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; domains: string: Comma separated list of domains serviced by the server
; This parameter is required
; dialback_secret: string: Dialback key to be used when authenticating with foreign domains
; A random one will be generated if missing
; restricted_resources: string: Comma separated list of restricted resource names
; Users won't be allowed to use these resources or any other resource name starting
; with it
; s2s_tlsrequired: boolean: Stream encryption is required on all server to server streams
; Defaults to no
; s2s_offerfeatures: boolean: Offer RFC 3920 version 1 and features on incoming
; server to server streams requesting it
; This option is ignored on streams not advertising version 1 in stream start
; If set to 'no' this parameter will override any other stream encryption option
; Defaults to yes
; c2s_tlsrequired: boolean: Stream encryption is required on all client to server streams
; Defaults to no
; c2s_allowunsecureplainauth: boolean: Allow user plain password authentication on
; unsecured stream
; Defaults to no
; c2s_plainauthonly: boolean: Offer only plain password authentication when available
; This parameter is used only when plain password authentication is available
; (c2s_allowunsecureplainauth is enabled or the stream is secured)
; Defaults to no
; c2s_oldstyleauth: boolean: Enable old style (XEP 0078) user authentication
; Defaults to yes
; stream_readbuffer: integer: The length of the stream read buffer
; Defaults to 8192 if missing or invalid. Minimum allowed value is 1024
; stream_parsermaxbuffer: integer: The maximum length of an incomplete xml allowed
; in a stream parser's buffer
; Defaults to 8192 if missing or invalid. Minimum allowed value is 1024
; stream_restartcount: integer: The maximum value for stream restart counter
; Defaults to 2 if missing or invalid
; Minimum allowed value is 1, maximum allowed value is 10
; stream_restartupdateinterval: integer: The interval, in milliseconds, to increase a
; stream's current restart counter (not exceeding the stream_restartcount value)
; Defaults to 15000 if missing or invalid
; Minimum allowed value is 5000, maximum allowed value is 300000
; stream_starttimeout: integer: The interval, in milliseconds, allowed for a remote
; party to send the stream start tag
; Defaults to 20000 if missing or invalid
; Minimum allowed value is 10000, maximum allowed value is 60000
; stream_setuptimeout: integer: Overall stream setup interval in milliseconds. The timer
; will stop when the stream is authenticated
; Defaults to 120000 if missing or invalid
; Minimum allowed value is 60000, maximum allowed value is 600000
; stream_connecttimeout: integer: The interval, in milliseconds, allowed for an
; outgoing stream to make a TCP connection to a remote host
; Defaults to 60000 if missing or invalid
; Minimum allowed value is 1000, maximum allowed value is 120000
; stream_srvtimeout: integer: The timeout interval, in milliseconds, for SRV query
; Defaults to 30000 if missing or invalid
; Minimum allowed value is 10000, maximum allowed value is 120000
; stream_idletimeout: integer: The interval, in milliseconds, allowed for a
; server to server stream to be idle
; Defaults to 3600000 (1h) if missing or invalid
; Minimum allowed value is 600000 (10min), maximum allowed value is 21600000 (6h)
; stream_redirectcount: integer: The number of successive stream redirect to handle for
; outgoing streams
; This parameter configures how the 'see-other-host' stream error is handled. If set to 0
; or current redirect counter has reached the maximum allowed value the stream will be
; terminated. The stream will be redirected to new host/ip otherwise
; NOTE: When a stream is authenticated its redirect counter is reset to 0
; This parameter is applied on reload for new streams only
; Defaults to 0 if missing or invalid
; Minimum allowed value is 0, maximum allowed value is 10
; A value outside min/max interval will be adjusted to nearest interval margin
; entitycaps: boolean: Enable entity capabilities cache.
; If enabled entity capabilities will be requested and cached each time a presence
; stanza is received
; Defaults to enable
; entitycaps_file: string: Entity capabilities cache file
; This parameter is applied on reload
; If the file changes on reload entity capabilities will be saved in the new
; location, the old file will not be deleted
; Defaults to 'jabberentitycaps.xml' located in current configuration directory
; workers: integer: The number of worker threads processing stanzas received by streams
; Minimum allowed value is 1, maximum allowed value is 10
; Defaults to 1
; worker_priority: string: Worker threads priority
; Allowed values: lowest, low, normal, high, highest
; Defaults to normal
; dump_iq: boolean: Dump the iq stanza in a 'data' parameter of dispatched jabber.iq messages
; Defaults to no
; message_route_external: boolean: Route (send call.route) for incoming chat to
; external domains (components or server items) serviced by us
; NOTE: A module may register a server item having a domain from our configured domains.
; In this case the domain will become external and message stanzas addressed to it
; won't be routed unless message_route_external is enabled
; If enabled and call.route fails the message stanza will be dropped or rejected
; Defaults to no
; message_route_foreign: boolean: Route (send call.route) for incoming chat to
; foreign domains (any domain not serviced by us)
; If enabled and call.route fails the message stanza will be dropped or rejected
; Defaults to no
; compression_formats: string: Comma separated list of supported compression formats
; This parameter configures the formats to be offered on incoming streams
; This parameter is not applied on reload
; Set it to empty string to disable stream compression on incoming streams
; Defaults to zlib if missing
; authcluster: boolean: True to authenticate incoming cluster stream requests
; If enabled, an user.auth message will be enqueued to request authentication
; If disabled, cluster streams will be automatically accepted
; Defaults to disable
; printxml: boolean/string: Print sent/received XML data to output if debug
; level is at least 9
; Allowed values are boolean values or 'verbose' string
; If verbose is specified, XML elements' children, attributes or text will be
; shown on separate lines
; Defaults to no
;[listener name]
; This section configures a connection listener
; This section may repeat to configure more listeners
; Section name must start with 'listener' keyword folowed by a space (not TAB) character
; E.g. for a listener named 'serverconn' the section name must be 'listener serverconn'
; enable: boolean: Enable or disable this listener
; Defaults to false if missing or invalid
; type: string: The type of the expected incoming connection
; This parameter is required
; Allowed values:
; c2s Client to server connection
; s2s Server to server connection
; comp External component connection
; address: string: IP address to listen
; Listen on all available interfaces if empty or invalid
; port: integer: The port to listen
; These are the default values for some known types (only if this parameter is missing)
; c2s 5222
; s2s 5269
; There is no default value for external component listeners or c2s SSL listeners
; backlog: integer: Maximum length of the queue of pending connections
; Set it to 0 for system maximum
; Defaults to 5 if missing or invalid
; sslcontext: string: The SSL context of a c2s listener using encryption
; The context will be used to encrypt the socket before starting a new stream
; This parameter is ignored if type is not c2s
;[comp name]
; This section create an outgoing component stream
; This section may repeat to build more components
; Section name must start with 'comp' keyword folowed by a space (not TAB) character
; E.g. for a stream named 'mycomp' the section name must be 'comp mycomp'
; Except for 'enable' no other parameters are applied on reload,
; enable: boolean: Enable or disable this component
; Defaults to false if missing or invalid
; domain: string: Server domain
; This parameter is required
; component: string: Component domain/name
; If component name ends with dot ('.') it will be completed with server domain
; E.g. server=example.com, component=yate. component will be yate.example.com
; This parameter is required
; password: string: Component password used to authenticate at server
; address: string: IP address to connect to
; Connect to server domain if missing
; port: integer: The port to connect to
; This parameter is required