/** * ysipchan.cpp * This file is part of the YATE Project http://YATE.null.ro * * Yet Another Sip Channel * * Yet Another Telephony Engine - a fully featured software PBX and IVR * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Null Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include using namespace TelEngine; /* Yate Payloads for the AV profile */ static TokenDict dict_payloads[] = { { "mulaw", 0 }, { "alaw", 8 }, { "gsm", 3 }, { "lpc10", 7 }, { "slin", 11 }, { "g726", 2 }, { "g722", 9 }, { "g723", 4 }, { "g728", 15 }, { "g729", 18 }, { 0, 0 }, }; /* SDP Payloads for the AV profile */ static TokenDict dict_rtpmap[] = { { "PCMU/8000", 0 }, { "PCMA/8000", 8 }, { "GSM/8000", 3 }, { "LPC/8000", 7 }, { "L16/8000", 11 }, { "G726-32/8000", 2 }, { "G722/8000", 9 }, { "G723/8000", 4 }, { "G728/8000", 15 }, { "G729/8000", 18 }, { 0, 0 }, }; static TokenDict dict_errors[] = { { "incomplete", 484 }, { "noroute", 404 }, { "noconn", 503 }, { "noauth", 401 }, { "nomedia", 415 }, { "busy", 486 }, { "rejected", 406 }, { "forbidden", 403 }, { "congestion", 480 }, { "failure", 500 }, { "looping", 483 }, { 0, 0 }, }; class YateUDPParty : public SIPParty { public: YateUDPParty(Socket* sock, const SocketAddr& addr, int local); ~YateUDPParty(); virtual void transmit(SIPEvent* event); virtual const char* getProtoName() const; virtual bool setParty(const URI& uri); protected: Socket* m_sock; SocketAddr m_addr; }; class YateSIPEndPoint; class YateSIPEngine : public SIPEngine { public: YateSIPEngine(YateSIPEndPoint* ep); virtual bool buildParty(SIPMessage* message); virtual bool checkUser(const String& username, const String& realm, const String& nonce, const String& method, const String& uri, const String& response, const SIPMessage* message); inline bool prack() const { return m_prack; } private: YateSIPEndPoint* m_ep; bool m_prack; }; class YateSIPEndPoint : public Thread { public: YateSIPEndPoint(); ~YateSIPEndPoint(); bool Init(void); void run(void); bool incoming(SIPEvent* e, SIPTransaction* t); void invite(SIPEvent* e, SIPTransaction* t); void regreq(SIPEvent* e, SIPTransaction* t); bool buildParty(SIPMessage* message, const char* host = 0, int port = 0); inline YateSIPEngine* engine() const { return m_engine; } inline int port() const { return m_port; } inline Socket* socket() const { return m_sock; } private: int m_port; Socket* m_sock; YateSIPEngine *m_engine; }; class YateSIPLine : public String { YCLASS(YateSIPLine,String) public: YateSIPLine(const String& name); virtual ~YateSIPLine(); SIPAuthLine* buildAuth(const SIPMessage* answer, const String& method, const String& uri, bool proxy = false) const; SIPMessage* buildRegister(int expires, const SIPMessage* msg) const; void login(const SIPMessage* msg = 0); void logout(); bool process(SIPEvent* ev); void timer(const Time& when); bool update(const Message& msg); inline const String& domain() const { return m_domain ? m_domain : m_registrar; } inline bool valid() const { return m_valid; } inline bool marked() const { return m_marked; } inline void marked(bool mark) { m_marked = mark; } private: void clearTransaction(); bool change(String& dest, const String& src); String m_registrar; String m_username; String m_password; String m_outbound; String m_domain; String m_display; Time m_resend; int m_interval; bool m_retry; SIPTransaction* m_tr; bool m_marked; bool m_valid; }; class YateSIPConnection : public Channel { YCLASS(YateSIPConnection,Channel) public: enum { Incoming = 0, Outgoing = 1, Ringing = 2, Established = 3, Cleared = 4, }; YateSIPConnection(SIPEvent* ev, SIPTransaction* tr); YateSIPConnection(Message& msg, const String& uri, const char* target = 0); ~YateSIPConnection(); virtual void disconnected(bool final, const char *reason); virtual bool msgProgress(Message& msg); virtual bool msgRinging(Message& msg); virtual bool msgAnswered(Message& msg); virtual bool msgTone(Message& msg, const char* tone); virtual bool msgText(Message& msg, const char* text); virtual bool callRouted(Message& msg); virtual void callAccept(Message& msg); virtual void callRejected(const char* error, const char* reason, const Message* msg); void startRouter(); bool process(SIPEvent* ev); bool checkUser(SIPTransaction* t, bool refuse = true); void doBye(SIPTransaction* t); void doCancel(SIPTransaction* t); void reInvite(SIPTransaction* t); void hangup(); inline const SIPDialog& dialog() const { return m_dialog; } inline void setStatus(const char *status, int state = -1) { m_status = status; if (state >= 0) m_state = state; } inline void setReason(const char* str = "Request Terminated", int code = 487) { m_reason = str; m_reasonCode = code; } inline SIPTransaction* getTransaction() const { return m_tr; } inline const String& callid() const { return m_callid; } inline const String& user() const { return m_user; } inline const String& getHost() const { return m_host; } inline int getPort() const { return m_port; } private: void clearTransaction(); SIPMessage* createDlgMsg(const char* method, const char* uri = 0); bool emitPRACK(const SIPMessage* msg); SDPBody* createSDP(const char* addr, const char* port, const char* formats, const char* format = 0); SDPBody* createPasstroughSDP(Message &msg); SDPBody* createRtpSDP(SIPMessage* msg, const char* formats); SDPBody* createRtpSDP(bool start = false); bool startRtp(); bool