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* qt4client.h
* This file is part of the YATE Project http://YATE.null.ro
* A Qt-4 based universal telephony client
* Yet Another Telephony Engine - a fully featured software PBX and IVR
* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Null Team
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef __QT4CLIENT_H
#define __QT4CLIENT_H
#include <yatecbase.h>
#ifdef _WINDOWS
#define YQT4_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define YQT4_API __declspec(dllimport)
#endif /* _WINDOWS */
#ifndef YQT4_API
#define YQT4_API
#undef open
#undef read
#undef close
#undef write
#undef mkdir
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define QT_NO_DEBUG
#define QT_DLL
#define QT_GUI_LIB
#define QT_CORE_LIB
#include <QtGui>
#include <QSound>
namespace TelEngine {
class QtEventProxy; // Proxy to global QT events
class QtClient; // The QT based client
class QtDriver; // The QT based telephony driver
class QtWindow; // A QT window
class QtDialog; // A custom modal dialog
class QtUIWidgetItemProps; // Widget container item properties
class QtUIWidget; // A widget container
class QtCustomObject; // A custom QT object
class QtCustomWidget; // A custom QT widget
class QtTable; // A custom QT table widget
class QtSound; // A QT client sound
// Macro used to get a QT object's name
// Can't use an inline function: the QByteArray object returned by toUtf8()
// would be destroyed on exit
#define YQT_OBJECT_NAME(qobject) ((qobject) ? (qobject)->objectName().toUtf8().constData() : "")
* Proxy to global QT events
* @short A QT proxy class
class YQT4_API QtEventProxy : public QObject, public GenObject
enum Type {
* Constructor
* @param Event type
* @param pointer to QT application when needed
QtEventProxy(Type type, QApplication* app = 0);
* Get a string representation of this object
* @return Object's name
virtual const String& toString() const
{ return m_name; }
private slots:
void timerTick(); // Idle timer
void allHidden(); // All windows closed notification
String m_name; // Object name
class YQT4_API QtClient : public Client
friend class QtWindow;
* Generic position flags
enum QtClientPos {
PosNone = 0,
PosLeft = 0x01,
PosRight = 0x02,
PosTop = 0x04,
PosBottom = 0x08,
// Corners
CornerTopLeft = PosTop | PosLeft,
CornerTopRight = PosTop | PosRight,
CornerBottomLeft = PosBottom | PosLeft,
CornerBottomRight = PosBottom | PosRight,
virtual ~QtClient();
virtual void run();
virtual void cleanup();
virtual void main();
virtual void lock();
virtual void unlock();
virtual void allHidden();
virtual bool createWindow(const String& name,
const String& alias = String::empty());
virtual bool action(Window* wnd, const String& name, NamedList* params = 0);
virtual void quit() {
if (m_app)
* Open an URL (link)
* @param url The URL to open
* @return True on success
virtual bool openUrl(const String& url)
{ return QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl(setUtf8(url))); }
* Show a file save/open dialog window. If the list of parameters contains an 'action'
* parameter, an action will be raised when the dialog will be closed. The action's
* parameter list pointer will be non 0 if the dialog was accepted and 0 if cancelled.
