[general] ; This section sets global variables of the implementation ; debug: int: OpenH323 debug level ;debug=0 ; dumpcodecs: int: Debug level to dump registered OpenH323 codecs, 0 disables ;dumpcodecs=0 ; vendor: string: Vendor name ;vendor=Null Team ; product: string: Product name ;product=YATE ; major: int: Major version number ;major=2 ; minor: int: Minor version number ;minor=0 ; build: int: Build number ;build=0 ; status: keyword: Code status: alpha, beta or release ;status=release ; needmedia: bool: Drop calls for which no common media could be negotiated ;needmedia=yes ; dtmfinband: bool: Send keypad events as inband DTMF ;dtmfinband=no ; Use an external RTP module instead of the native OpenH323 RTP stack, which is ; very cpu intensive. If no external RTP can be found it will fallback to the ; native stack. The only external RTP now is yrtp (see the yrtpchan module). ; external_rtp: bool: default: yes ;external_rtp=yes ; Attempt to use native (OpenH323) RTP if external fails to start. This is ; usefull only if the failure is caused by the external RTP module not ; being loaded. ; fallback_rtp: bool: default: yes ;fallback_rtp=yes ; Perform direct RTP forwarding between client endpoints. ; You should enable faststart=on in the [ep] section and make sure fast start ; is also supported and enabled on all clients. ; forward_rtp: bool: default: no ;forward_rtp=no ; The OpenH323 cleaner thread is a scarce shared resource. A limit set here ; will force new connections to be dropped if too many are already being ; in the cleanup queue. Set the limit to zero to disable this check. ; maxcleaning: int: default: 100 ;maxcleaning=100 ; pwlibthread: bool: Make new calls in a PWlib thread, required for LRQ calls ;pwlibthread=no [codecs] ; This section allows to individually enable or disable the codecs ; For all but the default setting you can specify the value "fake" so that ; it will try to declare the capability even if it's no codec available ; Using the OpenH323 internal RTP with a missing codec will lead to a crash! ; default: bool: Enable all unlisted codecs by default ;default=enable ; mulaw: bool: Companded-only G711 mu-law (G.711-uLaw-64k) ;mulaw=default ; alaw: bool: Companded-only G711 a-law (G.711-ALaw-64k) ;alaw=default ; gsm: bool: European GSM 06.10 (GSM-06.10) ;gsm=default ; msgsm: bool: Microsoft's proprietary verion of GSM (MS-GSM) ;msgsm=default ; speex: bool: Speex narrow (SpeexNarrow) ;speex=default ; lpc10: bool: Linear Prediction Codec (LPC-10) ;lpc10=default ; ilbc20: bool: Internet Low Bandwidth Codec 20ms (iLBC-15k2) ;ilbc20=default ; ilbc30: bool: Internet Low Bandwidth Codec 30ms (iLBC-13k3) ;ilbc30=default ; slin: bool: Signed Linear 16-bit uncompressed (PCM-16) ;slin=default ; g723: bool: ITU G.723 all variations (G.723) ;g723=default ; g726: bool: ITU G.726 all variations (G.726) ;g726=default ; g728: bool: ITU G.728 all variations (G.728) ;g728=default ; g729: bool: ITU G.729 all variations (G.729) ;g729=default [ep] ; Control the endpoint operation of the module ; ep: bool: True if you want to activate the h323 endpoint ep = true ; gw: bool: Set to true if you want this endpoint to declare itself as gateway gw = false ; addr: string: IP address to bind the endpoint to, defaults to all interfaces ;addr= ; port: int: TCP port on which the endpoint will listen ;port=1720 ; alias: string: The alias used by h323 module to connect to gatekeeper alias = yate ; ident: string: Sets the hostname part of the outgoing e.164 (numeric) aliases ident = yate ; maxconns: int: Maximum number of simultaneous connections (0 = no limit). ;maxconns = 0 ; faststart: bool: Enable Fast Start mode (offer media channels early) ;faststart=false ; h245tunneling: bool: Enable H.245 tunneling mode ;h245tunneling=false ; h245insetup: bool: Enable H.245 establishment early in call setup message ; Note that this setting may conflict with faststart so don't enable both ;h245insetup=false ; dtmfinband: bool: Wheter to decode inband DTMF (CPU intensive) ;dtmfinband = false ; silencedetect: keyword: Silence detection algorithm: none, fixed, adaptive ;silencedetect = none ; gkclient: bool: If h323 module endpoint should register to a gatekeeper gkclient = false ; password: string: Password for h.235 authentification ;password = 1234 ; gkip: ipaddress: Set the reported ip aaddress of the gatekeeper ;gkip = ; gkname: string: Set the name of the gatekeeper ;gkname = gigi ; gkttl: int: Proposed gatekeeper registration time to live in seconds ;gkttl = 300 ; gkretry: int: Gatekeeper discovery retry interval in seconds, 0 disables ;gkretry = 60 ; How the gatekeeper is located ; If gkclient is true the endpoint will try first to find the gatekeeper by ; using gkip; then, if gkip is unset or is not corect, will try gkname and ; then will try to brodcast in the network. [gk] ; If server is true the gatekeeper of yate will start. You must understand that ; the H323EndPoint and H323GateKeeper share the calls. So you can make a call ; to a registered endpoint of this gatekeeper even if in the [ep] section ; you haven't register the local H323EndPoint to the local H323Gatekeeper. In ; fact is not recomanded to register the local EndPoint to the local GateKeeper. ; The local H323EndPoint is used as proxy for calls to local non h323 ; destinations. If you wanna call let's say tone/dial from a registered ; endpoint to the local gatekeeper, you must make a route in regexroute (or ; whatever you use) and then just dial the number. ; If you wanna call a registered endpoint you must use now as a module register ; since is the only module who can record prefixes right now. ; server: bool: Enable running a gatekeeper on the main endpoint ;server = false ; You must define the binding interfaces. Right now the multi hosted boxes don't ; work very well because OpenH323 mechanism, but we will fix that if someone ; have any problem. ;interface1= ; port: int: Port on which the gatekeeper listens for connections ;port = 1719 ; name: string: Identifier of the gatekeeper ;name = YateGatekeeper ; ttl: int: Registrations time to live in seconds, 0 to disable ;ttl = 600 ; heartbeatdrop: bool: Drop calls for which the heartbeat timed out ;heartbeatdrop=true ; registeredonly: bool: Allow calls only with registered endpoints ;registeredonly=false [incoming] ; This section sets defaults for the incoming H.323 calls ; context: string: Input context ;context=default ; maxqueue: int: Maximum length of the routing queue ; Normaly you will like to have this setup to a certain value so someone can't ; do a DoS attack over your server. ;maxqueue=5 ; called: string: Default number to call if not present in call setup ;called=