/** * rmanager.cpp * This file is part of the YATE Project http://YATE.null.ro * * This module gets the messages from YATE out so anyone can use an * administrating interface. * * Yet Another Telephony Engine - a fully featured software PBX and IVR * Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Null Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_COREDUMPER #include #endif using namespace TelEngine; namespace { // anonymous typedef struct { const char* name; const char* args; const char** more; const char* desc; } CommandInfo; static const char* s_bools[] = { "on", "off", "enable", "disable", "true", "false", 0 }; static const char* s_level[] = { "level", "on", "off", "enable", "disable", "true", "false", 0 }; static const char* s_oview[] = { "overview", 0 }; static const char* s_dall[] = { "all", 0 }; static const char* s_rnow[] = { "now", 0 }; static const CommandInfo s_cmdInfo[] = { { "quit", 0, 0, "Disconnect this control session from Yate" }, { "help", "[command]", 0, "Provide help on all or given command" }, { "status", "[overview] [modulename]", s_oview, "Shows status of all or selected modules or channels" }, { "uptime", 0, 0, "Show information on how long Yate has run" }, { "echo", "[on|off]", s_bools, "Show or turn remote echo on or off" }, { "machine", "[on|off]", s_bools, "Show or turn machine output mode on or off" }, { "output", "[on|off]", s_bools, "Show or turn local output on or off" }, { "color", "[on|off]", s_bools, "Show status or turn local colorization on or off" }, { "auth", "password", 0, "Authenticate so you can access priviledged commands" }, { "debug", "[module] [level|on|off]", s_level, "Show or change debugging level globally or per module" }, #ifdef HAVE_COREDUMPER { "coredump", "[filename]", 0, "Dumps memory image of running Yate to a file" }, #endif { "drop", "{chan|*|all} [reason]", s_dall, "Drops one or all active calls" }, { "call", "chan target", 0, "Execute an outgoing call" }, { "reload", 0, 0, "Reloads module configuration files" }, { "restart", "[now]", s_rnow, "Restarts the engine if executing supervised" }, { "stop", "[exitcode]", 0, "Stops the engine with optionally provided exit code" }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; static void completeWords(String& str, const char** list, const char* partial = 0) { if (!list) return; for (; *list; list++) { String tmp = *list; if (null(partial) || tmp.startsWith(partial)) str.append(tmp,"\t"); } } static Configuration s_cfg; static bool s_output = false; /* I need this here because i'm gonna use it in both classes */ Socket s_sock; Mutex s_mutex(true,"RManager"); //we gonna create here the list with all the new connections. static ObjList connectionlist; class RManagerThread : public Thread { public: RManagerThread() : Thread("RManager Listener") { } virtual void run(); private: }; class Connection : public GenObject, public Thread { public: Connection(Socket* sock, const char* addr); ~Connection(); virtual void run(); bool processTelnetChar(unsigned char c); bool processChar(unsigned char c); bool processLine(const char *line); bool autoComplete(); void errorBeep(); void clearLine(); void writeStr(const char *str, int len = -1); void writeDebug(const char *str, int level); void writeStr(const Message &msg, bool received); inline void writeStr(const String &s) { writeStr(s.safe(),s.length()); } inline const String& address() const { return m_address; } static Connection *checkCreate(Socket* sock, const char* addr = 