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* yatess7.h
* Yet Another SS7 Stack
* This file is part of the YATE Project http://YATE.null.ro
* Yet Another Telephony Engine - a fully featured software PBX and IVR
* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Null Team
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef __YATESS7_H
#define __YATESS7_H
#include <yateclass.h>
#ifdef _WINDOWS
#define YSS7_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define YSS7_API __declspec(dllimport)
#endif /* _WINDOWS */
#ifndef YSS7_API
#define YSS7_API
* Holds all Telephony Engine related classes.
namespace TelEngine {
class SignallingEngine;
class SignallingThreadPrivate;
class SignallingReceiver;
class SCCPUser;
class SS7Layer2;
class SS7Layer3;
class SS7Router;
class SS7TCAP;
class ISDNLayer3;
// Macro to create a factory that builds a component by class name
#define YSIGFACTORY(clas,iface) \
class clas ## Factory : public SignallingFactory \
{ \
protected: \
virtual void* create(const String& type, const NamedList& name) \
{ return (type == #clas) ? static_cast<iface*>(new clas) : 0; } \
}; \
static clas ## Factory s_ ## clas ## Factory
// Macro to create a factory that calls a component's static create method
#define YSIGFACTORY2(clas,iface) \
class clas ## Factory : public SignallingFactory \
{ \
protected: \
virtual void* create(const String& type, const NamedList& name) \
{ return clas::create(type,name); } \
}; \
static clas ## Factory s_ ## clas ## Factory
* A factory that constructs various elements by name
* @short A signalling component factory
class YSS7_API SignallingFactory : public GenObject
* Constructor, adds the factory to the global list
* Destructor, removes the factory from list
virtual ~SignallingFactory();
* Builds a component given its name and arbitrary parameters
* @param type The name of the interface that should be returned
* @param name Name of the requested component and additional parameters
* @return Pointer to the requested interface of the created component
static void* build(const String& type, const NamedList* name = 0);
* Creates a component given its name and arbitrary parameters
* @param type The name of the interface that should be returned
* @param name Name of the requested component and additional parameters
* @return Pointer to the requested interface of the created component
virtual void* create(const String& type, const NamedList& name) = 0;
* Interface to an abstract signalling component that is managed by an engine.
* The engine will periodically poll each component to keep them alive.
* @short Abstract signalling component that can be managed by the engine
class YSS7_API SignallingComponent : public GenObject
friend class SignallingEngine;
* Destructor, detaches the engine and other components
virtual ~SignallingComponent();
* Get the component's name so it can be used for list searches
* @return A reference to the name by which the component is known to engine
virtual const String& toString();
* Get the @ref TelEngine::SignallingEngine that manages this component
* @return Pointer to engine or NULL if not managed by an engine
inline SignallingEngine* engine() const
{ return m_engine; }
* Constructor with a default empty component name
* @param name Name of this component
inline SignallingComponent(const char* name = 0)
: m_engine(0), m_name(name)
{ }
* Insert another component in the same engine as this one.
* This method should be called for every component we attach.
* @param component Pointer to component to insert in engine
void insert(SignallingComponent* component);
* Detach this component from all its links - components and engine.
* Reimplement this method in all components that keep pointers to
* other components.
* The default implementation detaches from the engine.
virtual void detach();
* Method called periodically by the engine to keep everything alive
* @param when Time to use as computing base for events and timeouts
virtual void timerTick(const Time& when);
* Change the name of the component after it was constructed
* @param name Name of this component
inline void setName(const char* name)
{ m_name = name; }
SignallingEngine* m_engine;
String m_name;
* The engine is the center of all SS7 or ISDN applications.
* It is used as a base to build the protocol stack from components.
