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* Math.cpp
* This file is part of the YATE Project http://YATE.null.ro
* Yet Another Telephony Engine - a fully featured software PBX and IVR
* Copyright (C) 2015 Null Team
* This software is distributed under multiple licenses;
* see the COPYING file in the main directory for licensing
* information for this specific distribution.
* This use of this software may be subject to additional restrictions.
* See the LEGAL file in the main directory for details.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#include "yatemath.h"
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace TelEngine;
#ifdef DEBUG
#define YBITVECTOR_VALID(meth,offs,len) { \
BitVector tmp(*this,offs,len); \
if (!tmp.valid()) \
Debug(DebugFail,"BitVector::%s contains non 0/1 value [%p]",meth,this); \
#ifdef _WINDOWS
#define YBITVECTOR_VALID do { break; } while
#define YBITVECTOR_VALID(meth,offs,len)
static inline bool isBitSet(uint8_t val)
return val != 0;
// Unpack 8 bits to buffer, MSB first
// Advance the buffer
static inline void unpackMsb8(uint8_t*& d, uint8_t val)
*d++ = (val >> 7) & 0x01;
*d++ = (val >> 6) & 0x01;
*d++ = (val >> 5) & 0x01;
*d++ = (val >> 4) & 0x01;
*d++ = (val >> 3) & 0x01;
*d++ = (val >> 2) & 0x01;
*d++ = (val >> 1) & 0x01;
*d++ = val & 0x01;
// Copy string, advance dest and src, return src
static inline const char* copyInc(char*& dest, const char* src, unsigned int n,
bool strLen = false)
if (n) {
if (strLen)
dest += n;
return src + n;
// RefStorage
String& RefStorage::dumpSplit(String& buf, const String& str, unsigned int lineLen,
unsigned int offset, const char* linePrefix, const char* suffix)
suffix = TelEngine::c_safe(suffix);
if (TelEngine::null(linePrefix))
linePrefix = suffix;
unsigned int len = str.length();
unsigned int linePrefLen = ::strlen(linePrefix);
// No lines ?
if (!(lineLen && len && linePrefLen && lineLen < len))
return buf << str << suffix;
unsigned int firstLineLen = 0;
if (offset && offset < lineLen) {
firstLineLen = lineLen - offset;
if (firstLineLen > len)
firstLineLen = len;
len -= firstLineLen;
// Nothing to be added after first line ?
if (!len)
return buf << str << suffix;
unsigned int nFullLines = len / lineLen;
unsigned int lastLineLen = len % lineLen;
unsigned int suffixLen = ::strlen(suffix);
unsigned int nSep = nFullLines + (lastLineLen ? 1 : 0);
char* tmpBuf = new char[str.length() + nSep * linePrefLen + suffixLen + 1];
char* dest = tmpBuf;
const char* src = str.c_str();
src = copyInc(dest,src,firstLineLen);
for (; nFullLines; nFullLines--) {
src = copyInc(dest,src,lineLen);
if (lastLineLen) {
src = copyInc(dest,src,lastLineLen);
*dest = 0;
buf << tmpBuf;
delete[] tmpBuf;
return buf;
// BitVector
BitVector::BitVector(const char* str, unsigned int maxLen)
: ByteVector(::strlen(TelEngine::c_safe(str)),0,maxLen)
uint8_t* d = data();
for (uint8_t* last = end(d,length()); d != last; ++d, ++str)
if (*str == '1')
*d = 1;
// Check if this vector contains valid values (0 or 1)
bool BitVector::valid() const
const uint8_t* d = data();
for (const uint8_t* last = end(d,length()); d != last; ++d)
if (*d > 1)
return false;
return true;
bool BitVector::get(FloatVector& dest) const
if (!dest.resize(length()))
return false;
float* d = dest.data();
const uint8_t* src = data();
for (const uint8_t* last = end(src,length()); src != last; ++src, ++d)
*d = isBitSet(*src) ? 1.0F : 0.0F;
return true;
bool BitVector::set(const FloatVector& input)
if (!resize(input.length()))
return false;
const float* src = input.data();
uint8_t* d = data();
for (uint8_t* last = end(d,length()); d != last; ++d, ++src)
*d = *src ? 1 : 0;
return true;
// Apply XOR on vector bits from value, MSB first
void BitVector::xorMsb(uint32_t value, unsigned int offs, uint8_t len)
len = (uint8_t)availableClamp(32,offs,len);