* The list will contain one or more 'file' parameter(s) with selected file(s)
* @param parent Dialog window's parent
* @param params Dialog window's params. Parameters that can be specified include 'caption',
* 'dir', 'filters', 'selectedfilter', 'choosefile'
* @return True on success (the dialog was opened)
virtual bool chooseFile(Window* parent, NamedList& params);
* Create a sound object. Append it to the global list
* @param name The name of sound object
* @param file The file to play (should contain the whole path and the file name)
* @param device Optional device used to play the file. Set to 0 to use the default one
* @return True on success, false if a sound with the given name already exists
virtual bool createSound(const char* name, const char* file, const char* device = 0);
* Build a date/time string from UTC time
* @param dest Destination string
* @param secs Seconds since EPOCH
* @param format Format string used to build the destination
* @param utc True to build UTC time instead of local time
* @return True on success
virtual bool formatDateTime(String& dest, unsigned int secs, const char* format,
bool utc = false);
* Build a date/time QT string from UTC time
* @param secs Seconds since EPOCH
* @param format Format string
* @param utc True to build UTC time instead of local time
* @return The formated string
static QString formatDateTime(unsigned int secs, const char* format,
bool utc = false);
* Get an UTF8 representation of a QT string
* @param dest Destination string
* @param src Source QT string
static inline void getUtf8(String& dest, const QString& src)
{ dest = src.toUtf8().constData(); }
* Get an UTF8 representation of a QT string and add it to a list of parameters
* @param dest Destination list
* @param param Parameter name/value
* @param src Source QT string
* @param setValue True to set the QT string as parameter value, false to set it
* as parameter name
static inline void getUtf8(NamedList& dest, const char* param,
const QString& src, bool setValue = true) {
if (setValue)
* Set a QT string from an UTF8 char buffer
* @param str The buffer
* @return A QT string filled with the buffer
static inline QString setUtf8(const char* str)
{ return QString::fromUtf8(TelEngine::c_safe(str)); }
* Retrieve an object's QtWindow parent
* @param obj The object
* @return QtWindow pointer or 0
static QtWindow* parentWindow(QObject* obj);
* Set an object's property into parent window's section. Clear it on failure
* @param obj The object
* @param prop Property to save
* @param owner Optional window owning the object
* @return True on success
static bool saveProperty(QObject* obj, const String& prop, QtWindow* owner = 0);
* Set or an object's property
* @param obj The object
* @param name Property's name
* @param value Property's value
* @return False if the property doesn't exist or has a type not supported by String
static bool setProperty(QObject* obj, const char* name, const String& value);
* Get an object's property
* @param obj The object
* @param name Property's name
* @param value Property's value
* @return False if the property doesn't exist or has a type not supported by String
static bool getProperty(QObject* obj, const char* name, String& value);
* Get an object's property and return its boolean conversion
* @param obj The object
* @param name Property name
* @param defVal Default value to return if the property is not found or has
* invalid boolean value
* @return The boolean conversion of the property or given default value
static inline bool getBoolProperty(QObject* obj, const char* name,
bool defVal = false) {
String tmp;
if (!getProperty(obj,name,tmp))
return defVal;
return tmp.toBoolean(defVal);
* Get an object's property and return its integer conversion
* @param obj The object
* @param name Property name
* @param defVal Default value to return if the property is not found or has
* invalid integer value
* @return The integer conversion of the property or given default value
static inline int getIntProperty(QObject* obj, const char* name,
int defVal = 0) {
String tmp;
if (!getProperty(obj,name,tmp))
return defVal;
return tmp.toInteger(defVal);
* Associate actions to buttons with '_yate_setaction' property set
* @param parent Parent widget
static void setAction(QWidget* parent);
* Check if an object has '_yate_noautoconnect' boolean property set to true
* @param obj The object
* @return True if the object don't have the property or its value is not a boolean 'true'
static inline bool autoConnect(QObject* obj)
{ return !getBoolProperty(obj,"_yate_noautoconnect"); }
* Retrieve an object's identity from '_yate_identity' property or object name
* @param obj The object
* @param ident String to be filled with object identity
static inline void getIdentity(QObject* obj, String& ident) {
if (obj && !(getProperty(obj,"_yate_identity",ident) && ident))
* Copy a string list to a list of parameters
* @param dest Destination list
* @param src Source string list
static void copyParams(NamedList& dest, const QStringList& src);
* Copy a list of parameters to string list
* @param dest Destination list
* @param src Source list
static void copyParams(QStringList& dest, const NamedList& src);
* Build QObject properties from list
* @param obj The object
* @param props Comma separated list of properties. Format: name=type
static void buildProps(QObject* obj, const String& props);
* Build custom UI widgets from frames owned by a widget
* @param parent Parent widget
static void buildFrameUiWidgets(QWidget* parent);
* Build a menu object from a list of parameters.
* Each menu item is indicated by a parameter starting with 'item:".
* item:menu_name=Menu Text will create a menu item named 'menu_name' with
* 'Menu Text' as display name.
* If the item parameter is a NamedPointer a submenu will be created.
