/** * cdrbuild.cpp * This file is part of the YATE Project http://YATE.null.ro * * Cdr builder * * Yet Another Telephony Engine - a fully featured software PBX and IVR * Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Null Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include using namespace TelEngine; namespace { // anonymous enum { CdrStart, CdrCall, CdrRoute, CdrRinging, CdrAnswer, CdrUpdate, CdrHangup, CdrDrop, EngHalt }; class CdrHandler : public MessageHandler { public: CdrHandler(const char *name, int type, int prio = 50) : MessageHandler(name,prio), m_type(type) { } virtual bool received(Message &msg); private: int m_type; }; class StatusHandler : public MessageHandler { public: StatusHandler() : MessageHandler("engine.status") { } virtual bool received(Message &msg); }; class CommandHandler : public MessageHandler { public: CommandHandler() : MessageHandler("engine.command") { } virtual bool received(Message &msg); }; // Collects CDR information and emits the call.cdr messages when needed class CdrBuilder : public NamedList { public: CdrBuilder(const char *name); virtual ~CdrBuilder(); void update(int type, u_int64_t val); bool update(const Message& msg, int type, u_int64_t val); void emit(const char *operation = 0); String getStatus() const; static CdrBuilder* find(String &id); private: u_int64_t m_start, m_call, m_ringing, m_answer, m_hangup; String m_dir; String m_status; String m_cdrId; bool m_first; bool m_write; }; // CDR extra parameter name with an overwrite flag class Param : public String { public: inline Param(const char* name, bool replace) : String(name), m_overwrite(replace) { } inline bool overwrite() const { return m_overwrite; } inline void overwrite(bool replace) { m_overwrite = replace; } private: bool m_overwrite; }; // Temporarily keep the ID of hungup channels to prevent race issues class Hungup : public String { public: inline Hungup(const String& id, bool emitHangup) : String(id), m_hangup(emitHangup), m_expires(Time::now() + s_exp) { DDebug("cdrbuild",DebugInfo,"Hungup '%s'",id.c_str()); } inline u_int64_t expires() const { return m_expires; } inline bool hangup() { return m_hangup && !(m_hangup = false); } static u_int64_t s_exp; private: bool m_hangup; u_int64_t m_expires; }; static ObjList s_cdrs; static ObjList s_hungup; u_int64_t Hungup::s_exp = 5000000; // This mutex protects both the CDR list and the params list static Mutex s_mutex(false,"CdrBuild"); static ObjList s_params; static int s_res = 1; static int s_seq = 0; static String s_runId; // Time resolutions static TokenDict const s_timeRes[] = { { "sec", 0 }, { "msec", 1 }, { "usec", 2 }, { 0, 0 }, }; // Default but overridable parameters static struct _params { const char* name; bool overwrite; } const s_defParams[] = { { "billid", true }, { "reason", true }, { "address", false }, { "caller", false }, { "called", false }, { "calledfull", false }, { "username", false }, { 0, false }, }; // Internally built, non-overridable parameters static const char* const s_forbidden[] = { "time", "chan", "operation", "direction", "status", "duration", "billtime", "ringtime", "cdrwrite", "cdrtrack", "cdrcreate", "cdrid", "runid", 0 }; // Print time with configured resolution static const char* printTime(char* buf,u_int64_t usec) { switch (s_res) { case 2: // microsecond resolution sprintf(buf,"%u.%06u",(unsigned int)(usec / 1000000),(unsigned int)(usec % 1000000)); break; case 1: // millisecond resolution usec = (usec + 500) / 1000; sprintf(buf,"%u.%03u",(unsigned int)(usec / 1000),(unsigned int)(usec % 1000)); break; default: // 1-second resolution usec = (usec + 500000) / 1000000; sprintf(buf,"%u",(unsigned int)usec); } return buf; } // Expire hungup guard records static void expireHungup() { Time t; while (Hungup* h = static_cast(s_hungup.get())) { if (h->expires() > t.usec()) return; DDebug("cdrbuild",DebugInfo,"Expiring hungup guard for '%s'",h->c_str()); s_hungup.remove(h); } } CdrBuilder::CdrBuilder(const char *name) : NamedList(name), m_dir("unknown"), m_status("unknown"), m_first(true), m_write(true) { m_start = m_call = m_ringing = m_answer = m_hangup = 0; m_cdrId = ++s_seq; } CdrBuilder::~CdrBuilder() { if (!m_hangup) { // chan.hangup not seen yet - mark the record if possible if (!getParam("reason")) addParam("reason","CDR shutdown"); } emit("finalize"); if (Hungup::s_exp && !s_hungup.find(*this)) s_hungup.append(new Hungup(*this,false)); } void CdrBuilder::emit(const char *operation) { if (null()) return; u_int64_t t_hangup = m_hangup ? m_hangup : Time::now(); u_int64_t t_call = m_call, t_ringing = m_ringing, t_answer = m_answer; if (!m_start) m_start = t_call; if (!t_call) t_call = m_start; if (!t_call) t_call = m_start = t_hangup; if (!t_ringing) t_ringing = t_call; if (!t_answer) t_answer = t_hangup; if (t_answer > t_hangup) t_answer = t_hangup; if (t_ringing > t_answer) t_ringing = t_answer; if (!operation) operation = m_first ? "initialize" : "update"; m_first = false; DDebug("cdrbuild",DebugAll,"Emit '%s' for '%s' status '%s'", operation,c_str(),m_status.c_str()); char buf[64]; Message *m = new Message("call.cdr",0,true); m->addParam("time",printTime(buf,m_start)); m->addParam("chan",c_str()); m->addParam("cdrid",m_cdrId); m->addParam("runid",s_runId); m->addParam("operation",operation); m->addParam("direction",m_dir); m->addParam("duration",printTime(buf,t_hangup - m_start)); m->addParam("billtime",printTime(buf,t_hangup - t_answer)); m->addParam("ringtime",printTime(buf,t_answer - t_ringing)); m->addParam("status",m_status); if (!getValue("external")) { const char* ext = 0; if (m_dir == "incoming") ext = getValue("caller"); else if (m_dir == "outgoing") ext = getValue("called"); if (ext) m->setParam("external",ext); } m->addParam("cdrwrite",String::boolText(m_write)); unsigned int n = length(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) { const NamedString* s = getParam(i); if (!s) continue; m->addParam(s->name(),*s); } Engine::enqueue(m); } String CdrBuilder::getStatus() const { String s(m_status); s << "|" << getValue("caller") << "|" << getValue("called") << "|" << getValue("billid"); unsigned int sec = 0; if (m_start) sec = (Time::now() - m_start + 500000) / 1000000; s << "|" << sec; return s; } void CdrBuilder::update(int type, u_int64_t val) { switch (type) { case CdrStart: if (!m_start) m_start = val; break; case CdrCall: m_call = val; break; case CdrRinging: if (!m_ringing) m_ringing = val; break; case CdrAnswer: if (!m_answer) m_answer = val; break; case CdrHangup: m_hangup = val; break; } } bool CdrBuilder::update(const Message& msg, int type, u_int64_t val) { if (type == CdrDrop) { Debug("cdrbuild",DebugNote,"%s CDR for '%s'", (m_first ? "Dropping" : "Closing"),c_str()); // if we didn't generate an initialize generate no finalize if (m_first) clear(); else { // set a reason if none was set or one is explicitely provided const char* reason = msg.getValue("reason"); if (!(reason || getValue("reason"))) reason = "CDR dropped"; if (reason) setParam("reason",reason); } s_cdrs.remove(this); return true; } // cdrwrite must be consistent over all emitted messages so we read it once if (m_first) m_write = msg.getBoolValue("cdrwrite",true); unsigned int n = msg.length(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) { const NamedString* s = msg.getParam(i); if (!s) continue; if (s->null()) continue; if (s->name() == "status") { m_status = *s; if ((m_status == "incoming") || (m_status == "outgoing")) m_dir = m_status; } else if (s->name() == "direction") m_dir = *s; else { // search the parameter Param* p = static_cast(s_params[s->name()]); if (!p) continue; bool overwrite = p->overwrite(); String* str = getParam(s->name()); // parameter is not yet stored - store a copy if (!str) addParam(s->name(),*s); // parameter is stored but we should overwrite it else if (overwrite) *str = *s; } } update(type,val); if (type == CdrHangup) { s_cdrs.remove(this); // object is now destroyed, "this" no longer valid return false; } emit(); return false; } CdrBuilder* CdrBuilder::find(String &id) { return static_cast(s_cdrs[id]); } bool CdrHandler::received(Message &msg) { Lock lock(s_mutex); if (m_type == EngHalt) { unsigned int n = s_cdrs.count(); if (n) Debug("cdrbuild",DebugWarn,"Forcibly finalizing %u CDR records.",n); s_cdrs.clear(); return false; } bool track = true; if (m_type == CdrUpdate) { const String* oper = msg.getParam("operation"); if (oper && (*oper != "cdrbuild")) track = false; } if (!msg.getBoolValue("cdrtrack",track)) return false; String id(msg.getValue("id")); if (m_type == CdrDrop) { if (!id.startSkip("cdrbuild/",false)) return false; } if (id.null()) { id = msg.getValue("module"); id += "/"; id += msg.getValue("span"); id += "/"; id += msg.getValue("channel"); if (id == "//") return false; } bool rval = false; int type = m_type; int level = DebugInfo; CdrBuilder *b = CdrBuilder::find(id); if (!b) { switch (type) { case CdrStart: case CdrCall: case CdrAnswer: { expireHungup(); Hungup* h = static_cast(s_hungup[id]); if (h) { if (h->hangup()) // seen hangup but not emitted call.cdr - do it now type = CdrHangup; else { // post-hangup answer cause billing problems so warn level = (CdrAnswer == type) ? DebugWarn : DebugNote; break; } } } if ((type != CdrHangup) && !msg.getBoolValue("cdrcreate",true)) break; b = new CdrBuilder(id); s_cdrs.append(b); break; case CdrHangup: expireHungup(); if (Hungup::s_exp && !s_hungup.find(id)) // remember to emit a finalize if we ever see a startup s_hungup.append(new Hungup(id,true)); else level = DebugMild; break; } } if (b) rval = b->update(msg,type,msg.msgTime().usec()); else Debug("cdrbuild",level,"Got message '%s' for untracked id '%s'", msg.c_str(),id.c_str()); if ((type == CdrRinging) || (type == CdrAnswer)) { id = msg.getValue("peerid"); if (id.null()) id = msg.getValue("targetid"); if (id && (b = CdrBuilder::find(id))) { b->update(type,msg.msgTime().usec()); b->emit(); } } return rval; }; bool StatusHandler::received(Message &msg) { const char *sel = msg.getValue("module"); if (sel && ::strcmp(sel,"cdrbuild")) return false; String st("name=cdrbuild,type=cdr,format=Status|Caller|Called|BillId|Duration"); s_mutex.lock(); expireHungup(); st << ";cdrs=" << s_cdrs.count() << ",hungup=" << s_hungup.count(); if (msg.getBoolValue("details",true)) { st << ";"; ObjList *l = &s_cdrs; bool first = true; for (; l; l=l->next()) { CdrBuilder *b = static_cast(l->get()); if (b) { if (first) first = false; else st << ","; st << *b << "=" << b->getStatus(); } } } s_mutex.unlock(); msg.retValue() << st << "\r\n"; return false; } bool CommandHandler::received(Message &msg) { static const String name("cdrbuild"); const String* partial = msg.getParam("partline"); if (!partial || *partial != "status") return false; partial = msg.getParam("partword"); if (TelEngine::null(partial) || name.startsWith(*partial)) msg.retValue().append(name,"\t"); return false; } class CdrBuildPlugin : public Plugin { public: CdrBuildPlugin(); virtual ~CdrBuildPlugin(); virtual void initialize(); private: bool m_first; }; CdrBuildPlugin::CdrBuildPlugin() : Plugin("cdrbuild"), m_first(true) { Output("Loaded module CdrBuild"); } CdrBuildPlugin::~CdrBuildPlugin() { Output("Unloading module CdrBuild"); } void CdrBuildPlugin::initialize() { Output("Initializing module CdrBuild"); Configuration cfg(Engine::configFile("cdrbuild")); s_res = cfg.getIntValue("general","resolution",s_timeRes,1); int exp = cfg.getIntValue("general","guardtime",5000); if (exp < 0) exp = 0; else if (exp > 600000) exp = 600000; s_mutex.lock(); Hungup::s_exp = 1000 * (u_int64_t)exp; s_params.clear(); const struct _params* params = s_defParams; for (; params->name; params++) s_params.append(new Param(params->name,params->overwrite)); const NamedList* sect = cfg.getSection("parameters"); if (sect) { unsigned int n = sect->length(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++) { const NamedString* p = sect->getParam(i); if (!p) continue; const char* const* f = s_forbidden; for (; *f; f++) if (p->name() == *f) break; if (*f) { Debug("cdrbuild",DebugWarn,"Cannot override parameter '%s'",p->name().c_str()); continue; } Param* par = static_cast(s_params[p->name()]); if (par) par->overwrite(p->toBoolean(par->overwrite())); else s_params.append(new Param(p->name(),p->toBoolean(false))); } } s_mutex.unlock(); if (m_first) { m_first = false; s_runId = Engine::runId(); Engine::install(new CdrHandler("chan.startup",CdrStart)); Engine::install(new CdrHandler("call.route",CdrRoute)); Engine::install(new CdrHandler("call.execute",CdrCall)); Engine::install(new CdrHandler("call.ringing",CdrRinging)); Engine::install(new CdrHandler("call.answered",CdrAnswer)); Engine::install(new CdrHandler("call.update",CdrUpdate)); Engine::install(new CdrHandler("chan.hangup",CdrHangup,150)); Engine::install(new CdrHandler("call.drop",CdrDrop)); Engine::install(new CdrHandler("engine.halt",EngHalt,150)); Engine::install(new StatusHandler); Engine::install(new CommandHandler); } } INIT_PLUGIN(CdrBuildPlugin); }; // anonymous namespace /* vi: set ts=8 sw=4 sts=4 noet: */