/** * pgsqldb.cpp * This file is part of the YATE Project http://YATE.null.ro * * This is the PostgreSQL support from Yate. * * Yet Another Telephony Engine - a fully featured software PBX and IVR * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Null Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include using namespace TelEngine; static ObjList s_conns; Mutex s_conmutex; class DbConn : public GenObject { public: DbConn(const NamedList* sect); ~DbConn(); virtual const String& toString() const { return m_name; } bool ok(); int queryDb(const char* query, Message* dest = 0); bool initDb(int retry = 0); inline Mutex& mutex() { return m_dbmutex; } protected: Mutex m_dbmutex; private: void dropDb(); bool testDb(); bool startDb(); int queryDbInternal(const char* query, Message* dest); String m_name,m_connection; int m_retry; u_int64_t m_timeout; PGconn *m_conn; }; class PgHandler : public MessageHandler { public: PgHandler(unsigned int prio = 100) : MessageHandler("database",prio) { } virtual bool received(Message& msg); }; class PgModule : public Module { public: PgModule(); ~PgModule(); protected: virtual void initialize(); virtual void statusParams(String& str); private: bool m_init; }; static PgModule module; DbConn::DbConn(const NamedList* sect) : m_dbmutex(true), m_name(*sect), m_conn(0) { m_connection = sect->getValue("connection"); if (m_connection.null()) { // build connection string from pieces String tmp = sect->getValue("host","localhost"); m_connection << "host='" << tmp << "'"; tmp = sect->getValue("port"); if (tmp) m_connection << " port='" << tmp << "'"; tmp = sect->getValue("database","yate"); m_connection << " dbname='" << tmp << "'"; tmp = sect->getValue("user","postgres"); m_connection << " user='" << tmp << "'"; tmp = sect->getValue("password"); if (tmp) m_connection << " password='" << tmp << "'"; } m_timeout = (u_int64_t)1000 * sect->getIntValue("timeout",10000); m_retry = sect->getIntValue("retry",5); } DbConn::~DbConn() { s_conns.remove(this,false); dropDb(); Debug(&module,DebugInfo,"Database connection %s closed",m_name.c_str()); } // initialize the database connection and handler data bool DbConn::initDb(int retry) { Lock lock(m_dbmutex); // allow specifying the raw connection string Debug(&module,DebugAll,"Initiating connection \"%s\" retry %d",m_connection.c_str(),retry); u_int64_t timeout = Time::now() + m_timeout; m_conn = PQconnectStart(m_connection.c_str()); if (!m_conn) { Debug(&module,DebugGoOn,"Could not start connection for '%s'",m_name.c_str()); return false; } PQsetnonblocking(m_conn,1); while (Time::now() < timeout) { switch (PQstatus(m_conn)) { case CONNECTION_BAD: Debug(&module,DebugWarn,"Connection for '%s' failed: %s",m_name.c_str(),PQerrorMessage(m_conn)); dropDb(); return false; case CONNECTION_OK: Debug(&module,DebugAll,"Connection for '%s' succeeded",m_name.c_str()); return true; default: break; } PQconnectPoll(m_conn); Thread::yield(); } Debug(&module,DebugWarn,"Connection timed out for '%s'",m_name.c_str()); dropDb(); return false; } // drop the connection void DbConn::dropDb() { Lock lock(m_dbmutex); if (!m_conn) return; PGconn* tmp = m_conn; m_conn = 0; lock.drop(); PQfinish(tmp); } // test it the connection is still OK bool DbConn::testDb() { return m_conn && (CONNECTION_OK == PQstatus(m_conn)); } // public, thread safe version bool DbConn::ok() { Lock lock(m_dbmutex); return testDb(); } // try to get up the connection, retry if we have to bool DbConn::startDb() { if (testDb()) return true; for (int i = 0; i < m_retry; i++) { if (initDb(i)) return true; Thread::yield(); if (testDb()) return true; } return false; } // perform the query, fill the message with data // return number of rows, -1 for non-retryable errors and -2 to retry int DbConn::queryDbInternal(const char* query, Message* dest) { Lock lock(m_dbmutex); if (!startDb()) // no retry - startDb already tried and failed... return -1; u_int64_t timeout = Time::now() + m_timeout; if (!PQsendQuery(m_conn,query)) { // a