* Menu actions properties can be set from parameters with format:
* property:object_name:property_name=value
* @param params The menu parameters. The list name is the object name
* @param text The menu display text
* @param receiver Object receiving menu actions
* @param actionSlot The receiver's slot for menu signal triggered()
* @param toggleSlot The receiver's slot for menu signal toggled()
* @param aboutToShowSlot The receiver's slot for menu signal aboutToShow()
* @param parent Optional widget parent
* @return QMenu pointer or 0 if failed to build it
static QMenu* buildMenu(const NamedList& params, const char* text, QObject* receiver,
const char* actionSlot, const char* toggleSlot, QWidget* parent = 0,
const char* aboutToShowSlot = 0);
* Insert a widget into another one replacing any existing children
* @param parent Parent widget
* @param child Widget to insert into parent
* @return True on success
static bool setWidget(QWidget* parent, QWidget* child);
* Set an object's image property from image file
* @param obj The object
* @param img Image file to load
* @param fit True to adjust the image to target size if applicable (like
* a QLabel without scaled contents)
* @return True on success
static bool setImage(QObject* obj, const String& img, bool fit = true);
* Set an object's image property from raw data
* @param obj The object
* @param data The image data
* @param format Image format if known
* @param fit True to adjust the image to target size if applicable (like
* a QLabel without scaled contents)
* @return True on success
static bool setImage(QObject* obj, const DataBlock& data,
const String& format = String::empty(), bool fit = true);
* Set an object's image property from QPixmap
* @param obj The object
* @param img The image
* @param fit True to adjust the image to target size if applicable (like
* a QLabel without scaled contents)
* @return True on success
static bool setImage(QObject* obj, const QPixmap& img, bool fit = true);
* Filter key press events. Retrieve an action associated with the key.
* Check if the object is allowed to process the key
* @param obj The object
* @param event QKeyEvent event to process
* @param action Found action name
* @param filter Filter key or let the object process it
* @param parent Optional parent to look for the action and check its state
* @return True if key and modifiers were matched against object properties
* (the action parameter may be empty if true is returned and the action is disabled)
static bool filterKeyEvent(QObject* obj, QKeyEvent* event, String& action,
bool& filter, QObject* parent = 0);
* Wrapper for QObject::connect() used to put a debug mesage on failure
static bool connectObjects(QObject* sender, const char* signal,
QObject* receiver, const char* slot);
* Safely delete a QObject. Disconnect it, reset its parent, calls its deleteLater() method
* @param obj The object to delete
static void deleteLater(QObject* obj);
* Retrieve unavailable space position (if any) in the screen containing a given widget.
* The positions are set using the difference between screen geometry and available geometry
* @param w The widget
* @param pos Unavailable screen space if any (QtClientPos combination)
* @return Valid pointer to global desktop widget on success
static QDesktopWidget* getScreenUnavailPos(QWidget* w, int& pos);
* Move a window to a specified position
* @param w The window to move
* @param pos A corner position
static void moveWindow(QtWindow* w, int pos);
virtual void loadWindows(const char* file = 0);
QApplication* m_app;
ObjList m_events; // Proxy events objects
class YQT4_API QtDriver : public ClientDriver
virtual ~QtDriver();
virtual void initialize();
bool m_init; // Already initialized flag
class YQT4_API QtWindow : public QWidget, public Window
YCLASS(QtWindow, Window)
Q_CLASSINFO("QtWindow", "Yate")
friend class QtClient;
QtWindow(const char* name, const char* description, const char* alias, QtWindow* parent = 0);
virtual ~QtWindow();
virtual void title(const String& text);
virtual void context(const String& text);
virtual bool setParams(const NamedList& params);
virtual void setOver(const Window* parent);
virtual bool hasElement(const String& name);
virtual bool setActive(const String& name, bool active);
virtual bool setFocus(const String& name, bool select = false);
virtual bool setShow(const String& name, bool visible);
* Set the displayed text of an element in the window
* @param name Name of the element
* @param text Text value to set in the element
* @param richText True if the text contains format data
* @return True if the operation was successfull
virtual bool setText(const String& name, const String& text,
bool richText = false);
virtual bool setCheck(const String& name, bool checked);
virtual bool setSelect(const String& name, const String& item);
virtual bool setUrgent(const String& name, bool urgent);
virtual bool hasOption(const String& name, const String& item);
