/** * layer2.cpp * This file is part of the YATE Project http://YATE.null.ro * * Yet Another Signalling Stack - implements the support for SS7, ISDN and PSTN * * Yet Another Telephony Engine - a fully featured software PBX and IVR * Copyright (C) 2004-2014 Null Team * * This software is distributed under multiple licenses; * see the COPYING file in the main directory for licensing * information for this specific distribution. * * This use of this software may be subject to additional restrictions. * See the LEGAL file in the main directory for details. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. */ #include "yatesig.h" #include #include using namespace TelEngine; static const TokenDict s_dict_prio[] = { { "regular", SS7MSU::Regular }, { "special", SS7MSU::Special }, { "circuit", SS7MSU::Circuit }, { "facility", SS7MSU::Facility }, { 0, 0 } }; static const TokenDict s_dict_netind[] = { { "international", SS7MSU::International }, { "spareinternational", SS7MSU::SpareInternational }, { "national", SS7MSU::National }, { "reservednational", SS7MSU::ReservedNational }, { 0, 0 } }; static const TokenDict s_dict_control[] = { { "pause", SS7Layer2::Pause }, { "resume", SS7Layer2::Resume }, { "align", SS7Layer2::Align }, { 0, 0 } }; SS7MSU::SS7MSU(unsigned char sio, const SS7Label label, void* value, unsigned int len) { DataBlock::assign(0,1 + label.length() + len); unsigned char* d = (unsigned char*)data(); *d++ = sio; label.store(d); d += label.length(); if (value && len) ::memcpy(d,value,len); } SS7MSU::SS7MSU(unsigned char sif, unsigned char ssf, const SS7Label label, void* value, unsigned int len) { DataBlock::assign(0,1 + label.length() + len); unsigned char* d = (unsigned char*)data(); *d++ = (sif & 0x0f) | (ssf & 0xf0); label.store(d); d += label.length(); if (value && len) ::memcpy(d,value,len); } SS7MSU::~SS7MSU() { } bool SS7MSU::valid() const { // Routing label + data without SIO is between 2 and 272 octets (Q.703 2.3.8) return (3 <= length()) && (length() <= MAX_TDM_MSU_SIZE); } #define CASE_STR(x) case x: return #x const char* SS7MSU::getServiceName() const { switch (getSIF()) { CASE_STR(SNM); CASE_STR(MTN); CASE_STR(MTNS); CASE_STR(SCCP); CASE_STR(TUP); CASE_STR(ISUP); CASE_STR(DUP_C); CASE_STR(DUP_F); CASE_STR(MTP_T); CASE_STR(BISUP); CASE_STR(SISUP); } return 0; } const char* SS7MSU::getPriorityName() const { switch (getPrio()) { CASE_STR(Regular); CASE_STR(Special); CASE_STR(Circuit); CASE_STR(Facility); } return 0; } const char* SS7MSU::getIndicatorName() const { switch (getNI()) { CASE_STR(International); CASE_STR(SpareInternational); CASE_STR(National); CASE_STR(ReservedNational); } return 0; } #undef CASE_STR unsigned char SS7MSU::getPriority(const char* name, unsigned char defVal) { return (unsigned char)lookup(name,s_dict_prio,defVal); } unsigned char SS7MSU::getNetIndicator(const char* name, unsigned char defVal) { return (unsigned char)lookup(name,s_dict_netind,defVal); } void SS7Layer2::attach(SS7L2User* l2user) { Lock lock(m_l2userMutex); if (m_l2user == l2user) return; SS7L2User* tmp = m_l2user; m_l2user = l2user; lock.drop(); if (tmp) { const char* name = 0; if (engine() && engine()->find(tmp)) { name = tmp->toString().safe(); tmp->detach(this); } Debug(this,DebugAll,"Detached L2 user (%p,'%s') [%p]",tmp,name,this); } if (!l2user) return; Debug(this,DebugAll,"Attached L2 user (%p,'%s') [%p]", l2user,l2user->toString().safe(),this); insert(l2user); l2user->attach(this); } void