/** * Mime.cpp * This file is part of the YATE Project http://YATE.null.ro * * Yet Another Telephony Engine - a fully featured software PBX and IVR * Copyright (C) 2004-2013 Null Team * * This software is distributed under multiple licenses; * see the COPYING file in the main directory for licensing * information for this specific distribution. * * This use of this software may be subject to additional restrictions. * See the LEGAL file in the main directory for details. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. */ #include #include "yatemime.h" using namespace TelEngine; // Utility function, checks if a character is a folded line continuation static bool isContinuationBlank(char c) { return ((c == ' ') || (c == '\t')); } /** * MimeHeaderLine */ MimeHeaderLine::MimeHeaderLine(const char* name, const String& value, char sep) : NamedString(name), m_separator(sep ? sep : ';') { if (value.null()) return; XDebug(DebugAll,"MimeHeaderLine::MimeHeaderLine('%s','%s') [%p]",name,value.c_str(),this); int sp = findSep(value,m_separator); if (sp < 0) { assign(value); return; } assign(value,sp); trimBlanks(); while (sp < (int)value.length()) { int ep = findSep(value,m_separator,sp+1); if (ep <= sp) ep = value.length(); int eq = value.find('=',sp+1); if ((eq > 0) && (eq < ep)) { String pname(value.substr(sp+1,eq-sp-1)); String pvalue(value.substr(eq+1,ep-eq-1)); pname.trimBlanks(); pvalue.trimBlanks(); if (!pname.null()) { XDebug(DebugAll,"hdr param name='%s' value='%s'",pname.c_str(),pvalue.c_str()); m_params.append(new NamedString(pname,pvalue)); } } else { String pname(value.substr(sp+1,ep-sp-1)); pname.trimBlanks(); if (!pname.null()) { XDebug(DebugAll,"hdr param name='%s' (no value)",pname.c_str()); m_params.append(new NamedString(pname)); } } sp = ep; } } MimeHeaderLine::MimeHeaderLine(const MimeHeaderLine& original, const char* newName) : NamedString(newName ? newName : original.name().c_str(),original), m_separator(original.separator()) { XDebug(DebugAll,"MimeHeaderLine::MimeHeaderLine(%p '%s') [%p]",&original,name().c_str(),this); const ObjList* l = &original.params(); for (; l; l = l->next()) { const NamedString* t = static_cast(l->get()); if (t) m_params.append(new NamedString(t->name(),*t)); } } MimeHeaderLine::~MimeHeaderLine() { XDebug(DebugAll,"MimeHeaderLine::~MimeHeaderLine() [%p]",this); } void* MimeHeaderLine::getObject(const String& name) const { if (name == YATOM("MimeHeaderLine")) return const_cast(this); return NamedString::getObject(name); } MimeHeaderLine* MimeHeaderLine::clone(const char* newName) const { return new MimeHeaderLine(*this,newName); } void MimeHeaderLine::buildLine(String& line, bool header) const { if (header) line << name() << ": "; line << *this; const ObjList* p = &m_params; for (; p; p = p->next()) { NamedString* s = static_cast(p->get()); if (s) { line << separator() << s->name(); if (!s->null()) line << "=" << *s; } } } const NamedString* MimeHeaderLine::getParam(const char* name) const { if (!