virtual bool addOption(const String& name, const String& item, bool atStart = false, const String& text = String::empty());
virtual bool delOption(const String& name, const String& item);
virtual bool getOptions(const String& name, NamedList* items);
* Append or insert text lines to a widget
* @param name The name of the widget
* @param lines List containing the lines
* @param max The maximum number of lines allowed to be displayed. Set to 0 to ignore
* @param atStart True to insert, false to append
* @return True on success
virtual bool addLines(const String& name, const NamedList* lines, unsigned int max,
bool atStart = false);
virtual bool addTableRow(const String& name, const String& item, const NamedList* data = 0, bool atStart = false);
virtual bool setMultipleRows(const String& name, const NamedList& data, const String& prefix);
* Insert a row into a table owned by this window
* @param name Name of the element
* @param item Name of the item to insert
* @param before Name of the item to insert before
* @param data Table's columns to set
* @return True if the operation was successfull
virtual bool insertTableRow(const String& name, const String& item,
const String& before, const NamedList* data = 0);
virtual bool delTableRow(const String& name, const String& item);
virtual bool setTableRow(const String& name, const String& item, const NamedList* data);
virtual bool getTableRow(const String& name, const String& item, NamedList* data = 0);
virtual bool clearTable(const String& name);
* Set a table row or add a new one if not found
* @param name Name of the element
* @param item Table item to set/add
* @param data Optional list of parameters used to set row data
* @param atStart True to add item at start, false to add them to the end
* @return True if the operation was successfull
virtual bool updateTableRow(const String& name, const String& item,
const NamedList* data = 0, bool atStart = false);
* Add or set one or more table row(s). Screen update is locked while changing the table.
* Each data list element is a NamedPointer carrying a NamedList with item parameters.
* The name of an element is the item to update.
* Set element's value to boolean value 'true' to add a new item if not found
* or 'false' to set an existing one. Set it to empty string to delete the item
* @param name Name of the table
* @param data The list of items to add/set/delete
* @param atStart True to add new items at start, false to add them to the end
* @return True if the operation was successfull
virtual bool updateTableRows(const String& name, const NamedList* data,
bool atStart = false);
* Get an element's text
* @param name Name of the element
* @param text The destination string
* @param richText True to get the element's roch text if supported.
* @return True if the operation was successfull
virtual bool getText(const String& name, String& text, bool richText = false);
virtual bool getCheck(const String& name, bool& checked);
virtual bool getSelect(const String& name, String& item);
* Build a menu from a list of parameters.
* See Client::buildMenu() for more info
* @param params Menu build parameters
* @return True on success
virtual bool buildMenu(const NamedList& params);
* Remove a menu from UI and memory
* See Client::removeMenu() for more info
* @param params Menu remove parameters
* @return True on success
virtual bool removeMenu(const NamedList& params);
* Set an element's image
* @param name Name of the element
* @param image Image to set
* @return True on success
virtual bool setImage(const String& name, const String& image);
* Set a property for this window or for a widget owned by it
* @param name Name of the element
* @param item Property's name
* @param value Property's value
* @return False if the property doesn't exist or has a type not supported by String
virtual bool setProperty(const String& name, const String& item, const String& value);
* Get a property from this window or from a widget owned by it
* @param name Name of the element
* @param item Property's name
* @param value Property's value
* @return False if the property doesn't exist or has a type not supported by String
virtual bool getProperty(const String& name, const String& item, String& value);
virtual void show();
virtual void hide();
virtual void size(int width, int height);
virtual void move(int x, int y);
virtual void moveRel(int dx, int dy);
virtual bool related(const Window* wnd) const;
virtual void menu(int x, int y) ;
* Create a modal dialog
* @param name Dialog name (resource config section)
* @param title Dialog title
* @param alias Optional dialog alias (used as dialog object name)
* @param params Optional dialog parameters
* @return True on success
virtual bool createDialog(const String& name, const String& title,
const String& alias = String::empty(), const NamedList* params = 0);
* Destroy a modal dialog
* @param name Dialog name
* @return True on success
virtual bool closeDialog(const String& name);
* Connect an abstract button to window slots
* @param b The button to connect
* @return True on success
