/** * tonegen.cpp * This file is part of the YATE Project http://YATE.null.ro * * Tones generator */ #include #include #include #include using namespace TelEngine; static ObjList tones; static ObjList chans; typedef struct { int nsamples; const short *data; } Tone; class ToneSource : public ThreadedSource { public: ~ToneSource(); virtual void run(); inline const String &name() { return m_name; } static ToneSource *getTone(const String &tone); private: ToneSource(const String &tone); static const Tone *getBlock(const String &tone); String m_name; const Tone *m_tone; DataBlock m_data; unsigned m_brate; unsigned m_total; unsigned long long m_time; }; class ToneChan : public DataEndpoint { public: ToneChan(const String &tone); ~ToneChan(); virtual void disconnected(); }; class ToneHandler : public MessageHandler { public: ToneHandler(const char *name) : MessageHandler(name) { } virtual bool received(Message &msg); }; class AttachHandler : public MessageHandler { public: AttachHandler() : MessageHandler("attach") { } virtual bool received(Message &msg); }; class StatusHandler : public MessageHandler { public: StatusHandler() : MessageHandler("status") { } virtual bool received(Message &msg); }; class ToneGenPlugin : public Plugin { public: ToneGenPlugin(); ~ToneGenPlugin(); virtual void initialize(); private: ToneHandler *m_handler; }; // 421.052Hz (19 samples @ 8kHz) sine wave, pretty close to standard 425Hz static const short tone421hz[] = { 19, 3246,6142,8371,9694,9965,9157,7357,4759,1645, -1645,-4759,-7357,-9157,-9965,-9694,-8371,-6142,-3246, 0 }; static const Tone t_dial[] = { { 8000, tone421hz }, { 0, 0 } }; static const Tone t_busy[] = { { 4000, tone421hz }, { 4000, 0 }, { 0, 0 } }; static const Tone t_specdial[] = { { 7600, tone421hz }, { 400, 0 }, { 0, 0 } }; static const Tone t_ring[] = { { 8000, tone421hz }, { 32000, 0 }, { 0, 0 } }; ToneSource::ToneSource(const String &tone) : m_name(tone), m_tone(0), m_data(0,480), m_brate(16000), m_total(0), m_time(0) { Debug(DebugAll,"ToneSource::ToneSource(\"%s\") [%p]",tone.c_str(),this); m_tone = getBlock(tone); tones.append(this); if (m_tone) start("ToneSource"); } ToneSource::~ToneSource() { Debug(DebugAll,"ToneSource::~ToneSource() [%p] total=%u stamp=%lu",this,m_total,timeStamp()); if (m_time) { m_time = Time::now() - m_time; if (m_time) { m_time = (m_total*1000000ULL + m_time/2) / m_time; Debug(DebugInfo,"ToneSource rate=%llu b/s",m_time); } } tones.remove(this,false); } const Tone *ToneSource::getBlock(const String &tone) { if (tone == "dial" || tone == "dt") return t_dial; else if (tone == "busy" || tone == "bs") return t_busy; else if (tone == "ring" || tone == "rt") return t_ring; else if (tone == "specdial" || tone == "sd") return t_specdial; Debug(DebugWarn,"No waveform is defined for tone '%s'",tone.c_str()); return 0; } ToneSource *ToneSource::getTone(const String &tone) { ObjList *l = &tones; for (; l; l = l->next()) { ToneSource *t = static_cast(l->get()); if (t && (t->name() == tone)) { t->ref(); return t; } } return new ToneSource(tone); } void ToneSource::run() { Debug(DebugAll,"ToneSource::run() [%p]",this); unsigned long long tpos = Time::now(); m_time = tpos; int samp = 0; // sample number int dpos = 1; // position in data const Tone *tone = m_tone; int nsam = tone->nsamples; while (m_tone) { short *d = (short *) m_data.data(); for (unsigned int i = m_data.length()/2; i--; samp++,dpos++) { if (samp >= nsam) { samp = 0; const Tone *otone = tone; tone++; if (!tone->nsamples) tone = m_tone; nsam = tone->nsamples; if (tone != otone) dpos = 1; } if (tone->data) { if (dpos > tone->data[0]) dpos = 1; *d++ = tone->data[dpos]; } else *d++ = 0; } long long dly = tpos - Time::now(); if (dly > 0) { #ifdef DEBUG Debug("ToneSource",DebugAll,"Sleeping for %lld usec",dly); #endif ::usleep((unsigned long)dly); } Forward(m_data,m_data.length()/2); m_total += m_data.length(); tpos += (m_data.length()*1000000ULL/m_brate); }; m_time = Time::now() - m_time; m_time = (m_total*1000000ULL + m_time/2) / m_time; Debug(DebugAll,"ToneSource [%p] end, total=%u (%llu b/s)",this,m_total,m_time); m_time = 0; } ToneChan::ToneChan(const String &tone) : DataEndpoint("tone") { Debug(DebugAll,"ToneChan::ToneChan(\"%s\") [%p]",tone.c_str(),this); chans.append(this); ToneSource *t = ToneSource::getTone(tone); if (t) { setSource(t); t->deref(); } else Debug(DebugWarn,"No source tone '%s' in ToneChan [%p]",tone.c_str(),this); } ToneChan::~ToneChan() { Debug(DebugAll,"ToneChan::~ToneChan() [%p]",this); chans.remove(this,false); } void ToneChan::disconnected() { Debugger debug("ToneChan::disconnected()"," [%p]",this); destruct(); } bool ToneHandler::received(Message &msg) { String dest(msg.getValue("callto")); if (dest.null()) return false; Regexp r("^tone/\\(.*\\)$"); if (!dest.matches(r)) return false; String tone = dest.matchString(1); DataEndpoint *dd = static_cast(msg.userData()); if (dd) dd->connect(new ToneChan(tone)); else { const char *targ = msg.getValue("target"); if (!targ) { Debug(DebugWarn,"Tone outgoing call with no target!"); return false; } Message m("preroute"); m.addParam("id",dest); m.addParam("caller",dest); m.addParam("called",targ); Engine::dispatch(m); m = "route"; if (Engine::dispatch(m)) { m = "call"; m.addParam("callto",m.retValue()); m.retValue() = 0; ToneChan *tc = new ToneChan(dest.matchString(1).c_str()); m.userData(tc); if (Engine::dispatch(m)) return true; Debug(DebugFail,"Tone outgoing call not accepted!"); delete tc; } else Debug(DebugWarn,"Tone outgoing call but no route!"); return false; } return true; } bool AttachHandler::received(Message &msg) { String src(msg.getValue("source")); if (src.null()) return false; Regexp r("^tone/\\(.*\\)$"); if (!src.matches(r)) return false; src = src.matchString(1); DataEndpoint *dd = static_cast(msg.userData()); if (dd) { ToneSource *t = ToneSource::getTone(src); if (t) { dd->setSource(t); t->deref(); // Let the message flow if it wants to attach a consumer too return !msg.getValue("consumer"); } Debug(DebugWarn,"No source tone '%s' could be attached to [%p]",src.c_str(),dd); } else Debug(DebugFail,"Tone '%s' attach request with no data channel!",src.c_str()); return false; } bool StatusHandler::received(Message &msg) { const char *sel = msg.getValue("module"); if (sel && ::strcmp(sel,"tonegen")) return false; msg.retValue() << "tonegen,tones=" << tones.count() << ",chans=" << chans.count() << "\n"; return false; } ToneGenPlugin::ToneGenPlugin() : m_handler(0) { Output("Loaded module ToneGen"); } ToneGenPlugin::~ToneGenPlugin() { Output("Unloading module ToneGen"); ObjList *l = &chans; while (l) { ToneChan *t = static_cast(l->get()); if (t) t->disconnect(); if (l->get() == t) l = l->next(); } chans.clear(); tones.clear(); } void ToneGenPlugin::initialize() { Output("Initializing module ToneGen"); if (!m_handler) { m_handler = new ToneHandler("call"); Engine::install(m_handler); Engine::install(new AttachHandler); Engine::install(new StatusHandler); } } INIT_PLUGIN(ToneGenPlugin); /* vi: set ts=8 sw=4 sts=4 noet: */