(name && *name)) return 0; const ObjList* l = &m_params; for (; l; l = l->next()) { const NamedString* t = static_cast(l->get()); if (t && (t->name() &= name)) return t; } return 0; } void MimeHeaderLine::setParam(const char* name, const char* value) { ObjList* p = m_params.find(name); if (p) *static_cast(p->get()) = value; else m_params.append(new NamedString(name,value)); } void MimeHeaderLine::delParam(const char* name) { ObjList* p = m_params.find(name); if (p) p->remove(); } // Utility function, puts quotes around a string void MimeHeaderLine::addQuotes(String& str, bool force) { str.trimBlanks(); unsigned int l = str.length(); if (force || (l < 2) || (str[0] != '"') || (str[l-1] != '"')) { str = "\"" + str + "\""; force = true; } for (l = 1; l < str.length() - 1; l++) { switch (str.at(l)) { case '\\': if (!force) { // check only, don't quote again switch (str.at(l+1)) { case '\\': case '"': // already quoted, skip it l++; continue; } } // fall through case '"': str = str.substr(0,l) + "\\" + str.substr(l); l++; default: break; } } } // Utility function, removes quotes around a string void MimeHeaderLine::delQuotes(String& str, bool force) { str.trimBlanks(); unsigned int l = str.length(); if ((l >= 2) && (str[0] == '"') && (str[l-1] == '"')) { str = str.substr(1,l-2); str.trimBlanks(); force = true; } if (force) { for (l = 0; l < str.length(); l++) { if (str.at(l) == '\\') str = str.substr(0,l) + str.substr(l+1); // since the string is shorter the loop will skip past next char } } } // Utility function, puts quotes around a string String MimeHeaderLine::quote(const String& str, bool force) { String tmp(str); addQuotes(tmp,force); return tmp; } // Utility function, removed quotes around a string String MimeHeaderLine::unquote(const String& str, bool force) { String tmp(str); delQuotes(tmp,force); return tmp; } // Utility function to find a separator not in "quotes" or inside int MimeHeaderLine::findSep(const char* str, char sep, int offs) { if (!(str && sep)) return -1; str += offs; bool inQ = false; bool inU = false; char c; for (; (c = *str++) ; offs++) { if (inQ) { if (c == '"') inQ = false; continue; } if (inU) { if (c == '>') inU = false; continue; } if (c == sep) return offs; switch (c) { case '"': inQ = true; break; case '<': inU = true; break; } } return -1; } // Build a string from a list of MIME header lines void MimeHeaderLine::buildHeaders(String& buf, const ObjList& headers) { for (ObjList* o = headers.skipNull(); o; o = o->skipNext()) { MimeHeaderLine* hdr = static_cast(o->get()); String line; hdr->buildLine(line); buf << line << "\r\n"; } } /** * MimeAuthLine */ MimeAuthLine::MimeAuthLine(const char* name, const String& value) : MimeHeaderLine(name,String::empty(),',') { XDebug(DebugAll,"MimeAuthLine::MimeAuthLine('%s','%s') [%p]",name,value.c_str(),this); if (value.null()) return; int sp = value.find(' '); if (sp < 0) { assign(value); return; } assign(value,sp); trimBlanks(); while (sp < (int)value.length()) { int ep = value.find(m_separator,sp+1); int quot = value.find('"',sp+1); if ((quot > sp) && (quot < ep)) { quot = value.find('"',quot+1); if (quot > sp) ep = value.find(m_separator,quot+1); } if (ep <= sp) ep = value.length(); int eq = value.find('=',sp+1); if ((eq > 0) && (eq < ep)) { String pname(value.substr(sp+1,eq-sp-1)); String pvalue(value.substr(eq+1,ep-eq-1)); pname.trimBlanks(); pvalue.trimBlanks(); if (!pname.null()) { XDebug(DebugAll,"auth param name='%s' value='%s'",pname.c_str(),pvalue.c_str()); m_params.append(new NamedString(pname,pvalue)); } } else { String pname(value.substr(sp+1,ep-sp-1)); pname.trimBlanks(); if (!pname.null()) { XDebug(DebugAll,"auth param name='%s' (no value)",pname.c_str()); m_params.append(new NamedString(pname)); } } sp = ep; } } MimeAuthLine::MimeAuthLine(const MimeAuthLine& original, const char* newName) : MimeHeaderLine(original,newName) { } void* MimeAuthLine::getObject(const String& name) const { if (name == YATOM("MimeAuthLine")) return const_cast(this); return