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* Base64.cpp
* This file is part of the YATE Project http://YATE.null.ro
* Base64 data encoding and decoding
* Yet Another Telephony Engine - a fully featured software PBX and IVR
* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Null Team
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "yateclass.h"
using namespace TelEngine;
// Padding char
#define PADDING_CHAR '='
static String s_eoln = "\r\n";
static String s_ignore = "=\r\n\t ";
// Base64 alphabet
// See RFC 4648 Table 1
static char s_alphabet[65] =
#define IC 255
// ASCII to Base64 translation table
// Each element except for IC represents an index in s_alphabet
static unsigned char s_ato64[256] = {
IC,IC,IC,IC,IC, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,11,12,13,14,
#undef IC
// Check in the translation table if 'ch' is a valid Base64 char
static inline bool valid(char ch)
return s_ato64[(int)ch] < 64;
// Check if 'ch' should be ignored
// Check in the translation table if 'ch' is a valid Base64 char
// Return -1 to ignore it, 1 to accept it, 0 on error
static inline int validLiberal(char ch)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < s_ignore.length(); i++)
if (s_ignore.at(i) == ch)
return -1;
return valid(ch) ? 1 : 0;
// Add end of line to dest and increase index if lines is non 0 and end
// if line was reached
static inline void addEoln(String& dest, unsigned int& idx,
unsigned int& lines, unsigned int& crtLine, unsigned int lineLen)
if (!(lines && crtLine == lineLen))
char* d = (char*)dest.c_str();
d[idx++] = s_eoln[0];
d[idx++] = s_eoln[1];
crtLine = 0;
// Add an encoded Base64 char to a destination string after clearing
// the bits 6 and 7. Increase the string's index
// Add end of line to dest and increase index if lines is non 0 and end
// if line was reached
static inline void addEnc(String& dest, unsigned int& idx, unsigned char ch,
unsigned int& lines, unsigned int& crtLine, unsigned int lineLen)
((char*)dest.c_str())[idx++] = s_alphabet[ch & 0x3f];
// Add a decoded char buffer to a destination buffer and increase the index
// Len must be is 2,3,4
static inline void addDec(DataBlock& dest, unsigned int& idx,
unsigned char* dec, unsigned int len)
unsigned char* d = ((unsigned char*)dest.data());
if (len == 4) {
d[idx++] = dec[0] << 2 | dec[1] >> 4;
d[idx++] = dec[1] << 4 | dec[2] >> 2;
d[idx++] = dec[2] << 6 | dec[3];
else if (len == 3) {
d[idx++] = dec[0] << 2 | dec[1] >> 4;
d[idx++] = dec[1] << 4 | dec[2] >> 2;
d[idx++] = dec[0] << 2 | dec[1] >> 4;
// Add a padding char to dest and increase index
static inline void addPadding(String& dest, unsigned int& idx,
unsigned int& lines, unsigned int& crtLine, unsigned int lineLen)
((char*)dest.c_str())[idx++] = PADDING_CHAR;
// Encode this buffer to a destination string
void Base64::encode(String& dest, unsigned int lineLen, bool lineAtEnd)
dest = "";
if (!length())
unsigned char* s = (unsigned char*)data(); // Source buffer
unsigned int rest = length() % 3; // The number of bytes that will need padding
unsigned int full = length() - rest; // The number of bytes in source that will
// be processed in 3-byte chunks
unsigned int i = 0; // Source index
unsigned int lines = 0; // Number of lines
unsigned int crtLine = 0; // Index in current line
unsigned int iDest = 0; // Destination index