connection failure cannot be detected at this point so any // error must be caused by the query itself - bad syntax or so Debug(&module,DebugWarn,"Query \"%s\" for '%s' failed: %s", query,m_name.c_str(),PQerrorMessage(m_conn)); dest->setParam("error",PQerrorMessage(m_conn)); // non-retryable, query should be fixed return -1; } if (PQflush(m_conn)) { Debug(&module,DebugWarn,"Flush for '%s' failed: %s", m_name.c_str(),PQerrorMessage(m_conn)); dropDb(); dest->setParam("error",PQerrorMessage(m_conn)); return -2; } int totalRows = 0; int affectedRows = 0; while (Time::now() < timeout) { PQconsumeInput(m_conn); if (PQisBusy(m_conn)) { Thread::yield(); continue; } PGresult* res = PQgetResult(m_conn); if (!res) { // last result already received and processed - exit successfully Debug(&module,DebugAll,"Query for '%s' returned %d rows, %d affected",m_name.c_str(),totalRows,affectedRows); if (dest) { dest->setParam("rows",String(totalRows)); dest->setParam("affected",String(affectedRows)); } return totalRows; } ExecStatusType stat = PQresultStatus(res); switch (stat) { case PGRES_TUPLES_OK: // we got some data - but maybe zero rows or binary... if (dest) { affectedRows += String(PQcmdTuples(res)).toInteger(); int columns = PQnfields(res); int rows = PQntuples(res); if (rows > 0) { totalRows += rows; dest->setParam("columns",String(columns)); if (dest->getBoolValue("results",true) && !PQbinaryTuples(res)) { Array *a = new Array(columns,rows+1); for (int k = 0; k < columns; k++) { String *f= new String(PQfname(res,k)); a->set(f,k,0); for (int j = 0; j < rows; j++) { // skip over NULL values if (PQgetisnull(res,j,k)) continue; String *v= new String(PQgetvalue(res,j,k)); a->set(v,k,j+1); } } dest->userData(a); a->deref(); } } } break; case PGRES_COMMAND_OK: if (dest) affectedRows += String(PQcmdTuples(res)).toInteger(); // no data returned break; case PGRES_COPY_IN: case PGRES_COPY_OUT: // data transfers - ignore them break; default: Debug(&module,DebugWarn,"Query error: %s",PQresultErrorMessage(res)); dest->setParam("error",PQresultErrorMessage(res)); } PQclear(res); } Debug(&module,DebugWarn,"Query timed out for '%s'",m_name.c_str()); dest->setParam("error","query timeout"); dropDb(); return -2; } static bool failure(Message* m) { if (m) m->setParam("error","failure"); return false; } int DbConn::queryDb(const char* query, Message* dest) { if (TelEngine::null(query)) return -1; Debug(&module,DebugAll,"Performing query \"%s\" for '%s'", query,m_name.c_str()); for (int i = 0; i < m_retry; i++) { int res = queryDbInternal(query,dest); if (res > -2) { if (res < 0) failure(dest); // ok or non-retryable error, get out of here return res; } } failure(dest); return -2; } static DbConn* findDb(String& account) { if (account.null()) return 0; ObjList* l = s_conns.find(account); return l ? static_cast(l->get()): 0; } bool PgHandler::received(Message& msg) { String tmp(msg.getValue("account")); if (tmp.null()) return false; Lock lock(s_conmutex); DbConn* db = findDb(tmp); if (!db) return false; Lock lo(db->mutex()); lock.drop(); String query(msg.getValue("query")); db->queryDb(query,&msg); msg.setParam("dbtype","pgsqldb"); return true; } PgModule::PgModule() : Module ("pgsqldb","database"),m_init(false) { Output("Loaded module PostgreSQL"); } PgModule::~PgModule() { Output("Unloading module PostgreSQL"); s_conns.clear(); } void PgModule::statusParams(String& str) { str.append("conns=",",") << s_conns.count(); } void PgModule::initialize() { Module::initialize(); if (m_init) return; m_init = true; Output("Initializing module PostgreSQL"); Configuration cfg(Engine::configFile("pgsqldb")); Engine::install(new PgHandler(cfg.getIntValue("general","priority",100))); unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < cfg.sections(); i++) { NamedList* sec = cfg.getSection(i); if (!sec || (*sec == "general")) continue; DbConn* conn = new DbConn(sec); conn->initDb(); s_conns.insert(conn); } } /* vi: set ts=8 sw=4 sts=4 noet: */