[mohs] ; List of pipelines that will be used as sources of music (on hold). ; Each pipeline should write to stdout in 16bit signed linear ; at default rate 8000/s or as specificed in the "rate" parameter. ; From outside (e.g. routing modules) mohs are addressed ; as moh/default, moh/noise etc. ; use mpg123 to play a bunch of mp3 files (shuffled) default=while true; do mpg123 -q -m -r 8000 -s -Z sounds/*.mp3; done ; just (loud) random noise from our favorite source noise=cat /dev/urandom ; a relatively new madplay (>=0.15) is the best choice - low CPU usage, ; built-in resampling, plays multiple files (shuffled) madplay=while true; do madplay -q --no-tty-control -m -R 8000 -o raw:- -z sounds/*.mp3; done ; same madplay but with wideband support wideband=while true; do madplay -q --no-tty-control -m -R ${rate$8000} -o raw:- -z sounds/*.mp3; done