/** * zapchan.cpp * This file is part of the YATE Project http://YATE.null.ro * * Zapata telephony driver * * Yet Another Telephony Engine - a fully featured software PBX and IVR * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Null Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #ifdef _WINDOWS #error This module is not for Windows #else extern "C" { #include }; #include #include #include #include #ifndef _WINDOWS #include #include #endif #ifndef ZT_EVENT_DTMFDIGIT #ifdef ZT_EVENT_DTMFDOWN #define ZT_EVENT_DTMFDIGIT ZT_EVENT_DTMFDOWN #else #define ZT_EVENT_DTMFDIGIT 0 #endif #endif #ifndef ZT_EVENT_PULSEDIGIT #define ZT_EVENT_PULSEDIGIT 0 #endif using namespace TelEngine; /* Zaptel formats */ static TokenDict dict_str2ztlaw[] = { { "slin", -1 }, { "default", ZT_LAW_DEFAULT }, { "mulaw", ZT_LAW_MULAW }, { "alaw", ZT_LAW_ALAW }, { 0, -2 } }; class ZapChan; class ZapSpan : public PriSpan, public Thread { friend class ZapDriver; public: virtual ~ZapSpan(); virtual void run(); private: ZapSpan(struct pri *_pri, PriDriver* driver, int span, int first, int chans, int dchan, Configuration& cfg, const String& sect, int fd); int m_fd; }; class ZapSource : public PriSource, public Thread { public: ZapSource(ZapChan *owner, const char* format, unsigned int bufsize); ~ZapSource(); virtual void run(); private: DataBlock m_data; }; class ZapConsumer : public PriConsumer { public: ZapConsumer(ZapChan *owner, const char* format, unsigned int bufsize); ~ZapConsumer(); virtual void Consume(const DataBlock &data, unsigned long tStamp); private: unsigned int m_bufsize; DataErrors m_overruns; }; class ZapChan : public PriChan { friend class ZapSource; friend class ZapConsumer; public: ZapChan(const PriSpan *parent, int chan, unsigned int bufsize); virtual ~ZapChan(); virtual bool openData(const char* format, int echoTaps); virtual void closeData(); inline int fd() const { return m_fd; } inline int law() const { return m_law; } private: int m_fd; int m_law; }; class ZapDriver : public PriDriver { friend class PriSpan; friend class ZapHandler; public: ZapDriver(); virtual ~ZapDriver(); virtual void initialize(); virtual PriSpan* createSpan(PriDriver* driver, int span, int first, int chans, Configuration& cfg, const String& sect); virtual PriChan* createChan(const PriSpan* span, int chan, unsigned int bufsize); }; INIT_PLUGIN(ZapDriver); static int zt_get_event(int fd) { /* Avoid the silly zt_getevent which ignores a bunch of events */ int j = 0; if (::ioctl(fd, ZT_GETEVENT, &j) == -1) return -1; return j; } static int zt_open_dchan(int channo, int bsize = 1024, int nbufs = 16) { DDebug(&__plugin,DebugInfo,"Opening zap d-channel %d with %d x %d buffers",channo,nbufs,bsize); int fd = ::open("/dev/zap/channel", O_RDWR, 0600); if (fd < 0) { Debug("Zaptel",DebugGoOn,"Failed to open device: error %d: %s",errno,::strerror(errno)); return -1; } if (::ioctl(fd,ZT_SPECIFY,&channo) == -1) { Debug("Zaptel",DebugGoOn,"Failed to specify chan %d: error %d: %s",channo,errno,::strerror(errno)); ::close(fd); return -1; } ZT_PARAMS par; if (::ioctl(fd, ZT_GET_PARAMS, &par) == -1) { Debug("Zaptel",DebugGoOn,"Failed to get params of chan %d: error %d: %s",channo,errno,::strerror(errno)); ::close(fd); return -1; } if (par.sigtype != ZT_SIG_HDLCFCS) { Debug("Zaptel",DebugGoOn,"Channel %d is not in HDLC/FCS mode",channo); ::close(fd); return -1; } ZT_BUFFERINFO bi; bi.txbufpolicy = ZT_POLICY_IMMEDIATE; bi.rxbufpolicy = ZT_POLICY_IMMEDIATE; bi.numbufs = nbufs; bi.bufsize = bsize; if (::ioctl(fd, ZT_SET_BUFINFO, &bi) == -1) Debug("Zaptel",DebugWarn,"Could not set buffering on %d: error %d: %s",channo,errno,::strerror(errno)); return fd; } static int zt_open_bchan(int channo, bool subchan, unsigned int blksize) { DDebug(&__plugin,DebugInfo,"Opening zap b-channel %d with block size=%d",channo,blksize); int fd = ::open(subchan ? "/dev/zap/pseudo" : "/dev/zap/channel",O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK); if (fd < 0) { Debug("Zaptel",DebugGoOn,"Failed to open device: error %d: %s",errno,::strerror(errno)); return -1; } if (channo) { if (::ioctl(fd, subchan ? ZT_CHANNO : ZT_SPECIFY, &channo)) { Debug("Zaptel",DebugGoOn,"Failed to specify chan %d: error %d: %s",channo,errno,::strerror(errno)); ::close(fd); return -1; } } if (blksize) { if (::ioctl(fd, ZT_SET_BLOCKSIZE, &blksize) == -1) { Debug("Zaptel",DebugGoOn,"Failed to set block size %d: error %d: %s",blksize,errno,::strerror(errno)); ::close(fd); return -1; } } return fd; } static bool zt_set_law(int fd, int law) { if (law < 0) { int linear = 1; if (::ioctl(fd, ZT_SETLINEAR, &linear) != -1) return true; } else if (::ioctl(fd, ZT_SETLAW, &law) != -1) return true; DDebug("Zaptel",DebugInfo,"Failed to set law %d: error %d: %s",law,errno,::strerror(errno)); return false; } static bool zt_echo_cancel(int fd, int taps) { if (::ioctl(fd, ZT_ECHOCANCEL, &taps) != -1) return true; DDebug("Zaptel",DebugInfo,"Failed to set %d echo cancellation taps: error %d: %s",taps,errno,::strerror(errno)); return false; } ZapSpan::ZapSpan(struct pri *_pri, PriDriver* driver, int span, int first, int chans, int dchan, Configuration& cfg, const String& sect, int fd) : PriSpan(_pri,driver,span,first,chans,dchan,cfg,sect), Thread("ZapSpan"), m_fd(fd) { Debug(m_driver,DebugAll,"ZapSpan::ZapSpan() [%p]",this); } ZapSpan::~ZapSpan() { Debug(m_driver,DebugAll,"ZapSpan::~ZapSpan() [%p]",this); m_ok = false; ::close(m_fd); m_fd = -1; } void ZapSpan::run() { Debug(m_driver,DebugAll,"ZapSpan::run() [%p]",this); fd_set rdfds; fd_set errfds; for (;;) { FD_ZERO(&rdfds); FD_SET(m_fd, &rdfds); FD_ZERO(&errfds); FD_SET(m_fd, &errfds); struct timeval tv; tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = 100; int sel = ::select(m_fd+1, &rdfds, NULL, &errfds, &tv); Thread::check(); if (!sel) runEvent(true); else if (sel > 0) { if (FD_ISSET(m_fd, &errfds)) { int zev = zt_get_event(m_fd); if (zev) Debug(DebugInfo,"Zapata event %d on span %d",zev,span()); } if (FD_ISSET(m_fd, &rdfds)) runEvent(false); } else if (errno != EINTR) Debug("ZapSpan",DebugGoOn,"select() error %d: %s", errno,::strerror(errno)); } } ZapSource::ZapSource(ZapChan *owner, const char* format, unsigned int bufsize) : PriSource(owner,format,bufsize), Thread("ZapSource") { Debug(m_owner,DebugAll,"ZapSource::ZapSource(%p) [%p]",owner,this); } ZapSource::~ZapSource() { Debug(m_owner,DebugAll,"ZapSource::~ZapSource() [%p]",this); } void ZapSource::run() { int rd = 0; for (;;) { Thread::yield(true); int fd = static_cast(m_owner)->fd(); if (fd != -1) { rd = ::read(fd,m_buffer.data(),m_buffer.length()); XDebug(m_owner,DebugAll,"ZapSource read %d bytes [%p]",rd,this); if (rd > 0) Forward(m_buffer); else if (rd < 0) { if ((errno != EAGAIN) && (errno != EINTR)) { int zev = zt_get_event(fd); if (zev) { Debug(m_owner,DebugInfo,"ZapSource event %d [%p]",zev,this); // driver-decoded digit arrived if (zev & (ZT_EVENT_DTMFDIGIT | ZT_EVENT_PULSEDIGIT)) { char buf[2]; buf[0] = zev & 