inline bool connectButton(QAbstractButton* b) {
if (!b)
return false;
if (!b->isCheckable())
return QtClient::connectObjects(b,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(action()));
return QtClient::connectObjects(b,SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),this,SLOT(toggled(bool)));
* Connect an object's text changed signal to window's slot
* @param obj The object to connect
* @return True on success
bool connectTextChanged(QObject* obj);
* Notify text changed to the client
* @param obj The object sending the notification
* @param text Optional object text
void notifyTextChanged(QObject* obj, const QString& text = QString());
* Load a widget from file
* @param fileName UI filename to load
* @param parent The widget holding the loaded widget's contents
* @param uiName The loaded widget's name (used for debug)
* @param path Optional fileName path. Set to 0 to use the default one
* @return QWidget pointer or 0 on failure
static QWidget* loadUI(const char* fileName, QWidget* parent,
const char* uiName, const char* path = 0);
* Clear the UI cache
* @param fileName Optional UI filename to clear. Clear all if 0
static void clearUICache(const char* fileName = 0);
* Retrieve the parent window
* @return QtWindow pointer or 0
inline QtWindow* parentWindow() const
{ return qobject_cast<QtWindow*>(parentWidget() ? parentWidget()->window() : 0); }
* Check if this window is shown normal (not maximixed, minimized or full screen)
* @return True if the window is not maximixed, minimized or full screen
inline bool isShownNormal() const
{ return !(isMaximized() || isMinimized() || isFullScreen()); }
// Notify client on selection changes
inline bool select(const String& name, const String& item,
const String& text = String::empty()) {
if (!QtClient::self() || QtClient::changing())
return false;
return QtClient::self()->select(this,name,item,text);
// Filter events to apply dynamic properties changes
bool eventFilter(QObject* watched, QEvent* event);
// Handle key pressed events
void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event);
public slots:
void setVisible(bool visible);
// A widget was double clicked
void doubleClick();
// A widget's selection changed
void selectionChanged();
// Clicked actions
void action();
// Toggled actions
void toggled(bool);
// System tray actions
void sysTrayIconAction(QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason reason);
// Choose file window was accepted
void chooseFileAccepted();
// Choose file window was cancelled
void chooseFileRejected();
// Text changed slot. Notify the client
void textChanged(const QString& text)
{ notifyTextChanged(sender(),text); }
void textChanged()
{ notifyTextChanged(sender()); }
private slots:
void openUrl(const QString& link);
virtual void doPopulate();
virtual void doInit();
// Methods inherited from QWidget
virtual void moveEvent(QMoveEvent* event);
virtual void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* event);
virtual bool event(QEvent* ev);
virtual void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* event);
virtual void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* event);
virtual void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* event);
virtual void closeEvent(QCloseEvent* event);
virtual void changeEvent(QEvent* event);
virtual void contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent* ev) {
if (handleContextMenuEvent(ev,wndWidget()))
// Get the widget with this window's content
inline QWidget* wndWidget()
{ return findChild<QWidget*>(m_widget); }
// Handle context menu events. Return true if handled
bool handleContextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent* event, QObject* obj);
String m_description;
String m_oldId; // Old id used to retreive the config section in .rc
int m_x;
int m_y;
int m_width; // Client area width
int m_height; // Client area height
bool m_maximized;
bool m_mainWindow; // Main window flag: close app when this window is closed
QString m_widget; // The widget with window's content
bool m_moving; // Flag used to move the window on mouse move event
QPoint m_movePos; // Old position used when moving the window
* This class encapsulates a custom modal dialog window.
* A dialog context can be set in '_yate_context' property
* Actions triggered by dialogs have the following format: dialog:dialog_name:action_name.
* The dialog will delete itself if an action is handled
* @short A custom modal dialog
class YQT4_API QtDialog : public QDialog
Q_PROPERTY(QString _yate_context READ context WRITE setContext(QString))
* Constructor
* @param parent Parent widget
inline QtDialog(QWidget* parent)
: QDialog(parent)
* Destructor. Notify the client if not exiting
virtual ~QtDialog();
* Retrieve the parent window
* @return QtWindow pointer or 0
inline QtWindow* parentWindow() const
{ return qobject_cast<QtWindow*>(parentWidget() ? parentWidget()->window() : 0); }
* Initialize dialog. Load the widget.
* Connect non checkable actions to own slot.