SS7Layer2::timerTick(const Time& when) { SignallingComponent::timerTick(when); if (!m_l2userMutex.lock(SignallingEngine::maxLockWait())) return; RefPointer tmp = m_notify ? m_l2user : 0; m_notify = false; m_l2userMutex.unlock(); if (tmp) { XDebug(this,DebugAll,"SS7Layer2 notifying user [%p]",this); tmp->notify(this); } } void SS7Layer2::notify() { unsigned int wasUp = 0; bool doNotify = false; if (!operational()) { wasUp = upTime(); m_lastUp = 0; doNotify = (wasUp != 0); } else if (!m_lastUp) { m_lastUp = Time::secNow(); doNotify = true; } m_l2userMutex.lock(); m_notify = true; m_l2userMutex.unlock(); if (doNotify && engine()) { String text(statusName()); if (wasUp) text << ", was up " << wasUp; NamedList params(""); params.addParam("from",toString()); params.addParam("type","ss7-layer2"); params.addParam("operational",String::boolText(operational())); params.addParam("text",text); engine()->notify(this,params); } } unsigned int SS7Layer2::status() const { return ProcessorOutage; } const char* SS7Layer2::statusName(unsigned int status, bool brief) const { switch (status) { case OutOfAlignment: return brief ? "O" : "Out Of Alignment"; case NormalAlignment: return brief ? "N" : "Normal Alignment"; case EmergencyAlignment: return brief ? "E" : "Emergency Alignment"; case OutOfService: return brief ? "OS" : "Out Of Service"; case ProcessorOutage: return brief ? "PO" : "Processor Outage"; case Busy: return brief ? "B" : "Busy"; default: return brief ? "?" : "Unknown Status"; } } bool SS7Layer2::control(Operation oper, NamedList* params) { return false; } bool SS7Layer2::control(NamedList& params) { String* ret = params.getParam(YSTRING("completion")); const String* oper = params.getParam(YSTRING("operation")); const char* cmp = params.getValue(YSTRING("component")); int cmd = oper ? oper->toInteger(s_dict_control,-1) : -1; if (ret) { if (oper && (cmd < 0)) return false; String part = params.getValue(YSTRING("partword")); if (cmp) { if (toString() != cmp) return false; for (const TokenDict* d = s_dict_control; d->token; d++) Module::itemComplete(*ret,d->token,part); return true; } return Module::itemComplete(*ret,toString(),part); } if (!(cmp && toString() == cmp)) return false; return TelEngine::controlReturn(¶ms,(cmd >= 0) && control((Operation)cmd,¶ms)); } bool SS7Layer2::getEmergency(NamedList* params, bool emg) const { if (m_autoEmergency && !emg) { const SS7MTP3* mtp3 = YOBJECT(SS7MTP3,m_l2user); if (mtp3 && !mtp3->linksActive()) emg = true; } if (params) emg = params->getBoolValue(YSTRING("emergency"),emg); return emg; } bool SS7Layer2::inhibit(int setFlags, int clrFlags) { int old = m_inhibited; m_inhibited = (m_inhibited | setFlags) & ~clrFlags; if (old != m_inhibited || (setFlags & clrFlags)) { bool cycle = (setFlags & Inactive) && operational(); if (cycle) control(Pause); Debug(this,DebugNote,"Link inhibition changed 0x%02X -> 0x%02X [%p]", old,m_inhibited,this); if (operational()) notify(); if (cycle) control(Resume); } return true; } SS7MTP2::SS7MTP2(const NamedList& params, unsigned int status) : SignallingComponent(params.safe("SS7MTP2"),¶ms,"ss7-mtp2"), SignallingDumpable(SignallingDumper::Mtp2), Mutex(true,"SS7MTP2"), m_status(status), m_lStatus(OutOfService), m_rStatus(OutOfAlignment), m_interval(0), m_resend(0), m_abort(0), m_fillTime(0), m_congestion(false), m_bsn(127), m_fsn(127), m_bib(true), m_fib(true), m_lastFsn(128), m_lastBsn(127), m_lastBib(true), m_errors(0), m_maxErrors(64), m_resendMs(250), m_abortMs(5000), m_fillIntervalMs(20), m_fillLink(true), m_autostart(false), m_flushMsus(true) { #ifdef