/** * message.cpp * Yet Another SIP Stack * This file is part of the YATE Project http://YATE.null.ro * * Yet Another Telephony Engine - a fully featured software PBX and IVR * Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Null Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include "util.h" #include #include using namespace TelEngine; static Regexp s_angled("<\\([^>]\\+\\)>"); SIPMessage::SIPMessage(const SIPMessage& original) : RefObject(), version(original.version), method(original.method), uri(original.uri), code(original.code), reason(original.reason), body(0), m_ep(0), m_valid(original.isValid()), m_answer(original.isAnswer()), m_outgoing(original.isOutgoing()), m_ack(original.isACK()), m_cseq(-1), m_flags(original.getFlags()) { DDebug(DebugAll,"SIPMessage::SIPMessage(&%p) [%p]", &original,this); if (original.body) setBody(original.body->clone()); setParty(original.getParty()); bool via1 = true; const ObjList* l = &original.header; for (; l; l = l->next()) { const MimeHeaderLine* hl = static_cast(l->get()); if (!hl) continue; // CSeq must not be copied, a new one will be built by complete() if (hl->name() &= "CSeq") continue; MimeHeaderLine* nl = hl->clone(); // this is a new transaction so let complete() add randomness if (via1 && (nl->name() &= "Via")) { via1 = false; nl->delParam("branch"); } addHeader(nl); } } SIPMessage::SIPMessage(const char* _method, const char* _uri, const char* _version) : version(_version), method(_method), uri(_uri), code(0), body(0), m_ep(0), m_valid(true), m_answer(false), m_outgoing(true), m_ack(false), m_cseq(-1), m_flags(-1) { DDebug(DebugAll,"SIPMessage::SIPMessage('%s','%s','%s') [%p]", _method,_uri,_version,this); } SIPMessage::SIPMessage(SIPParty* ep, const char* buf, int len) : code(0), body(0), m_ep(ep), m_valid(false), m_answer(false), m_outgoing(false), m_ack(false), m_cseq(-1), m_flags(-1) { DDebug(DebugInfo,"SIPMessage::SIPMessage(%p,%d) [%p]\n------\n%s------", buf,len,this,buf); if (m_ep) m_ep->ref(); if (!(buf && *buf)) { Debug(DebugWarn,"Empty message text in [%p]",this); return; } if (len < 0) len = ::strlen(buf); m_valid = parse(buf,len); } SIPMessage::SIPMessage(const SIPMessage* message, int _code, const char* _reason) : code(_code), body(0), m_ep(0), m_valid(false), m_answer(true), m_outgoing(true), m_ack(false), m_cseq(-1), m_flags(-1) { DDebug(DebugAll,"SIPMessage::SIPMessage(%p,%d,'%s') [%p]", message,_code,_reason,this); if (!_reason) _reason = lookup(code,SIPResponses,"Unknown Reason Code"); reason = _reason; if (!(message && message->isValid())) return; m_flags = message->getFlags(); m_ep = message->getParty(); if (m_ep) m_ep->ref(); version = message->version; uri = message->uri; method = message->method; copyAllHeaders(message,"Via"); copyAllHeaders(message,"Record-Route"); copyHeader(message,"From"); copyHeader(message,"To"); copyHeader(message,"Call-ID"); copyHeader(message,"CSeq"); m_valid = true; } SIPMessage::SIPMessage(const SIPMessage* original, const SIPMessage* answer) : method("ACK"), code(0), body(0), m_ep(0), m_valid(false), m_answer(false), m_outgoing(true), m_ack(true), m_cseq(-1), m_flags(-1) { DDebug(DebugAll,"SIPMessage::SIPMessage(%p,%p) [%p]",original,answer,this); if (!