; This file keeps the configuration for the Jingle channel [general] ; Global settings of Jabber and Jingle engines ; localip: string: Set this machine's IP address. If missing, we will try to guess one ; The local machine's IP address is used to negotiate the audio stream ;localip= ; anonymous_caller: string: Set the caller name if missing for outgoing calls ; Defaults to unk_caller ;anonymous_caller=unk_caller ; request_subscribe: boolean: Make a subscribe request before probing a remote user ; Defaults to enable ; pending_timeout: integer: How much an outgoing call will wait for a response to a probe ; Defaults to 10000 ; These options are used when we want to make an outgoing call and we can't do that because we don't have ; a resource with audio capability for the called party, so we have to probe its presence ; Since we might not receive a response if the caller is not subscribed to called's party presence, ; we should make a subscribe request first (enabling request_subscribe will do that) ; The jingle channel will wait for the time given by pending_timeout for an an appropriate response ; If no response is received within pending_timeout interval the call will be dropped ; When receiving a valid response, the jingle channel will start to negotiate the call ; pending_timeout actually extends the time an outgoing call may be in a not answered state ;request_subscribe=enable ;pending_timeout=10000 ; xmlparser_maxbuffer: integer: Maximum length of text we ever parse as XML ; Defaults to 8192 ;xmlparser_maxbuffer=8192 ; stream_restartcount: integer: Maximum value for stream restart counter ; Defaults to 2. Take values between 1 and 10 ; stream_restartupdateinterval: integer: Interval (in miliseconds) to update (increase) ; the stream restart counter. Defaults to 15000. Take values between 5000 and 300000 ; The TCP connection with a server may be closed due to XML parser or socket errors or the open ; operation may fail (the server may be down) ; These options defines the TCP connection restart behaviour. The mechanism is designed to avoid ; repetitive connect attempts ; The restart count defines the number of times the engine will try to establish a TCP connection ; with the server. Each time a connect attempt fails the counter is decremented. No more attempts ; to (re)connect are made when the counter is 0 ; The restart count update interval defines the interval at which the restart counter is incremented, ; up to the value given by stream_restartcount ;stream_restartcount=2 ;stream_restartupdateinterval=15000 ; auto_subscribe: string: Presence. Set the behaviour of processing the subscribe/unsubscribe requests ; Allowed values: ; none: All subscription are processed as a result of messages. The subscription changes are made ; on receiving 'unsubscribed' responses from remote users or 'resource.subscribe' from another module ; from: Automatically accept subscribe/unsubscribe requests ; to: Automatically subscribe/unsubscribe to/from the remote user when adding to the roster ; both: The combination of 'from' and 'to' ; Defaults to none ; This parameter is forced to 'from' if the roster is kept by the server ;auto_subscribe=none ; delete_unavailable: bool: Presence. Automatically delete an user or a resource when unavailable ; This setting is ignored if the roster is kept by the server ; Defaults to enable ;delete_unavailable=enable ; auto_probe: boolean: Presence. Automatically respond to probe requests for users in our domain when ; we know nothing about the user presence ; Defaults to enable ; This parameter is forced to enable if the roster is kept by the server ;auto_probe=enable ; probe_interval: integer: Presence. Interval to probe a remote user if no data was received ; Defaults to 1800000 ; expire_interval: integer: Presence: Interval to wait a response to a probe request sent as a result ; of interval (set in probe_interval) ellapsing ; Defaults to 300000 ; These options are used to refresh the roster. The probe interval is the maximum time allowed between ; succesive presence notifications from remote users. After this interval ellapses a probe request will ; be sent to the user. If a response is not received within expire_interval, the remote user will be ; supposed to be unavailable ; These parameters are ignored when the roster is kept by the server ;probe_interval=1800000 ;expire_interval=300000 ; default_resource: string: Default resource name when missing from local users' JIDs ; Defaults to yate ;default_resource=yate ; extra_domain: string: Extra domain served by us ; Here may be specified an extra domain accepted by the engine (other then the domain name of ; the default component server) as destination for incoming data ;extra_domain= ; printxml: boolean: Print sent/received XML data to output if debug level is at least 9 ; Defaults to no ;printxml=no [codecs] ; This section allows to individually enable or disable the codecs ; default: bool: Enable all unlisted codecs by default default=false ; mulaw: bool: Companded-only G711 mu-law (PCMU/8000) mulaw=default ; alaw: bool: Companded-only G711 a-law (PCMU/8000) alaw=true ; gsm: bool: European GSM 06.10 (GSM/8000) gsm=default ; lpc10: bool: Linear Prediction Codec (LPC/8000) lpc10=default ; slin: bool: Signed Linear 16-bit uncompressed (L16/8000) slin=default ; g723: bool: ITU G.723 all variations (G723/8000) g723=default ; g726: bool: ITU G.726 32-bit (G726-32/8000) g726=default ; g728: bool: ITU G.728 all variations (G728/8000) g728=default ; g729: bool: ITU G.729 all variations (G729/8000) g729=default [jabber.domain] ; Each other section is used to initialize the server list as a Jabber Component ; The name of the section is used as base Jabber domain ; Changes don't affect the already opened streams ; address: string: The IP address of the machine running the Jabber server (required) ;address= ; port: integer: The port on server to connect to (required) ;port= ; password: string: The password used by Yate to authenticate with the server ;password= ; identity: string: The (sub)domain used by the component ; This setting controls the roster storing and will be used to generate the domain name of local users ; If identity is equal to jabber.domain (section name) the roster will be kept by the component server ; The domain part of local user's JID will be given by the identity: jabber.domain ; If identity is not equal to section name: ; If terminated in '.jabber.domain' it will be left untouched, otherwise the suffix '.jabber.domain' will be added ; In this case, the roster will be kept locally ; Examples: ; Section name: null.ro, subdomain=somename ; identity=null.ro ; The roster is kept by the component server. Domain part of local JIDs: null.ro ; Yate identify itself to the server as somename.null.ro ; identity=someidentity or identity=someidentity.null.ro ; The roster is kept locally. Domain part of local JIDs: someidentity.null.ro ; Yate identify itself to the server as someidentity.null.ro ; Either way, the domain part of the local users will be also the domain accepted by the engine ; as destination for received data (and, of course, the domain given by extra_domain) ; Defaults to section name ;identity= ; subdomain: string: The subdomain to use if the identity equals the section name ; Defaults to the value of default_resource ;subdomain=yate ; startup: boolean: Open the stream to the server when initializing the driver ; Defaults to enable ;startup=enable ; default: boolean: This is the default component to use. If no component is ; marked as default the first will be implicitely default ; Defaults to false ;default=false