MimeHeaderLine::getObject(name); } MimeHeaderLine* MimeAuthLine::clone(const char* newName) const { return new MimeAuthLine(*this,newName); } void MimeAuthLine::buildLine(String& line, bool header) const { if (header) line << name() << ": "; line << *this; const ObjList* p = &m_params; for (bool first = true; p; p = p->next()) { NamedString* s = static_cast(p->get()); if (s) { if (first) first = false; else line << separator(); line << " " << s->name(); if (!s->null()) line << "=" << *s; } } } /** * MimeBody */ YCLASSIMP(MimeBody,GenObject) MimeBody::MimeBody(const String& type) : m_type("Content-Type",type) { m_type.toLower(); DDebug(DebugAll,"MimeBody::MimeBody('%s') [%p]",m_type.c_str(),this); } // Build from header line // Make sure the name of the header line is correct MimeBody::MimeBody(const MimeHeaderLine& type) : m_type(type,"Content-Type") { m_type.toLower(); DDebug(DebugAll,"MimeBody::MimeBody('%s','%s') [%p]", m_type.name().c_str(),m_type.c_str(),this); } MimeBody::~MimeBody() { DDebug(DebugAll,"MimeBody::~MimeBody() '%s' [%p]",m_type.c_str(),this); } // Find the first (sub)body matching the given type MimeBody* MimeBody::getFirst(const String& type) const { if (type.null()) return 0; if (getType() == type) return const_cast(this); return isMultipart() ? (static_cast(this))->findBody(type) : 0; } // Find an additional header line by its name MimeHeaderLine* MimeBody::findHdr(const String& name, const MimeHeaderLine* start) const { ObjList* o = m_headers.skipNull(); if (!o) return 0; // Find start point if (start) for (; o; o = o->skipNext()) if (start == o->get()) { o = o->skipNext(); break; } // Find the header for (; o; o = o->skipNext()) { MimeHeaderLine* hdr = static_cast(o->get()); if (hdr->name() &= name) return hdr; } return 0; } // Replace the value of an existing parameter or add a new one bool MimeBody::setParam(const char* name, const char* value, const char* header) { MimeHeaderLine* hdr = (!(header && *header)) ? &m_type : findHdr(header); if (hdr) hdr->setParam(name,value); return (hdr != 0); } // Remove a header parameter bool MimeBody::delParam(const char* name, const char* header) { MimeHeaderLine* hdr = (!(header && *header)) ? &m_type : findHdr(header); if (hdr) hdr->delParam(name); return (hdr != 0); } // Get a header parameter const NamedString* MimeBody::getParam(const char* name, const char* header) const { const MimeHeaderLine* hdr = (!(header && *header)) ? &m_type : findHdr(header); return hdr ? hdr->getParam(name) : 0; } const DataBlock& MimeBody::getBody() const { if (m_body.null()) buildBody(); return m_body; } // Method to build a MIME body from a type and data buffer MimeBody* MimeBody::build(const char* buf, int len, const MimeHeaderLine& type) { DDebug(DebugAll,"MimeBody::build(%p,%d,'%s')",buf,len,type.c_str()); if ((len <= 0) || !buf) return 0; String what = type; what.toLower(); if (what == YSTRING("application/sdp")) return new MimeSdpBody(type,buf,len); if ((what == YSTRING("application/dtmf-relay")) || (what == YSTRING("message/sipfrag"))) return new MimeLinesBody(type,buf,len); if (what.startsWith("text/") || (what == YSTRING("application/dtmf"))) return new MimeStringBody(type,buf,len); if (what.startsWith("multipart/")) return new MimeMultipartBody(type,buf,len); // Remove any spurious leading CRLF if (len >= 2 && buf[0] == '\r' && buf[1] == '\n') { len -= 2; if (!len) return 0; buf += 2; } if ((what.length() >=7) && what.endsWith("+xml")) return new MimeStringBody(type,buf,len); // Create