(original && original->isValid())) return; m_flags = original->getFlags(); m_ep = original->getParty(); if (m_ep) m_ep->ref(); version = original->version; uri = original->uri; copyAllHeaders(original,"Via"); MimeHeaderLine* hl = const_cast(getHeader("Via")); if (!hl) { String tmp; tmp << version << "/" << getParty()->getProtoName(); tmp << " " << getParty()->getLocalAddr() << ":" << getParty()->getLocalPort(); hl = new MimeHeaderLine("Via",tmp); header.append(hl); } if (answer && (answer->code == 200) && (original->method &= "INVITE")) { String tmp("z9hG4bK"); tmp << (int)::random(); hl->setParam("branch",tmp); const MimeHeaderLine* co = answer->getHeader("Contact"); if (co) { uri = *co; static Regexp r("^[^<]*<\\([^>]*\\)>.*$"); if (uri.matches(r)) uri = uri.matchString(1); } // new transaction - get/apply routeset unless INVITE already knew it if (!original->getHeader("Route")) { ObjList* routeset = answer->getRoutes(); addRoutes(routeset); TelEngine::destruct(routeset); } } copyAllHeaders(original,"Route"); copyHeader(original,"From"); copyHeader(original,"To"); copyHeader(original,"Call-ID"); String tmp; tmp << original->getCSeq() << " " << method; addHeader("CSeq",tmp); copyHeader(original,"Max-Forwards"); copyAllHeaders(original,"Contact"); copyAllHeaders(original,"Authorization"); copyAllHeaders(original,"Proxy-Authorization"); copyHeader(original,"User-Agent"); m_valid = true; } SIPMessage::~SIPMessage() { DDebug(DebugAll,"SIPMessage::~SIPMessage() [%p]",this); m_valid = false; setParty(); setBody(); } void SIPMessage::complete(SIPEngine* engine, const char* user, const char* domain, const char* dlgTag, int flags) { DDebug(engine,DebugAll,"SIPMessage::complete(%p,'%s','%s','%s',%d)%s%s%s [%p]", engine,user,domain,dlgTag,flags, isACK() ? " ACK" : "", isOutgoing() ? " OUT" : "", isAnswer() ? " ANS" : "", this); if (!engine) return; if (-1 == flags) flags = m_flags; if (-1 == flags) flags = engine->flags(); m_flags = flags; // don't complete incoming messages if (!isOutgoing()) return; if (!getParty()) { engine->buildParty(this); if (!getParty()) { Debug(engine,DebugGoOn,"Could not complete party-less SIP message [%p]",this); return; } } // only set the dialog tag on ACK if (isACK()) { MimeHeaderLine* hl = const_cast(getHeader("To")); if (dlgTag && hl && !hl->getParam("tag")) hl->setParam("tag",dlgTag); return; } if (!domain) domain = getParty()->getLocalAddr(); MimeHeaderLine* hl = const_cast(getHeader("Via")); if (!hl) { String tmp; tmp << version << "/" << getParty()->getProtoName(); tmp << " " << getParty()->getLocalAddr() << ":" << getParty()->getLocalPort(); hl = new MimeHeaderLine("Via",tmp); if (!((flags & (NotReqRport|RportAfterBranch)) || isAnswer() || isACK())) hl->setParam("rport"); header.append(hl); } if (!(isAnswer() || hl->getParam("branch"))) { String tmp("z9hG4bK"); tmp << (int)::random(); hl->setParam("branch",tmp); } if (isAnswer()) { if (!(flags & NotSetReceived)) hl->setParam("received",getParty()->getPartyAddr()); const String* rport = hl->getParam("rport"); if (rport && rport->null() && !(flags & NotSetRport)) const_cast(*rport) = getParty()->getPartyPort(); } else if ((flags & RportAfterBranch) && !((flags & NotReqRport) || isACK() || hl->getParam("rport"))) hl->setParam("rport"); if (!isAnswer()) { hl = const_cast(getHeader("From")); if (!hl) { String tmp = ""; hl = new MimeHeaderLine("From",tmp); header.append(hl); } if (!hl->getParam("tag")) hl->setParam("tag",String((int)::random())); } hl = const_cast(getHeader("To")); if (!(isAnswer() || hl)) { String tmp; tmp << "<" << uri << ">"; hl = new MimeHeaderLine("To",tmp); header.append(hl); } if (hl && dlgTag && !hl->getParam("tag")) hl->setParam("tag",dlgTag); if (!