* @short Main signalling component holder
class YSS7_API SignallingEngine : public DebugEnabler, public Mutex
friend class SignallingComponent;
friend class SignallingThreadPrivate;
* Constructor of an empty engine
* Destructor, removes all components
virtual ~SignallingEngine();
* Insert a component in the engine, lock the list while doing so
* @param component Pointer to component to insert in engine
void insert(SignallingComponent* component);
* Remove a component from the engine, lock the list while doing so
* @param component Pointer to component to remove from engine
void remove(SignallingComponent* component);
* Remove and destroy a component from the engine by name
* @param name Name of component to remove from engine
* @return True if a component was found and destroyed
bool remove(const String& name);
* Retrive a component by name, lock the list while searching for it
* @param name Name of the component to find
* @return Pointer to component found or NULL
SignallingComponent* find(const String& name);
* Starts the worker thread that keeps components alive
* @param name Static name of the thread
* @param prio Thread's priority
* @param usec How long to sleep between iterations, in microseconds
* @return True if (already) started, false if an error occured
bool start(const char* name = "Signalling", Thread::Priority prio = Thread::Normal, unsigned long usec = 1000);
* Stops and destroys the worker thread if running
void stop();
* Return a pointer to the worker thread
* @return Pointer to running worker thread or NULL
Thread* thread() const;
* Method called periodically by the @ref Thread to keep everything alive
* @param when Time to use as computing base for events and timeouts
virtual void timerTick(const Time& when);
* The list of components managed by this engine
ObjList m_components;
SignallingThreadPrivate* m_thread;
bool m_listChanged;
* Interface of protocol independent signalling element
* @short Abstract signalling information element
class YSS7_API SignallingElement : public NamedString
* Interface of protocol independent signalling message
* @short Abstract signalling message
class YSS7_API SignallingMessage : public RefObject
* Append an information element to this message
* @param element Information element to add
* @return True if the IE was added or replaced, false if it was invalid
virtual bool append(const SignallingElement& element) = 0;
* Appending operator for signalling elements
inline SignallingMessage& operator+=(const SignallingElement& element)
{ append(element); return *this; }
* Stream style appending operator for signalling elements
inline SignallingMessage& operator<<(const SignallingElement& element)
{ append(element); return *this; }
* Interface of protocol independent signalling for phone calls
* @short Abstract phone call signalling
class YSS7_API SignallingCallControl
* Interface of protocol independent phone call
* @short Abstract single phone call
class YSS7_API SignallingCall : public RefObject
* An object holding a signalling event and related references
* @short A single signalling related event
class YSS7_API SignallingEvent
SignallingMessage* m_message;
SignallingCall* m_call;
* An interface to an abstraction of a Layer 1 (hardware HDLC) interface
* @short Abstract digital signalling interface (hardware access)
class YSS7_API SignallingInterface : virtual public SignallingComponent
friend class SignallingReceiver;
* Interface control operations
enum Operation {
Specific = 0,
EnableTx = 0x01,
EnableRx = 0x02,
Enable = 0x03,
DisableTx = 0x04,
DisableRx = 0x08,
Disable = 0x0c,
FlushTx = 0x10,
FlushRx = 0x20,
Flush = 0x30,
QueryTx = 0x40,
QueryRx = 0x80,
Query = 0xc0
* Interface generated notifications
enum Notification {
* Packet types
enum PacketType {
Unknown = 0,
* Destructor, stops and detaches the interface
virtual ~SignallingInterface();
* Attach a receiver to the interface
* @param iface Pointer to receiver to attach
virtual void attach(SignallingReceiver* receiver);
* Retrive the signalling receiver attached to this interface
* @return Pointer to attached receiver, NULL if none
inline SignallingReceiver* receiver() const
{ return m_receiver; }
* Execute a control operation. Operations can enable, disable or flush
* the transmitter, receiver or both. The status (enabled/disabled) can
* be queried and also interface-specific operations can be executed.
* @param oper Operation to execute
* @param params Optional parameters for the operation
* @return True if the command completed successfully, for query operations
* also indicates the interface is enabled and operational
virtual bool control(Operation oper, NamedList* params = 0);
* Transmit a packet over the hardware interface
* @param packet Packet data to send
* @param repeat Continuously send a copy of the packet while no other
* data is available for transmission
* @param type Type of the packet to send
* @return True if the interface accepted the packet
virtual bool transmitPacket(const DataBlock& packet, bool repeat, PacketType type) = 0;
* Push a valid received Signalling Packet up the protocol stack.
* The starting and ending flags and any CRC are not part of the data.
* @return True if packet was successfully delivered to the receiver
bool receivedPacket(const DataBlock& packet);
* Generate a notification event to the attached receiver
* @param event Notification event to be reported
* @return True if notification was accepted by the receiver
bool notify(Notification event);
SignallingReceiver* m_receiver;
* An interface to an abstraction of a Layer 2 packet data receiver
* @short Abstract Layer 2 packet data receiver
class YSS7_API SignallingReceiver : virtual public SignallingComponent
friend class SignallingInterface;
* Destructor, stops the interface and detaches from it
virtual ~SignallingReceiver();
* Attach a hardware interface to the data link
* @param iface Pointer to interface to attach
virtual void attach(SignallingInterface* iface);
* Retrive the interface used by this receiver
* @return Pointer to the attached interface or NULL
inline SignallingInterface* iface() const
{ return m_interface; }
* Execute a control operation on the attached interface.