a default binary body return new MimeBinaryBody(type,buf,len); } String* MimeBody::getUnfoldedLine(const char*& buf, int& len) { String* res = new String; const char* b = buf; const char* s = b; int l = len; int e = 0; for (;(l > 0); ++b, --l) { bool goOut = false; switch (*b) { case '\r': // CR is optional but skip over it if exists if ((l > 0) && (b[1] == '\n')) { ++b; --l; } case '\n': ++b; --l; { String line(s,e); *res << line; } // Skip over any continuation characters at start of next line goOut = true; while ((l > 0) && *res && isContinuationBlank(b[0])) { ++b; --l; goOut = false; } s = b; e = 0; if (!goOut) { --b; ++l; } break; case '\0': // Should not happen - but let's accept what we got *res << s; goOut = true; if (l <= 16) { // If there are maximum 16 NULs suppress the warning e = l; do { ++b; --l; } while (l && !*b); } if (l) Debug(DebugMild,"Unexpected NUL character while unfolding lines"); #ifdef DEBUG else Debug(DebugInfo,"Dropped %d final NUL characters while unfolding lines",e); #endif // End parsing b += l; l = 0; e = 0; break; default: // Just count this character - we'll pick it later ++e; } // Exit without adjusting p and l if (goOut) break; } buf = b; len = l; // Collect any leftover characters if (e) { String line(s,e); *res << line; } res->trimBlanks(); return res; } /** * MimeMultipartBody */ // Constructor to build an empty multipart body MimeMultipartBody::MimeMultipartBody(const char* subtype, const char* boundary) : MimeBody((subtype && *subtype) ? (String("multipart/") + subtype) : "multipart/mixed") { String b = boundary; b.trimBlanks(); if (b.null()) b << (int)Random::random() << "_" << (unsigned int)Time::now(); if (b.length() > 70) b = b.substr(0,70); setParam("boundary",b); } // Constructor from block of data MimeMultipartBody::MimeMultipartBody(const String& type, const char* buf, int len) : MimeBody(type) { parse(buf,len); } // Constructor from block of data MimeMultipartBody::MimeMultipartBody(const MimeHeaderLine& type, const char* buf, int len) : MimeBody(type) { parse(buf,len); } MimeMultipartBody::~MimeMultipartBody() { } // Copy constructor MimeMultipartBody::MimeMultipartBody(const MimeMultipartBody& original) : MimeBody(original.getType()) { for (ObjList* o = original.m_bodies.skipNull(); o; o = o->skipNext()) { MimeBody* body = static_cast(o->get()); m_bodies.append(body->clone()); } } // Find object by class name, descend into parts void* MimeMultipartBody::getObject(const String& name) const { if (name == YATOM("MimeMultipartBody")) return const_cast(this); void* res = MimeBody::getObject(name); if (res) return res; for (ObjList* o = m_bodies.skipNull(); o; o = o->skipNext()) { const MimeBody* body = static_cast(o->get()); res = body->getObject(name); if (res) return res; } return 0; } // Find a body. Enclosed multiparts are also searched for the requested body MimeBody* MimeMultipartBody::findBody(const String& content, MimeBody** start) const { MimeBody* localStart = start ? *start : 0; MimeBody* body = 0; XDebug(DebugAll,"MimeMultipartBody::findBody(%s,%p) [%p]", content.c_str(),localStart,this); for (ObjList* o = m_bodies.skipNull(); !body && o; o = o->skipNext()) { body = static_cast(o->get()); if (!localStart) { if (content == body->getType()) break; } else if (body == localStart) localStart = 0; // Check inside multiparts for starting point or requested body if (body->isMultipart()) body = (static_cast(body))->findBody(content,&localStart); else body = 