uint8_t* d = data(offs,len);
if (!d)
uint8_t shift = 24;
for (uint8_t full = len / 8; full; --full, shift -= 8) {
uint8_t v = (uint8_t)(value >> shift);
*d++ ^= (v >> 7) & 0x01;
*d++ ^= (v >> 6) & 0x01;
*d++ ^= (v >> 5) & 0x01;
*d++ ^= (v >> 4) & 0x01;
*d++ ^= (v >> 3) & 0x01;
*d++ ^= (v >> 2) & 0x01;
*d++ ^= (v >> 1) & 0x01;
*d++ ^= v & 0x01;
uint8_t rest = len % 8;
if (!rest)
uint8_t v = (uint8_t)(value >> (shift + 8 - rest));
uint8_t* stop = --d;
for (d = stop + rest; d != stop; --d, v >>= 1)
*d ^= v & 0x01;
// Pack up to 64 bits, LSB first
uint64_t BitVector::pack(unsigned int offs, int len) const
len = (int)availableClamp(64,offs,len);
const uint8_t* d = data(offs,len);
if (!d)
return 0;
uint64_t res = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i, ++d)
if (isBitSet(*d))
res |= (uint64_t)1 << i;
return res;
// Unpack up to 64 bits into this vector, LSB first
void BitVector::unpack(uint64_t value, unsigned int offs, uint8_t len)
len = (uint8_t)availableClamp(64,offs,len);
uint8_t* d = data(offs,len);
for (uint8_t* last = end(d,len); d != last; ++d, value >>= 1)
*d = (uint8_t)(value & 0x01);
// Unpack up to 32 bits into this vector (MSB to LSB).
// MSB from value is the first unpacked bit
void BitVector::unpackMsb(uint32_t value, unsigned int offs, uint8_t len)
len = (uint8_t)availableClamp(32,offs,len);
uint8_t* d = data(offs,len);
if (!d)
uint8_t shift = 24;
for (uint8_t full = len / 8; full; --full, shift -= 8)
unpackMsb8(d,value >> shift);
uint8_t rest = len % 8;
if (!rest)
uint8_t v = (uint8_t)(value >> (shift + 8 - rest));
uint8_t* stop = --d;
for (d = stop + rest; d != stop; --d, v >>= 1)
*d = v & 0x01;
// Pack bits into a ByteVector
bool BitVector::pack(ByteVector& dest) const
if (!length())
return 0;
unsigned int full = length() / 8;
unsigned int rest = length() % 8;
unsigned int n = full + (rest ? 1 : 0);
uint8_t* d = dest.data(0,n);
if (!d) {
"BitVector::pack() not enough data in destination vector [%p]",this);
return false;
const uint8_t* src = data();
// Full bytes
for (const uint8_t* last = end(src,full * 8); src != last; ++d) {
#define SET_BIT(bit) if (isBitSet(*src++)) *d |= (1 << bit);
#undef SET_BIT
// Partial byte
if (rest)
for (uint8_t val = 0x80; rest; --rest, val >>= 1)
if (isBitSet(*src++))
*d |= val;
return true;
// Unpack a ByteVector into this BitVector
// MSB bit of the first element in source goes to first bit in this vector
bool BitVector::unpack(const ByteVector& src)
const uint8_t* s = src.data(0,src.length());
if (!s)
return true;
unsigned int len = src.length() * 8;
uint8_t* d = data(0,len);
if (d) {
for(uint8_t* last = end(d,len); d != last; ++s)
return true;
YMATH_FAIL(false,"BitVector::unpack() not enough space in vector [%p]",this);
return false;
// Append bits to a string
String& BitVector::appendTo(String& buf, unsigned int offs, int len) const
len = available(offs,len);
const uint8_t* d = data(offs,len);
if (!d)
return buf;
String tmp('0',len);
char* s = (char*)tmp.c_str();
for (const uint8_t* last = end(d,len); d != last; ++d, ++s)
if (isBitSet(*d))
*s = '1';
return buf.append(tmp);
// Math
// Append a Complex number to a String (using "%g%+gi" format)
String& Math::dumpComplex(String& dest, const Complex& val, const char* sep,
const char* fmt)
if (TelEngine::null(fmt))
fmt = "%g%+gi";
else if (::strlen(fmt) > 30) {
String tmp;
return dest.append(tmp.printf(512,fmt,val.re(),val.im()),sep);
char s[60];
return dest.append(s,sep);
// Append float value to a String (using %g format)
String& Math::dumpFloat(String& dest, const float& val, const char* sep,
const char* fmt)
if (TelEngine::null(fmt))
fmt = "%g";
else if (::strlen(fmt) > 30) {
String tmp;
return dest.append(tmp.printf(512,fmt,val),sep);
char s[60];
return dest.append(s,sep);
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