* @param oper Operation to execute
* @param params Optional parameters for the operation
* @return True if the command completed successfully, for query operations
* also indicates the interface is enabled and operational
inline bool control(SignallingInterface::Operation oper, NamedList* params = 0)
{ return m_interface && m_interface->control(oper,params); }
* Send a packet to the attached interface for transmission
* @param packet Packet data to send
* @param repeat Continuously send a copy of the packet while no other
* data is available for transmission
* @param type Type of the packet to send
* @return True if the interface accepted the packet
inline bool transmitPacket(const DataBlock& packet, bool repeat, SignallingInterface::PacketType type = SignallingInterface::Unknown)
{ return m_interface && m_interface->transmitPacket(packet,repeat,type); }
* Process a Signalling Packet received by the interface
* @return True if message was successfully processed
virtual bool receivedPacket(const DataBlock& packet) = 0;
* Process a notification generated by the attached interface
* @param event Notification event reported by the interface
* @return True if notification was processed
virtual bool notify(SignallingInterface::Notification event);
SignallingInterface* m_interface;
* A raw data block with a little more understanding about MSU format
* @short A block of data that holds a Message Signal Unit
class YSS7_API SS7MSU : public DataBlock
* Service indicator values
enum Services {
// Signalling Network Management
SNM = 0,
// Maintenance
MTN = 1,
// Maintenance special
MTNS = 2,
// Signalling Connection Control Part
SCCP = 3,
// Telephone User Part
TUP = 4,
// ISDN User Part
ISUP = 5,
// Data User Part - call and circuit related
DUP_C = 6,
// Data User Part - facility messages
DUP_F = 7,
// MTP Testing User Part (reserved)
MTP_T = 8,
// Broadband ISDN User Part
BISUP = 9,
// Satellite ISDN User Part
SISUP = 10,
* Priority values
enum Priority {
Regular = 0x00,
Special = 0x10,
Circuit = 0x20,
Facility = 0x30
* Subservice types
enum NetIndicator {
International = 0x00,
SpareInternational = 0x40,
National = 0x80,
ReservedNational = 0xc0
* Empty MSU constructor
inline SS7MSU()
{ }
* Copy constructor
* @param value Original MSU
inline SS7MSU(const SS7MSU& value)
: DataBlock(value)
{ }
* Constructor from data block
* @param value Raw data block to copy
inline SS7MSU(const DataBlock& value)
: DataBlock(value)
{ }
* Constructor of an initialized MSU
* @param value Data to assign, may be NULL to fill with zeros
* @param len Length of data, may be zero (then value is ignored)
* @param copyData True to make a copy of the data, false to use the pointer
inline SS7MSU(void* value, unsigned int len, bool copyData = true)
: DataBlock(value,len,copyData)
{ }
* Destructor
virtual ~SS7MSU();
* Assignment operator
* @param value Original MSU
* @return A reference to this MSU
inline SS7MSU& operator=(const SS7MSU& value)
{ DataBlock::operator=(value); return *this; }
* Assignment operator from data block
* @param value Data block to assign
* @return A reference to this MSU
inline SS7MSU& operator=(const DataBlock& value)
{ DataBlock::operator=(value); return *this; }
* Check if the MSU length appears valid
* @return True if the MSU length is valid
bool valid() const;
* Retrive the Service Information Octet
* @return Value of the SIO or -1 if the MSU is empty
inline int getSIO() const
{ return null() ? -1 : *(const unsigned char*)data(); }
* Retrive the Service Information Field
* @return Value of the SIF or -1 if the MSU is empty
inline int getSIF() const
{ return null() ? -1 : 0x0f & *(const unsigned char*)data(); }
* Retrive the Subservice Field (SSF)
* @return Value of the subservice or -1 if the MSU is empty
inline int getSSF() const
{ return null() ? -1 : 0xf0 & *(const unsigned char*)data(); }
* Retrive the Priority Field
* @return Value of the priority or -1 if the MSU is empty
inline int getPrio() const
{ return null() ? -1 : 0x30 & *(const unsigned char*)data(); }
* Retrive the Network Indicator (NI)
* @return Value of the subservice or -1 if the MSU is empty
inline int getNI() const
{ return null() ? -1 : 0xc0 & *(const unsigned char*)data(); }
* Retrive the name of the Service as decoded from the SIF
* @return Name of the service, NULL if unknown or invalid MSU
const char* getServiceName() const;