DEBUG if (debugAt(DebugAll)) { String tmp; params.dump(tmp,"\r\n ",'\'',true); Debug(this,DebugAll,"SS7MTP2::SS7MTP2(%p,%s) [%p]%s", ¶ms,statusName(true),this,tmp.c_str()); } #endif m_fillLink = params.getBoolValue(YSTRING("filllink"),m_fillLink); m_maxErrors = params.getIntValue(YSTRING("maxerrors"),64); if (m_maxErrors < 8) m_maxErrors = 8; else if (m_maxErrors > 256) m_maxErrors = 256; setDumper(params.getValue(YSTRING("layer2dump"))); } SS7MTP2::~SS7MTP2() { setDumper(); } unsigned int SS7MTP2::status() const { return m_lStatus; } void SS7MTP2::setLocalStatus(unsigned int status) { if (status == m_lStatus) return; DDebug(this,DebugInfo,"Local status change: %s -> %s [%p]", statusName(m_lStatus,true),statusName(status,true),this); m_lStatus = status; m_fillTime = 0; } void SS7MTP2::setRemoteStatus(unsigned int status) { if (status == m_rStatus) return; DDebug(this,DebugInfo,"Remote status change: %s -> %s [%p]", statusName(m_rStatus,true),statusName(status,true),this); m_rStatus = status; } bool SS7MTP2::aligned() const { return ((m_lStatus == NormalAlignment) || (m_lStatus == EmergencyAlignment)) && ((m_rStatus == NormalAlignment) || (m_rStatus == EmergencyAlignment)); } bool SS7MTP2::operational() const { return aligned() && !m_interval; } bool SS7MTP2::initialize(const NamedList* config) { #ifdef DEBUG String tmp; if (config && debugAt(DebugAll)) config->dump(tmp,"\r\n ",'\'',true); Debug(this,DebugInfo,"SS7MTP2::initialize(%p) [%p]%s",config,this,tmp.c_str()); #endif if (config) { debugLevel(config->getIntValue(YSTRING("debuglevel_mtp2"), config->getIntValue(YSTRING("debuglevel"),-1))); m_autoEmergency = config->getBoolValue(YSTRING("autoemergency"),true); unsigned int maxErrors = config->getIntValue(YSTRING("maxerrors"),m_maxErrors); if (maxErrors < 8) m_maxErrors = 8; else if (maxErrors > 256) m_maxErrors = 256; else m_maxErrors = maxErrors; } m_autostart = !config || config->getBoolValue(YSTRING("autostart"),true); m_flushMsus = !config || config->getBoolValue(YSTRING("flushmsus"),true); if (config && !iface()) { NamedList params(""); if (resolveConfig(YSTRING("sig"),params,config) || resolveConfig(YSTRING("basename"),params,config)) { params.addParam("basename",params); params.addParam("protocol","ss7"); int rx = params.getIntValue(YSTRING("rxunderrun")); if ((rx > 0) && (rx < 25)) params.setParam("rxunderrun","25"); SignallingInterface* ifc = YSIGCREATE(SignallingInterface,¶ms); if (!ifc) return false; SignallingReceiver::attach(ifc); if (!(ifc->initialize(¶ms) && control((Operation)SignallingInterface::Enable,¶ms))) TelEngine::destruct(SignallingReceiver::attach(0)); } } return iface() && control(Resume,const_cast(config)); } bool SS7MTP2::control(Operation oper, NamedList* params) { if (params) { lock(); m_fillLink = params->getBoolValue(YSTRING("filllink"),m_fillLink); m_autoEmergency = params->getBoolValue(YSTRING("autoemergency"),m_autoEmergency); m_autostart = params->getBoolValue(YSTRING("autostart"),m_autostart); m_flushMsus = params->getBoolValue(YSTRING("flushmsus"),m_flushMsus); unsigned int maxErrors = params->getIntValue(YSTRING("maxerrors"),m_maxErrors); if (maxErrors < 8) m_maxErrors = 8; else if (maxErrors > 256) m_maxErrors = 256; else m_maxErrors = maxErrors; // The following are for test purposes if (params->getBoolValue(YSTRING("toggle-bib"))) m_bib = !m_bib; if (params->getBoolValue(YSTRING("toggle-fib"))) m_fib = !m_fib; int tmp = params->getIntValue(YSTRING("change-fsn")); if (tmp) m_fsn = (m_fsn + tmp) & 0x7f; unlock(); tmp = params->getIntValue(YSTRING("send-lssu"),-1); if (tmp >= 0) transmitLSSU(tmp); if (params->getBoolValue(YSTRING("send-fisu"))) transmitFISU(); if (params->getBoolValue(YSTRING("simulate-error"))) notify(SignallingInterface::HardwareError); } switch (oper) { case Pause: abortAlignment(false); return TelEngine::controlReturn(params,true); case Resume: if (aligned() || !m_autostart) return TelEngine::controlReturn(params,true); // fall-through case Align: startAlignment(getEmergency(params)); return TelEngine::controlReturn(params,true); case Status: return TelEngine::controlReturn(params,operational()); default: return SignallingReceiver::control((SignallingInterface::Operation)oper,params); } } bool SS7MTP2::notify(SignallingInterface::Notification event) { switch (event) { case SignallingInterface::LinkDown: Debug(this,DebugWarn,"Interface is down - realigning [%p]",this); abortAlignment(m_autostart); break; case SignallingInterface::LinkUp: Debug(this,DebugInfo,"Interface is up [%p]",this); control(Resume); break; default: XDebug(this,DebugMild,"Got error %u: %s [%p]", event,lookup(event,SignallingInterface::s_notifName),this); { unsigned int err = (m_errors += 256) >> 8; if (err >= (operational() ? m_maxErrors : ((m_rStatus == EmergencyAlignment) ? 1 : 4))) { Debug(this,DebugWarn,"Got %u errors - realigning [%p]",err,this); abortAlignment(m_autostart); } } } return true; } void SS7MTP2::timerTick(const Time& when) { SS7Layer2::timerTick(when); if (!lock(SignallingEngine::maxLockWait())) return; bool tout = m_interval && (when >= m_interval); if (tout) m_interval = 0; bool aborting = m_abort && (when >= m_abort); if (aborting) m_abort = m_resend = 0; bool resend = m_resend && (when >= m_resend); if (resend) m_resend = 0; unlock(); if (aborting) { Debug(this,DebugWarn,"Timeout for MSU acknowledgement, realigning [%p]",this); abortAlignment(m_autostart); return; } if (operational()) { if (tout) { Debug(this,DebugInfo,"Proving period ended, link operational [%p]",this); lock(); m_lastSeqRx = -1; unsigned int q = m_queue.count(); if (!q) ; else if (m_flushMsus || q >= 64) { // there shouldn't have been that many queued MSUs Debug(this,DebugWarn,"Cleaning %u queued MSUs from proved link! [%p]",q,this); m_queue.clear(); } else { Debug(this,DebugNote,"Changing FSN of %u MSUs queued in proved link! [%p]",q,this); // transmit a FISU just before the bunch of MSUs transmitFISU(); resend = true; // reset the FSN of packets still waiting in queue m_lastBsn = m_fsn; ObjList* l = m_queue.skipNull(); for (; l; l = l->skipNext()) { DataBlock* packet = static_cast(l->get()); unsigned char* buf = (unsigned char*)packet->data(); // update the FSN/FIB in packet, BSN/BIB will be updated later m_fsn = (m_fsn + 1) & 0x7f; buf[1] = m_fib ? m_fsn | 0x80 : m_fsn; } Debug(this,DebugNote,"Renumbered %u packets, last FSN=%u [%p]", q,m_fsn,this); } unlock(); SS7Layer2::notify(); } if (resend) { int c = 0; lock(); m_fib = m_lastBib; ObjList* l = m_queue.skipNull(); for (; l; l = l->skipNext()) { DataBlock* packet = static_cast(l->get()); unsigned char* buf = (unsigned char*)packet->data(); // update the BSN/BIB in packet buf[0] = m_bib ? m_bsn | 0x80 : m_bsn; // also adjust the FIB but not FSN if (m_fib) buf[1] |= 0x80; else buf[1] &= 0x7f; Debug(this,DebugInfo,"Resending packet %p with FSN=%u [%p]", packet,buf[1] & 