0); private: bool m_auth; bool m_debug; bool m_output; bool m_colorize; bool m_machine; Socket* m_socket; unsigned char m_lastch; unsigned char m_escmode; bool m_echoing; bool m_beeping; String m_buffer; String m_address; String m_lastcmd; }; class RManager : public Plugin { public: RManager(); ~RManager(); virtual void initialize(); virtual bool isBusy() const; private: bool m_first; }; class RHook : public MessagePostHook { public: virtual void dispatched(const Message& msg, bool handled); }; static void dbg_remote_func(const char *buf, int level) { s_mutex.lock(); ObjList *p = &connectionlist; for (; p; p=p->next()) { Connection *con = static_cast(p->get()); if (con) con->writeDebug(buf,level); } s_mutex.unlock(); } void RManagerThread::run() { for (;;) { Thread::msleep(10,true); SocketAddr sa; Socket* as = s_sock.accept(sa); if (!as) { if (!s_sock.canRetry()) Debug("RManager",DebugWarn, "Accept error: %s", strerror(s_sock.error())); continue; } else { String addr(sa.host()); addr << ":" << sa.port(); if (!Connection::checkCreate(as,addr)) Debug("RManager",DebugWarn,"Connection rejected for %s",addr.c_str()); } } } Connection *Connection::checkCreate(Socket* sock, const char* addr) { if (!sock) return 0; if (!sock->valid()) { delete sock; return 0; } // should check IP address here Connection *conn = new Connection(sock,addr); if (conn->error()) { conn->destruct(); return 0; } conn->startup(); return conn; } Connection::Connection(Socket* sock, const char* addr) : Thread("RManager Connection"), m_auth(false), m_debug(false), m_output(s_output), m_colorize(false), m_machine(false), m_socket(sock), m_lastch(0), m_escmode(0), m_echoing(false), m_beeping(false), m_address(addr) { s_mutex.lock(); connectionlist.append(this); s_mutex.unlock(); } Connection::~Connection() { m_debug = false; m_output = false; s_mutex.lock(); connectionlist.remove(this,false); s_mutex.unlock(); Output("Closing connection to %s",m_address.c_str()); delete m_socket; m_socket = 0; } void Connection::run() { if (!m_socket) return; if (!m_socket->setBlocking(false)) { Debug("RManager",DebugGoOn, "Failed to set tcp socket to nonblocking mode: %s",strerror(m_socket->error())); return; } // For the sake of responsiveness try to turn off the tcp assembly timer int arg = 1; if (s_cfg.getBoolValue("general","interactive",false) && !m_socket->setOption(SOL_SOCKET, TCP_NODELAY, &arg, sizeof(arg))) Debug("RManager",DebugMild, "Failed to set tcp socket to TCP_NODELAY mode: %s", strerror(m_socket->error())); Output("Remote connection from %s",m_address.c_str()); m_auth = !s_cfg.getValue("general","password"); String hdr = s_cfg.getValue("general","header","YATE ${version}-${release} (http://YATE.null.ro) ready."); Engine::runParams().replaceParams(hdr); if (s_cfg.getBoolValue("general","telnet",true)) { // WILL SUPPRESS GO AHEAD, WILL ECHO - and enough BS and blanks to hide them writeStr("\377\373\003\377\373\001\r \b\b\b\b\b\b"); } if (hdr) { writeStr("\r" + hdr + "\r\n"); hdr.clear(); } unsigned char buffer[128]; for (;;) { Thread::check(); bool readok = false; bool error = false; if (m_socket->select(&readok,0,&error,10000)) { // rearm the error beep m_beeping = false; if (error) { Debug("RManager",DebugInfo,"Socket exception condition on %d",m_socket->handle()); return; } if (!readok) continue; int readsize = m_socket->readData(buffer,sizeof(buffer)); if (!readsize) { Debug("RManager",DebugInfo,"Socket condition EOF on %d",m_socket->handle()); return; } else if (readsize > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < readsize; i++) if (processTelnetChar(buffer[i])) return; } else if (!m_socket->canRetry()) { Debug("RManager",DebugWarn,"Socket read error %d on %d",errno,m_socket->handle()); return; } } else if (!m_socket->canRetry()) { Debug("RManager",DebugWarn,"socket select error %d on %d",errno,m_socket->handle()); return; } } } // generates a beep - just one per processed buffer void Connection::errorBeep() { if (m_beeping) return; m_beeping = true; writeStr("\a"); } // clears the current line to end void Connection::clearLine() { writeStr("\r\033[K\r"); } // process incoming telnet characters bool Connection::processTelnetChar(unsigned char c) { XDebug("RManager",DebugInfo,"char=0x%02X '%s%c'", c,(c >= ' ') ? "" : "^", (c >= ' ') ? c : c+0x40); if (m_lastch == 255) { m_lastch = 0; switch (c) { case 241: // NOP return false; case 243: // BREAK c = 0x1C; break; case 244: // IP c = 0x03; break; case 247: // EC c = 0x08; break; case 248: // EL c = 0x15; break; case 251: // WILL case 252: // WON'T case 253: // DO case 254: // DON'T m_lastch = c; return false; case 255: // IAC break; default: Debug("RManager",DebugMild,"Unsupported telnet command %u (0x%02X)",c,c); return false; } } else if (m_lastch) { DDebug("RManager",DebugMild,"Command %u param %u",m_lastch,c); switch (m_lastch) { case 251: // WILL switch (c) { case 1: // ECHO m_echoing = false; writeStr("\377\374\001"); // WON'T ECHO break; } case 252: // WON'T break; case 253: // DO switch (c) { case 1: // ECHO m_echoing = true; writeStr("\377\373\001"); // WILL ECHO break; case 3: // SUPPRESS GO AHEAD writeStr("\377\373\003"); // WILL SUPPRESS GO AHEAD break; case 18: // LOGOUT writeStr("\377\373\022"); // WILL LOGOUT return true; default: writeStr("\377\374"); // WON'T ... writeStr((const char*)&c,1); break; } break; case 254: // DON'T switch (c) { case 1: m_echoing = false; writeStr("\377\374\001"); // WON'T ECHO break; } break; } m_lastch = 0; return false; } else if (c == 255) { m_lastch = c; return false; } return processChar(c); } // process incoming terminal characters bool Connection::processChar(unsigned char c) { switch (c) { case '\0': m_escmode = 0; return false; case 0x1B: // ESC m_escmode = c; return false; case '\n': m_escmode = 0; if (m_buffer.null()) return false; case '\r': m_escmode = 0; if (m_echoing) writeStr("\r\n"); if (processLine(m_buffer)) return true; m_buffer.clear(); return false; case 0x03: // ^C, BREAK m_escmode = 0; writeStr("^C\r\n"); return true; case 0x04: // ^D, UNIX EOF m_escmode = 0; if (m_buffer) { errorBeep(); return false; } return processLine("quit"); case 0x1C: // ^backslash if (m_buffer) break; return processLine("reload"); case 0x05: // ^E m_escmode = 0; m_echoing = !m_echoing; return false; case 0x0C: // ^L if (!m_echoing) break; writeStr("\033[H\033[2J"); writeStr(m_buffer); return false; case 0x12: // ^R if (!m_echoing) break; clearLine(); writeStr(m_buffer); return false; case 0x15: // ^U if (m_buffer.null()) break; m_escmode = 0; m_buffer.clear(); if (m_echoing) clearLine(); return false; case 0x17: // ^W if (m_buffer.null()) errorBeep(); else { int i = m_buffer.length()-1; for (; i > 0; i--) if (m_buffer[i] != ' ') break; for (; i > 0; i--) if (m_buffer[i] == ' ') { i++; break; } m_escmode = 0; m_buffer.assign(m_buffer,i); if (m_echoing) { clearLine(); writeStr(m_buffer); } } return false; case 0x7F: // DEL case 0x08: // ^H, BACKSPACE if (m_buffer.null()) { errorBeep(); return