addRtpParams(Message& msg, const String& natAddr = String::empty()); SIPTransaction* m_tr; bool m_hungup; bool m_byebye; bool m_retry; int m_state; String m_reason; int m_reasonCode; String m_callid; SIPDialog m_dialog; URI m_uri; String m_rtpid; String m_rtpAddr; String m_rtpPort; String m_rtpFormat; String m_rtpLocal; int m_rtpSession; int m_rtpVersion; String m_formats; String m_host; String m_user; String m_line; int m_port; Message* m_route; ObjList* m_routes; bool m_authBye; }; class UserHandler : public MessageHandler { public: UserHandler() : MessageHandler("user.login",150) { } virtual bool received(Message &msg); }; class SIPDriver : public Driver { public: SIPDriver(); ~SIPDriver(); virtual void initialize(); virtual bool msgExecute(Message& msg, String& dest); virtual bool received(Message &msg, int id); inline YateSIPEndPoint* ep() const { return m_endpoint; } YateSIPConnection* findCall(const String& callid); YateSIPConnection* findDialog(const SIPDialog& dialog); YateSIPLine* findLine(const String& line); bool validLine(const String& line); private: YateSIPEndPoint *m_endpoint; }; static SIPDriver plugin; static ObjList s_lines; static Configuration s_cfg; static int s_maxForwards = 20; static void parseSDP(SDPBody* sdp, String& addr, String& port, String& formats, const char* media = "audio") { const NamedString* c = sdp->getLine("c"); if (c) { String tmp(*c); if (tmp.startSkip("IN IP4")) { tmp.trimBlanks(); // Handle the case media is muted if (tmp == "") tmp.clear(); addr = tmp; } } c = sdp->getLine("m"); while (c) { String tmp(*c); if (tmp.startSkip(media)) { int var = 0; tmp >> var >> " RTP/AVP"; if (var > 0) port = var; String fmt; bool defcodecs = s_cfg.getBoolValue("codecs","default",true); while (tmp[0] == ' ') { var = -1; tmp >> " " >> var; const char* payload = lookup(var,dict_payloads); if (payload && s_cfg.getBoolValue("codecs",payload,defcodecs && DataTranslator::canConvert(payload))) { if (fmt) fmt << ","; fmt << payload; } } formats = fmt; return; } c = sdp->getNextLine(c); } } static bool isPrivateAddr(const String& host) { if (host.startsWith("192.168.") || host.startsWith("169.254.") || host.startsWith("10.")) return true; String s(host); if (!s.startSkip("172.",false)) return false; int i = 0; s >> i; return (i >= 16) && (i <= 31) && s.startsWith("."); } YateUDPParty::YateUDPParty(Socket* sock, const SocketAddr& addr, int local) : m_sock(sock), m_addr(addr) { m_local = "localhost"; m_localPort = local; m_party = m_addr.host(); m_partyPort = m_addr.port(); Socket s(PF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,IPPROTO_UDP); if (s.valid()) { if (s.connect(m_addr)) { SocketAddr laddr; if (s.getSockName(laddr)) m_local = laddr.host(); } } DDebug(&plugin,DebugAll,"YateUDPParty local %s:%d party %s:%d", m_local.c_str(),m_localPort, m_party.c_str(),m_partyPort); } YateUDPParty::~YateUDPParty() { m_sock = 0; } void YateUDPParty::transmit(SIPEvent* event) { const SIPMessage* msg = event->getMessage(); if (!msg) return; String tmp; if (msg->isAnswer()) tmp << "code " << msg->code; else tmp << "'" << msg->method << " " << msg->uri << "'"; Debug(&plugin,DebugInfo,"Sending %s %p to %s:%d", tmp.c_str(),msg,m_addr.host().c_str(),m_addr.port()); m_sock->sendTo( msg->getBuffer().data(), msg->getBuffer().length(), m_addr ); } const char* YateUDPParty::getProtoName() const { return "UDP"; } bool YateUDPParty::setParty(const URI& uri) { if (m_partyPort && m_party && s_cfg.getBoolValue("general","ignorevia")) return true; if (uri.getHost().null()) return false; int port = uri.getPort(); if (port <= 0) port = 5060; if (!m_addr.host(uri.getHost())) { Debug(&plugin,DebugWarn,"Could not resolve UDP party name '%s' [%p]", uri.getHost().safe(),this); return false; } m_addr.port(port); m_party = uri.getHost(); m_partyPort = port; DDebug(&plugin,DebugInfo,"New UDP party is %s:%d (%s:%d) [%p]", m_party.c_str(),m_partyPort, m_addr.host().c_str(),m_addr.port(), this); return true; } YateSIPEngine::YateSIPEngine(YateSIPEndPoint* ep) : SIPEngine(s_cfg.getValue("general","useragent")), m_ep(ep), m_prack(false) { addAllowed("INVITE"); addAllowed("BYE"); addAllowed("CANCEL"); if (s_cfg.getBoolValue("general","registrar")) addAllowed("REGISTER"); m_prack = s_cfg.getBoolValue("general","prack"); if (m_prack) addAllowed("PRACK"); } bool YateSIPEngine::buildParty(SIPMessage* message) { return m_ep->buildParty(message); } bool YateSIPEngine::checkUser(const String& username, const String& realm, const String& nonce, const String& method, const String& uri, const String& response, const SIPMessage* message) { Message m("user.auth"); m.addParam("username",username); m.addParam("realm",realm); m.addParam("nonce",nonce); m.addParam("method",method); m.addParam("uri",uri); m.addParam("response",response); if (message) { m.addParam("ip_addr",message->getParty()->getPartyAddr()); m.addParam("ip_port",String(message->getParty()->getPartyPort())); } if (!Engine::dispatch(m)) return false; // FIXME: deal with empty passwords or just disallow them if (m.retValue().null()) return true; String res; buildAuth(username,realm,m.retValue(),nonce,method,uri,res); return (res == response); } YateSIPEndPoint::YateSIPEndPoint() : Thread("YSIP