* Retrive the name of the Priority as decoded from the SIF
* @return Name of the priority, NULL if unknown or invalid MSU
const char* getPriorityName() const;
* Retrive the name of the Network Indicator as decoded from the SIF
* @return Name of the network indicator, NULL if unknown or invalid MSU
const char* getIndicatorName() const;
* An universal SS7 Layer 3 routing Code Point
* @short SS7 Code Point
class YSS7_API SS7CodePoint
* Different incompatible types of codepoints
enum Type {
Other = 0,
ITU = 1,
ANSI = 2,
China = 3,
Japan = 4,
* Constructor from components
* @param network ANSI Network Identifier / ITU-T Zone Identification
* @param cluster ANSI Network Cluster / ITU-T Area/Network Identification
* @param member ANSI Cluster Member / ITU-T Signalling Point Identification
inline SS7CodePoint(unsigned char network = 0, unsigned char cluster = 0, unsigned char member = 0)
: m_network(network), m_cluster(cluster), m_member(member)
{ }
* Constructor from unpacked format
* @param type Type of the unpacking desired
* @param packed Packed format of the codepoint
inline SS7CodePoint(Type type, unsigned int packed)
: m_network(0), m_cluster(0), m_member(0)
{ unpack(type,packed); }
* Copy constructor
* @param original Code point to be copied
inline SS7CodePoint(const SS7CodePoint& original)
: m_network(original.network()), m_cluster(original.cluster()), m_member(original.member())
{ }
* Destructor
inline ~SS7CodePoint()
{ }
* Retrive the Network / Zone component of the Code Point
* @return ANSI Network Identifier / ITU-T Zone Identification
inline unsigned char network() const
{ return m_network; }
* Retrive the Cluster / Area component of the Code Point
* @return ANSI Network Cluster / ITU-T Area/Network Identification
inline unsigned char cluster() const
{ return m_cluster; }
* Retrive the Cluster / Point component of the Code Point
* @return ANSI Cluster Member / ITU-T Signalling Point Identification
inline unsigned char member() const
{ return m_member; }
* Assignment from components
* @param network ANSI Network Identifier / ITU-T Zone Identification
* @param cluster ANSI Network Cluster / ITU-T Area/Network Identification
* @param member ANSI Cluster Member / ITU-T Signalling Point Identification
inline void assign(unsigned char network, unsigned char cluster, unsigned char member)
{ m_network = network; m_cluster = cluster; m_member = member; }
* Assignment operator
* @param original Code point to be copied
inline SS7CodePoint& operator=(const SS7CodePoint& original)
{ assign(original.network(),original.cluster(),original.member()); return *this; }
* Check if the codepoint is compatible with a packing type
* @return True if the Network and Member fit in the packing format
bool compatible(Type type) const;
* Pack the code point into a single integer number.
* @param type Type of the packing desired
* @return Compact code point as integer or zero if the packing type is not supported
unsigned int pack(Type type) const;
* Unpack an integer number into a codepoint
* @param type Type of the unpacking desired
* @param packed Packed format of the codepoint
* @return True if the unpacking succeeded and the codepoint was updated
bool unpack(Type type, unsigned int packed);
* Get the size (in bits) of a packed code point according to its type
* @param type Type of the packing
* @return Number of bits required to represent the code point, zero if unknown
static unsigned char size(Type type);
unsigned char m_network;
unsigned char m_cluster;
unsigned char m_member;
* Operator to write a codepoint to a string
* @param str String to append to
* @param cp Codepoint to append to the string
String& operator<<(String& str, const SS7CodePoint& cp);
* A SS7 Layer 3 routing label, both ANSI and ITU capable
* @short SS7 Routing Label
class YSS7_API SS7Label
* Constructor of an empty, invalid label
* Constructor from type and received MSU
* @param type Type of codepoint to use to decode the MSU
* @param msu A received MSU to be parsed
SS7Label(SS7CodePoint::Type type, const SS7MSU& msu);
* Assignment from type and received MSU
* @param type Type of codepoint to use to decode the MSU
* @param msu A received MSU to be parsed
* @return True if the assignment succeeded
bool assign(SS7CodePoint::Type type, const SS7MSU& msu);
* Check if the label is compatible with another packing type
* @return True if the DLC, SLC and SLS fit in the new packing format