0x7f,this); txPacket(*packet,false,SignallingInterface::SS7Msu); c++; } if (c) { m_resend = Time::now() + (1000 * m_resendMs); m_fillTime = 0; Debug(this,DebugInfo,"Resent %d packets, last bsn=%u/%u [%p]", c,m_lastBsn,m_lastBib,this); } unlock(); } } else if (tout) { switch (m_lStatus) { case OutOfService: if (m_status != OutOfService) setLocalStatus(OutOfAlignment); break; case OutOfAlignment: Debug(this,DebugMild,"Initial alignment timed out, retrying"); break; } } if (when >= m_fillTime) { if (operational()) transmitFISU(); else transmitLSSU(); } } // Transmit a MSU retaining a copy for retransmissions bool SS7MTP2::transmitMSU(const SS7MSU& msu) { if (msu.length() < 3) { Debug(this,DebugWarn,"Asked to send too short MSU of length %u [%p]", msu.length(),this); return false; } if (!operational()) { DDebug(this,DebugInfo,"Asked to send MSU while not operational [%p]",this); return false; } #ifdef XDEBUG String tmp; tmp.hexify((void*)msu.data(),msu.length(),' '); XDebug(this,DebugAll,"SS7MTP2::transmitMSU(%p) len=%u: %s [%p]", &msu,msu.length(),tmp.c_str(),this); #endif // if we don't have an attached interface don't bother if (!iface()) return false; DataBlock* packet = new DataBlock(0,3); *packet += msu; // set BSN+BIB, FSN+FIB, LENGTH in the 3 extra bytes unsigned char* buf = (unsigned char*)packet->data(); buf[2] = (msu.length() > 0x3f) ? 0x3f : msu.length() & 0x3f; // lock the object so we can safely use member variables Lock lock(this); m_fsn = (m_fsn + 1) & 0x7f; m_fillTime = 0; buf[0] = m_bib ? m_bsn | 0x80 : m_bsn; buf[1] = m_fib ? m_fsn | 0x80 : m_fsn; DDebug(this,DebugInfo,"New local bsn=%u/%d fsn=%u/%d [%p]", m_bsn,m_bib,m_fsn,m_fib,this); m_queue.append(packet); DDebug(this,DebugInfo,"There are %u packets in queue [%p]", m_queue.count(),this); bool ok = false; if (operational()) { ok = txPacket(*packet,false,SignallingInterface::SS7Msu); transmitFISU(); } if (!m_abort) m_abort = Time::now() + (1000 * m_abortMs); if (!m_resend) m_resend = Time::now() + (1000 * m_resendMs); return ok; } // Remove the MSUs in the queue, the upper layer will move them to another link void SS7MTP2::recoverMSU(int sequence) { Debug(this,DebugInfo,"Recovering MSUs from sequence %d",sequence); for (;;) { lock(); DataBlock* pkt = static_cast(m_queue.remove(false)); unlock(); if (!pkt) break; unsigned char* head = pkt->data(0,4); if (head) { int seq = head[1] & 0x7f; if (sequence < 0 || ((seq - sequence) & 0x7f) < 0x3f) { sequence = -1; SS7MSU msu(head + 3,pkt->length() - 3); recoveredMSU(msu); } else Debug(this,DebugAll,"Not recovering MSU with seq=%d, requested %d", seq,sequence); } TelEngine::destruct(pkt); } } // Decode a received packet into signalling units bool SS7MTP2::receivedPacket(const DataBlock& packet) { dump(packet,false,sls()); if (packet.length() < 3) { XDebug(this,DebugMild,"Received short packet of length %u [%p]", packet.length(),this); return false; } const unsigned char* buf = (const unsigned char*)packet.data(); unsigned int len = buf[2] & 0x3f; if ((len == 0x3f) && (packet.length() > 0x42)) len = packet.length() - 3; else if (len != (packet.length() - 3)) { XDebug(this,DebugMild,"Received packet with length indicator %u but length %u [%p]", len,packet.length(),this); return false; } // adjust error counter if (m_errors && operational()) m_errors--; // process LSSU and FISU to detect link status changes switch (len) { case 2: processLSSU(buf[3] + (buf[4] << 8)); break; case 1: processLSSU(buf[3]); break; case 