0; } XDebug(DebugInfo,"MimeMultipartBody::findBody() body=%p start=%p [%p]", body,localStart,this); if (start) *start = localStart; return body; } // Duplicate this MIME body MimeBody* MimeMultipartBody::clone() const { return new MimeMultipartBody(*this); } // Method that is called internally to build the binary encoded body void MimeMultipartBody::buildBody() const { String boundary; if (!getBoundary(boundary)) return; String crlf = "\r\n"; String boundaryLast = boundary + "--" + crlf; boundary << crlf; // Build this body. Add a boundary before each component ObjList* o = m_bodies.skipNull(); if (o) for (; o; o = o->skipNext()) { MimeBody* body = static_cast(o->get()); String hdr; body->buildHeaders(hdr); m_body += boundary; m_body += hdr; m_body += crlf; m_body += body->getBody(); } else m_body += boundary; // Add termination boundary m_body += boundaryLast; } // Skip chars until boundary line ends // Check for last boundary static void finalizeBoundary(const char*& buf, int& len, bool& last, const char* boundary) { last = (len >= 2 && buf[0] == '-' && buf[1] == '-'); if (last) { buf += 2; len -= 2; // Ignore the rest, we don't need the epilogue return; } // RFC 2046 states the boundary line should be padded with spaces only // and end with CR/LF. We allow any char until LF for (; len && *buf != '\n'; buf++, len--) ; if (len) { buf++; len--; } if (!len) { Debug(DebugNote,"Unexpected multipart end for boundary '%s'",boundary + 4); last = true; } } // Parse a data buffer and append any valid body to this multipart // Ignore prolog, epilog and invalid bodies void MimeMultipartBody::parse(const char* buf, int len) { DDebug(DebugAll,"MimeMultipartBody::parse(%p,%d,'%s') [%p]", buf,len,getType().c_str(),this); String boundary; if (!(buf && len > 0 && getBoundary(boundary))) return; // Find first boundary: ignore the data before it bool endBody = false; bool foundFirst = false; // RFC 2046: First boundary may be preceded by a preamble // If there is a preamble, CR/LF MUST be present in boundary // If there is no preamble CR/LF may not be present, the buffer may start with - if (buf[0] == '-') { const char* tmp = boundary.c_str() + 2; int tmpLen = boundary.length() - 2; if (tmpLen <= len) { int i = 0; for (; i < tmpLen; i++) if (buf[i] != tmp[i]) break; if (i == tmpLen) { foundFirst = true; buf += tmpLen; len -= tmpLen; finalizeBoundary(buf,len,endBody,boundary); } } } if (!foundFirst) findBoundary(buf,len,boundary,boundary.length(),endBody); // Parse for bodies XDebug(DebugInfo,"Start parsing boundary=%s len=%d [%p]", boundary.c_str() + 4,len,this); while (len > 0) { if (endBody) break; // Find next boundary. Get the length of data before it // 'start' will point to the beginning of an enclosed body const char* start = buf; int l = findBoundary(buf,len,boundary.c_str(),boundary.length(),endBody); XDebug(DebugInfo,"Found %d length body (remain=%d) [%p]",l,len,this); if (l <= 0) continue; // Parse 'start' for body headers ObjList hdr; MimeHeaderLine* cType = 0; while (l) { int tmpLen = l; const char* s = start; String* line = MimeBody::getUnfoldedLine(start,l); // Found end of headers if (line->null()) { l = tmpLen; start = s; TelEngine::destruct(line); break; } DDebug(DebugAll,"Found line '%s' [%p]",line->c_str(),this); int col = line->find(':'); // Check if this is a valid header line if (col <= 0) { TelEngine::destruct(line); continue; } String name = line->substr(0,col); name.trimBlanks(); if (!name) { TelEngine::destruct(line); continue; } *line >> ":"; line->trimBlanks(); MimeHeaderLine* ct = new MimeHeaderLine(name,*line); hdr.append(ct); if (name &= "Content-Type") cType = ct; TelEngine::destruct(line); } // 'start' is now pointing to the enclosed body's content // Append body to list and move extra headers to it MimeBody* body = cType ? MimeBody::build(start,l,*cType) : 0; if (!body) { DDebug(DebugNote, "Failed to build enclosed body (length=%d)%s [%p]", l,cType?"":": Content-Type header is missing",this); continue; } m_bodies.append(body); ListIterator iter(hdr); for (GenObject* o = 0; (o = iter.get());) { MimeHeaderLine* line = static_cast(o); if (line == cType) continue; hdr.remove(o,false); body->appendHdr(line); } XDebug(DebugInfo,"Added ('%s',%p) with %u additional headers [%p]", cType->c_str(),body,body->headers().count(),this); } XDebug(DebugInfo,"End parsing boundary=%s%s [%p]",boundary.c_str() + 4, (endBody && len > 0)?" .Found garbage after body":"",this); } // Parse input buffer for first body boundary or data end // Advance buffer pass the boundary line and decrease the buffer length // Set endData to true if a final boundary was found or the end of the // buffer was reached // Return the length of data before the found boundary int MimeMultipartBody::findBoundary(const char*& buf, int& len, const char* boundary, unsigned int bLen, bool& endBody) { if (len <= 0) { endBody = true; return 0; } endBody = false; int bodyLen = 0; bool found = false; while (len) { // Skip until the first char of boundary for (; len >= (int)bLen && *buf != boundary[0]; len--, buf++) bodyLen++; // Current char is the first char of the boundary // Check if we have enough data for boundary if (len < (int)bLen) { bodyLen += len; buf += len; len = 0; break; } // Check boundary unsigned int n = 0; for(; n < bLen && *buf == boundary[n]; n++, buf++, len--) ; // Not found if (n < bLen) { bodyLen += n; continue; } found = true; finalizeBoundary(buf,len,endBody,boundary); break; } if (!found) Debug(DebugNote,"Expected multipart boundary '%s' not found",boundary + 4); if (!len) endBody = true; return found ? bodyLen : 0; } // Build a boundary string to be used when parsing or building body // Remove quotes if present. Trim blanks // Insert CRLF and boundary marks ('--') before parameter bool MimeMultipartBody::getBoundary(String& boundary) const { boundary = ""; const NamedString* b = getParam("boundary"); if (b) { String tmp = *b; MimeHeaderLine::delQuotes(tmp); // RFC 2046 pg. 22: Trailing blanks are not part of the boundary // Trim leading blanks also tmp.trimBlanks(); if (!tmp.null()) { boundary = "\r\n--"; boundary << tmp; } } if (boundary.null()) Debug(DebugMild,"MimeMultipartBody::getBoundary() Parameter is %s [%p]", b?"empty":"missing",this); return !boundary.null(); } /** * MimeSdpBody */ YCLASSIMP(MimeSdpBody,MimeBody) MimeSdpBody::MimeSdpBody() : MimeBody("application/sdp") { } MimeSdpBody::MimeSdpBody(const String& type, const char* buf, int len) : MimeBody(type) { buildLines(buf,len); } MimeSdpBody::MimeSdpBody(const MimeHeaderLine& type, const char* buf, int len) : MimeBody(type) { buildLines(buf,len); } MimeSdpBody::MimeSdpBody(const MimeSdpBody& original) : MimeBody(original.getType()) { const ObjList* l = &original.m_lines; for (; l; l = l->next()) { const NamedString* t = static_cast(l->get()); if (t) m_lines.append(new NamedString(t->name(),*t)); } } MimeSdpBody::~MimeSdpBody() { } void MimeSdpBody::buildBody() const { DDebug(DebugAll,"MimeSdpBody::buildBody() [%p]",this); const ObjList* l = &m_lines; for (; l; l = l->next()) { const NamedString* t = static_cast(l->get()); if (t) { String line; line << t->name() << "=" << *t << "\r\n"; m_body += line; } } } MimeBody* MimeSdpBody::clone() const { return new MimeSdpBody(*this); } const NamedString* MimeSdpBody::getLine(const char* name) const { if (!