false; } m_escmode = 0; m_buffer.assign(m_buffer,m_buffer.length()-1); if (m_echoing) writeStr("\b \b"); return false; case 0x09: // ^I, TAB m_escmode = 0; if (m_buffer.null()) return processLine("help"); if (!autoComplete()) errorBeep(); return false; } if (m_escmode) { switch (c) { case '[': case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': case ';': case 'O': m_escmode = c; return false; } DDebug("RManager",DebugInfo,"ANSI '%s%c' last '%s%c'", (c >= ' ') ? "" : "^", (c >= ' ') ? c : c+0x40, (m_escmode >= ' ') ? "" : "^", (m_escmode >= ' ') ? m_escmode : m_escmode+0x40 ); m_escmode = 0; switch (c) { case 'A': // Up arrow case 'B': // Down arrow if (m_lastcmd.null()) { errorBeep(); return false; } else { String str = m_lastcmd; if (m_buffer) m_lastcmd = m_buffer; m_buffer = str; } clearLine(); writeStr(m_buffer); return false; } c = 0; } if (c < ' ') { errorBeep(); return false; } if (m_echoing && (c == ' ')) { if (m_buffer.null() || m_buffer.endsWith(" ")) { errorBeep(); return false; } } m_buffer += (char)c; if (m_echoing) writeStr((char*)&c,1); return false; } // perform auto-completion of partial line bool Connection::autoComplete() { DDebug("RManager",DebugInfo,"autoComplete = '%s'",m_buffer.c_str()); Message m("engine.command"); m.addParam("partial",m_buffer); String partLine; String partWord; int keepLen = m_buffer.length(); // find start and end of word int i = keepLen-1; if (m_buffer[i] == ' ') { // we are at start of new word partLine = m_buffer; partLine.trimBlanks(); if (partLine == "?") partLine = "help"; const CommandInfo* info = s_cmdInfo; bool help = (partLine == "help"); for (; info->name; info++) { if (help) m.retValue().append(info->name,"\t"); else if (partLine == info->name) { completeWords(m.retValue(),info->more); break; } } } else { // we are completing a started word for (; i >= 0; i--) { if (m_buffer[i] == ' ') break; } i++; keepLen = i; partLine = m_buffer.substr(0,i); partWord = m_buffer.substr(i); partLine.trimBlanks(); if (partLine == "?") partLine = "help"; else if (partLine.null() && (partWord == "?")) partWord = "help"; if (partLine.null()) { m.addParam("complete","command"); const CommandInfo* info = s_cmdInfo; for (; info->name; info++) { String cmd = info->name; if (cmd.startsWith(partWord)) m.retValue().append(cmd,"\t"); } } else { const CommandInfo* info = s_cmdInfo; bool help = (partLine == "help"); if (help) m.addParam("complete","command"); for (; info->name; info++) { if (help) { String arg = info->name; if (arg.startsWith(partWord)) m.retValue().append(arg,"\t"); } else if (partLine == info->name) { completeWords(m.retValue(),info->more,partWord); break; } } } } if (partLine) { if (partLine == "status overview") partLine = "status"; m.addParam("partline",partLine); } if (partWord) m.addParam("partword",partWord); if ((partLine == "status") || (partLine == "debug") || (partLine == "drop")) m.setParam("complete","channels"); Regexp r("^debug [^ ]\\+$"); if (r.matches(partLine)) completeWords(m.retValue(),s_level,partWord); Engine::dispatch(m); if (m.retValue().null()) return false; if (m.retValue().find('\t') < 0) { m_buffer = m_buffer.substr(0,keepLen)+m.retValue()+" "; clearLine(); writeStr(m_buffer); return true; } // more options returned - list them and display the prompt again writeStr("\r\n"); writeStr(m.retValue()); bool first = true; String maxMatch; ObjList* l = m.retValue().split('\t'); for (ObjList* p = l; p; p = p->next()) { String* s = static_cast(p->get()); if (!s) continue; if (first) { first = false; maxMatch = *s; } else { while (maxMatch && !s->startsWith(maxMatch)) { maxMatch.assign(maxMatch,maxMatch.length()-1); } } } TelEngine::destruct(l); m_buffer += maxMatch.substr(partWord.length()); writeStr("\r\n"); writeStr(m_buffer); return true; } // execute received input line bool Connection::processLine(const char *line) { DDebug("RManager",DebugInfo,"processLine = '%s'",line); String str(line); str.trimBlanks(); if (str.null()) return false; m_lastcmd = str; line = 0; m_buffer.clear(); if (str.startSkip("status")) { Message m("engine.status"); if (str.startSkip("overview")) m.addParam("details",String::boolText(false)); if (str.null() || (str == "rmanager")) m.retValue() << "name=rmanager,type=misc;conn=" << connectionlist.count() << "\r\n"; if (!str.null()) { m.addParam("module",str); str = ":" + str; } Engine::dispatch(m); str = "%%+status" + str + "\r\n"; str << m.retValue() << "%%-status\r\n"; writeStr(str); return false; } else if (str.startSkip("echo")) { str >> m_echoing; str = "Remote echo: "; str += (m_echoing ? "on\r\n" : "off\r\n"); writeStr(str); return false; } else if (str.startSkip("machine")) { str >> m_machine; str = "Machine mode: "; str += (m_machine ? "on\r\n" : "off\r\n"); writeStr(str); return false; } else if (str.startSkip("output")) { str >> m_output; str = "Output mode: "; str += (m_output ? "on\r\n" : "off\r\n"); writeStr(str); return false; } else if (str.startSkip("color")) { str >> m_colorize; str = "Colorized output: "; str += (m_colorize ? "yes\r\n" : "no\r\n"); writeStr(str); return false; } else if (str.startSkip("uptime")) { str.clear(); u_int32_t t = SysUsage::secRunTime(); if (m_machine) { str << "%%=uptime:" << (unsigned int)t; (str << ":").append(SysUsage::runTime(SysUsage::UserTime)); (str << ":").append(SysUsage::runTime(SysUsage::KernelTime)); } else { char buf[64]; ::sprintf(buf,"%u:%02u:%02u (%u)",t / 3600,(t / 60) % 60,t % 60,t); str << "Uptime: " << buf; (str << " user: ").append(SysUsage::runTime(SysUsage::UserTime)); (str << " kernel: ").append(SysUsage::runTime(SysUsage::KernelTime)); } str << "\r\n"; writeStr(str); return false; } else if (str.startSkip("quit")) { writeStr(m_machine ? "%%=quit\r\n" : "Goodbye!\r\n"); return true; } else if (str.startSkip("help") || str.startSkip("?")) { Message m("engine.help"); if (str) { const CommandInfo* info = s_cmdInfo; for (; info->name; info++) { if (str == info->name) { str = " "; str << info->name; if (info->args) str << " " << info->args; str << "\r\n" << info->desc << "\r\n"; writeStr(str); return false; } } m.addParam("line",str); if (Engine::dispatch(m)) writeStr(m.retValue()); else writeStr("No help for '"+str+"'\r\n"); } else { m.retValue() = "Available commands:\r\n"; const CommandInfo* info = s_cmdInfo; for (; info->name; info++) { m.retValue() << " " << info->name; if (info->args) m.retValue() << " " << info->args; m.retValue() << "\r\n"; } Engine::dispatch(m); writeStr(m.retValue()); } return false; } else if (str.startSkip("auth")) { if (m_auth) { writeStr(m_machine ? "%%=auth:success\r\n" : "You are already authenticated!\r\n"); return false; } if (str == s_cfg.getValue("general","password")) { Output("Authenticated connection %s",m_address.c_str()); m_auth = true; writeStr(m_machine ? "%%=auth:success\r\n" : "Authenticated successfully!\r\n"); } else writeStr(m_machine ? "%%=auth:fail=badpass\r\n" : "Bad authentication password!\r\n"); return false; } if (!m_auth) { writeStr(m_machine ? "%%=*:fail=noauth\r\n" : "Not authenticated!