#!/usr/bin/php -q = 2 is the number of failures causing a ban If you are using SIP proxies or clients with multiple subscriptions you will need to allow more failures for each since each separate transaction will fail once This script requires Yate to run as root or have permissions to run iptables / ip6tables */ // How many failures in a row cause a ban $ban_failures = 10; // In how many seconds to clear a gray host $clear_gray = 10; // In how many seconds to clear a blacklisted host $clear_black = 600; // Path prefix for commands, if needed $cmd_path = ""; // "/usr/sbin/"; // Command to ban an IPv4 address $cmd_ban4 = "${cmd_path}iptables -I INPUT -s \$addr -j DROP"; // Command to unban an IPv4 address $cmd_unban4 = "${cmd_path}iptables -D INPUT -s \$addr -j DROP"; // Command to ban an IPv6 address $cmd_ban6 = "${cmd_path}ip6tables -I INPUT -s \$addr -j DROP"; // Command to unban an IPv6 address $cmd_unban6 = "${cmd_path}ip6tables -D INPUT -s \$addr -j DROP"; require_once("libyate.php"); $banHelp = " banbrutes [list|unban address|debug on/off|failures NN]\r\n"; $hosts = array(); class Host { var $fail; var $when; function __construct() { global $clear_gray; $this->fail = 1; $this->when = time() + $clear_gray; } function success() { if ($this->fail > 0) { $this->fail = 0; $this->when = time() + 2; } } function failed() { global $ban_failures; global $clear_gray; global $clear_black; if ($this->fail < 0) return false; $this->fail++; if ($this->fail >= $ban_failures) { $this->fail = -1; $this->when = time() + $clear_black; return true; } $this->when = time() + $clear_gray; return false; } function banned() { return $this->fail < 0; } function timer($now) { return $now >= $this->when; } } function updateAuth($addr,$ok) { global $hosts; global $cmd_ban4, $cmd_ban6; switch ($addr) { case null: case "": case "": case "::1": return; } if ($ok) { if (isset($hosts[$addr])) $hosts[$addr]->success(); return; } if (isset($hosts[$addr])) { if ($hosts[$addr]->failed()) { $cmd = strstr($addr,":") ? $cmd_ban6 : $cmd_ban4; $cmd = eval('return "' . $cmd . '";'); Yate::Output("banbrutes: $cmd"); shell_exec($cmd); } } else { Yate::Debug("New gray host: $addr"); $hosts[$addr] = new Host(); } } function onTimer() { global $hosts; global $cmd_unban4, $cmd_unban6; $now = time(); foreach ($hosts as $addr => &$host) { if ($host->timer($now)) { if ($host->banned()) { $cmd = strstr($addr,":") ? $cmd_unban6 : $cmd_unban4; $cmd = eval('return "' . $cmd . '";'); Yate::Output("banbrutes: $cmd"); shell_exec($cmd); } else Yate::Debug("Expired host: $addr"); unset($hosts[$addr]); } } } function onCommand($l,&$retval) { global $hosts; global $ban_failures; global $cmd_unban4, $cmd_unban6; if ($l == "banbrutes") { $gray = 0; $banned = 0; foreach ($hosts as &$host) { if ($host->banned()) $banned++; else $gray++; } $retval = "failures=${ban_failures},banned=${banned},gray=${gray}\r\n"; return true; } else if ($l == "banbrutes list") { $retval = ""; $now = time(); foreach ($hosts as $addr => &$host) { if ($retval != "") $retval .= ","; if ($host->banned()) { $t = $host->when - $now; $retval .= "$addr=banned:${t}s"; } else $retval .= "$addr=gray:".$host->fail; } $retval .= "\r\n"; return true; } else if (strpos($l,"banbrutes unban ") === 0) { $addr = substr($l,16); if (isset($hosts[$addr])) { if ($hosts[$addr]->banned()) { $cmd = strstr($addr,":") ? $cmd_unban6 : $cmd_unban4; $cmd = eval('return "' . $cmd . '";'); Yate::Output("banbrutes: $cmd"); shell_exec($cmd); unset($hosts[$addr]); $retval = "Unbanned: $addr\r\n"; } else { unset($hosts[$addr]); $retval = "Removed from gray list: $addr\r\n"; } } else $retval = "Not banned: $addr\r\n"; return true; } else if (strpos($l,"banbrutes failures ") === 0) { $fail = (int) substr($l,19); if ($fail > 1 && $fail <= 1000) { $ban_failures = $fail; return true; } } else if (strpos($l,"banbrutes debug ") === 0) { $dbg = substr($l,16); switch ($dbg) { case "true": case "yes": case "on": Yate::Debug(true); return true; case "false": case "no": case "off": Yate::Debug(false); return true; } } return false; } function oneCompletion(&$ret,$str,$part) { if (($part != "") && (strpos($str,$part) !== 0)) return; if ($ret != "") $ret .= "\t"; $ret .= $str; } function onComplete(&$ev,$l,$w) { global $hosts; if ($l == "") oneCompletion($ev->retval,"banbrutes",$w); else if ($l == "help") oneCompletion($ev->retval,"banbrutes",$w); else if ($l == "banbrutes") { oneCompletion($ev->retval,"list",$w); oneCompletion($ev->retval,"unban",$w); oneCompletion($ev->retval,"debug",$w); oneCompletion($ev->retval,"failures",$w); } else if ($l == "banbrutes unban") { foreach ($hosts as $addr => &$host) { if ($host->banned()) oneCompletion($ev->retval,$addr,$w); } } else if ($l == "banbrutes debug") { oneCompletion($ev->retval,"on",$w); oneCompletion($ev->retval,"off",$w); } } function onHelp($l,&$retval) { global $banHelp; if ($l) { if ($l == "banbrutes") { $retval = "${banHelp}Automatically block brute force attackers\r\n"; return true; } return false; } $retval .= $banHelp; return false; } Yate::Init(); // Comment the next line to get output only in logs, not in rmanager Yate::Output(true); // Uncomment the next line to get debugging details by default //Yate::Debug(true); $n = round( (float)Yate::Arg()); if ($n >= 2) $ban_failures = $n; Yate::SetLocal("trackparam","banbrutes"); Yate::Watch("user.auth"); Yate::Watch("user.authfail"); Yate::Watch("engine.timer"); Yate::Install("engine.command",120); Yate::Install("engine.help",150); Yate::SetLocal("restart",true); for (;;) { $ev=Yate::GetEvent(); if ($ev === false) break; if ($ev === true) continue; if ($ev->type == "incoming") { switch ($ev->name) { case "engine.command": if ($ev->GetValue("line")) $ev->handled = onCommand($ev->GetValue("line"),$ev->retval); else onComplete($ev,$ev->GetValue("partline"),$ev->GetValue("partword")); break; case "engine.help": $ev->handled = onHelp($ev->GetValue("line"),$ev->retval); break; } $ev->Acknowledge(); } if ($ev->type == "answer") { switch ($ev->name) { case "user.auth": updateAuth($ev->GetValue("ip_host"),$ev->handled && ($ev->retval != "-")); break; case "user.authfail": updateAuth($ev->GetValue("ip_host"),false); break; case "engine.timer": onTimer(); break; } } } Yate::Output("banbrutes: bye!"); /* vi: set ts=8 sw=4 sts=4 noet: */ ?>