bool compatible(SS7CodePoint::Type type) const;
* Get the type (SS7 dialect) of the routing label
* @return Dialect of the routing label as enumeration
inline SS7CodePoint::Type type() const
{ return m_type; }
* Get the Destination Code Point inside the label
* @return Reference of the destination code point
inline const SS7CodePoint& dpc() const
{ return m_dpc; }
* Get the Source Code Point inside the label
* @return Reference of the source code point
inline const SS7CodePoint& spc() const
{ return m_spc; }
* Get the Signalling Link Selection inside the label
* @return Value of the SLS field
inline unsigned char sls() const
{ return m_sls; }
* Get the length (in bytes) of this routing label
* @return Number of bytes required to represent the label, zero if unknown
inline unsigned int length() const
{ return length(m_type); }
* Get the length (in bytes) of a packed routing label according to its type
* @param type Type of the packing
* @return Number of bytes required to represent the label, zero if unknown
static unsigned int length(SS7CodePoint::Type type);
* Get the size (in bits) of a packed routing label according to its type
* @param type Type of the packing
* @return Number of bits required to represent the label, zero if unknown
static unsigned char size(SS7CodePoint::Type type);
SS7CodePoint::Type m_type;
SS7CodePoint m_dpc;
SS7CodePoint m_spc;
unsigned char m_sls;
* Operator to write a routing label to a string
* @param str String to append to
* @param cp Label to append to the string
String& operator<<(String& str, const SS7Label& label);
* An interface to a Signalling Transport component
* @short Abstract SIGTRAN component
* Constructs an uninitialized signalling transport
* Destructor, closes connection and any socket
* An interface to a SS7 Application Signalling Part user
* @short Abstract SS7 ASP user interface
class YSS7_API ASPUser
* An interface to a SS7 Signalling Connection Control Part
* @short Abstract SS7 SCCP interface
* Destructor
virtual ~SCCP();
* Attach an user to this SS7 SCCP
* @param sccp Pointer to the SCCP user
virtual void attach(SCCPUser* user);
ObjList m_users;
* An interface to a SS7 Signalling Connection Control Part user
* @short Abstract SS7 SCCP user interface
class YSS7_API SCCPUser
* Destructor, detaches from the SCCP implementation
virtual ~SCCPUser();
* Attach as user to a SCCP
* @param sccp Pointer to the SCCP to use
virtual void attach(SCCP* sccp);
* Retrive the SCCP to which this component is attached
* @return Pointer to the attached SCCP or NULL
inline SCCP* sccp() const
{ return m_sccp; }
SCCP* m_sccp;
* An interface to a SS7 Transactional Capabilities Application Part user
* @short Abstract SS7 TCAP user interface
class YSS7_API TCAPUser
* Destructor, detaches from the TCAP implementation
virtual ~TCAPUser();
* Attach as user to a SS7 TCAP
* @param tcap Pointer to the TCAP to use
virtual void attach(SS7TCAP* tcap);
* Retrive the TCAP to which this user is attached
* @return Pointer to a SS7 TCAP interface or NULL
inline SS7TCAP* tcap() const
{ return m_tcap; }
SS7TCAP* m_tcap;
* An user of a Layer 2 (data link) SS7 message transfer part
* @short Abstract user of SS7 layer 2 (data link) message transfer part
class YSS7_API SS7L2User : virtual public SignallingComponent
friend class SS7Layer2;
* Attach a SS7 Layer 2 (data link) to the user component
* @param link Pointer to data link to attach
virtual void attach(SS7Layer2* link) = 0;
* Process a MSU received from the Layer 2 component
* @param msu Message data, starting with Service Indicator Octet
* @param link Data link that delivered the MSU
* @return True if the MSU was processed
virtual bool receivedMSU(const SS7MSU& msu, SS7Layer2* link) = 0;
* An interface to a Layer 2 (data link) SS7 message transfer part
* @short Abstract SS7 layer 2 (data link) message transfer part
class YSS7_API SS7Layer2 : virtual public SignallingComponent
* LSSU Status Indications
enum LinkStatus {
OutOfAlignment = 0,
NormalAlignment = 1,
EmergencyAlignment = 2,
OutOfService = 3,
ProcessorOutage = 4,
Busy = 5,
// short versions as defined by RFC
O = OutOfAlignment,
N = NormalAlignment,
E = EmergencyAlignment,
OS = OutOfService,
PO = ProcessorOutage,
B = Busy,
* Control primitives
enum Operation {
// take link out of service
Pause = 0x100,
// start link operation, align if it needs to
Resume = 0x200,
// start link, force realignment
