# Makefile # This file holds the make rules for the libyatesip DEBUG := CXX := @CXX@ -Wall AR := ar DEFS := INCLUDES := -I@top_srcdir@ -I../.. -I@srcdir@ CFLAGS := @CFLAGS@ @MODULE_CPPFLAGS@ @INLINE_FLAGS@ LDFLAGS:= @LDFLAGS@ -L../.. -lyate INCFILES := @top_srcdir@/yateclass.h @srcdir@/yatesip.h @srcdir@/util.h PROGS= LIBS = libyatesip.a OBJS = util.o engine.o message.o transaction.o LOCALFLAGS = LOCALLIBS = COMPILE = $(CXX) $(DEFS) $(DEBUG) $(INCLUDES) $(CFLAGS) LINK = $(CXX) $(LDFLAGS) prefix = @prefix@ exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@ # include optional local make rules -include YateLocal.mak .PHONY: all debug ddebug xdebug all: $(LIBS) $(PROGS) debug: $(MAKE) all DEBUG=-g3 MODSTRIP= ddebug: $(MAKE) all DEBUG='-g3 -DDEBUG' MODSTRIP= xdebug: $(MAKE) all DEBUG='-g3 -DXDEBUG' MODSTRIP= .PHONY: strip strip: all strip --strip-debug --discard-locals $(PROGS) .PHONY: clean clean: @-$(RM) $(PROGS) $(LIBS) $(OBJS) core 2>/dev/null %.o: @srcdir@/%.cpp $(INCFILES) $(COMPILE) -c $< Makefile: @srcdir@/Makefile.in ../../config.status cd ../.. && ./config.status libyatesip.a: $(OBJS) $(AR) rcs $@ $^