* Connect checkable actions/buttons to parent window's slot
* Display the dialog on success
* @param name Object and config section name
* @param title Window title
* @param alias Object name to set if not empty
* @param params Optional parent window parameters
* @return True on success
bool show(const String& name, const String& title, const String& alias,
const NamedList* params);
* Retrieve the context property
* @return The dialog context
QString context()
{ return m_context; }
* Set the dialog context
* @param c The new dialog context
void setContext(QString c)
{ m_context = c; }
* Build an action's name
* @param buf Destination buffer
* @param action Action name
* @return The destination string
inline String& buildActionName(String& buf, const String& action) {
buf = String("dialog:") + YQT_OBJECT_NAME(this) + ":" + action;
return buf;
protected slots:
// Notify client
void action();
// Destroy the dialog
virtual void closeEvent(QCloseEvent* event);
// Destroy the dialog
virtual void reject();
String m_notifyOnClose; // Action to notify when closed
QString m_context; // Dialog context
* This class holds data about a widget container item
* @short Widget container item properties
class QtUIWidgetItemProps : public String
* Constructor
* @param type Item type
explicit inline QtUIWidgetItemProps(const String& type)
: String(type)
String m_ui; // Item UI file
String m_styleSheet; // Item style sheet when not selected
String m_selStyleSheet; // Item selected style
* This class holds a basic widget container with functions to rename children
* @short A widget container
class YQT4_API QtUIWidget : public UIWidget
* Constructor
* @param name Object name
* @param params Object parameters
* @param parent Optional parent
inline QtUIWidget(const char* name)
: UIWidget(name)
* Build a child name from this one
* @param buf Destination buffer
* @param item Child name
* @return The destination buffer
inline String& buildChildName(String& buf, const String& item)
{ return buildChildName(buf,name(),item); }
* Build a container QString child name
* @param item Child name
* @return QString child name
inline QString buildQChildName(const String& item)
{ return buildQChildName(name(),item); }
* Retrieve item type definition
* @param type Item type name
* @return QtUIWidgetItemProps pointer or 0
inline QtUIWidgetItemProps* getItemProps(const String& type) {
ObjList* o = m_itemProps.find(type);
return o ? static_cast<QtUIWidgetItemProps*>(o->get()) : 0;
* Retrieve item type definition from [type:]value. Create it if not found
* @param in Input string
* @param value Item property value
* @return QtUIWidgetItemProps pointer or 0
virtual QtUIWidgetItemProps* getItemProps(QString& in, String& value);
* Retrieve the list of properties to save
* @return The list of properties to save
QStringList saveProps()
{ return m_saveProps; }
* Set the list of properties to save
* @param list The new list of properties to save
void setSaveProps(QStringList list)
{ m_saveProps = list; }
* Retrieve a QObject descendent of this object
* @return QObject pointer or 0
virtual QObject* getQObject()
{ return 0; }
* Retrieve the window owning this object
* @return QtWindow pointer or 0
virtual QtWindow* getWindow()
{ return QtClient::parentWindow(getQObject()); }
* Set widget's parameters.
* Handle an 'applyall' parameter carrying a NamedList to apply to all items
* @param params List of parameters
* @return True if all parameters could be set
virtual bool setParams(const NamedList& params);
* Retrieve a QObject list containing container items
* @return The list of container items
virtual QList<QObject*> getContainerItems()
{ return QList<QObject*>(); }
* Find an item widget by id
* @param id Item id
* @return QWidget pointer or 0
virtual QWidget* findItem(const String& id);
* Apply a list of parameters to all container items
* @return The list of parameters to apply
virtual void applyAllParams(const NamedList& params);
* Retrieve the object identity from '_yate_identity' property or name
* Retrieve the object item from '_yate_widgetlistitem' property.
