
101 lines
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; This file holds configuration for radiotest module
; This section configures the default test (in start test command this is the default section name)
; Different test sesctions may be defined and passed in test command
; E.g. 'control radiotest start name=other' will start test configured in section 'other'
; sendonly: boolean: Configures a send only (no read) test
; Defaults to no
; txdata: string: The data to send
; This parameter is required
; Values:
; zero: Send a buffer filled with 0 values
; circle: Send a circle buffer (pattern: 1,0,0,1,-1,0,0,-1)
; two-circles: Send a signal composed of 2 sine waves
; pulse: Send a pulsed signal (NULLs with pulsed values)
; Comma separated list of values to be sent
; txdata_length: integer: The length (in samples) of TX data
; This parameter is handled for txpattern: two-circles, pulse
; two-circles: Defaults to 819, minimum value: 50
; pulse: Defaults to 10000, minimum value: 50
; txdata_repeat: integer: Repeat tx data after the buffer is built
; E.g. extend the send buffer (use a larger buffer for send)
; E.g. a buffer (1,1,0,0) with txdata_repeat=1 will build a send buffer: (1,1,0,0,1,1,0,0)
; This parameter is ignored for txpattern: two-circles, pulse
; pulse: integer: The index used to insert pulsed values
; The parameter is ignored if txpattern is not 'pulse'
; Defaults to 2. The value will be clamped in interval [1..1000000]
; readsamples: integer: The length of read buffer in samples
; This parameter is ignored for read only tests
; Defaults to 256
; Parameters starting with 'init:' will execute commands on radio interface before powering it on
; Parameters starting with 'cmd:' will execute commands on radio interface after powering it on
; The commands will be executed before starting any read/write operation
; Supported commands:
; init:samplerate: Set radio interface sampling rate
; init:filter: Set radio interface filter bandwidth
; init:txfrequency: Set radio interface TX (downlink) tunning frequency
; init:rxfrequency: Set radio interface RX (uplink) tunning frequency
; cmd:loopback: Set radio interface loopback
; cmd:calibrate: Execute the calibrate operation on radio interface
; priority/recv_priority: Send and receive threads prioriy
; Allowed values: lowest, low, normal, high, highest
; Defaults to 'normal'
; This section configures radio data file processing
; fmt-float: string: Format for float samples
; fmt-int: string: Format for int samples
; separator: string: Samples separator
; Defaults to space if missing
; Set it to empty string if no separator is required
; input: string: File to process
; This parameter is required
; output: string: Optional file to write data
; If missing processing result will be displayed in console/log
; recformat: string: Optional format for file record dump
; E.g.: ${timestamp} delta=${ts-delta} samples=${samples}: ${data}${newline}
; dumpdata: boolean: Dump record contents
; This parameter is ignored if data is written to file (e.g. only records
; data is dumped to file)
; recstart: integer: Optional record index to start processing
; reccount: integer: Optional number of records to process (0: all)
; recsamples: integer: Optional number of samples to dump from each record (0: all)