0xff; buf[1] = '\0'; m_owner->gotDigits(buf); } } else break; } } } else break; } Debug(m_owner,DebugWarn,"ZapSource at EOF (read %d) [%p]",rd,this); // TODO: find a better way of dealing with this abnormal condition for (;;) Thread::yield(true); } ZapConsumer::ZapConsumer(ZapChan *owner, const char* format, unsigned int bufsize) : PriConsumer(owner,format,bufsize), m_bufsize(bufsize) { Debug(m_owner,DebugAll,"ZapConsumer::ZapConsumer(%p) [%p]",owner,this); } ZapConsumer::~ZapConsumer() { Debug(m_owner,DebugAll,"ZapConsumer::~ZapConsumer() [%p]",this); if (m_overruns.events()) Debug(m_owner,DebugMild,"Consumer had %u overruns (%lu bytes)", m_overruns.events(),m_overruns.bytes()); } void ZapConsumer::Consume(const DataBlock &data, unsigned long tStamp) { int fd = static_cast(m_owner)->fd(); XDebug(DebugAll,"ZapConsumer fd=%d datalen=%u",fd,data.length()); if ((fd != -1) && !data.null()) { if (m_buffer.length()+data.length() <= m_bufsize*4) m_buffer += data; else { m_overruns.update(data.length()); DDebug(m_owner,DebugAll,"ZapConsumer skipped %u bytes, buffer is full",data.length()); } if (m_buffer.null()) return; if (m_buffer.length() >= m_bufsize) { int wr = ::write(fd,m_buffer.data(),m_bufsize); if (wr < 0) { if ((errno != EAGAIN) && (errno != EINTR)) Debug(DebugGoOn,"ZapConsumer write error %d: %s", errno,::strerror(errno)); } else { if ((unsigned)wr != m_bufsize) Debug(m_owner,DebugInfo,"ZapConsumer short write, %d of %u bytes",wr,m_bufsize); m_buffer.cut(-wr); } } } } ZapChan::ZapChan(const PriSpan *parent, int chan, unsigned int bufsize) : PriChan(parent,chan,bufsize), m_fd(-1), m_law(-1) { } ZapChan::~ZapChan() { closeData(); } bool ZapChan::openData(const char* format, int echoTaps) { m_fd = zt_open_bchan(m_abschan,false,m_bufsize); if (m_fd == -1) return false; int defLaw = ZT_LAW_ALAW; if (m_span->chans() == 24) defLaw = ZT_LAW_MULAW; defLaw = lookup(format,dict_str2ztlaw,defLaw); if (zt_set_law(m_fd,defLaw)) { m_law = defLaw; format = lookup(m_law,dict_str2ztlaw,"unknown"); Debug(this,DebugInfo,"Opened Zap channel %d, law is: %s",m_abschan,format); } zt_echo_cancel(m_fd,echoTaps); ZapSource* src = new ZapSource(this,format,m_bufsize); setSource(src); src->startup(); src->deref(); setConsumer(new ZapConsumer(this,format,m_bufsize)); getConsumer()->deref(); return true; } void ZapChan::closeData() { PriChan::closeData(); if (m_fd != -1) { ::close(m_fd); m_fd = -1; } } PriSpan* ZapDriver::createSpan(PriDriver* driver, int span, int first, int chans, Configuration& cfg, const String& sect) { Debug(this,DebugAll,"ZapDriver::createSpan(%p,%d,%d,%d) [%p]",driver,span,first,chans,this); int netType = -1; int swType = -1; int dchan = -1; netParams(cfg,sect,chans,&netType,&swType,&dchan); if (dchan < 0) return 0; int fd = zt_open_dchan(dchan+first-1); if (fd < 0) return 0; pri* p = ::pri_new(fd,netType,swType); if (!p) return 0; ZapSpan *zs = new ZapSpan(p,driver,span,first,chans,dchan,cfg,sect,fd); zs->startup(); return zs; } PriChan* ZapDriver::createChan(const PriSpan* span, int chan, unsigned int bufsize) { Debug(this,DebugAll,"ZapDriver::createChan(%p,%d,%u) [%p]",span,chan,bufsize,this); return new ZapChan(span,chan,bufsize); } ZapDriver::ZapDriver() : PriDriver("zap") { Output("Loaded module Zapchan"); } ZapDriver::~ZapDriver() { Output("Unloading module Zapchan"); } void ZapDriver::initialize() { Output("Initializing module Zapchan"); init("zapchan"); } #endif /* _WINDOWS */ /* vi: set ts=8 sw=4 sts=4 noet: */