\r\n"); return false; } if (str.startSkip("drop")) { String reason; int pos = str.find(' '); if (pos > 0) { reason = str.substr(pos+1); str = str.substr(0,pos); } if (str.null()) { writeStr(m_machine ? "%%=drop:fail=noarg\r\n" : "You must specify what connection to drop!\r\n"); return false; } Message m("call.drop"); bool all = false; if (str == "*" || str == "all") { all = true; str = "all calls"; } else m.addParam("id",str); if (reason) m.addParam("reason",reason); if (Engine::dispatch(m)) str = (m_machine ? "%%=drop:success:" : "Dropped ") + str + "\r\n"; else if (all) str = (m_machine ? "%%=drop:unknown:" : "Tried to drop ") + str + "\r\n"; else str = (m_machine ? "%%=drop:fail:" : "Could not drop ") + str + "\r\n"; writeStr(str); } else if (str.startSkip("call")) { int pos = str.find(' '); if (pos <= 0) { writeStr(m_machine ? "%%=call:fail=noarg\r\n" : "You must specify source and target!\r\n"); return false; } String target = str.substr(pos+1); Message m("call.execute"); m.addParam("callto",str.substr(0,pos)); m.addParam((target.find('/') > 0) ? "direct" : "target",target); if (Engine::dispatch(m)) { String id(m.getValue("id")); if (m_machine) str = "%%=call:success:" + id + ":" + str + "\r\n"; else str = "Calling '" + id + "' " + str + "\r\n"; } else str = (m_machine ? "%%=call:fail:" : "Could not call ") + str + "\r\n"; writeStr(str); } else if (str.startSkip("debug")) { if (str.startSkip("level")) { int dbg = debugLevel(); str >> dbg; dbg = debugLevel(dbg); } else if (str.isBoolean()) { str >> m_debug; if (m_debug) Debugger::enableOutput(true); } else if (str) { String l; int pos = str.find(' '); if (pos > 0) { l = str.substr(pos+1); str = str.substr(0,pos); str.trimBlanks(); } if (str.null()) { writeStr(m_machine ? "%%=debug:fail=noarg\r\n" : "You must specify debug module name!\r\n"); return false; } Message m("engine.debug"); m.addParam("module",str); if (l) m.addParam("line",l); if (Engine::dispatch(m)) writeStr(m.retValue()); else writeStr((m_machine ? "%%=debug:fail:" : "Cannot set debug: ") + str + " " + l + "\r\n"); return false; } if (m_machine) { str = "%%=debug:level="; str << debugLevel() << ":local=" << m_debug << "\r\n"; } else { str = "Debug level: "; str << debugLevel() << " local: " << (m_debug ? "on\r\n" : "off\r\n"); } writeStr(str); } #ifdef HAVE_COREDUMPER else if (str.startSkip("coredump")) { if (str.null()) (str << "core.yate-" << ::getpid() << "-").append(SysUsage::runTime()); s_mutex.lock(); int err = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (!WriteCoreDump(str)) { err = 0; break; } err = errno; switch (err) { case EINTR: case EAGAIN: case ECHILD: continue; } break; } if (err) { str = "Failed to dump core: "; str << ::strerror(err) << " (" << err << ")\r\n"; } else str = "Dumped core to: " + str + "\r\n"; s_mutex.unlock(); writeStr(str); } #endif else if (str.startSkip("reload")) { writeStr(m_machine ? "%%=reload\r\n" : "Reinitializing...\r\n"); Engine::init(); } else if (str.startSkip("restart")) { bool gracefull = (str != "now"); bool ok = Engine::restart(0,gracefull); if (ok) { if (m_machine) { writeStr("%%=restart\r\n"); return gracefull; } writeStr(gracefull ? "Restart scheduled - please disconnect\r\n" : "Engine restarting - bye!\r\n"); } else writeStr(m_machine ? "%%=restart:fail\r\n" : "Cannot restart - no supervisor or already shutting down\r\n"); } else if (str.startSkip("stop")) { unsigned code = 0; str >> code; code &= 0xff; writeStr(m_machine ? "%%=shutdown\r\n" : "Engine shutting down - bye!