#!/usr/bin/perl ####################################################### # # noroute.pl is an demo script module for Yate using Yate.pm # Copyright Anthony Minessale II # This Module is released under the GNU Public License # If you find this software useful, donations are welcome # at paypal:anthmct@yahoo.com # $|=1; use lib 'scripts/'; use Yate; use Data::Dumper; sub demo($) { my $message = shift; printf STDERR "hello time is %s and binded is %s i'll return undef so the next module gets a chance....\n", $message->param("time"),$message->header("binded"); # return ("true"); return undef; } sub demo2($) { my $message = shift; printf STDERR "hello again time is %s and binded is %s I'll return false to put and end to it.\n", $message->param("time"),$message->header("binded"); return ("true","tone/dial"); } my $message = new Yate(); $message->install("engine.timer",\&demo); $message->install("call.route",\&demo2); $message->listen();