(name && *name)) return 0; const ObjList* l = &m_lines; for (; l; l = l->next()) { const NamedString* t = static_cast(l->get()); if (t && (t->name() &= name)) return t; } return 0; } const NamedString* MimeSdpBody::getNextLine(const NamedString* line) const { if (!line) return 0; const ObjList* l = m_lines.find(line); if (!l) return 0; l = l->next(); for (; l; l = l->next()) { const NamedString* t = static_cast(l->get()); if (t && (t->name() &= line->name())) return t; } return 0; } // Build the lines from a data buffer void MimeSdpBody::buildLines(const char* buf, int len) { while (len > 0) { String* line = getUnfoldedLine(buf,len); int eq = line->find('='); if (eq > 0) m_lines.append(new NamedString(line->substr(0,eq),line->substr(eq+1))); line->destruct(); } } /** * MimeBinaryBody */ YCLASSIMP(MimeBinaryBody,MimeBody) MimeBinaryBody::MimeBinaryBody(const String& type, const char* buf, int len) : MimeBody(type) { m_body.assign((void*)buf,len); } MimeBinaryBody::MimeBinaryBody(const MimeHeaderLine& type, const char* buf, int len) : MimeBody(type) { m_body.assign((void*)buf,len); } MimeBinaryBody::MimeBinaryBody(const MimeBinaryBody& original) : MimeBody(original.getType()) { m_body = original.m_body; } MimeBinaryBody::~MimeBinaryBody() { } void MimeBinaryBody::buildBody() const { DDebug(DebugAll,"MimeBinaryBody::buildBody() [%p]",this); // nothing to do } MimeBody* MimeBinaryBody::clone() const { return new MimeBinaryBody(*this); } /** * MimeStringBody */ YCLASSIMP(MimeStringBody,MimeBody) MimeStringBody::MimeStringBody(const String& type, const char* buf, int len) : MimeBody(type), m_text(buf,len) { } MimeStringBody::MimeStringBody(const MimeHeaderLine& type, const char* buf, int len) : MimeBody(type), m_text(buf,len) { } MimeStringBody::MimeStringBody(const MimeStringBody& original) : MimeBody(original.getType()), m_text(original.m_text) { } MimeStringBody::~MimeStringBody() { } void MimeStringBody::buildBody() const { DDebug(DebugAll,"MimeStringBody::buildBody() [%p]",this); m_body.assign((void*)m_text.c_str(),m_text.length()); } MimeBody* MimeStringBody::clone() const { return new MimeStringBody(*this); } /** * MimeLinesBody */ YCLASSIMP(MimeLinesBody,MimeBody) MimeLinesBody::MimeLinesBody(const String& type, const char* buf, int len) : MimeBody(type) { while (len > 0) m_lines.append(getUnfoldedLine(buf,len)); } MimeLinesBody::MimeLinesBody(const MimeHeaderLine& type, const char* buf, int len) : MimeBody(type) { while (len > 0) m_lines.append(getUnfoldedLine(buf,len)); } MimeLinesBody::MimeLinesBody(const MimeLinesBody& original) : MimeBody(original.getType()) { const ObjList* l = &original.m_lines; for (; l; l = l->next()) { const String* s = static_cast(l->get()); if (s) m_lines.append(new String(*s)); } } MimeLinesBody::~MimeLinesBody() { } void MimeLinesBody::buildBody() const { DDebug(DebugAll,"MimeLinesBody::buildBody() [%p]",this); const ObjList* l = &m_lines; for (; l; l = l->next()) { const String* s = static_cast(l->get()); if (s) { String line; line << *s << "\r\n"; m_body += line; } } } MimeBody* MimeLinesBody::clone() const { return new MimeLinesBody(*this); } /* vi: set ts=8 sw=4 sts=4 noet: */