* Set 'identity' to object_identity[:item_name]
* @param obj The object
* @param identiy Destination buffer
virtual void getIdentity(QObject* obj, String& identity);
* Update an item object and children from a list a parameters
* @param parent Parent object
* @param params The list of parameters
* @return True on success
virtual bool setParams(QObject* parent, const NamedList& params);
* Get an item object's parameters
* @param parent The object
* @param params Parameter list
* @return True on success
virtual bool getParams(QObject* parent, NamedList& params);
* Retrieve object slots
* @param actionSlot Action (triggerred) slot
* @param toggleSlot Toggled slot
* @param selectSlot Selection change slot
virtual void getSlots(String& actionSlot, String& toggleSlot, String& selectSlot) {
actionSlot = SLOT(itemChildAction());
toggleSlot = SLOT(itemChildToggle(bool));
selectSlot = SLOT(itemChildSelect());
* Select an item by its index
* @param index Item index to select
* @return True on success
virtual bool setSelectIndex(int index)
{ return false; }
* Retrieve the 0 based index of the current item
* @return The index of the current item (-1 on error or container empty)
virtual int currentItemIndex()
{ return -1; }
* Retrieve the number of items in container
* @return The number of items in container (-1 on error)
virtual int itemCount()
{ return -1; }
* Build a child's widget menu. Connect actions to container slots
* @param w The widget
* @param params Menu params
* @param child Optional widget child target
* @param set True to set the menu, false to build it and just return it
* @return QMenu pointer or 0
QMenu* buildWidgetItemMenu(QWidget* w, const NamedList* params,
const String& child = String::empty(), bool set = true);
* Build a container child name
* @param buf Destination buffer
* @param name Container widget name
* @param item Child name
* @return The destination buffer
static inline String& buildChildName(String& buf, const String& name,
const String& item) {
buf = name + "_" + item;
return buf;
* Build a container child name
* @param name Container widget name
* @param item Child name
* @return QString child name
static inline QString buildQChildName(const QString& name, const QString& item)
{ return name + "_" + item; }
* Build a container QString child name
* @param name Container widget name
* @param item Child name
* @return QString child name
static inline QString buildQChildName(const String& name, const String& item) {
String buf;
return QtClient::setUtf8(buildChildName(buf,name,item));
* Set the list item id property to a list item object
* @param obj The object
* @param item Item id property value
static inline void setListItemIdProp(QObject* obj, const QString& item)
{ obj->setProperty("_yate_widgetlistitemid",QVariant(item)); }
* Retrieve the list item id property from a list item object
* @param obj The object
* @param item Destination string
static inline void getListItemIdProp(QObject* obj, String& item)
{ QtClient::getProperty(obj,"_yate_widgetlistitemid",item); }
* Set the list item property for an item's child object
* @param obj The object
* @param item Item property value
static inline void setListItemProp(QObject* obj, const QString& item)
{ obj->setProperty("_yate_widgetlistitem",QVariant(item)); }
* Retrieve the list item property from an item's child object
* @param obj The object
* @param item Destination string
static inline void getListItemProp(QObject* obj, String& item)
{ QtClient::getProperty(obj,"_yate_widgetlistitem",item); }
* Retrieve the top level QtUIWidget container parent of an object
* @param obj The object
* @return QtUIWidget pointer or 0 if not found
static QtUIWidget* container(QObject* obj);
* Default constructor
* Initialize navigation controls
* @param params Parameter list
void initNavigation(const NamedList& params);
* Update navigation controls
void updateNavigation();
* Trigger a custom action from an item. Build a list of parameters containing
* the 'item' and the 'list' object identity
* @param item The item id
* @param action The action name to trigger
* @param sender Optional sender (set it to 0 to use getQObject())
void triggerAction(const String& item, const String& action, QObject* sender = 0);
* Handle a child's action. Retrieve the object identity (using getIdentity()) and
* notify the action 'sender_identity:sender_item_name' to the client
* Internally handle next/prev actions if set
* @param sender The sender
virtual void onAction(QObject* sender);
* Handle a child's action. Retrieve the object identity (using getIdentity()) and
* notify the toggled 'sender_identity:sender_item_name' event to the client
* @param sender The sender
* @param on Toggle status
virtual void onToggle(QObject* sender, bool on);
* Handle a child's selection change. Retrieve the object identity and
* notify the select 'sender_identity:sender_item_name' event to the client.
* @param sender The sender
* @param item Optional selected item if any. Set it to 0 to detect it
virtual void onSelect(QObject* sender, const String* item = 0);
* Load an item's widget. Rename children.
* Set '_yate_widgetlistitemid' widget property to given name.
* Set '_yate_widgetlistitem' to item for each child.
* Connect signals for children not having a '_yate_autoconnect' property set to false.
* Install event filter for children with '_yate_filterevents' property set to true.
