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* yateasn.h
* This file is part of the YATE Project http://YATE.null.ro
* ASN.1 Library
* Yet Another Telephony Engine - a fully featured software PBX and IVR
* Copyright (C) 2004-2014 Null Team
* This software is distributed under multiple licenses;
* see the COPYING file in the main directory for licensing
* information for this specific distribution.
* This use of this software may be subject to additional restrictions.
* See the LEGAL file in the main directory for details.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#ifndef __YATEASN_H
#define __YATEASN_H
#include <yateclass.h>
#ifdef _WINDOWS
#define YASN_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define YASN_API __declspec(dllimport)
#endif /* _WINDOWS */
#ifndef YASN_API
#define YASN_API
namespace TelEngine {
#define ASN_LONG_LENGTH 0x80
#define ASN_BIT8 0x80
class AsnObject;
class AsnValue;
class ASNObjId;
class ASNLib;
class ASNError;
* Helper class for operations with octet strings. Helps with conversions from String to/from DataBlock
* @short Helper class for operations with octet strings
class YASN_API OctetString : public DataBlock
* Get the String contained in this buffer
* @return String containing the internal data
inline String getString()
String str((const char*)data(),length());
return str;
inline DataBlock& operator=(const String& value)
return *this;
inline DataBlock& operator=(const DataBlock& value)
return *this;
* Get the content of the buffer in form of a hexified string
* @return Hexified string
inline const String toHexString() const
String str;
str = str.hexify(data(),length());
return str;
* Builed this DataBlock from a hexified string
* @return The DataBlock built from the given hexified string
inline DataBlock& fromHexString(const String& value)
return *this;
* Abstract class implemented by all ASN.1 type objects
* @short Base Class for ASN.1 objects
class YASN_API AsnObject : public GenObject {
YCLASS(AsnObject, GenObject)
* Constructor
inline AsnObject()
* Copy constructor
* @param original Value object to copy
inline AsnObject(const AsnObject& original)
* Destructor
virtual inline ~AsnObject()
* Function to decode the parameters of this object from given data
* @param data DataBlock from which the object is decoded
virtual int decode(DataBlock& data) = 0;
* Function to encode this object into a datablock
* @param data The DataBlock in which the object should be encoded
virtual int encode(DataBlock& data) = 0;
* Function for obtaining this object's data
* @param params NamedList in which this object's data should be put
virtual void getParams(NamedList* params) = 0;
* Function for setting this object's data
* @param params NamedList containing the values to which this object's data should be set
virtual void setParams(NamedList* params) = 0;
* Class wrapper for different types of ASN.1 values
* @short An ASN.1 value
class YASN_API AsnValue : public GenObject {
YCLASS(AsnValue, GenObject)
* Type of value
enum ValType {
* Constructor
inline AsnValue()
: m_type(0), m_data("")
* Copy constructor
* @param original Value object to copy
inline AsnValue(const AsnValue& original)
: m_type(original.m_type), m_data(original.m_data)
{ }
* Constructor
* @param value Object value
* @param type AsnValue type, default is String
inline AsnValue(const String& value, int type = STRING)
: m_type(type), m_data(value)
{ }
* Destructor
virtual inline ~AsnValue()
* Get the value in the form of a string
* @return String containing the internal data
inline const String& getValue()
{ return m_data; }
* Get the type of the data so that we know how to interpret it
* @return The type of the data
inline int type()
{ return m_type;}
* Assign operator
inline AsnValue& operator=( AsnValue* val)
if (!val)
return *this;
m_data = val->getValue();
m_type = val->type();
return *this;
* Assign operator
inline AsnValue& operator=( AsnValue val)
m_data = val.getValue();
m_type = val.type();
return *this;
* Set data
* @param data The data to which the internal data will be set
inline void setValue(const String& data)
{ m_data.clear();m_data = data; }
* Set data type
* @param type The type assigned
inline void setType(int type)
{ m_type = type; }
int m_type;
String m_data;
* Class describing an ASN.1 OID
class YASN_API AsnMib : public GenObject {
YCLASS(AsnMib, GenObject)
* Access levels
enum Access {
notAccessible = 0,
accessibleForNotify = 1,
readOnly = 2,
readWrite = 3,
readCreate = 4
* Constructor
inline AsnMib()
: m_access(""), m_accessVal(0), m_index(0)
* Constructor
* @param params NamedList containing data for building this object, it should contain name, access level, value type
AsnMib(NamedList& params);
* Destructor
inline ~AsnMib()
* Get OID access level in string form
* @return String containing the access level for this OID. It's one of the following values : not-accessible, read-only, read-write,
read-create, accessible-for-notify.
inline String& getAccess()
{ return m_access;}
* Get OID access level
* @return String containing the access level for this OID. It's one of the following values : not-accessible, read-only, read-write,
read-create, accessible-for-notify.
inline int getAccessValue()
{ return m_accessVal;}
* Get the name of this OID
* @return Name of the OID
inline String& getName()
{ return m_name;}
* Get the oid
* @return The OID
inline String getOID()
{ String str = ".";
str += m_index;
return m_oid + str;}
* Get the type of the value of this OID
* @return String containing the type of value
inline String& getType()
{ return m_type;}
* Get the revision of this OID
* @return String containing the revision string
inline String& getRevision()
{ return m_revision; }
* Get the string representation of this OID
* @return String representation of this OID
inline const String& toString() const
{ return m_oid;}
* Set the index of an OID in case this OID is part of a table.