0: processFISU(); break; } // check sequence numbers unsigned char bsn = buf[0] & 0x7f; unsigned char fsn = buf[1] & 0x7f; bool bib = (buf[0] & 0x80) != 0; bool fib = (buf[1] & 0x80) != 0; // lock the object as we modify members lock(); // sequence control as explained by Q.703 5.2.2 unsigned char diff = (fsn - m_bsn) & 0x7f; XDebug(this,DebugAll,"got bsn=%u/%d fsn=%u/%d local bsn=%u/%d fsn=%u/%d diff=%u len=%u [%p]", bsn,bib,fsn,fib,m_bsn,m_bib,m_fsn,m_fib,diff,len,this); if (aligned()) { // received FSN should be only 1 ahead of last we handled if (diff > 1) { if (diff < 64) Debug(this,DebugMild,"We lost %u packets, remote fsn=%u local bsn=%u [%p]", (diff - 1),fsn,m_bsn,this); if (fsn != m_lastFsn) { m_lastFsn = fsn; // toggle BIB to request immediate retransmission m_bib = !m_bib; DDebug(this,DebugInfo,"New local bsn=%u/%d fsn=%u/%d [%p]", m_bsn,m_bib,m_fsn,m_fib,this); } } else m_lastFsn = 128; if (m_lastBib != bib) { Debug(this,DebugNote,"Remote requested resend remote bsn=%u local fsn=%u [%p]", bsn,m_fsn,this); m_lastBib = bib; m_resend = Time::now(); } unqueueAck(bsn); // end proving now if received MSU with correct sequence if (m_interval && (diff == 1)) m_interval = Time::now(); } else { // keep sequence numbers in sync with the remote m_bsn = fsn; m_bib = fib; m_lastBsn = bsn; m_lastBib = bib; m_fillTime = 0; } unlock(); if (len < 3) return true; // just drop MSUs if not operational or out of sequence if (!((diff == 1) && operational())) return false; m_lastSeqRx = m_bsn = fsn; m_fillTime = 0; DDebug(this,DebugInfo,"New local bsn=%u/%d fsn=%u/%d [%p]", m_bsn,m_bib,m_fsn,m_fib,this); SS7MSU msu((void*)(buf+3),len,false); bool ok = receivedMSU(msu); if (!ok) { String s; s.hexify(msu.data(),msu.length(),' '); Debug(this,DebugMild,"Unhandled MSU len=%u Serv: %s, Prio: %s, Net: %s, Data: %s", msu.length(),msu.getServiceName(),msu.getPriorityName(), msu.getIndicatorName(),s.c_str()); } msu.clear(false); return ok; } // Remove from send queue confirmed packets up to received BSN void SS7MTP2::unqueueAck(unsigned char bsn) { if (m_lastBsn == bsn) return; // positive acknowledgement - Q.703 6.3.1 DDebug(this,DebugNote,"Unqueueing packets in range %u - %u [%p]", m_lastBsn,bsn,this); int c = 0; for (;;) { unsigned char efsn = (m_lastBsn + 1) & 0x7f; DataBlock* packet = static_cast(m_queue.get()); if (!packet) { Debug(this,DebugMild,"Queue empty while expecting packet with FSN=%u [%p]", efsn,this); m_lastBsn = bsn; // all packets confirmed - stop resending m_resend = 0; m_abort = 0; break; } unsigned char pfsn = ((const unsigned char*)packet->data())[1] & 0x7f; if (pfsn != efsn) Debug(this,DebugMild,"Found in queue packet with FSN=%u expected %u [%p]", pfsn,efsn,this); c++; XDebug(this,DebugInfo,"Unqueueing packet %p with FSN=%u [%p]", packet,pfsn,this); m_queue.remove(packet); m_lastBsn = pfsn; if (pfsn == bsn) { if (m_queue.count() == 0) { // all packets confirmed - stop resending m_resend = 0; m_abort = 0; } break; } } if (c) { DDebug(this,DebugNote,"Unqueued %d packets up to FSN=%u [%p]",c,bsn,this); m_abort = m_resend ? Time::now() + (1000 * m_abortMs) : 0; } } // Transmit packet to interface, dump it if successfull bool SS7MTP2::txPacket(const DataBlock& packet, bool repeat, SignallingInterface::PacketType type) { if (transmitPacket(packet,repeat,type)) { dump(packet,true,sls()); return true; } return false; } // Process incoming FISU void SS7MTP2::processFISU() { if (m_fillLink && !aligned()) m_fillTime = 0; } // Process incoming LSSU void SS7MTP2::processLSSU(unsigned int status) { status &= 0x07; XDebug(this,DebugAll,"Process LSSU with status %s (L:%s R:%s)", statusName(status,true),statusName(m_lStatus,true),statusName(m_rStatus,true)); bool unaligned = !aligned(); setRemoteStatus(status); if (status == Busy) { if (unaligned) abortAlignment(m_autostart); else m_congestion = true; return; } // cancel any timer except aborted or initial alignment switch (status) { case OutOfAlignment: case NormalAlignment: case EmergencyAlignment: if (m_lStatus == OutOfService) { if (m_status != OutOfService) setLocalStatus(OutOfAlignment); break; } if (!(unaligned && startProving())) setLocalStatus(m_status); break; default: if (!m_interval) { if (m_status != OutOfService) abortAlignment(m_autostart); } else if (m_lStatus != OutOfService && m_lStatus != OutOfAlignment) m_interval = 0; } } // Emit a locally generated LSSU bool SS7MTP2::transmitLSSU(unsigned int status) { unsigned char buf[5]; buf[2] = 1; buf[3] = status & 0xff; status = (status >> 8) & 0xff; if (status) { // we need 2-byte LSSU to fit buf[2] = 2; buf[4] = status; } // lock the object so we can safely use member variables lock(); bool repeat = m_fillLink && (m_status != OutOfService); buf[0] = m_bib ? m_bsn | 0x80 : m_bsn; buf[1] = m_fib ? m_fsn | 0x80 : m_fsn; DataBlock packet(buf,buf[2]+3,false); XDebug(this,DebugAll,"Transmit LSSU with status %s",statusName(buf[3],true)); bool ok = txPacket(packet,repeat,SignallingInterface::SS7Lssu); m_fillTime = Time::now() + (1000 * m_fillIntervalMs); unlock(); packet.clear(false); return ok; } // Emit a locally generated FISU bool SS7MTP2::transmitFISU() { unsigned char buf[3]; buf[2] = 0; // lock the object so we can safely use member variables lock(); buf[0] = m_bib ? m_bsn | 0x80 : m_bsn; buf[1] = m_fib ? m_fsn | 0x80 : m_fsn; DataBlock packet(buf,3,false); bool ok = txPacket(packet,m_fillLink,SignallingInterface::SS7Fisu); m_fillTime = Time::now() + (1000 * m_fillIntervalMs); unlock(); packet.clear(false); return ok; } void SS7MTP2::startAlignment(bool emergency) { lock(); unsigned int q = m_queue.count(); if (q) Debug(this,DebugWarn,"Starting alignment with %u queued MSUs! [%p]",q,this); else Debug(this,DebugInfo,"Starting %s alignment [%p]", (emergency ? "emergency" : "normal"),this); m_bsn = m_fsn = 127; m_bib = m_fib = true; if (m_lStatus != OutOfService) { setLocalStatus(OutOfService); unlock(); transmitLSSU(); lock(); } m_status = emergency ? EmergencyAlignment : NormalAlignment; m_abort = m_resend = 0; setLocalStatus(OutOfAlignment); m_interval = Time::now() + 5000000; unlock(); transmitLSSU(); SS7Layer2::notify(); } void SS7MTP2::abortAlignment(bool retry) { lock(); DDebug(this,DebugNote,"Aborting alignment [%p]",this); if (!retry) m_status = OutOfService; setLocalStatus(OutOfService); m_interval = Time::now() + 1000000; m_abort = m_resend = 0; m_errors = 0; m_bsn = m_fsn = 127; m_bib = m_fib = true; m_fillTime = 0; unlock(); transmitLSSU(); SS7Layer2::notify(); } bool SS7MTP2::startProving() { if (!aligned()) return false; lock(); bool emg = (m_rStatus == EmergencyAlignment); Debug(this,DebugInfo,"Starting %s proving interval [%p]", emg ? "emergency" : "normal",this); // proving interval is defined in octet transmission times u_int64_t interval = emg ? 4096 : 65536; // FIXME: assuming 64 kbit/s, 125 usec/octet m_interval = Time::now() + (125 * interval); unlock(); return true; } /* vi: set ts=8 sw=4 sts=4 noet: */