/** * analyzer.cpp * This file is part of the YATE Project http://YATE.null.ro * * Test call generator and audio quality analyzer * * Yet Another Telephony Engine - a fully featured software PBX and IVR * Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Null Team * * FFT routine taken from Murphy McCauley's FFT DLL based in turn on the * work of Don Cross * See http://www.fullspectrum.com/deeth/programming/fft.html * and http://www.constantthought.com/ * Thank both for a sleek routine that doesn't even fill a floppy ;-) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include // minimum allowed for the maximum #define ALLOW_MIN 2500.0 // threshold from max we consider a peak #define PEAKS_THR 0.015 // expected number of peaks #define PEAKS_NUM 2 #include #include #include #ifndef M_PI #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 #endif #ifndef M_2PI #define M_2PI (2*M_PI) #endif #ifndef M_4PI #define M_4PI (4*M_PI) #endif using namespace TelEngine; namespace { // anonymous // Asynchronous FFT on a power of 2 sample buffer class AsyncFFT : public Thread { public: enum WinType { None = 0, Rectangle = None, Triangle, Bartlett = Triangle, Hanning, Hamming, Blackman, FlatTop }; virtual ~AsyncFFT(); static AsyncFFT* create(unsigned int length, WinType window = Rectangle, Priority prio = Low); inline unsigned int samples() const { return m_length; } inline unsigned int length() const { return m_length >> 1; } inline bool ready() const { return m_ready; } double at(int index) const; inline double operator[](int index) const { return at(index); } bool prepare(const short* samp); inline void stop() { m_notify = 0; m_stop = true; } virtual void run(); inline void setNotify(Runnable* notified = 0) { m_notify = notified; } private: AsyncFFT(unsigned int length, WinType window, Priority prio); void buildWindow(WinType window); unsigned int revBits(unsigned int index); void compute(); bool m_ready; bool m_start; bool m_stop; Runnable* m_notify; unsigned int m_length; double* m_window; double* m_real; double* m_imag; unsigned int m_nBits; const char* m_winName; }; class AnalyzerCons : public DataConsumer, public Runnable { YCLASS(AnalyzerCons,DataConsumer) public: AnalyzerCons(const String& type, const char* window = 0); virtual ~AnalyzerCons(); virtual void Consume(const DataBlock& data, unsigned long tStamp); virtual void statusParams(String& str); virtual void run(); protected: DataBlock m_data; u_int64_t m_timeStart; unsigned long m_tsStart; unsigned int m_tsGapCount; unsigned long m_tsGapLength; AsyncFFT* m_spectrum; unsigned long m_total; unsigned long m_valid; bool m_analyze; }; class AnalyzerChan : public Channel { public: AnalyzerChan(const String& type, bool outgoing, const char* window = 0); virtual ~AnalyzerChan(); virtual void destroyed(); virtual void statusParams(String& str); virtual bool callRouted(Message& msg); virtual bool msgRinging(Message& msg); virtual bool msgAnswered(Message& msg); virtual void checkTimers(Message& msg, const Time& tmr); void startChannel(NamedList& params); void addSource(); void addConsumer(); protected: void setDuration(NamedList& params); void localParams(String& str); u_int64_t m_stopTime; u_int64_t m_timeStart; unsigned long m_timeRoute; unsigned long m_timeRing; unsigned long m_timeAnswer; String m_window; }; class AttachHandler : public MessageHandler { public: AttachHandler() : MessageHandler("chan.attach") { } virtual bool received(Message& msg); }; class AnalyzerDriver : public Driver { public: AnalyzerDriver(); virtual ~AnalyzerDriver(); virtual void initialize(); virtual bool msgExecute(Message& msg, String& dest); bool startCall(NamedList& params, const String& dest); private: AttachHandler* m_handler; }; INIT_PLUGIN(AnalyzerDriver); static TokenDict dict_windows[] = { { "rectangle", AsyncFFT::Rectangle }, { "no", AsyncFFT::None }, { "none", AsyncFFT::None }, { "triangle", AsyncFFT::Triangle }, { "bartlett", AsyncFFT::Bartlett }, { "hanning", AsyncFFT::Hanning }, { "hamming", AsyncFFT::Hamming }, { "blackman", AsyncFFT::Blackman }, { "flattop", AsyncFFT::FlatTop }, { 0, 0 } }; static Mutex s_mutex; static int s_res = 1; static const char* printTime(char* buf,unsigned long usec) { switch (s_res) { case 2: // microsecond resolution sprintf(buf,"%u.%06u",(unsigned int)(usec / 1000000),(unsigned int)(usec % 1000000)); break; case 1: // millisecond resolution usec = (usec + 500) / 1000; sprintf(buf,"%u.%03u",(unsigned int)(usec / 1000),(unsigned int)(usec % 1000)); break; default: // 1-second resolution usec = (usec + 500000) / 1000000; sprintf(buf,"%u",(unsigned int)usec); } return buf; } AsyncFFT* AsyncFFT::create(unsigned int length, WinType window, Priority prio) { if (length < 2) return 0; // thanks to 'byang' for this cute power of two test! if (length & (length - 1)) return 0; AsyncFFT* fft = new AsyncFFT(length,window,prio); if (fft->startup()) return fft; delete fft; return 0; } AsyncFFT::AsyncFFT(unsigned int length, WinType window, Priority prio) : Thread("AsyncFFT",prio), m_ready(false), m_start(false), m_stop(false), m_notify(0), m_length(0), m_window(0), m_real(0), m_imag(0), m_nBits(0), m_winName(0) { DDebug(&__plugin,DebugAll,"AsyncFFT::AsyncFFT(%u) [%p]",length,this); for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= 256 ;i++) if (length & (1 << i)) { m_nBits = i; break; } if (!m_nBits) return; m_length = length; m_real = new double[m_length]; m_imag = new double[m_length]; buildWindow(window); } AsyncFFT::~AsyncFFT() { DDebug(&__plugin,DebugAll,"AsyncFFT::~AsyncFFT() [%p]",this); m_notify = 0; m_ready = false; m_start = false; delete[] m_real; delete[] m_imag; delete[] m_window; } void AsyncFFT::buildWindow(WinType window) { m_winName = lookup(window,dict_windows); if (window == Rectangle) return; m_window = new double[m_length]; unsigned int n2 = m_length >> 1; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_length; i++) { double omega = i * M_2PI / m_length; switch (window) { case Triangle: { int k = i - n2; if (k > 0) k = -k; k += n2; m_window[i] = k*1.0/n2; } break; case Hanning: m_window[i] = 0.5 - 0.5 * ::cos(omega); break; case Hamming: m_window[i] = 0.54 - 0.46 * ::cos(omega); break; case Blackman: m_window[i] = 0.42 - 0.5 * ::cos(omega) + 0.08 * ::cos(2*omega); break; case FlatTop: m_window[i] = 0.2810639 - 0.5208972 * ::cos(omega) + 0.1980399 * ::cos(2*omega); break; default: m_window[i] = 1.0; } } } double AsyncFFT::at(int index) const { if ((index < 0) || ((unsigned int)index > (m_length >> 1))) return 0.0; if (!m_ready) return 0.0; return m_real[index]; } void AsyncFFT::run() { DDebug(&__plugin,DebugAll,"AsyncFFT::run() [%p]",this); while (!m_stop) { while (!m_start) { Thread::msleep(5); if (m_stop) return; } m_ready = false; compute(); m_ready = true; s_mutex.lock(); if (m_notify) m_notify->run(); s_mutex.unlock(); m_start = false; } } bool AsyncFFT::prepare(const short* samp) { if (m_start || m_stop || !