* @param parent Parent widget
* @param name Widget name
* @param ui UI file to load
* @return QWidget pointer or 0
QWidget* loadWidget(QWidget* parent, const String& name, const String& ui);
* Load an item's widget using a given type
* @param parent Parent widget
* @param name Widget name
* @param type Item type
* @return QWidget pointer or 0
inline QWidget* loadWidgetType(QWidget* parent, const String& name, const String& type) {
QtUIWidgetItemProps* p = getItemProps(type);
if (p && p->m_ui)
return loadWidget(parent,name,p->m_ui);
return 0;
* Apply a QWidget style sheet. Replace ${name} with widget name in style
* @param name The widget
* @param style The style sheet to apply
void applyWidgetStyle(QWidget* w, const String& style);
* Filter key press events. Retrieve an action associated with the key.
* Check if the object is allowed to process the key.
* Raise the action
* @param obj The object
* @param event QKeyEvent event to process
* @param filter Filter key or let the object process it
* @return True if processed, false if no key was filtered
bool filterKeyEvent(QObject* watched, QKeyEvent* event, bool& filter);
ObjList m_itemProps;
QStringList m_saveProps; // List of properties to be automatically
// saved/restored when window owning
// this object is initialized/destroyed
// Navigation
String m_prev; // Goto previous item action
String m_next; // Goto next item action
String m_info; // Info widget: current index, total ...
String m_infoFormat; // Data to be displayed in info
String m_title; // Current item title widget name
* This class encapsulates a custom QT object
* @short A custom QT object
class YQT4_API QtCustomObject : public QObject, public QtUIWidget
* Constructor
* @param name Object's name
* @param parent Optional parent object
inline QtCustomObject(const char* name, QObject* parent = 0)
: QObject(parent), QtUIWidget(name)
{ setObjectName(name); }
* Retrieve a QObject from this one
* @return QObject pointer
virtual QObject* getQObject()
{ return static_cast<QObject*>(this); }
* Parent changed notification
virtual void parentChanged()
QtCustomObject() {} // No default constructor
* This class encapsulates a custom QT widget
* @short A custom QT widget
class YQT4_API QtCustomWidget : public QWidget, public QtUIWidget
* Constructor
* @param name Widget's name
* @param parent Optional parent widget
inline QtCustomWidget(const char* name, QWidget* parent = 0)
: QWidget(parent), QtUIWidget(name)
{ setObjectName(name); }
* Retrieve a QObject from this one
* @return QObject pointer
virtual QObject* getQObject()
{ return static_cast<QObject*>(this); }
QtCustomWidget() {} // No default constructor
* This class encapsulates a custom QT table
* @short A custom QT table widget
class YQT4_API QtTable : public QTableWidget, public QtUIWidget
* Constructor
* @param name Table's name
* @param parent Optional parent widget
inline QtTable(const char* name, QWidget* parent = 0)
: QTableWidget(parent), QtUIWidget(name)
{ setObjectName(name); }
* Retrieve a QObject from this one
* @return QObject pointer
virtual QObject* getQObject()
{ return static_cast<QObject*>(this); }
QtTable() {} // No default constructor
* This class encapsulates a custom QT tree
* @short A custom QT tree widget
class YQT4_API QtTree : public QTreeWidget, public QtUIWidget
* Constructor
* @param name Tree's name
* @param parent Optional parent widget
inline QtTree(const char* name, QWidget* parent = 0)
: QTreeWidget(parent), QtUIWidget(name)
{ setObjectName(name); }
* Retrieve a QObject from this one
* @return QObject pointer
virtual QObject* getQObject()
{ return static_cast<QObject*>(this); }
QtTree() {} // No default constructor
* QT specific sound
* @short A QT client sound
class YQT4_API QtSound : public ClientSound
* Constructor
* @param name The name of this object
* @param file The file to play (should contain the whole path and the file name)
* @param device Optional device used to play the file. Set to 0 to use the default one
inline QtSound(const char* name, const char* file, const char* device = 0)
: ClientSound(name,file,device), m_sound(0)
{ m_native = true; }
virtual bool doStart();
virtual void doStop();
QSound* m_sound;
}; // namespace TelEngine
#endif // __QT4CLIENT_H
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