Align = 0x300,
// get operational status
Status = 0x400,
* Push a Message Signal Unit down the protocol stack
* @param msu Message data, starting with Service Indicator Octet
* @return True if message was successfully queued
virtual bool transmitMSU(const SS7MSU& msu) = 0;
* Retrive the current link status indications
* @return Link status indication bits
virtual unsigned int status() const;
* Get the name of a Layer 2 status
* @param status Status indication value
* @param brief Request to return the short status name
* @return String describing the status
virtual const char* statusName(unsigned int status, bool brief) const;
* Get the name of the current local Layer 2 status
* @param brief Request to return the short status name
* @return String describing the status
inline const char* statusName(bool brief = false) const
{ return statusName(status(),brief); }
* Check if the link is fully operational
* @return True if the link is aligned and operational
virtual bool operational() const = 0;
* Attach a Layer 2 user component to the data link
* @param l2user Pointer to Layer 2 user component to attach
void attach(SS7L2User* l2user);
* Get the Layer 2 user component that works with this data link
* @return Pointer to the user component to which the messages are sent
inline SS7L2User* user() const
{ return m_l2user; }
* Execute a control operation. Operations can change the link status or
* can query the aligned status.
* @param oper Operation to execute
* @param params Optional parameters for the operation
* @return True if the command completed successfully, for query operations
* also indicates the data link is aligned and operational
virtual bool control(Operation oper, NamedList* params = 0);
* Constructor
inline SS7Layer2()
: m_l2user(0)
{ }
* Push a received Message Signal Unit up the protocol stack
* @param msu Message data, starting with Service Indicator Octet
* @return True if message was successfully delivered to the user component
inline bool receivedMSU(const SS7MSU& msu)
{ return m_l2user && m_l2user->receivedMSU(msu,this); }
SS7L2User* m_l2user;
* An user of a Layer 3 (data link) SS7 message transfer part
* @short Abstract user of SS7 layer 3 (network) message transfer part
class YSS7_API SS7L3User : virtual public SignallingComponent
friend class SS7Layer3;
* Process a MSU received from the Layer 3 component
* @param msu Message data, starting with Service Indicator Octet
* @param link Network layer that delivered the MSU
* @return True if the MSU was processed
virtual bool receivedMSU(const SS7MSU& msu, SS7Layer3* network) = 0;
* An interface to a Layer 3 (network) SS7 message transfer part
* @short Abstract SS7 layer 3 (network) message transfer part
class YSS7_API SS7Layer3 : virtual public SignallingComponent
* Attach a Layer 3 user component to this network
* @param l3user Pointer to Layer 3 user component to attach
void attach(SS7L3User* l3user);
* Retrive the Layer 3 user component to which this network is attached
* @return Pointer to the Layer 3 user this network is attached to
inline SS7L3User* user() const
{ return m_l3user; }
* Retrive the codepoint type of this Layer 3 component
* @return The type of codepoint this component is able to use
inline SS7CodePoint::Type type() const
{ return m_cpType; }
* Constructor
* @param type Codepoint type
inline SS7Layer3(SS7CodePoint::Type type = SS7CodePoint::Other)
: m_l3user(0), m_cpType(type)
{ }
* Push a received Message Signal Unit up the protocol stack
* @param msu Message data, starting with Service Indicator Octet
* @return True if message was successfully delivered to the user component
inline bool receivedMSU(const SS7MSU& msu)
{ return m_l3user && m_l3user->receivedMSU(msu,this); }
SS7L3User* m_l3user;
SS7CodePoint::Type m_cpType;
* An interface to a Layer 4 (application) SS7 protocol
* @short Abstract SS7 layer 4 (application) protocol
class YSS7_API SS7Layer4 : public SS7L3User
* Attach a SS7 network or router to this service
* @param router Pointer to network or router to attach
void attach(SS7Layer3* network);
* Retrive the SS7 network or router to which this service is attached
* @return Pointer to the network or router this service is attached to
inline SS7Layer3* network() const
{ return m_layer3; }
SS7Layer3* m_layer3;
* A message router between Transfer and Application layers.
* Messages are distributed according to the service type.
