies
- By default packages have dependencies
* Tue Jul 04 2006 Paul Chitescu <paulc@voip.null.ro>
- Version 1.0.0-pre1
- Capability to add a distro release tag at rpmbuild time
* Fri Jun 16 2006 Paul Chitescu <paulc@voip.null.ro>
- Added .desktop and .menu files and update-menus scriptlets
* Mon Nov 07 2005 Paul Chitescu <paulc-devel@null.ro>
- Version 0.9.0-pre4
- Separated modules and scripts directories
* Mon Oct 24 2005 Paul Chitescu <paulc-devel@null.ro>
- Version 0.9.0-pre3
- Changed obsolete Copyright: tag to License: to keep newer RPMs happy
* Mon Oct 10 2005 Diana Cionoiu <diana@diana.null.ro>
- Version 0.9.0-pre2
* Tue Sep 06 2005 Paul Chitescu <paulc-devel@null.ro>
- Version 0.9.0-pre1
* Tue Jan 18 2005 Paul Chitescu <paulc-devel@null.ro>
- Version 0.8.7
* Mon Jan 10 2005 Paul Chitescu <paulc-devel@null.ro>
- Version 0.8.6
- Versioned the shared library and packaged manpage for yate-config
* Sun Jan 09 2005 Paul Chitescu <paulc-devel@null.ro>
- Cleaned up the build and packaging system
* Wed Dec 15 2004 Paul Chitescu <paulc-devel@null.ro>
- Added custom requires/provides filters to supress modules dependencies
* Mon Nov 29 2004 Paul Chitescu <paulc-devel@null.ro>
- Version 0.8.5
- Removed non-packaging changes - see ChangeLog instead
* Wed Sep 29 2004 Paul Chitescu <paulc-devel@null.ro>
- Version 0.8.4
* Sat Jun 26 2004 Paul Chitescu <paulc-devel@null.ro>
- Version 0.8.3
* Sat May 15 2004 Paul Chitescu <paulc-devel@null.ro>
- Added pkgconfig support
* Sun Apr 04 2004 Paul Chitescu <paulc-devel@null.ro>
- Added yate-config to the devel package
* Mon Mar 29 2004 Paul Chitescu <paulc-devel@null.ro>
- Created specfile