; !!! NOTE !!! ; This file is used when yate is the registrar server for a remote client [general] ; This section is special - holds settings common to all users ; ; autocreate: bool: Automatically create entries for registering users ;autocreate=no ; ; auth: int: Priority of the user.auth handler ;auth=100 ; ; register: int: Priority of user.register and user.unregister handlers ;register=100 ; ; route: int: Priority of the call.route handler ;route=100 ; ; file: string. An auxiliary conf file used to save and load from it autocreated and registered entries ; If file don't exists the registered entities will be lost on reload ;file=filename ; you have to put username as a category and password into key password ; if password is missing the module will only register but not authenticate ; if password exists and is empty will blindly authenticate anybody ;[username] ;password=something ; alternatives: list of called party numbers separated by coma ; Note if multiple users share the same party number the call will go to all users. ;alternatives= num1,num2,.... ; ; Set/Modify call.route parameters when the caller matches this section ; You can put call.route replacement ${variables} on the right side ; Note: Any parameter except for "password" and "alternatives" will be used for set/modify ; ; Ex: ; Modify caller name ;callername=name ; ; Modify caller number ;caller=number ; ; Replacement example ;callername=John Doe from ${address} ; ;param=value