/** * regexroute.cpp * This file is part of the YATE Project http://YATE.null.ro * * Regular expressions based routing * * Yet Another Telephony Engine - a fully featured software PBX and IVR * Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Null Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include using namespace TelEngine; namespace { // anonymous static Configuration s_cfg; static bool s_extended; static bool s_insensitive; static Mutex s_mutex; static ObjList s_extra; static NamedList s_vars(""); class RouteHandler : public MessageHandler { public: RouteHandler(int prio) : MessageHandler("call.route",prio) { } virtual bool received(Message &msg); }; static String& vars(String& s, String* vName = 0) { if (s.startSkip("$",false)) { s.trimBlanks(); if (vName) *vName = s; s = s_vars.getValue(s); } return s; } enum { OPER_ADD, OPER_SUB, OPER_MUL, OPER_DIV, OPER_MOD, OPER_EQ, OPER_NE, OPER_GT, OPER_LT, OPER_GE, OPER_LE, }; static void mathOper(String& str, String& par, int sep, int oper) { str = par.substr(0,sep); par = par.substr(sep+1); int len = str.length(); sep = par.find(','); if (sep > 0) { String tmp = par.substr(sep+1); len = vars(tmp).toInteger(); par = par.substr(0,sep); } int p1 = vars(str).toInteger(0,10); int p2 = vars(par).toInteger(0,10); switch (oper) { case OPER_ADD: str = p1+p2; break; case OPER_SUB: str = p1-p2; break; case OPER_MUL: str = p1*p2; break; case OPER_DIV: str = p2 ? p1/p2 : 0; break; case OPER_MOD: str = p2 ? p1%p2 : 0; break; case OPER_EQ: str = (p1 == p2); len = 0; return; case OPER_NE: str = (p1 != p2); len = 0; return; case OPER_GT: str = (p1 > p2); len = 0; return; case OPER_LT: str = (p1 < p2); len = 0; return; case OPER_GE: str = (p1 >= p2); len = 0; return; case OPER_LE: str = (p1 <= p2); len = 0; return; } len -= (int)str.length(); if (len > 0) { // left pad the result to the desired length String tmp('0',len); if (str[0] == '-') str = "-" + tmp + str.substr(1); else str = tmp + str; } } static void evalFunc(String& str) { if (str.null()) str = ";"; else if (str.startSkip("++",false)) { String tmp; str = vars(str,&tmp).toInteger(0,10) + 1; if (tmp) s_vars.setParam(tmp,str); } else if (str.startSkip("--",false)) { String tmp; str = vars(str,&tmp).toInteger(0,10) - 1; if (tmp) s_vars.setParam(tmp,str); } else { int sep = str.find(','); String par; if (sep > 0) { par = str.substr(sep+1); str = str.substr(0,sep); sep = par.find(','); } if (str == "length") str = vars(par).length(); else if (str == "upper") str = vars(par).toUpper(); else if (str == "lower") str = vars(par).toLower(); else if ((sep > 0) && ((str == "streq") || (str == "strne"))) { bool ret = (str == "strne"); str = par.substr(sep+1); par = par.substr(0,sep); vars(str); vars(par); ret ^= (str == par); str = ret; } else if ((sep > 0) && ((str == "add") || (str == "+"))) mathOper(str,par,sep,OPER_ADD); else if ((sep > 0) && ((str == "sub") || (str == "-"))) mathOper(str,par,sep,OPER_SUB); else if ((sep > 0) && ((str == "mul") || (str == "*"))) mathOper(str,par,sep,OPER_MUL); else if ((sep > 0) && ((str == "div") || (str == "/"))) mathOper(str,par,sep,OPER_DIV); else if ((sep > 0) && ((str == "mod") || (str == "%"))) mathOper(str,par,sep,OPER_MOD); else if ((sep > 0) && (str == "eq")) mathOper(str,par,sep,OPER_EQ); else if ((sep > 0) && (str == "ne")) mathOper(str,par,sep,OPER_NE); else if ((sep > 0) && ((str == "gt") || (str == ">"))) mathOper(str,par,sep,OPER_GT); else if ((sep > 0) && ((str == "lt") || (str == "<"))) mathOper(str,par,sep,OPER_LT); else if ((sep > 0) && (str == "ge")) mathOper(str,par,sep,OPER_GE); else if ((sep > 0) && (str == "le")) mathOper(str,par,sep,OPER_LE); else if (str == "random") { str.clear(); vars(par); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < par.length(); i++) { if (par.at(i) == '?') str << (int)(::random() % 10); else str << par.at(i); } } else if ((sep > 0) && ((str == "index") || (str == "rotate"))) { bool rotate = (str == "rotate"); String vname; str = par.substr(0,sep); par = par.substr(sep+1).trimBlanks(); int idx = vars(str,&vname).toInteger(0,10); ObjList* lst = par.split(','); str.clear(); par.clear(); unsigned int n = lst->count(); if (n) { int i = idx % n; for (ObjList* l = lst->skipNull(); l; l = l->skipNext()) { String* s = static_cast(l->get()); vars(*s); if (rotate) { if (i > 0) par.append(*s," "); else str.append(*s," "); } else if (0 == i) { str = *s; break; } i--; } str.append(par," "); // auto increment the index variable if any if (vname) { par = (idx + 1) % n; s_vars.setParam(vname,par); } } lst->destruct(); } else if (str == "runid") { str.clear(); str << Engine::runId(); } else if (str == "nodename") str = Engine::nodeName(); else if ((sep >= 0) && (str == "transcode")) { str = par.substr(0,sep); par = par.substr(sep+1).trimBlanks(); ObjList* fmts = DataTranslator::allFormats(par, (str.find('e') < 0), (str.find('r') < 0), (str.find('c') < 0)); str.clear(); str.append(fmts,","); TelEngine::destruct(fmts); } else if ((sep < 0) && str.trimBlanks()) str = s_vars.getValue(str); else { Debug("RegexRoute",DebugWarn,"Invalid function '%s'",str.c_str()); str.clear(); } } } // handle $(function) replacements static void replaceFuncs(String &str) { int p1; while ((p1 = str.find("$(")) >= 0) { int p2 = str.find(')',p1+2); if (p2 > 0) { String v = str.substr(p1+2,p2-p1-2); v.trimBlanks(); DDebug("RegexRoute",DebugAll,"Replacing function '%s'", v.c_str()); evalFunc(v); str = str.substr(0,p1) + v + str.substr(p2+1); } } } // handle ;paramname[=value] assignments static void setMessage(Message& msg, String& line, Message* target = 0) { if (!target) target = &msg; ObjList *strs = line.split(';'); bool first = true; for (ObjList *p = strs; p; p=p->next()) { String *s = static_cast(p->get()); if (s) { msg.replaceParams(*s); replaceFuncs(*s); } if (first) { first = false; line = s ? *s : String::empty(); continue; } if (s && !s->trimBlanks().null()) { int q = s->find('='); if (q > 0) { String n = s->substr(0,q); String v = s->substr(q+1); n.trimBlanks(); v.trimBlanks(); DDebug("RegexRoute",DebugAll,"Setting '%s' to '%s'",n.c_str(),v.c_str()); if (n.startSkip("$",false)) s_vars.setParam(n,v); else target->setParam(n,v); } else { DDebug("RegexRoute",DebugAll,"Clearing parameter '%s'",s->c_str()); if (s->startSkip("$",false)) s_vars.clearParam(*s); else target->clearParam(*s); } } } strs->destruct(); } // process one context, can call itself recursively static bool oneContext(Message &msg, String &str, const String &context, String &ret, int depth = 0) { if (context.null()) return false; if (depth > 5) { Debug("RegexRoute",DebugWarn,"Possible loop detected, current context '%s'",context.c_str()); return false; } NamedList *l = s_cfg.getSection(context); if (l) { unsigned int len = l->length(); for (unsigned int i=0; igetParam(i); if (n) { Regexp r(n->name(),s_extended,s_insensitive); String val; if (r.startsWith("${")) { // handle special matching by param ${paramname}regexp int p = r.find('}'); if (p < 3) { Debug("RegexRoute",DebugWarn,"Invalid parameter match '%s' in rule #%u in context '%s'", r.c_str(),i+1,context.c_str()); continue; } val = r.substr(2,p-2); r = r.substr(p+1); val.trimBlanks(); r.trimBlanks(); if (val.null() || r.null()) { Debug("RegexRoute",DebugWarn,"Missing parameter or rule in rule #%u in context '%s'", i+1,context.c_str()); continue; } DDebug("RegexRoute",DebugAll,"Using message parameter '%s'", val.c_str()); val = msg.getValue(val); } else if (r.startsWith("$(")) { // handle special matching by param $(function)regexp int p = r.find(')'); if (p < 3) { Debug("RegexRoute",DebugWarn,"Invalid function match '%s' in rule #%u in context '%s'", r.c_str(),i+1,context.c_str()); continue; } val = r.substr(0,p+1); r = r.substr(p+1); r.trimBlanks(); if (r.null()) { Debug("RegexRoute",DebugWarn,"Missing rule in rule #%u in context '%s'", i+1,context.c_str()); continue; } DDebug("RegexRoute",DebugAll,"Using function '%s'", val.c_str()); msg.replaceParams(val); replaceFuncs(val); } else val = str; val.trimBlanks(); bool doMatch = true; if (r.endsWith("^")) { // reverse match on final ^ (makes no sense in a regexp) doMatch = false; r = r.substr(0,r.length()-1); } if (val.matches(r) == doMatch) { val = val.replaceMatches(*n); if (val.startSkip("echo") || val.startSkip("output")) { // special case: display the line but don't set params msg.replaceParams(val); replaceFuncs(val); Output("%s",val.safe()); continue; } else if (val.startSkip("enqueue")) { // special case: enqueue a new message if (val && (val[0] != ';')) { Message* m = new Message(""); // parameters are set in the new message setMessage(msg,val,m); val.trimBlanks(); if (val) { *m = val; m->userData(msg.userData()); NDebug("RegexRoute",DebugAll,"Enqueueing new message '%s' by rule #%u '%s' in context '%s'", val.c_str(),i+1,n->name().c_str(),context.c_str()); Engine::enqueue(m); } else m->destruct(); } continue; } setMessage(msg,val); val.trimBlanks(); if (val.null()) { // special case: do nothing on empty target continue; } else if (val == "return") { NDebug("RegexRoute",DebugAll,"Returning false from context '%s'", context.c_str()); return false; } else if (val.startSkip("goto") || val.startSkip("jump")) { NDebug("RegexRoute",DebugAll,"Jumping to context '%s' by rule #%u '%s'", val.c_str(),i+1,n->name().c_str()); return oneContext(msg,str,val,ret,depth+1); } else if (val.startSkip("include") || val.startSkip("call")) { NDebug("RegexRoute",DebugAll,"Including context '%s' by rule #%u '%s'", val.c_str(),i+1,n->name().c_str()); if (oneContext(msg,str,val,ret,depth+1)) { DDebug("RegexRoute",DebugAll,"Returning true from context '%s'", context.c_str()); return true; } } else if (val.startSkip("match") || val.startSkip("newmatch")) { if (!val.null()) { NDebug("RegexRoute",DebugAll,"Setting match string '%s' by rule #%u '%s' in context '%s'", val.c_str(),i+1,n->name().c_str(),context.c_str()); str = val; } } else if (val.startSkip("rename")) { if (!val.null()) { NDebug("RegexRoute",DebugAll,"Renaming message '%s' to '%s' by rule #%u '%s' in context '%s'", msg.c_str(),val.c_str(),i+1,n->name().c_str(),context.c_str()); msg = val; } } else { DDebug("RegexRoute",DebugAll,"Returning '%s' for '%s' in context '%s' by rule #%u '%s'", val.c_str(),str.c_str(),context.c_str(),i+1,n->name().c_str()); ret = val; return true; } } } } } DDebug("RegexRoute",DebugAll,"Returning false at end of context '%s'", context.c_str()); return false; } bool RouteHandler::received(Message &msg) { u_int64_t tmr = Time::now(); String called(msg.getValue("called")); if (called.null()) return false; const char *context = msg.getValue("context","default"); Lock lock(s_mutex); if (oneContext(msg,called,context,msg.retValue())) { Debug(DebugInfo,"Routing call to '%s' in context '%s' via '%s' in " FMT64 " usec", called.c_str(),context,msg.retValue().c_str(),Time::now()-tmr); return true; } Debug(DebugInfo,"Could not route call to '%s' in context '%s', wasted " FMT64 " usec", called.c_str(),context,Time::now()-tmr); return false; }; class PrerouteHandler : public MessageHandler { public: PrerouteHandler(int prio) : MessageHandler("call.preroute",prio) { } virtual bool received(Message &msg); }; bool PrerouteHandler::received(Message &msg) { u_int64_t tmr = Time::now(); // return immediately if there is already a context if (msg.getValue("context")) return false; String caller(msg.getValue("caller")); if (caller.null()) return false; String ret; Lock lock(s_mutex); if (oneContext(msg,caller,"contexts",ret)) { Debug(DebugInfo,"Classifying caller '%s' in context '%s' in " FMT64 " usec", caller.c_str(),ret.c_str(),Time::now()-tmr); msg.addParam("context",ret); return true; } Debug(DebugInfo,"Could not classify call from '%s', wasted " FMT64 " usec", caller.c_str(),Time::now()-tmr); return false; }; class GenericHandler : public MessageHandler { public: GenericHandler(const char* name, int prio) : MessageHandler(name,prio) { Debug(DebugAll,"Installing generic handler for '%s' prio %d [%p]",c_str(),prio,this); s_extra.append(this); } ~GenericHandler() { s_extra.remove(this,false); } virtual bool received(Message &msg); }; bool GenericHandler::received(Message &msg) { DDebug(DebugAll,"Handling message '%s' [%p]",c_str(),this); String what(*this); Lock lock(s_mutex); return oneContext(msg,what,*this,msg.retValue()); } class RegexRoutePlugin : public Plugin { public: RegexRoutePlugin(); virtual void initialize(); private: void initVars(NamedList* sect); MessageHandler *m_preroute, *m_route; bool m_first; }; RegexRoutePlugin::RegexRoutePlugin() : m_preroute(0), m_route(0), m_first(true) { Output("Loaded module RegexRoute"); } void RegexRoutePlugin::initVars(NamedList* sect) { if (!sect) return; unsigned int len = sect->length(); for (unsigned int i=0; igetParam(i); if (n) s_vars.setParam(n->name(),*n); } } void RegexRoutePlugin::initialize() { Output("Initializing module RegexRoute"); Lock lock(s_mutex); s_cfg = Engine::configFile("regexroute"); s_cfg.load(); s_extended = s_cfg.getBoolValue("priorities","extended",false); s_insensitive = s_cfg.getBoolValue("priorities","insensitive",false); TelEngine::destruct(m_preroute); TelEngine::destruct(m_route); s_extra.clear(); unsigned priority = s_cfg.getIntValue("priorities","preroute",100); if (priority) { m_preroute = new PrerouteHandler(priority); Engine::install(m_preroute); } priority = s_cfg.getIntValue("priorities","route",100); if (priority) { m_route = new RouteHandler(priority); Engine::install(m_route); } NamedList* l = s_cfg.getSection("extra"); if (l) { unsigned int len = l->length(); for (unsigned int i=0; igetParam(i); if (n) Engine::install(new GenericHandler(n->name(),n->toInteger())); } } if (m_first) { m_first = false; initVars(s_cfg.getSection("$once")); } initVars(s_cfg.getSection("$init")); } INIT_PLUGIN(RegexRoutePlugin); }; // anonymous namespace /* vi: set ts=8 sw=4 sts=4 noet: */