#!/usr/bin/python """ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- test.py This file is a contribute of nexlab ( http://www.nexlab.it ) for the YATE Project ( http://YATE.null.ro ). test.py is a really small and minimal script to test and understand the libyate.py library. It simply install "engine.timer" and intercept messages from yate and log them to stderr for 10 times, after that the script uninstall engine.timer and exit. libyate.py is Copyright (C) 2005 Nexlab S.r.l Author: Franco (nextime) Lanza Python interface library for Yate Yet Another Telephony Engine - a fully featured software PBX and IVR is Copyright (C) 2004 Null Team Thanks to: - Dana ( my love who understand me when at 5:00 am i'm writing this piece of code ) - Diana and Paoul ( Null Team, creators of the YATE project itself ) - markit ( this guy it's so insistent to point my attenction to yate ... ) - all people of FSFE and all free software developers ( OS filosofy roks! ) - debian project ( i love this GNU\Linux distro ) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ """ from libyate import Yate """ Python is Object Oriented language, so, define a "yourapp" class """ class YateApp: """ initialize the object """ def __init__(self): # call the Yate object self.app = Yate() # declare the event intercetion method self.app.__Yatecall__ = self.retenv # this function will manage the imput from Yate. # param "d" is the Yate.type variable for incoming message def retenv(self, d): if d == "": self.app.Output("PYTHON event: empty") elif d == "incoming": self.app.Output("PYTHON message: " + self.app.name + " id: " + self.app.id) self.app.Acknowledge() self.count = self.count + 1 elif d == "answer": self.app.Output("PYTHON Answered: " + self.app.name + " id: " + self.app.id) elif d == "installed": self.app.Output("PYTHON Installed: " + self.app.name ) elif d == "uninstalled": self.app.Output("PYTHON Uninstalled: " + self.app.name ) else: self.app.Output("PYTHON event: " + self.app.type ) # clean shutdown of our application... def uninstall(self): self.app.Uninstall("engine.timer") def main(self): # create and dispatch an initial test message to Yate self.app.Yate("test") self.app.retval = "ret_value" self.app.params = [ ['param1', 'value1'], ['param2', 'value2'] ] self.app.Dispatch() # reset the counter self.count = 0 # install engine.timer self.app.Install("engine.timer", 10) # start the main loop while True: # check for events self.app.flush() # uninstall engine.timer after 5 messages from Yate if self.count == 5: self.uninstall() break # ok, now a second example with a threaded asyncore loop! self.count = 0 self.app.Install("engine.timer", 10) self.app.th_loop() # wow, amazing, the loop still running and we can continue in the execution! # dispatch a final test message after the main loop exit self.app.Yate("final_test") self.app.retval = "ret_value" self.app.params = [ ['param1', 'value1'] ] self.app.Dispatch() # now wait for 10 message from yate, and then uninstall the engine.timer and exit while self.count != 10: pass self.uninstall() self.app.th_stop() # bye! self.app.Output("PYTHON: Bye!") # close file descriptors self.app.close() # execution start here! if __name__ == '__main__': a = YateApp() a.main()