\r\n"); Engine::halt(code); } else { Message m("engine.command"); m.addParam("line",str); if (Engine::dispatch(m)) writeStr(m.retValue()); else writeStr((m_machine ? "%%=syntax:" : "Cannot understand: ") + str + "\r\n"); } return false; } // dump encoded messages after processing, only in machine mode void Connection::writeStr(const Message &msg, bool received) { if (!m_machine) return; String s = msg.encode(received,""); s << "\r\n"; writeStr(s.c_str()); } // write debugging messages to the remote console void Connection::writeDebug(const char *str, int level) { if (null(str)) return; if (m_debug || (m_output && (level < 0))) { if (m_echoing && m_buffer) clearLine(); const char* col = m_colorize ? debugColor(level) : 0; if (col) writeStr(col,::strlen(col)); int len = ::strlen(str); for (; len > 0; len--) { if ((unsigned char)str[len-1] >= ' ') break; } writeStr(str,len); writeStr("\r\n",2); if (col) col = debugColor(-2); if (col) writeStr(col,::strlen(col)); if (m_echoing && m_buffer) writeStr(m_buffer); } } // write arbitrary string to the remote console void Connection::writeStr(const char *str, int len) { if (len < 0) len = ::strlen(str); else if (len == 0) return; if (int written = m_socket->writeData(str,len) != len) { Debug("RManager",DebugInfo,"Socket %d wrote only %d out of %d bytes",m_socket->handle(),written,len); // Destroy the thread, will kill the connection cancel(); } } void RHook::dispatched(const Message& msg, bool handled) { s_mutex.lock(); ObjList *p = &connectionlist; for (; p; p=p->next()) { Connection *con = static_cast(p->get()); if (con) con->writeStr(msg,handled); } s_mutex.unlock(); }; RManager::RManager() : m_first(true) { Output("Loaded module RManager"); Debugger::setIntOut(dbg_remote_func); } RManager::~RManager() { Output("Unloading module RManager"); s_sock.terminate(); Debugger::setIntOut(0); } bool RManager::isBusy() const { return (connectionlist.count() != 0); } void RManager::initialize() { Output("Initializing module RManager"); s_cfg = Engine::configFile("rmanager"); s_cfg.load(); s_output = s_cfg.getBoolValue("general","output",false); if (s_sock.valid()) return; // check configuration int port = s_cfg.getIntValue("general","port",5038); const char *host = c_safe(s_cfg.getValue("general","addr","")); if (!(port && *host)) return; s_sock.create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM); if (!s_sock.valid()) { Debug("RManager",DebugGoOn,"Unable to create the listening socket: %s",strerror(s_sock.error())); return; } if (!s_sock.setBlocking(false)) { Debug("RManager",DebugGoOn, "Failed to set listener to nonblocking mode: %s",strerror(s_sock.error())); return; } const int reuseFlag = 1; s_sock.setOption(SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR,&reuseFlag,sizeof(reuseFlag)); SocketAddr sa(AF_INET); sa.host(host); sa.port(port); s_sock.setReuse(); if (!s_sock.bind(sa)) { Debug("RManager",DebugGoOn,"Failed to bind to %s:%u : %s",sa.host().c_str(),sa.port(),strerror(s_sock.error())); s_sock.terminate(); return; } if (!s_sock.listen(2)) { Debug("RManager",DebugGoOn,"Unable to listen on socket: %s", strerror(s_sock.error())); s_sock.terminate(); return; } // don't bother to install handlers until we are listening if (m_first) { m_first = false; Engine::self()->setHook(new RHook); RManagerThread *mt = new RManagerThread; mt->startup(); } } INIT_PLUGIN(RManager); }; // anonymous namespace /* vi: set ts=8 sw=4 sts=4 noet: */