(isAnswer() || getHeader("Call-ID"))) { String tmp; tmp << (int)::random() << "@" << domain; addHeader("Call-ID",tmp); } if (!(isAnswer() || getHeader("CSeq"))) { String tmp; m_cseq = engine->getNextCSeq(); tmp << m_cseq << " " << method; addHeader("CSeq",tmp); } const char* info = isAnswer() ? "Server" : "User-Agent"; if (!((flags & NotAddAgent) || getHeader(info) || engine->getUserAgent().null())) addHeader(info,engine->getUserAgent()); // keep 100 answers short - they are hop to hop anyway if (isAnswer() && (code == 100)) return; if (!(isAnswer() || getHeader("Max-Forwards"))) { String tmp(engine->getMaxForwards()); addHeader("Max-Forwards",tmp); } if ((method == "INVITE") && !getHeader("Contact")) { // automatically add a contact field to (re)INVITE and its answers String tmp(user); if (!tmp) { tmp = uri; static Regexp r(":\\([^:@]*\\)@"); tmp.matches(r); tmp = tmp.matchString(1).uriUnescape(); } if (tmp) tmp = tmp.uriEscape('@',"+?&") + "@"; tmp = "getLocalAddr() << ":"; tmp << getParty()->getLocalPort() << ">"; addHeader("Contact",tmp); } if (!((flags & NotAddAllow) || getHeader("Allow"))) addHeader("Allow",engine->getAllowed()); } bool SIPMessage::copyHeader(const SIPMessage* message, const char* name, const char* newName) { const MimeHeaderLine* hl = message ? message->getHeader(name) : 0; if (hl) { header.append(hl->clone(newName)); return true; } return false; } int SIPMessage::copyAllHeaders(const SIPMessage* message, const char* name, const char* newName) { if (!(message && name && *name)) return 0; int c = 0; const ObjList* l = &message->header; for (; l; l = l->next()) { const MimeHeaderLine* hl = static_cast(l->get()); if (hl && (hl->name() &= name)) { ++c; header.append(hl->clone(newName)); } } return c; } bool SIPMessage::parseFirst(String& line) { XDebug(DebugAll,"SIPMessage::parse firstline= '%s'",line.c_str()); if (line.null()) return false; static Regexp r("^\\([Ss][Ii][Pp]/[0-9]\\.[0-9]\\+\\)[[:space:]]\\+\\([0-9][0-9][0-9]\\)[[:space:]]\\+\\(.*\\)$"); if (line.matches(r)) { // Answer: m_answer = true; version = line.matchString(1).toUpper(); code = line.matchString(2).toInteger(); reason = line.matchString(3); DDebug(DebugAll,"got answer version='%s' code=%d reason='%s'", version.c_str(),code,reason.c_str()); } else { static Regexp r2("^\\([[:alpha:]]\\+\\)[[:space:]]\\+\\([^[:space:]]\\+\\)[[:space:]]\\+\\([Ss][Ii][Pp]/[0-9]\\.[0-9]\\+\\)$"); if (line.matches(r2)) { // Request: m_answer = false; method = line.matchString(1).toUpper(); uri = line.matchString(2); version = line.matchString(3).toUpper(); DDebug(DebugAll,"got request method='%s' uri='%s' version='%s'", method.c_str(),uri.c_str(),version.c_str()); if (method == "ACK") m_ack = true; } else { Debug(DebugAll,"Invalid SIP line '%s'",line.c_str()); return false; } } return true; } bool SIPMessage::parse(const char* buf, int len) { DDebug(DebugAll,"SIPMessage::parse(%p,%d) [%p]",buf,len,this); String* line = 0; while (len > 0) { line = MimeBody::getUnfoldedLine(buf,len); if (!line->null()) break; // Skip any initial empty lines TelEngine::destruct(line); } if (!line) return false; if (!parseFirst(*line)) { line->destruct(); return false; } line->destruct(); int clen = -1; while (len > 0) { line = MimeBody::getUnfoldedLine(buf,len); if (line->null()) { // Found end of headers line->destruct(); break; } int col = line->find(':'); if (col <= 0) { line->destruct(); return false; } String name = line->substr(0,col); name.trimBlanks(); if (name.null()) { line->destruct(); return false; } name = uncompactForm(name); *line >> ":"; line->trimBlanks(); XDebug(DebugAll,"SIPMessage::parse header='%s' value='%s'",name.c_str(),line->c_str()); if ((name &= "WWW-Authenticate") || (name &= "Proxy-Authenticate") || (name &= "Authorization") || (name &= "Proxy-Authorization")) header.append(new MimeAuthLine(name,*line)); else header.append(new MimeHeaderLine(name,*line)); if ((clen < 0) && (name &= "Content-Length")) clen = line->toInteger(-1,10); else if ((m_cseq < 0) && (name &= "CSeq")) { String seq = *line; seq >> m_cseq; if (m_answer) { seq.trimBlanks().toUpper(); method = seq; } } line->destruct(); } if (clen >= 0) { if (clen > len) Debug("SIPMessage",DebugMild,"Content length is %d but only %d in buffer",clen,len); else if (clen < len) { DDebug("SIPMessage",DebugInfo,"Got %d garbage bytes after content",len - clen); len = clen; } } const MimeHeaderLine* cType = getHeader("Content-Type"); if (cType) body = MimeBody::build(buf,len,*cType); // Move extra Content- header lines to body if (body) { ListIterator iter(header); for (GenObject* o = 0; (o = iter.get());) { MimeHeaderLine* line = static_cast(o); if (!line->startsWith("Content-",false,true) || (*line &= "Content-Length")) continue; // Delete Content-Type and move all other lines to body bool delobj = (line == cType); header.remove(o,delobj); if (!delobj) body->appendHdr(line); } } DDebug(DebugAll,"SIPMessage::parse %d header lines, body %p", header.count(),body); return true; } SIPMessage* SIPMessage::fromParsing(SIPParty* ep, const char* buf, int len) { SIPMessage* msg = new SIPMessage(ep,buf,len); if (msg->isValid()) return msg; DDebug("SIPMessage",DebugInfo,"Invalid message"); msg->destruct(); return 0; } const MimeHeaderLine* SIPMessage::getHeader(const char* name) const { if (!(name && *name)) return 0; const ObjList* l = &header; for (; l; l = l->next()) { const MimeHeaderLine* t = static_cast(l->get()); if (t && (t->name() &= name)) return t; } return 0; } const MimeHeaderLine* SIPMessage::getLastHeader(const char* name) const { if (!(name && *name)) return 0; const MimeHeaderLine* res = 0; const ObjList* l = &header; for (; l; l = l->next()) { const MimeHeaderLine* t = static_cast(l->get()); if (t && (t->name() &= name)) res = t; } return res; } void SIPMessage::clearHeaders(const char* name) { if (!(name && *name)) return; ObjList* l = &header; while (l) { const MimeHeaderLine* t = static_cast(l->get()); if (t && (t->name() &= name)) l->remove(); else l = l->next(); } } int SIPMessage::countHeaders(const char* name) const { if (!(name && *name)) return 0; int res = 0; const ObjList* l = &header; for (; l; l = l->next()) { const MimeHeaderLine* t = static_cast(l->get()); if (t && (t->name() &= name)) ++res; } return res; } const NamedString* SIPMessage::getParam(const char* name, const char* param, bool last) const { const MimeHeaderLine* hl = last ? getLastHeader(name) : getHeader(name); return hl ? hl->getParam(param) : 0; } const String& SIPMessage::getHeaderValue(const char* name, bool last) const { const MimeHeaderLine* hl = last ? getLastHeader(name) : getHeader(name); return hl ? *static_cast(hl) : String::empty(); } const String& SIPMessage::getParamValue(const char* name, const char* param, bool last) const { const NamedString* ns = getParam(name,param,last); return ns ? *static_cast(ns) : String::empty(); } const String& SIPMessage::getHeaders() const { if (isValid() && m_string.null()) { if (isAnswer()) m_string << version << " " << code << " " << reason << "\r\n"; else m_string << method << " " << uri << " " << version << "\r\n"; const ObjList* l = &header; for (; l; l = l->next()) { MimeHeaderLine* t = static_cast(l->get()); if (t) { t->buildLine(m_string); m_string << "\r\n"; } } } return m_string; } const DataBlock& SIPMessage::getBuffer() const { if (isValid() && m_data.null()) { m_data.assign((void*)(getHeaders().c_str()),getHeaders().length()); if (body) { String s; body->buildHeaders(s); s << "Content-Length: " << body->getBody().length() << "\r\n\r\n"; m_data += s; } else m_data += "Content-Length: 0\r\n\r\n"; if (body) m_data += body->getBody(); #ifdef DEBUG if (debugAt(DebugInfo)) { String buf((char*)m_data.data(),m_data.length()); Debug(DebugInfo,"SIPMessage::getBuffer() [%p]\n------\n%s------", this,buf.c_str()); } #endif } return m_data; } void SIPMessage::setBody(MimeBody* newbody) { if (newbody == body) return; TelEngine::destruct(body); body = newbody; } void SIPMessage::setParty(SIPParty* ep) { if (ep == m_ep) return; if (m_ep) m_ep->deref(); m_ep = ep; if (m_ep) m_ep->ref(); } MimeAuthLine* SIPMessage::buildAuth(const String& username, const String& password, const String& meth, const String& uri, bool proxy) const { const char* hdr = proxy ? "Proxy-Authenticate" : "WWW-Authenticate"; const ObjList* l = &header; for (; l; l = l->next()) { const MimeAuthLine* t = YOBJECT(MimeAuthLine,l->get()); if (t && (t->name() &= hdr) && (*t &= "Digest")) { String nonce(t->getParam("nonce")); MimeHeaderLine::delQuotes(nonce); if (nonce.null()) continue; String realm(t->getParam("realm")); MimeHeaderLine::delQuotes(realm); int par = uri.find(';'); String msguri = uri.substr(0,par); String response; SIPEngine::buildAuth(username,realm,password,nonce,meth,msguri,response); MimeAuthLine* auth = new MimeAuthLine(proxy ? "Proxy-Authorization" : "Authorization","Digest"); auth->setParam("username",MimeHeaderLine::quote(username)); auth->setParam("realm",MimeHeaderLine::quote(realm)); auth->setParam("nonce",MimeHeaderLine::quote(nonce)); auth->setParam("uri",MimeHeaderLine::quote(msguri)); auth->setParam("response",MimeHeaderLine::quote(response)); auth->setParam("algorithm","MD5"); // copy opaque data as-is, only if present const NamedString* opaque = t->getParam("opaque"); if (opaque) auth->setParam(opaque->name(),*opaque); return auth; } } return 0; } MimeAuthLine* SIPMessage::buildAuth(const SIPMessage& original) const { if (original.getAuthUsername().null()) return 0; return buildAuth(original.getAuthUsername(),original.getAuthPassword(), original.method,original.uri,(code == 407)); } ObjList* SIPMessage::getRoutes() const { ObjList* list = 0; const ObjList* l = &header; for (; l; l = l->next()) { const MimeHeaderLine* h = YOBJECT(MimeHeaderLine,l->get()); if (h && (h->name() &= "Record-Route")) { int p = 0; while (p >= 0) { MimeHeaderLine* line = 0; int s = MimeHeaderLine::findSep(*h,',',p); String tmp; if (s < 0) { if (p) tmp = h->substr(p); else line = new MimeHeaderLine(*h,"Route"); p = -1; } else { if (s > p) tmp = h->substr(p,s-p); p = s + 1; } tmp.trimBlanks(); if (tmp) line = new MimeHeaderLine("Route",tmp); if (!line) continue; if (!list) list = new ObjList; if (isAnswer()) // route set learned from an answer, reverse order list->insert(line); else // route set learned from a request, preserve order list->append(line); } } } return list; } void SIPMessage::addRoutes(const ObjList* routes) { if (isAnswer() || !routes) return; MimeHeaderLine* hl = YOBJECT(MimeHeaderLine,routes->get()); if (hl) { // check if first route is to a RFC 2543 proxy String tmp = *hl; if (tmp.matches(s_angled)) tmp = tmp.matchString(1); if (tmp.find(";lr") < 0) { // prepare a new final route hl = new MimeHeaderLine("Route","<" + uri + ">"); // set the first route as Request-URI and then skip it uri = tmp; routes = routes->next(); } else hl = 0; } // add (remaining) routes for (; routes; routes = routes->next()) { const MimeHeaderLine* h = YOBJECT(MimeHeaderLine,routes->get()); if (h) addHeader(h->clone()); } // if first route was to a RFC 2543 proxy add the old Request-URI if (hl) addHeader(hl); } SIPDialog::SIPDialog() { } SIPDialog::SIPDialog(const SIPDialog& original) : String(original), localURI(original.localURI), localTag(original.localTag), remoteURI(original.remoteURI), remoteTag(original.remoteTag) { DDebug("SIPDialog",DebugAll,"callid '%s' local '%s;tag=%s' remote '%s;tag=%s' [%p]", c_str(),localURI.c_str(),localTag.c_str(),remoteURI.c_str(),remoteTag.c_str(),this); } SIPDialog& SIPDialog::operator=(const SIPDialog& original) { String::operator=(original); localURI = original.localURI; localTag = original.localTag; remoteURI = original.remoteURI; remoteTag = original.remoteTag; DDebug("SIPDialog",DebugAll,"callid '%s' local '%s;tag=%s' remote '%s;tag=%s' [%p]", c_str(),localURI.c_str(),localTag.c_str(),remoteURI.c_str(),remoteTag.c_str(),this); return *this; } SIPDialog& SIPDialog::operator=(const String& callid) { String::operator=(callid); localURI.clear(); localTag.clear(); remoteURI.clear(); remoteTag.clear(); DDebug("SIPDialog",DebugAll,"callid '%s' local '%s;tag=%s' remote '%s;tag=%s' [%p]", c_str(),localURI.c_str(),localTag.c_str(),remoteURI.c_str(),remoteTag.c_str(),this); return *this; } SIPDialog::SIPDialog(const SIPMessage& message) : String(message.getHeaderValue("Call-ID")) { bool local = message.isOutgoing() ^ message.isAnswer(); const MimeHeaderLine* hl = message.getHeader(local ? "From" : "To"); localURI = hl; if (localURI.matches(s_angled)) localURI = localURI.matchString(1); if (hl) localTag = hl->getParam("tag"); hl = message.getHeader(local ? "To" : "From"); remoteURI = hl; if (remoteURI.matches(s_angled)) remoteURI = remoteURI.matchString(1); if (hl) remoteTag = hl->getParam("tag"); DDebug("SIPDialog",DebugAll,"callid '%s' local '%s;tag=%s' remote '%s;tag=%s' [%p]", c_str(),localURI.c_str(),localTag.c_str(),remoteURI.c_str(),remoteTag.c_str(),this); } SIPDialog& SIPDialog::operator=(const SIPMessage& message) { const char* cid = message.getHeaderValue("Call-ID"); if (cid) String::operator=(cid); bool local = message.isOutgoing() ^ message.isAnswer(); const MimeHeaderLine* hl = message.getHeader(local ? "From" : "To"); localURI = hl; if (localURI.matches(s_angled)) localURI = localURI.matchString(1); if (hl) localTag = hl->getParam("tag"); hl = message.getHeader(local ? "To" : "From"); remoteURI = hl; if (remoteURI.matches(s_angled)) remoteURI = remoteURI.matchString(1); if (hl) remoteTag = hl->getParam("tag"); DDebug("SIPDialog",DebugAll,"callid '%s' local '%s;tag=%s' remote '%s;tag=%s' [%p]", c_str(),localURI.c_str(),localTag.c_str(),remoteURI.c_str(),remoteTag.c_str(),this); return *this; } bool SIPDialog::matches(const SIPDialog& other, bool ignoreURIs) const { return String::operator==(other) && localTag == other.localTag && remoteTag == other.remoteTag && (ignoreURIs || (localURI == other.localURI && remoteURI == other.remoteURI)); } /* vi: set ts=8 sw=4 sts=4 noet: */