unsigned int len = full / 3 * 4 + (rest ? 4 : 0); // Destination length, without EOLNs
// Calculate how many lines we need (except for the last one)
if (lineLen) {
lines = len / lineLen;
if (0 == (len % lineLen) && lines)
dest.assign(PADDING_CHAR,len + lines * s_eoln.length());
"Encoding %u bytes (full=%u rest=%u) to %u bytes lines=%u",
// Encode each 3 bytes chunk from source to 4 bytes Base64 destination
// 1: s_alphabet[bits 2-7 from s[i]]
// 2: s_alphabet[bits 0,1 from s[i] + bits 4-7 from s[i+1]]
// 3: s_alphabet[bits 0-3 from s[i+1] + bits 6,7 from s[i+2]]
// 4: s_alphabet[bits 0-5 from s[i+2]]
for (; i < full; i += 3) {
addEnc(dest,iDest,s[i] >> 2,lines,crtLine,lineLen);
addEnc(dest,iDest,s[i] << 4 | s[i+1] >> 4,lines,crtLine,lineLen);
addEnc(dest,iDest,s[i+1] << 2 | s[i+2] >> 6,lines,crtLine,lineLen);
// Encode rest (can be 1 or 2) to 4 bytes destination
// 1: 2 chars + 2 padding, 2: 3 chars + 1 padding
// Don't add the final padding char: destination was filled with it
if (rest) {
addEnc(dest,iDest,s[i] >> 2,lines,crtLine,lineLen);
if (rest == 1)
addEnc(dest,iDest,s[i] << 4,lines,crtLine,lineLen);
else {
addEnc(dest,iDest,s[i] << 4 | s[i+1] >> 4,lines,crtLine,lineLen);
addEnc(dest,iDest,s[i+1] << 2,lines,crtLine,lineLen);
// Add final end of line ?
if (lineAtEnd)
dest << s_eoln;
// Decode this buffer to a destination one
bool Base64::decode(DataBlock& dest, bool liberal)
// Calculate the number of alphabet characters
unsigned int full = 0;
unsigned int rest = 0;
unsigned char* src = (unsigned char*)data();
if (liberal)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length(); i++) {
int res = validLiberal(src[i]);
if (!res) {
Debug("Base64",DebugNote,"Got invalid char 0x%x at pos %u [%p]",src[i],i,this);
return false;
if (res > 0)
else {
full = length();
// Skip padding chars from end
for (; full; full--)
if (src[full-1] != PADDING_CHAR)
// rest MUST be 0, 2 or 3
// rest is 1: can't build an 8-bit ascii char from a 6-bit Base64 char
rest = full % 4;
full -= rest;
if (!(full || rest) || rest == 1) {
Debug("Base64",DebugNote,"Got invalid length %u [%p]",length(),this);
return true;
dest.assign(0,full / 4 * 3 + (rest ? rest - 1 : 0));
DDebug("Base64",DebugAll,"Decoding %u bytes (full=%u rest=%u) to %u bytes",
unsigned int iDest = 0;
unsigned char dec[4];
if (!liberal) {
#define GET_DEC(a) \
if (valid(src[i+a])) \
dec[a] = s_ato64[src[i+a]]; \
else { \
Debug("Base64",DebugNote,"Got invalid char 0x%x at pos %u [%p]", \
src[i+a],i+a,this); \
return false; \
unsigned int i = 0;
// Decode each 4 bytes chunk from source
// Translate each byte and build 3 destination bytes from 4 6-bit Base64 chars
// 1: bits 0-5 from dec[0] + bits 4,5 from dec[1]
// 2: bits 0-3 from dec[1] + bits 2-5 from dec[2]
// 3: bits 0,1 from dec[2] + bits 0-5 from dec[3]
for (; i < full; i += 4) {
// Process the rest
// 2: 1 destination byte. 3: 2 bytes in destination
if (rest) {
if (rest == 3)
#undef GET_DEC
else {
unsigned int iDec = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < length(); i++, src++) {
int res = validLiberal(*src);
if (!res) {
Debug("Base64",DebugNote,"Got invalid char 0x%x at pos %u [%p]",*src,i,this);
return false;
if (res < 0)
dec[iDec++] = s_ato64[*src];
if (iDec == 4) {
iDec = 0;
if (rest)
return true;
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