* @short Main router for SS7 message transfer and applications
class YSS7_API SS7Router : public SS7L3User, public SS7Layer3
* Attach a SS7 Layer 3 (network) to the router
* @param network Pointer to network to attach
void attach(SS7Layer3* network);
* Attach a SS7 Layer 4 (service) to the router
* @param service Pointer to service to attach
void attach(SS7Layer4* service);
* Process a MSU received from the Layer 3 component
* @param msu Message data, starting with Service Indicator Octet
* @param link Network layer that delivered the MSU
* @return True if the MSU was processed
virtual bool receivedMSU(const SS7MSU& msu, SS7Layer3* network);
ObjList m_layer3;
ObjList m_layer4;
* RFC4165 SS7 Layer 2 implementation over SCTP/IP.
* M2PA is intended to be used as a symmetrical Peer-to-Peer replacement of
* a hardware based SS7 data link.
* @short SIGTRAN MTP2 User Peer-to-Peer Adaptation Layer
class YSS7_API SS7M2PA : public SS7Layer2, public SIGTRAN
* RFC3331 SS7 Layer 2 implementation over SCTP/IP.
* M2UA is intended to be used as a Provider-User where real MTP2 runs on a
* Signalling Gateway and MTP3 runs on an Application Server.
* @short SIGTRAN MTP2 User Adaptation Layer
class YSS7_API SS7M2UA : public SS7Layer2, public SIGTRAN
* RFC3332 SS7 Layer 3 implementation over SCTP/IP.
* M3UA is intended to be used as a Provider-User where real MTP3 runs on a
* Signalling Gateway and MTP users are located on an Application Server.
* @short SIGTRAN MTP3 User Adaptation Layer
class YSS7_API SS7M3UA : public SS7Layer3, public SIGTRAN
* Q.703 SS7 Layer 2 (Data Link) implementation on top of a hardware interface
* @short SS7 Layer 2 implementation on top of a hardware interface
class YSS7_API SS7MTP2 : public SS7Layer2, public SignallingReceiver, public Mutex
* Types of error correction
enum ErrorCorrection {
Basic, // retransmits only based on sequence numbers
Preventive, // continuously retransmit unacknowledged packets
Adaptive, // switch to using preventive retransmission dynamically
* Constructor
SS7MTP2(unsigned int status = OutOfService);
* Push a Message Signal Unit down the protocol stack
* @param msu MSU data to transmit
* @return True if message was successfully queued
virtual bool transmitMSU(const SS7MSU& msu);
* Retrive the current link status indications
* @return Link status indication bits
virtual unsigned int status() const;
* Check if the link is aligned.
* The link may not be operational, the other side may be still proving.
* @return True if the link is aligned
virtual bool aligned() const;
* Check if the link is aligned and operational
* @return True if the link is operational
virtual bool operational() const;
* Execute a control operation. Operations can change the link status or
* can query the aligned status.
* @param oper Operation to execute
* @param params Optional parameters for the operation
* @return True if the command completed successfully, for query operations
* also indicates the data link is aligned and operational
virtual bool control(Operation oper, NamedList* params = 0);
* Periodical timer tick used to perform alignment and housekeeping
* @param when Time to use as computing base for events and timeouts
virtual void timerTick(const Time& when);
* Process a Signalling Packet received by the hardware interface
* @return True if message was successfully processed
virtual bool receivedPacket(const DataBlock& packet);
* Process a received Fill-In Signal Unit
virtual void processFISU();
* Process a received Link Status Signal Unit
* @param status Link status indications
virtual void processLSSU(unsigned int status);
* Push a Link Status Signal Unit down the protocol stack
* @param status Link status indications
* @return True if message was successfully queued
bool transmitLSSU(unsigned int status);
* Push a Link Status Signal Unit with the current status down the protocol stack
* @return True if message was successfully queued
inline bool transmitLSSU()
{ return transmitLSSU(m_status); }
* Push a Fill-In Signal Unit down the protocol stack
* @return True if message was successfully queued
bool transmitFISU();
* Initiates alignment and proving procedure
* @param emergency True if emergency alignment is desired
void startAlignment(bool emergency = false);
* Abort an alignment procedure if link errors occur
void abortAlignment();
