[general] ; This section sets global variables of the MGCP Call Agent module ; priority: int: Priority of the chan.rtp message handler ;priority=80 [engine] ; These parameters are used to initialize the MGCP Engine ; enabled: bool: Enable the MGCP engine ;enabled=yes ; address: ipaddress: Local IP address to bind to, default all interfaces ;address= ; UDP port to bind, set to zero to use default MGCP CA port (2727) ;port= [endpoint] ; Settings for the local endpoint ; user: string: The user part of the local endpoint ;user=yate ; host: string: The host part of the local endpoint, default engine's address ;host= ; port: int: Declared local port, defaults to engine's port ;port= [gw PUT_NAME_HERE] ; One fw ... section is required for each gateway we control ; user: string: Remote MGCP resource name ;user= ; host: ipaddress: IP address of the gateway, mandatory ;host= ; port: int: Remote port to send packets to ;port=2427 ; default: bool: This is the default gateway to send commands to ;default=no