(samp && m_real)) return false; m_ready = false; XDebug(&__plugin,DebugAll,"Preparing FFT buffer from %u samples [%p]",m_length,this); unsigned int i, j; for (i = 0; i < m_length; i++) { j = revBits(i); if (m_window) m_real[i] = m_window[j] * samp[j]; else m_real[i] = samp[j]; m_imag[i] = 0.0; } m_start = true; return true; } unsigned int AsyncFFT::revBits(unsigned int index) { unsigned int i, rev; for (i = rev = 0; i < m_nBits; i++) { rev = (rev << 1) | (index & 1); index >>= 1; } return rev; } void AsyncFFT::compute() { #ifdef XDEBUG Debug(&__plugin,DebugInfo,"Computing FFT with length %u [%p]",m_length,this); Time t; #endif unsigned int i, j, n; unsigned int blockEnd = 1; for (unsigned int blockSize = 2; blockSize <= m_length; blockSize <<= 1) { double delta_angle = M_2PI / blockSize; double sm1 = ::sin(-delta_angle); double sm2 = ::sin(-2 * delta_angle); double cm1 = ::cos(-delta_angle); double cm2 = ::cos(-2 * delta_angle); double w = 2 * cm1; double ar[3], ai[3]; for (i = 0; i < m_length; i += blockSize) { ar[1] = cm1; ai[1] = sm1; ar[2] = cm2; ai[2] = sm2; if (m_stop) return; for (j = i, n = 0; n < blockEnd; j++, n++) { ar[0] = w*ar[1] - ar[2]; ar[2] = ar[1]; ar[1] = ar[0]; ai[0] = w*ai[1] - ai[2]; ai[2] = ai[1]; ai[1] = ai[0]; unsigned int k = j + blockEnd; double tr = ar[0]*m_real[k] - ai[0]*m_imag[k]; double ti = ar[0]*m_imag[k] + ai[0]*m_real[k]; m_real[k] = m_real[j] - tr; m_imag[k] = m_imag[j] - ti; m_real[j] += tr; m_imag[j] += ti; } } blockEnd = blockSize; } n = m_length >> 1; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) m_real[i] = ::sqrt(m_real[i]*m_real[i] + m_imag[i]*m_imag[i]) / n; #ifdef XDEBUG Debug(&__plugin,DebugInfo,"Computing FFT with length %u took " FMT64U " usec [%p]", m_length,Time::now()-t,this); #endif #ifdef XDEBUG for (i = 0; i < n; i++) Debug(&__plugin,DebugAll,"fft[%u] = %0.2f",i,m_real[i]); #endif } AnalyzerCons::AnalyzerCons(const String& type, const char* window) : m_timeStart(0), m_tsStart(0), m_tsGapCount(0), m_tsGapLength(0), m_spectrum(false), m_total(0), m_valid(0), m_analyze(false) { DDebug(&__plugin,DebugAll,"AnalyzerCons::AnalyzerCons('%s') [%p]", type.c_str(),this); unsigned int len = 0; if ((type == "probe") || type.startsWith("tone/probe")) { len = 256; m_analyze = true; m_spectrum = AsyncFFT::create(len,(AsyncFFT::WinType)lookup(window,dict_windows,AsyncFFT::Rectangle)); m_spectrum->setNotify(this); return; } else if (type == "fft1024") len = 1024; else if (type == "fft512") len = 512; else if (type == "fft256") len = 256; else if (type == "fft128") len = 128; else if (type == "fft64") len = 64; if (len) { m_spectrum = AsyncFFT::create(len,(AsyncFFT::WinType)lookup(window,dict_windows,AsyncFFT::Triangle)); m_spectrum->setNotify(this); } } AnalyzerCons::~AnalyzerCons() { DDebug(&__plugin,DebugAll,"AnalyzerCons::~AnalyzerCons() %p [%p]",m_spectrum,this); s_mutex.lock(); if (m_spectrum) { AsyncFFT* tmp = m_spectrum; m_spectrum = 0; tmp->stop(); } s_mutex.unlock(); } void AnalyzerCons::Consume(const DataBlock& data, unsigned long tStamp) { if (!m_timeStart) { // the first data block may be garbled or have bad timestamp - ignore m_timeStart = Time::now(); m_tsStart = tStamp; return; } unsigned int samples = data.length() / 2; long delta = tStamp - timeStamp() - samples; if (delta) { XDebug(&__plugin,DebugMild,"Got %u samples with ts=%lu but old ts=%lu (delta=%ld)", samples,tStamp,timeStamp(),delta); if (delta < 0) delta = -delta; m_tsGapCount++; m_tsGapLength += delta; } if (!m_spectrum) return; m_data += data; unsigned int len = 2 * m_spectrum->samples(); if (m_data.length() < len) return; // limit the length of the buffer int toCut = data.length() - (2 * len); if (toCut > 0) { DDebug(&__plugin,DebugInfo,"Dropping %d samples [%p]",toCut/2,this); m_data.cut(-toCut); } if (m_spectrum->prepare((const short*)m_data.data())) m_data.cut(-(int)len); } void AnalyzerCons::run() { // this method is called with the mutex hold if (!m_spectrum) return; unsigned int n = m_spectrum->length(); double max = 0.0; unsigned int i; for (i = 1; i < n; i++) { double val = m_spectrum->at(i); if (max < val) max = val; } if (!m_analyze) return; double limit = max; if (max < ALLOW_MIN) { // don't start until we get some data if (!m_total) return; limit = ALLOW_MIN; } unsigned int peaks = 0; limit *= PEAKS_THR; for (i = 1; i < n; i++) { if (m_spectrum->at(i) > limit) peaks++; } DDebug(&__plugin,DebugInfo,"Got %u peaks, limit=%f, max=%f [%p]",peaks,limit,max,this); m_total++; if (peaks == PEAKS_NUM) m_valid++; } void AnalyzerCons::statusParams(String& str) { unsigned long samples = timeStamp() - m_tsStart; str.append("gaps=",",") << m_tsGapCount; str << ",gaplen=" << (unsigned int)m_tsGapLength; str << ",samples=" << (unsigned int)samples; if (m_timeStart) { u_int64_t utime = Time::now() - m_timeStart; utime = utime ? ((1000000 * (u_int64_t)samples) + (utime / 2)) / utime : 0; str << ",rate=" << (unsigned int)utime; } if (m_total > 0) { double q = m_valid * 100.0 / m_total; char buf[64]; snprintf(buf,sizeof(buf)-1,"quality=%0.2f",q); str.append(buf,","); } } AnalyzerChan::AnalyzerChan(const String& type, bool outgoing, const char* window) : Channel(__plugin,0,outgoing), m_stopTime(0), m_timeStart(Time::now()), m_timeRoute(0), m_timeRing(0), m_timeAnswer(0), m_window(window) { DDebug(this,DebugAll,"AnalyzerChan::AnalyzerChan('%s',%s) [%p]", type.c_str(),String::boolText(outgoing),this); m_address = type; } AnalyzerChan::~AnalyzerChan() { DDebug(this,DebugAll,"AnalyzerChan::~AnalyzerChan() %s [%p]",id().c_str(),this); Engine::enqueue(message("chan.hangup")); } void AnalyzerChan::destroyed() { RefPointer cons = YOBJECT(AnalyzerCons,getConsumer()); char buf[32]; printTime(buf,(unsigned int)(Time::now() - m_timeStart)); String str(status()); localParams(str); str.append("totaltime=",",") << buf; if (cons) cons->statusParams(str); Output("Finished '%s' status: %s",id().c_str(),str.c_str()); Channel::destroyed(); } void AnalyzerChan::statusParams(String& str) { Channel::statusParams(str); localParams(str); RefPointer cons = YOBJECT(AnalyzerCons,getConsumer()); if (cons) cons->statusParams(str); } void AnalyzerChan::localParams(String& str) { char buf[32]; if (m_timeRoute) { printTime(buf,m_timeRoute); str.append("routetime=",",") << buf; } if (m_timeRing) { printTime(buf,m_timeRing); str.append("ringtime=",",") << buf; } if (m_timeAnswer) { printTime(buf,m_timeAnswer); str.append("answertime=",",") << buf; } } bool AnalyzerChan::callRouted(Message& msg) { if (!m_timeRoute) m_timeRoute = Time::now() - m_timeStart; setDuration(msg); return Channel::callRouted(msg); } bool AnalyzerChan::msgRinging(Message& msg) { if (!m_timeRing) m_timeRing = Time::now() - m_timeStart; return Channel::msgRinging(msg); } bool AnalyzerChan::msgAnswered(Message& msg) { if (!m_timeAnswer) m_timeAnswer = Time::now() - m_timeStart; addConsumer(); addSource(); return Channel::msgAnswered(msg); } void AnalyzerChan::checkTimers(Message& msg, const Time& tmr) { if (m_stopTime && (m_stopTime < tmr)) msgDrop(msg,"finished"); else Channel::checkTimers(msg,tmr); } void AnalyzerChan::startChannel(NamedList& params) { Message* m = message("chan.startup",params); const char* tmp = params.getValue("caller"); if (tmp) m->addParam("caller",tmp); tmp = params.getValue("called"); if (tmp) m->addParam("called",tmp); if (isOutgoing()) { tmp = params.getValue("billid"); if (tmp) m->addParam("billid",tmp); } Engine::enqueue(m); if (isOutgoing()) { addConsumer(); addSource(); } setDuration(params); } void AnalyzerChan::setDuration(NamedList& params) { int t = params.getIntValue("duration",120000); if (t > 0) m_stopTime = Time::now() + 1000 * (uint64_t)t; } void AnalyzerChan::addSource() { if (getSource()) return; const char* src = "tone/probe"; if (m_address.startsWith("tone/")) src = m_address; Message m("chan.attach"); complete(m,true); m.addParam("source",src); m.addParam("single","true"); m.userData(this); if (!Engine::dispatch(m)) Debug(this,DebugWarn,"Could not attach source '%s' [%p]",src,this); } void AnalyzerChan::addConsumer() { if (getConsumer()) return; AnalyzerCons* cons = new AnalyzerCons(m_address,m_window); setConsumer(cons); cons->deref(); } bool AnalyzerDriver::startCall(NamedList& params, const String& dest) { bool direct = true; String tmp(params.getValue("direct")); if (tmp.null()) { direct = false; tmp = params.getValue("target"); if (tmp.null()) { Debug(DebugWarn,"Analyzer outgoing call with no target!"); return false; } } // this is an incoming call! AnalyzerChan *ac = new AnalyzerChan(dest,false,params.getValue("window")); ac->startChannel(params); Message* m = ac->message("call.route",false,true); m->addParam("called",tmp); if (direct) m->addParam("callto",tmp); tmp = params.getValue("caller"); if (tmp.null()) tmp << prefix() << dest; m->addParam("caller",tmp); params.setParam("id",ac->id()); return ac->startRouter(m); } bool AnalyzerDriver::msgExecute(Message& msg, String& dest) { CallEndpoint* ch = static_cast(msg.userObject("CallEndpoint")); if (ch) { AnalyzerChan *ac = new AnalyzerChan(dest,true,msg.getValue("window")); if (ch->connect(ac,msg.getValue("reason"))) { ac->callConnect(msg); msg.setParam("peerid",ac->id()); ac->startChannel(msg); ac->deref(); return true; } else { ac->destruct(); return false; } } else return startCall(msg,dest); } bool AttachHandler::received(Message& msg) { String cons(msg.getValue("consumer")); if (!cons.startSkip(__plugin.prefix(),false)) cons.clear(); if (cons.null()) return false; CallEndpoint* ch = static_cast(msg.userObject("CallEndpoint")); if (!ch) { Debug(DebugWarn,"Analyzer attach request with no control channel!"); return false; } // if single attach was requested we can return true if everything is ok bool ret = msg.getBoolValue("single"); AnalyzerCons *ac = new AnalyzerCons(cons,msg.getValue("window")); ch->setConsumer(ac); ac->deref(); return ret; } AnalyzerDriver::AnalyzerDriver() : Driver("analyzer","misc"), m_handler(0) { Output("Loaded module Analyzer"); } AnalyzerDriver::~AnalyzerDriver() { Output("Unloading module Analyzer"); lock(); channels().clear(); unlock(); } void AnalyzerDriver::initialize() { Output("Initializing module Analyzer"); setup(0,true); // no need to install notifications Driver::initialize(); installRelay(Ringing); installRelay(Answered); installRelay(Halt); if (!m_handler) { m_handler = new AttachHandler; Engine::install(m_handler); } } }; // anonymous namespace /* vi: set ts=8 sw=4 sts=4 noet: */