EndPoint"), m_sock(0), m_engine(0) { Debug(&plugin,DebugAll,"YateSIPEndPoint::YateSIPEndPoint() [%p]",this); } YateSIPEndPoint::~YateSIPEndPoint() { Debug(&plugin,DebugAll,"YateSIPEndPoint::~YateSIPEndPoint() [%p]",this); plugin.channels().clear(); s_lines.clear(); if (m_engine) { // send any pending events while (m_engine->process()) ; delete m_engine; m_engine = 0; } if (m_sock) { delete m_sock; m_sock = 0; } } bool YateSIPEndPoint::buildParty(SIPMessage* message, const char* host, int port) { if (message->isAnswer()) return false; URI uri(message->uri); if (!host) { host = uri.getHost().safe(); if (port <= 0) port = uri.getPort(); } if (port <= 0) port = 5060; SocketAddr addr(AF_INET); if (!addr.host(host)) { Debug(&plugin,DebugWarn,"Error resolving name '%s'",host); return false; } addr.port(port); DDebug(&plugin,DebugAll,"built addr: %s:%d", addr.host().c_str(),addr.port()); message->setParty(new YateUDPParty(m_sock,addr,m_port)); return true; } bool YateSIPEndPoint::Init() { /* * This part have been taken from libiax after i have lost my sip driver for bayonne */ if (m_sock) { Debug(&plugin,DebugInfo,"Already initialized."); return true; } m_sock = new Socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); if (!m_sock->valid()) { Debug(DebugGoOn,"Unable to allocate UDP socket"); return false; } SocketAddr addr(AF_INET); addr.port(s_cfg.getIntValue("general","port",5060)); addr.host(s_cfg.getValue("general","addr","")); if (!m_sock->bind(addr)) { Debug(DebugWarn,"Unable to bind to preferred port - using random one instead"); addr.port(0); if (!m_sock->bind(addr)) { Debug(DebugGoOn,"Unable to bind to any port"); return false; } } if (!m_sock->getSockName(addr)) { Debug(DebugGoOn,"Unable to figure out what I'm bound to"); return false; } if (!m_sock->setBlocking(false)) { Debug(DebugGoOn,"Unable to set non-blocking mode"); return false; } Debug(DebugInfo,"SIP Started on %s:%d", addr.host().safe(), addr.port()); m_port = addr.port(); m_engine = new YateSIPEngine(this); return true; } void YateSIPEndPoint::run() { struct timeval tv; char buf[1500]; SocketAddr addr; /* Watch stdin (fd 0) to see when it has input. */ for (;;) { /* Wait up to 5000 microseconds. */ tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 5000; bool ok = false; m_sock->select(&ok,0,0,&tv); if (ok) { // we can read the data int res = m_sock->recvFrom(buf,sizeof(buf)-1,addr); if (res <= 0) { if (!m_sock->canRetry()) { Debug(DebugGoOn,"SIP error on read: %d", m_sock->error()); } } else if (res >= 72) { Debug(&plugin,DebugInfo,"Received %d bytes SIP message from %s:%d", res,addr.host().c_str(),addr.port()); // we got already the buffer and here we start to do "good" stuff buf[res]=0; m_engine->addMessage(new YateUDPParty(m_sock,addr,m_port),buf,res); } #ifdef DEBUG else Debug(&plugin,DebugInfo,"Received short SIP message of %d bytes",res); #endif } else Thread::check(); SIPEvent* e = m_engine->getEvent(); // hack: use a loop so we can use break and continue for (; e; m_engine->processEvent(e),e = 0) { if (!e->getTransaction()) continue; plugin.lock(); GenObject* obj = static_cast(e->getTransaction()->getUserData()); YateSIPConnection* conn = YOBJECT(YateSIPConnection,obj); YateSIPLine* line = YOBJECT(YateSIPLine,obj); if (conn && (conn->refcount() > 0)) conn->ref(); else conn = 0; plugin.unlock(); if (conn) { if (conn->process(e)) { delete e; conn->deref(); break; } else { conn->deref(); continue; } } if (line) { if (line->process(e)) { delete e; break; } else continue; } if ((e->getState() == SIPTransaction::Trying) && !e->isOutgoing() && incoming(e,e->getTransaction())) { delete e; break; } } } } bool YateSIPEndPoint::incoming(SIPEvent* e, SIPTransaction* t) { if (t->isInvite()) invite(e,t); else if (t->getMethod() == "BYE") { YateSIPConnection* conn = plugin.findCall(t->getCallID()); if (conn) conn->doBye(t); else t->setResponse(481); } else if (t->getMethod() == "CANCEL") { YateSIPConnection* conn = plugin.findCall(t->getCallID()); if (conn) conn->doCancel(t); else t->setResponse(481); } else if (t->getMethod() == "REGISTER") regreq(e,t); else return false; return true; } void YateSIPEndPoint::invite(SIPEvent* e, SIPTransaction* t) { if (!plugin.canAccept()) { Debug(DebugWarn,"Refusing new SIP call, full or exiting"); t->setResponse(480); return; } if (e->getMessage()->getParam("To","tag")) { SIPDialog dlg(*e->getMessage()); YateSIPConnection* conn = plugin.findDialog(dlg); if (conn) conn->reInvite(t); else { Debug(DebugWarn,"Got re-INVITE for missing dialog"); t->setResponse(481); } return; } YateSIPConnection* conn = new YateSIPConnection(e,t); conn->startRouter(); } void YateSIPEndPoint::regreq(SIPEvent* e, SIPTransaction* t) { if (Engine::exiting()) { Debug(&plugin,DebugWarn,"Dropping request, engine is exiting"); t->setResponse(500, "Server Shutting Down"); return; } const SIPHeaderLine* hl = e->getMessage()->getHeader("Contact"); if (!hl) { t->setResponse(400); return; } String user; int age = t->authUser(user); DDebug(&plugin,DebugAll,"User '%s' age %d",user.c_str(),age); if ((age < 0) || (age > 10)) { t->requestAuth("realm","domain",age > 0); return; } URI addr(*hl); Message *m = new Message("user.register"); m->addParam("username",addr.getUser()); m->addParam("driver","sip"); m->addParam("data","sip/" + addr); bool dereg = false; hl = e->getMessage()->getHeader("Expires"); if (hl) { m->addParam("expires",*hl); if (*hl == "0") { *m = "user.unregister"; dereg = true; } } // Always OK deregistration