* Start the link proving period
* @return True if proving period was started
bool startProving();
void setLocalStatus(unsigned int status);
void setRemoteStatus(unsigned int status);
// sent but yet unacknowledged packets
ObjList m_queue;
// data link status (alignment) - desired, local and remote
unsigned int m_status, m_lStatus, m_rStatus;
// various interval period end
u_int64_t m_interval;
// remote congestion indicator
bool m_congestion;
// backward and forward sqeuence numbers
unsigned char m_bsn, m_fsn;
// backward and forward indicator bits
bool m_bib, m_fib;
* Q.704 SS7 Layer 3 (Network) implementation on top of SS7 Layer 2
* @short SS7 Layer 3 implementation on top of Layer 2
class YSS7_API SS7MTP3 : public SS7Layer3, public SS7L2User
* Constructor
SS7MTP3(SS7CodePoint::Type type = SS7CodePoint::Other);
* Attach a SS7 Layer 2 (data link) to the network transport
* @param link Pointer to data link to attach
virtual void attach(SS7Layer2* link);
* Process a MSU received from the Layer 2 component
* @param msu Message data, starting with Service Indicator Octet
* @param link Data link that delivered the MSU
* @return True if the MSU was processed
virtual bool receivedMSU(const SS7MSU& msu, SS7Layer2* link);
ObjList m_links;
* Decoded ISDN User Part message
* @short ISUP signalling message
class YSS7_API ISUPMessage : public SignallingMessage
enum Type {
IAM = 0x01, // Initial Address Message
SAM = 0x02, // Subsequent Address Message
ACM = 0x06, // Address Complete Message
CON = 0x07, // Connect Message
ANM = 0x09, // Answer Message
REL = 0x0c, // Release Request
RLC = 0x10, // Release Complete
* Implementation of SS7 ISDN User Part
* @short SS7 ISUP implementation
class YSS7_API SS7ISUP : public SignallingCallControl, public SS7Layer4
* Implementation of SS7 Telephone User Part
* @short SS7 TUP implementation
class YSS7_API SS7TUP : public SignallingCallControl, public SS7Layer4
* Implementation of SS7 Signalling Connection Control Part
* @short SS7 SCCP implementation
class YSS7_API SS7SCCP : public SS7Layer4, public SCCP
* RFC3868 SS7 SCCP implementation over SCTP/IP
* SUA is intended to be used as a Provider-User where real SCCP runs on a
* Signalling Gateway and SCCP users are located on an Application Server.
* @short SIGTRAN SCCP User Adaptation Layer
class YSS7_API SS7SUA : public SIGTRAN, public SCCP
* Implementation of SS7 Application Service Part
* @short SS7 ASP implementation
class YSS7_API SS7ASP : public SCCPUser, virtual public SignallingComponent
ObjList m_sccps;
* Implementation of SS7 Transactional Capabilities Application Part
* @short SS7 TCAP implementation
class YSS7_API SS7TCAP : public ASPUser, virtual public SignallingComponent
* Attach a SS7 TCAP user
* @param user Pointer to the TCAP user to attach
void attach(TCAPUser* user);
ObjList* m_users;
// The following classes are ISDN, not SS7, but they use the same signalling
// interfaces so they will remain here
* An interface to a Layer 2 (Q.921) ISDN message transport
* @short Abstract ISDN layer 2 (Q.921) message transport
class YSS7_API ISDNLayer2 : virtual public SignallingComponent
* Attach an ISDN Q.931 call control
* @param user Pointer to the Q.931 call control to attach
void attach(ISDNLayer3* q931);
ISDNLayer3* m_q931;
* An interface to a Layer 3 (Q.931) ISDN message transport
* @short Abstract ISDN layer 3 (Q.931) message transport
class YSS7_API ISDNLayer3 : virtual public SignallingComponent
* Q.921 ISDN Layer 2 implementation on top of a hardware HDLC interface
* @short ISDN Q.921 implementation on top of a hardware interface
class YSS7_API ISDNQ921 : public ISDNLayer2, public SignallingReceiver
* RFC4233 ISDN Layer 2 implementation over SCTP/IP
* IUA is intended to be used as a Provider-User where Q.921 runs on a
* Signalling Gateway and the user (Q.931) runs on an Application Server.
* @short SIGTRAN ISDN Q.921 User Adaptation Layer
class YSS7_API ISDNIUA : public ISDNLayer2, public SIGTRAN
* Q.931 ISDN Layer 3 implementation on top of a Layer 2
* @short ISDN Q.931 implementation on top of Q.921
class YSS7_API ISDNQ931 : public SignallingCallControl, public ISDNLayer3
* Attach an ISDN Q.921 transport
* @param user Pointer to the Q.921 transport to attach
void attach(ISDNLayer2* q921);
ISDNLayer2* m_q921;
#endif /* __YATESS7_H */
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