attempts if (Engine::dispatch(m) || dereg) t->setResponse(200); else t->setResponse(404); m->destruct(); } // Incoming call constructor - just before starting the routing thread YateSIPConnection::YateSIPConnection(SIPEvent* ev, SIPTransaction* tr) : Channel(plugin,0,false), m_tr(tr), m_hungup(false), m_byebye(true), m_retry(false), m_state(Incoming), m_rtpSession(0), m_rtpVersion(0), m_port(0), m_route(0), m_routes(0), m_authBye(true) { Debug(this,DebugAll,"YateSIPConnection::YateSIPConnection(%p,%p) [%p]",ev,tr,this); setReason(); m_tr->ref(); m_routes = m_tr->initialMessage()->getRoutes(); m_callid = m_tr->getCallID(); m_dialog = *m_tr->initialMessage(); m_host = m_tr->initialMessage()->getParty()->getPartyAddr(); m_port = m_tr->initialMessage()->getParty()->getPartyPort(); m_address << m_host << ":" << m_port; m_uri = m_tr->initialMessage()->getHeader("From"); m_uri.parse(); m_tr->setUserData(this); URI uri(m_tr->getURI()); Message *m = message("call.route"); String user; int age = tr->authUser(user); DDebug(this,DebugAll,"User '%s' age %d",user.c_str(),age); if (age >= 0) { if (age < 10) { m_user = user; m->addParam("username",m_user); } else m->addParam("expired_user",user); m->addParam("xsip_nonce_age",String(age)); } m->addParam("caller",m_uri.getUser()); m->addParam("called",uri.getUser()); String tmp(ev->getMessage()->getHeaderValue("Max-Forwards")); int maxf = tmp.toInteger(s_maxForwards); if (maxf > s_maxForwards) maxf = s_maxForwards; tmp = maxf-1; m->addParam("antiloop",tmp); m->addParam("ip_addr",m_host); m->addParam("ip_port",String(m_port)); m->addParam("sip_uri",uri); m->addParam("sip_from",m_uri); m->addParam("sip_callid",m_callid); m->addParam("sip_contact",ev->getMessage()->getHeaderValue("Contact")); m->addParam("sip_user-agent",ev->getMessage()->getHeaderValue("User-Agent")); if (ev->getMessage()->body && ev->getMessage()->body->isSDP()) { parseSDP(static_cast(ev->getMessage()->body),m_rtpAddr,m_rtpPort,m_formats); if (m_rtpAddr) { // guess if the call comes from behind a NAT if (s_cfg.getBoolValue("general","nat",true) && isPrivateAddr(m_rtpAddr) && !isPrivateAddr(m_host)) { Debug(this,DebugInfo,"NAT detected: private '%s' public '%s' port %s", m_rtpAddr.c_str(),m_host.c_str(),m_rtpPort.c_str()); m->addParam("rtp_nat_addr",m_rtpAddr); m_rtpAddr = m_host; } m->addParam("rtp_forward","possible"); m->addParam("rtp_addr",m_rtpAddr); m->addParam("rtp_port",m_rtpPort); m->addParam("formats",m_formats); } int q = m_formats.find(','); m_rtpFormat = m_formats.substr(0,q); } DDebug(this,DebugAll,"RTP addr '%s' port %s formats '%s' format '%s'", m_rtpAddr.c_str(),m_rtpPort.c_str(),m_formats.c_str(),m_rtpFormat.c_str()); m_route = m; Engine::enqueue(message("chan.startup")); } // Outgoing call constructor - in call.execute handler YateSIPConnection::YateSIPConnection(Message& msg, const String& uri, const char* target) : Channel(plugin,0,true), m_tr(0), m_hungup(false), m_byebye(true), m_retry(true), m_state(Outgoing), m_rtpSession(0), m_rtpVersion(0), m_port(0), m_route(0), m_routes(0), m_authBye(false) { Debug(this,DebugAll,"YateSIPConnection::YateSIPConnection(%p,'%s') [%p]", &msg,uri.c_str(),this); m_targetid = target; setReason(); m_line = msg.getValue("line"); String tmp; if (m_line && (uri.find('@') < 0)) { YateSIPLine* line = plugin.findLine(m_line); if (line) { if (!uri.startsWith("sip:")) tmp = "sip:"; tmp << uri << "@" << line->domain(); } } if (tmp.null()) tmp = uri; m_uri = tmp; m_uri.parse(); SIPMessage* m = new SIPMessage("INVITE",m_uri); plugin.ep()->buildParty(m,msg.getValue("host"),msg.getIntValue("port")); if (!m->getParty()) { Debug(this,DebugWarn,"Could not create party for '%s' [%p]",m_uri.c_str(),this); m->destruct(); return; } int maxf = msg.getIntValue("antiloop",s_maxForwards); m->addHeader("Max-Forwards",String(maxf)); m->complete(plugin.ep()->engine(),msg.getValue("caller"),msg.getValue("domain")); if (plugin.ep()->engine()->prack()) m->addHeader("Supported","100rel"); m_host = m->getParty()->getPartyAddr(); m_port = m->getParty()->getPartyPort(); m_address << m_host << ":" << m_port; m_dialog = *m; SDPBody* sdp = createPasstroughSDP(msg); if (!sdp) sdp = createRtpSDP(m,msg.getValue("formats")); m->setBody(sdp); m_tr = plugin.ep()->engine()->addMessage(m); if (m_tr) { m_tr->ref(); m_callid = m_tr->getCallID(); m_tr->setUserData(this); } m->deref(); Engine::enqueue(message("chan.startup")); } YateSIPConnection::~YateSIPConnection() { Debug(this,DebugAll,"YateSIPConnection::~YateSIPConnection() [%p]",this); hangup(); clearTransaction(); if (m_route) { delete m_route; m_route = 0; } if (m_routes) { delete m_routes; m_routes = 0; } } void YateSIPConnection::startRouter() { Message* m = m_route; m_route = 0; Channel::startRouter(m); } void YateSIPConnection::clearTransaction() { if (m_tr) { if (driver()) driver()->lock(); m_tr->setUserData(0); if (m_tr->isIncoming()) { m_byebye = false; m_tr->setResponse(m_reasonCode,m_reason.null() ? "Request Terminated" : m_reason.c_str()); } m_tr->deref(); m_tr = 0; if (driver()) driver()->unlock(); } } void YateSIPConnection::hangup() { if (m_hungup) return; m_hungup = true; DDebug(this,DebugAll,"YateSIPConnection::hangup() state=%d trans=%p code=%d reason='%s' [%p]", m_state,m_tr,m_reasonCode,m_reason.c_str(),this); Message* m = message("chan.hangup"); if (m_reason) m->addParam("reason",m_reason); Engine::enqueue(m); switch (m_state) { case Cleared: clearTransaction(); return; case Incoming: if (m_tr) { clearTransaction(); return; } break; case Outgoing: case Ringing: if (m_tr) { SIPMessage* m = new SIPMessage("CANCEL",m_uri); plugin.ep()->buildParty(m,m_host,m_port); const SIPMessage* i = m_tr->initialMessage(); m->copyHeader(i,"Via"); m->copyHeader(i,"From"); m->copyHeader(i,"To"); m->copyHeader(i,"Call-ID"); String tmp; tmp << i->getCSeq() << " CANCEL"; m->addHeader("CSeq",tmp); plugin.ep()->engine()->addMessage(m); m->deref(); } break; } clearTransaction(); m_state = Cleared; if (m_byebye) { m_byebye = false; SIPMessage* m = createDlgMsg("BYE"); if (m_reason) { SIPHeaderLine* hl = new SIPHeaderLine("Reason","SIP"); hl->setParam("text","\"" + m_reason + "\""); } plugin.ep()->engine()->addMessage(m); m->deref(); } disconnect(m_reason); } // Creates a new message in an existing dialog SIPMessage* YateSIPConnection::createDlgMsg(const char* method, const char* uri) { if (!uri) uri = m_uri; SIPMessage* m = new SIPMessage(method,uri); m->addRoutes(m_routes); plugin.ep()->buildParty(m,m_host,m_port); m->addHeader("Call-ID",m_callid); String tmp; tmp << "<" << m_dialog.localURI << ">"; SIPHeaderLine* hl = new SIPHeaderLine("From",tmp); tmp = m_dialog.localTag; if (tmp.null() && m_tr) tmp = m_tr->getDialogTag(); if (tmp) hl->setParam("tag",tmp); m->addHeader(hl); tmp.clear(); tmp << "<" << m_dialog.remoteURI << ">"; hl = new SIPHeaderLine("To",tmp); tmp = m_dialog.remoteTag; if (tmp.null() && m_tr) tmp = m_tr->getDialogTag(); if (tmp) hl->setParam("tag",tmp); m->addHeader(hl); if (m_tr && m_tr->initialMessage()) m->copyHeader(m_tr->initialMessage(),"Contact"); return m; } // Emit a PRovisional ACK if enabled in the engine bool YateSIPConnection::emitPRACK(const SIPMessage* msg) { if (!plugin.ep()->engine()->prack()) return false; if (!(msg && msg->isAnswer() && (msg->code > 100) && (msg->code < 200))) return false; const SIPHeaderLine* rs = msg->getHeader("RSeq"); const SIPHeaderLine* cs = msg->getHeader("CSeq"); if (!(rs && cs)) return false; String tmp; const SIPHeaderLine* co = msg->getHeader("Contact"); if (co) { tmp = *co; Regexp r("^[^<]*<\\([^>]*\\)>.*$"); if (tmp.matches(r)) tmp = tmp.matchString(1); } SIPMessage* m = createDlgMsg("PRACK",tmp); tmp = *rs; tmp << " " << *cs; m->addHeader("RAck",tmp); plugin.ep()->engine()->addMessage(m); m->deref(); return true; } // Creates a SDP from RTP address data present in message SDPBody* YateSIPConnection::createPasstroughSDP(Message &msg) { String tmp = msg.getValue("rtp_forward"); msg.clearParam("rtp_forward"); if (!tmp.toBoolean()) return 0; tmp = msg.getValue("rtp_port"); int port = tmp.toInteger(); String addr(msg.getValue("rtp_addr")); if (port && addr) { SDPBody* sdp = createSDP(addr,tmp,msg.getValue("formats")); if (sdp) msg.setParam("rtp_forward","accepted"); return sdp; } return 0; } // Creates an unstarted external RTP channel from remote addr and builds SDP from it SDPBody* YateSIPConnection::createRtpSDP(SIPMessage* msg, const char* formats) { Message m("chan.rtp"); m.addParam("driver","sip"); m.addParam("id",id()); m.addParam("direction","bidir"); m.addParam("remoteip",msg->getParty()->getPartyAddr()); m.userData(static_cast(this)); if (Engine::dispatch(m)) { m_rtpid = m.getValue("rtpid"); m_rtpLocal = m.getValue("localip",m_rtpLocal); return createSDP(m_rtpLocal,m.getValue("localport"),formats); } return 0; } // Creates a started external RTP channel from remote addr and builds SDP from it SDPBody* YateSIPConnection::createRtpSDP(bool start) { if (m_rtpAddr.null()) { m_rtpid = "-"; return createSDP(m_rtpLocal,0,m_formats); } Message m("chan.rtp"); m.addParam("driver","sip"); m.addParam("id",id()); m.addParam("direction","bidir"); m.addParam("remoteip",m_rtpAddr); if (start) { m.addParam("remoteport",m_rtpPort); m.addParam("format",m_rtpFormat); } m.userData(static_cast(this)); if (Engine::dispatch(m)) { m_rtpid = m.getValue("rtpid"); m_rtpLocal = m.getValue("localip",m_rtpLocal); if (start) m_rtpFormat = m.getValue("format"); return createSDP(m_rtpLocal,m.getValue("localport"),m_formats,m_rtpFormat); } return 0; } // Starts an already created external RTP channel bool YateSIPConnection::startRtp() { if (m_rtpid.null() || m_rtpid == "-") return false; DDebug(this,DebugAll,"YateSIPConnection::startRtp() [%p]",this); Message m("chan.rtp"); m.addParam("driver","sip"); m.addParam("id",id()); m.addParam("rtpid",m_rtpid); m.addParam("direction","bidir"); m.addParam("remoteip",m_rtpAddr); m.addParam("remoteport",m_rtpPort); m.addParam("format",m_rtpFormat); m.userData(static_cast(this)); return Engine::dispatch(m); } // Creates a SDP body from transport address and list of formats SDPBody* YateSIPConnection::createSDP(const char* addr, const char* port, const char* formats, const char* format) { DDebug(this,DebugAll,"YateSIPConnection::createSDP('%s','%s','%s') [%p]", addr,port,formats,this); if (!addr) return 0; if (m_rtpSession) ++m_rtpVersion; else m_rtpVersion = m_rtpSession = Time::secNow(); String owner; owner << "yate " << m_rtpSession << " " << m_rtpVersion << " IN IP4 " << addr; if (!port) { port = "1"; addr = ""; } String tmp; tmp << "IN IP4 " << addr; String frm(format ? format : formats); if (frm.null()) frm = "alaw,mulaw"; ObjList* l = frm.split(',',false); frm = "audio "; frm << port << " RTP/AVP"; ObjList rtpmap; ObjList* f = l; bool defcodecs = s_cfg.getBoolValue("codecs","default",true); for (; f; f = f->next()) { String* s = static_cast(f->get()); if (s) { int payload = s->toInteger(dict_payloads,-1); if (payload >= 0) { const char* map = lookup(payload,dict_rtpmap); if (map && s_cfg.getBoolValue("codecs",*s,defcodecs && DataTranslator::canConvert(*s))) { frm << " " << payload; String* tmp = new String("rtpmap:"); *tmp << payload << " " << map; rtpmap.append(tmp); } } } } delete l; // always claim to support telephone events frm << " 101"; rtpmap.append(new String("rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000")); SDPBody* sdp = new SDPBody; sdp->addLine("v","0"); sdp->addLine("o",owner); sdp->addLine("s","Session"); sdp->addLine("c",tmp); sdp->addLine("t","0 0"); sdp->addLine("m",frm); for (f = &rtpmap; f; f = f->next()) { String* s = static_cast(f->get()); if (s) sdp->addLine("a",*s); } rtpmap.clear(); return sdp; } bool YateSIPConnection::addRtpParams(Message& msg, const String& natAddr) { if (m_rtpPort && m_rtpAddr && !startRtp()) { if (natAddr) msg.addParam("rtp_nat_addr",natAddr); msg.addParam("rtp_forward","yes"); msg.addParam("rtp_addr",m_rtpAddr); msg.addParam("rtp_port",m_rtpPort); msg.addParam("formats",m_formats); return true; } return false; } // Process SIP events belonging to this connection bool YateSIPConnection::process(SIPEvent* ev) { DDebug(this,DebugInfo,"YateSIPConnection::process(%p) %s [%p]", ev,SIPTransaction::stateName(ev->getState()),this); m_dialog = *ev->getTransaction()->recentMessage(); const SIPMessage* msg = ev->getMessage(); if (msg && !msg->isOutgoing() && msg->isAnswer() && (msg->code >= 300)) { if (m_retry && m_line && ((msg->code == 401) || (msg->code == 407)) && plugin.validLine(m_line)) { // try only once to add credentials m_retry = false; YateSIPLine* line = plugin.findLine(m_line); if (line) { SIPMessage* m = new SIPMessage(*m_tr->initialMessage()); SIPAuthLine* auth = line->buildAuth(msg,m->method,m->uri,(msg->code == 407)); m->addHeader(auth); m_tr->setUserData(0); m_tr->deref(); m_tr = 0; m_tr = plugin.ep()->engine()->addMessage(m); m->deref(); if (m_tr) { m_tr->ref(); m_callid = m_tr->getCallID(); m_tr->setUserData(this); } else setReason("Internal server failure",500); return false; } } setReason(msg->reason,msg->code); hangup(); } if (ev->getState() == SIPTransaction::Cleared) { if (m_tr) { DDebug(this,DebugInfo,"YateSIPConnection clearing transaction %p [%p]", m_tr,this); m_tr->setUserData(0); m_tr->deref(); m_tr = 0; } if (m_state != Established) hangup(); return false; } if (!msg || msg->isOutgoing()) return false; String natAddr; if (msg->body && msg->body->isSDP()) { DDebug(this,DebugInfo,"YateSIPConnection got SDP [%p]",this); parseSDP(static_cast(msg->body), m_rtpAddr,m_rtpPort,m_formats); // guess if the call comes from behind a NAT if (s_cfg.getBoolValue("general","nat",true) && isPrivateAddr(m_rtpAddr) && !isPrivateAddr(m_host)) { Debug(this,DebugInfo,"NAT detected: private '%s' public '%s' port %s", m_rtpAddr.c_str(),m_host.c_str(),m_rtpPort.c_str()); natAddr = m_rtpAddr; m_rtpAddr = m_host; } int q = m_formats.find(','); m_rtpFormat = m_formats.substr(0,q); DDebug(this,DebugAll,"RTP addr '%s' port %s formats '%s' format '%s'", m_rtpAddr.c_str(),m_rtpPort.c_str(),m_formats.c_str(),m_rtpFormat.c_str()); } if ((!m_routes) && msg->isAnswer() && (msg->code > 100) && (msg->code < 300)) m_routes = msg->getRoutes(); if (msg->isAnswer() && ((msg->code / 100) == 2)) { const SIPMessage* ack = m_tr->latestMessage(); if (ack && ack->isACK()) { m_uri = ack->uri; m_uri.parse(); } setStatus("answered",Established); Message *m = message("call.answered"); addRtpParams(*m,natAddr); Engine::enqueue(m); } if ((m_state < Ringing) && msg->isAnswer()) { if (msg->code == 180) { setStatus("ringing",Ringing); Message *m = message("call.ringing"); addRtpParams(*m,natAddr); Engine::enqueue(m); } if (msg->code == 183) { setStatus("progressing"); Message *m = message("call.progress"); addRtpParams(*m,natAddr); Engine::enqueue(m); } if ((msg->code > 100) && (msg->code < 200)) emitPRACK(msg); } if (msg->isACK()) { DDebug(this,DebugInfo,"YateSIPConnection got ACK [%p]",this); startRtp(); } return false; } void YateSIPConnection::reInvite(SIPTransaction* t) { if (!checkUser(t)) return; DDebug(this,DebugAll,"YateSIPConnection::reInvite(%p) [%p]",t,this); // hack: use a while instead of if so we can return or break out of it while (t->initialMessage()->body && t->initialMessage()->body->isSDP()) { // accept re-INVITE only for local RTP, not for pass-trough if (m_rtpid.null()) break; String addr,port,formats; parseSDP(static_cast(t->initialMessage()->body),addr,port,formats); int q = formats.find(','); String frm = formats.substr(0,q); if (port.null() || frm.null()) break; m_rtpAddr = addr; m_rtpPort = port; m_rtpFormat = frm; m_formats = formats; // guess if the call comes from behind a NAT if (s_cfg.getBoolValue("general","nat",true) && isPrivateAddr(m_rtpAddr) && !isPrivateAddr(m_host)) { Debug(this,DebugInfo,"NAT detected: private '%s' public '%s' port %s", m_rtpAddr.c_str(),m_host.c_str(),m_rtpPort.c_str()); m_rtpAddr = m_host; } Debug(this,DebugAll,"New RTP addr '%s' port %s formats '%s' format '%s'", m_rtpAddr.c_str(),m_rtpPort.c_str(),m_formats.c_str(),m_rtpFormat.c_str()); m_rtpid.clear(); setSource(); setConsumer(); SIPMessage* m = new SIPMessage(t->initialMessage(), 200); SDPBody* sdp = createRtpSDP(true); m->setBody(sdp); t->setResponse(m); m->deref(); return; } t->setResponse(488); } bool YateSIPConnection::checkUser(SIPTransaction* t, bool refuse) { if (m_user.null()) return true; int age = t->authUser(m_user); if ((age > 0) && (age <= 10)) return true; DDebug(this,DebugAll,"YateSIPConnection::checkUser(%p) failed, age %d [%p]",t,age,this); if (refuse) t->requestAuth("realm","domain",false); return false; } void YateSIPConnection::doBye(SIPTransaction* t) { if (m_authBye && !checkUser(t)) return; DDebug(this,DebugAll,"YateSIPConnection::doBye(%p) [%p]",t,this); const SIPHeaderLine* hl = t->initialMessage()->getHeader("Reason"); if (hl) { const NamedString* text = hl->getParam("text"); if (text) m_reason = *text; // FIXME: add SIP and Q.850 cause codes } t->setResponse(200); m_byebye = false; hangup(); } void YateSIPConnection::doCancel(SIPTransaction* t) { #ifdef DEBUG if (!checkUser(t,false)) Debug(DebugMild,"User authentication failed for user '%s' but CANCELing anyway [%p]", m_user.c_str(),this); #endif DDebug(this,DebugAll,"YateSIPConnection::doCancel(%p) [%p]",t,this); if (m_tr) { t->setResponse(200); m_byebye = false; clearTransaction(); disconnect("Cancelled"); } else t->setResponse(481); } void YateSIPConnection::disconnected(bool final, const char *reason) { Debug(this,DebugAll,"YateSIPConnection::disconnected() '%s' [%p]",reason,this); if (reason) setReason(reason); Channel::disconnected(final,reason); } bool YateSIPConnection::msgProgress(Message& msg) { Channel::msgProgress(msg); if (m_tr && (m_tr->getState() == SIPTransaction::Process)) { SIPMessage* m = new SIPMessage(m_tr->initialMessage(), 183); SDPBody* sdp = createPasstroughSDP(msg); m->setBody(sdp); m_tr->setResponse(m); m->deref(); } setStatus("progressing"); return true; } bool YateSIPConnection::msgRinging(Message& msg) { Channel::msgRinging(msg); if (m_tr && (m_tr->getState() == SIPTransaction::Process)) { SIPMessage* m = new SIPMessage(m_tr->initialMessage(), 180); SDPBody* sdp = createPasstroughSDP(msg); m->setBody(sdp); m_tr->setResponse(m); m->deref(); } setStatus("ringing"); return true; } bool YateSIPConnection::msgAnswered(Message& msg) { if (m_tr && (m_tr->getState() == SIPTransaction::Process)) { SIPMessage* m = new SIPMessage(m_tr->initialMessage(), 200); SDPBody* sdp = createPasstroughSDP(msg); if (!sdp) sdp = createRtpSDP(); m->setBody(sdp); m_tr->setResponse(m); m->deref(); } setStatus("answered",Established); return true; } bool YateSIPConnection::msgTone(Message& msg, const char* tone) { if (m_rtpid) msg.setParam("targetid",m_rtpid); return false; } bool YateSIPConnection::msgText(Message& msg, const char* text) { return false; } bool YateSIPConnection::callRouted(Message& msg) { Channel::callRouted(msg); if (m_tr && (m_tr->getState() == SIPTransaction::Process)) { String s(msg.retValue()); if (s.startSkip("sip/",false) && s && msg.getBoolValue("redirect")) { Debug(this,DebugAll,"YateSIPConnection redirecting to '%s' [%p]",s.c_str(),this); SIPMessage* m = new SIPMessage(m_tr->initialMessage(),302); s = "<" + s + ">"; m->addHeader("Contact",s); m_tr->setResponse(m); m->deref(); m_byebye = false; setReason("Redirected",302); setStatus("redirected"); return false; } m_tr->setResponse(183); } return true; } void YateSIPConnection::callAccept(Message& msg) { Channel::callAccept(msg); m_user = msg.getValue("username"); if (m_authBye) m_authBye = msg.getBoolValue("xsip_auth_bye",true); } void YateSIPConnection::callRejected(const char* error, const char* reason, const Message* msg) { Channel::callRejected(error,reason,msg); int code = lookup(error,dict_errors,500); if (code == 401) m_tr->requestAuth("realm","domain",false); else m_tr->setResponse(code,reason); setReason(reason,code); } YateSIPLine::YateSIPLine(const String& name) : String(name), m_resend((u_int64_t)0), m_interval(0), m_retry(false), m_tr(0), m_marked(false), m_valid(false) { DDebug(&plugin,DebugInfo,"YateSIPLine::YateSIPLine('%s') [%p]",c_str(),this); s_lines.append(this); } YateSIPLine::~YateSIPLine() { DDebug(&plugin,DebugInfo,"YateSIPLine::~YateSIPLine() '%s' [%p]",c_str(),this); s_lines.remove(this,false); logout(); } SIPAuthLine* YateSIPLine::buildAuth(const SIPMessage* answer, const String& method, const String& uri, bool proxy) const { return answer ? answer->buildAuth(m_username,m_password,method,uri,proxy) : 0; } SIPMessage* YateSIPLine::buildRegister(int expires, const SIPMessage* msg) const { String exp(expires); String tmp; tmp << "sip:" << m_registrar; SIPMessage* m = new SIPMessage("REGISTER",tmp); if (msg) m->setParty(msg->getParty()); else plugin.ep()->buildParty(m); tmp = "\""; tmp << (m_display.null() ? m_username : m_display); tmp << "\" getParty()->getLocalAddr() << ":"; tmp << m->getParty()->getLocalPort() << ">"; m->addHeader("Contact",tmp); m->addHeader("Expires",exp); tmp = ""; m->addHeader("To",tmp); m->complete(plugin.ep()->engine(),m_username,domain()); return m; } void YateSIPLine::login(const SIPMessage* msg) { if (m_registrar.null() || m_username.null()) { logout(); m_retry = false; m_valid = true; return; } clearTransaction(); m_retry = true; SIPMessage* m = buildRegister(m_interval,msg); if (msg) { SIPAuthLine* auth = buildAuth(msg,m->method,m->uri,(msg->code == 407)); m->addHeader(auth); m_retry = false; } DDebug(&plugin,DebugInfo,"YateSIPLine '%s' emiting %p for answer %p [%p]", c_str(),m,msg,this); m_tr = plugin.ep()->engine()->addMessage(m); if (m_tr) { m_tr->ref(); m_tr->setUserData(this); } m->deref(); } void YateSIPLine::logout() { m_resend = 0; bool sendLogout = m_valid && m_registrar && m_username; clearTransaction(); m_retry = false; m_valid = false; if (sendLogout) { SIPMessage* m = buildRegister(0,0); plugin.ep()->engine()->addMessage(m); m->deref(); } } bool YateSIPLine::process(SIPEvent* ev) { DDebug(&plugin,DebugInfo,"YateSIPLine::process(%p) %s [%p]", ev,SIPTransaction::stateName(ev->getState()),this); if (ev->getTransaction() != m_tr) return false; if (ev->getState() == SIPTransaction::Cleared) { clearTransaction(); m_retry = false; m_valid = false; m_resend = m_interval*1000000 + Time::now(); return false; } const SIPMessage* msg = ev->getMessage(); if (!(msg && msg->isAnswer())) return false; if (ev->getState() != SIPTransaction::Process) return false; clearTransaction(); DDebug(&plugin,DebugAll,"YateSIPLine '%s' got answer %d%s [%p]", c_str(),msg->code,m_retry ? " (may retry)" : "",this); switch (msg->code) { case 200: m_retry = false; m_valid = true; m_resend = m_interval*1000000 + Time::now(); Debug(&plugin,DebugInfo,"SIP line '%s' logon success",c_str()); break; case 401: case 407: if (m_retry) { m_retry = false; login(msg); break; } default: m_retry = false; m_valid = false; Debug(&plugin,DebugInfo,"SIP line '%s' logon failure %d",c_str(),msg->code); } return false; } void YateSIPLine::timer(const Time& when) { if (!m_resend || (m_resend > when)) return; m_resend = m_interval*1000000 + when; login(); } void YateSIPLine::clearTransaction() { if (m_tr) { DDebug(&plugin,DebugInfo,"YateSIPLine clearing transaction %p [%p]", m_tr,this); m_tr->setUserData(0); m_tr->deref(); m_tr = 0; } } bool YateSIPLine::change(String& dest, const String& src) { if (dest == src) return false; // we need to log out before any parameter changes logout(); dest = src; return true; } bool YateSIPLine::update(const Message& msg) { DDebug(&plugin,DebugInfo,"YateSIPLine::update() '%s' [%p]",c_str(),this); bool chg = false; chg = change(m_registrar,msg.getValue("registrar")) || chg; chg = change(m_outbound,msg.getValue("outbound")) || chg; chg = change(m_username,msg.getValue("username")) || chg; chg = change(m_password,msg.getValue("password")) || chg; chg = change(m_domain,msg.getValue("domain")) || chg; m_display = msg.getValue("description"); m_interval = msg.getIntValue("interval",600); // if something changed we logged out so try to climb back if (chg) login(); return chg; } bool UserHandler::received(Message &msg) { String tmp(msg.getValue("protocol")); if (tmp != "sip") return false; tmp = msg.getValue("account"); if (tmp.null()) return false; YateSIPLine* line = plugin.findLine(tmp); if (!line) line = new YateSIPLine(tmp); line->update(msg); return true; } YateSIPConnection* SIPDriver::findCall(const String& callid) { XDebug(this,DebugAll,"SIPDriver finding call '%s'",callid.c_str()); Lock mylock(this); ObjList* l = &channels(); for (; l; l = l->next()) { YateSIPConnection* c = static_cast(l->get()); if (c && (c->callid() == callid)) return c; } return 0; } YateSIPConnection* SIPDriver::findDialog(const SIPDialog& dialog) { XDebug(this,DebugAll,"SIPDriver finding dialog '%s'",dialog.c_str()); Lock mylock(this); ObjList* l = &channels(); for (; l; l = l->next()) { YateSIPConnection* c = static_cast(l->get()); if (c && (c->dialog() == dialog)) return c; } return 0; } YateSIPLine* SIPDriver::findLine(const String& line) { if (line.null()) return 0; ObjList* l = s_lines.find(line); return l ? static_cast(l->get()) : 0; } bool SIPDriver::validLine(const String& line) { if (line.null()) return true; YateSIPLine* l = findLine(line); return l && l->valid(); } bool SIPDriver::received(Message &msg, int id) { if (id == Timer) { ObjList* l = &s_lines; for (; l; l = l->next()) { YateSIPLine* line = static_cast(l->get()); if (line) line->timer(msg.msgTime()); } } else if (id == Halt) s_lines.clear(); return Driver::received(msg,id); } bool SIPDriver::msgExecute(Message& msg, String& dest) { if (!msg.userData()) { Debug(this,DebugWarn,"SIP call found but no data channel!"); return false; } if (!validLine(msg.getValue("line"))) return false; YateSIPConnection* conn = new YateSIPConnection(msg,dest,msg.getValue("id")); if (conn->getTransaction()) { CallEndpoint* ch = static_cast(msg.userData()); if (ch && conn->connect(ch)) { msg.setParam("peerid",conn->id()); msg.setParam("targetid",conn->id()); conn->deref(); return true; } } conn->destruct(); return false; } SIPDriver::SIPDriver() : Driver("sip","varchans"), m_endpoint(0) { Output("Loaded module SIP Channel"); } SIPDriver::~SIPDriver() { Output("Unloading module SIP Channel"); } void SIPDriver::initialize() { Output("Initializing module SIP Channel"); s_cfg = Engine::configFile("ysipchan"); s_cfg.load(); s_maxForwards = s_cfg.getIntValue("general","maxforwards",20); if (!m_endpoint) { m_endpoint = new YateSIPEndPoint(); if (!(m_endpoint->Init())) { delete m_endpoint; m_endpoint = 0; return; } m_endpoint->startup(); setup(); installRelay(Halt); Engine::install(new UserHandler); } } /* vi: set ts=8 sw=4 sts=4 noet: */