* @param ind Given index
inline void setIndex(unsigned int ind)
{ m_index = ind;}
* Obtain the index of this OID
* @return This OID's index in the OID table
inline unsigned int index()
{ return m_index;}
* Compare this object ID with another
* @param mib The object ID with which this object should be compared
* @return 0 if they're equal, -1 if this object is less lexicographically then the given parameter, 1 if it's greater
int compareTo(AsnMib* mib);
* Get the parent object ID of this object
* @return String version of the parent ID
inline String getParent()
int pos = m_oid.rfind('.');
return m_oid.substr(0,pos);
String m_name;
String m_oid;
String m_access;
int m_accessVal;
String m_type;
String m_revision;
int size;
int maxVal;
int minVal;
unsigned int m_index;
static TokenDict s_access[];
* Class for holding only an OID
class YASN_API ASNObjId : public GenObject {
YCLASS(ASNObjId, GenObject)
* Constructor
* Copy constructor
* @param original OID object to copy
inline ASNObjId(const ASNObjId& original)
: m_value(original.m_value), m_name(original.m_name)
{ }
* Constructor
* @param val OID value in string format
ASNObjId(const String& val);
* Constructor
* @param name Name of the OID
* @param val OID value in string format
ASNObjId(const String& name, const String& val);
* Constructor
* @param mib Mib used for creating this OID
ASNObjId(AsnMib* mib);
* Destructor
* Assignment operator from OID
inline ASNObjId& operator=(const ASNObjId& original)
{ m_value = original.toString(); return *this; }
* Assign operator from a string value
inline ASNObjId& operator=(const String& val)
{ m_value = val; return *this; }
* Assign operator from a const char* value
inline ASNObjId& operator=(const char* val)
{ m_value = val; return *this; }
* Transform the value of this OID from a string value to a sequence of numbers
void toDataBlock();
* Get the sequence form of the OID
* @return Datablock sequence of ids
DataBlock getIds();
* String representation of the OID
inline const String& toString() const
{ return m_value; }
* Get the name of the OID
* @return String representation of the name
inline const String& getName() const
{ return m_name; }
* Set the OID value
* @param value OID value
inline void setValue(const String& value)
{ m_value = value; toDataBlock();}
String m_value;
String m_name;
DataBlock m_ids;
* Class AsnTag
* @short Class for ASN.1 tags
class AsnTag {
* ASN.1 Tag class types enum
enum Class {
Universal = 0x00,
Application = 0x40,
Context = 0x80,
Private = 0xc0,
* ASN.1 Type of tag enum
enum Type {
Primitive = 0x00,
Constructor = 0x20,
* Constructor
inline AsnTag()
: m_class(Universal), m_type(Primitive), m_code(0)
{ }
* Constructor
* @param clas Class of the ASN.1 Tag
* @param type Type of the ASN.1 Tag
* @param code Code ot the ASN.1 Tag
inline AsnTag(Class clas, Type type, unsigned int code)
: m_class(clas), m_type(type), m_code(code)
* Destructor
inline ~AsnTag()
* Decode an ASN.1 tag from the given data
* @param tag Tag to fill
* @param data Data from which the tag should be filled
static void decode(AsnTag& tag, DataBlock& data);
* Encode an ASN.1 tag and put the encoded form into the given data
* @param clas Class of the tag
* @param type Type of the tag
* @param code Tag code
* @param data DataBlock into which to insert the encoded tag
static void encode(Class clas, Type type, unsigned int code, DataBlock& data);
* Encode self
inline void encode()
{ AsnTag::encode(m_class,m_type,m_code,m_coding); }
* Equality operator
inline bool operator==(const AsnTag& tag) const
return (m_class == tag.classType() && m_type == tag.type() && m_code == tag.code());
* Inequality operator
inline bool operator!=(const AsnTag& tag) const
return !(m_class == tag.classType() && m_type == tag.type() && m_code == tag.code());
* Assignment operator
inline AsnTag& operator=(const AsnTag& value)
m_class = value.classType();
m_type = value.type();
m_code = value.code();
return *this;
* Get the tag class
* @return The class of the tag
inline const Class classType() const
{ return m_class; }
* Set the tag class
* @param clas The clas to set for the tag
inline void classType(Class clas)
{ m_class = clas; }
* Get the tag type
* @return The type of the tag
inline const Type type() const
{ return m_type; }
* Set the tag type
* @param type The type to set for the tag
inline void type(Type type)
{ m_type = type; }
* Get the tag code
* @return The code of the tag
inline const unsigned int code() const
{ return m_code; }
* Set the tag code
* @param code The code to set for the tag
inline void code(unsigned int code)
{ m_code = code; }
* Get the tag encoding
* @return The DataBlock containing the encoding for the tag
inline const DataBlock& coding() const
{ return m_coding; }
Class m_class;
Type m_type;
unsigned int m_code;
DataBlock m_coding;
* Class ASNLib
* @short Class containing functions for decoding/encoding ASN.1 basic data types
class YASN_API ASNLib {
* ASN.1 Type tags
enum TypeTag {
BOOLEAN = 0x01,
INTEGER = 0x02,
BIT_STRING = 0x03,
NULL_ID = 0x05,
OBJECT_ID = 0x06,
REAL = 0x09, //not implemented
UTF8_STR = 0x0c,
SEQUENCE = 0x30,
SET = 0x31,
IA5_STR = 0x16,
UTC_TIME = 0x17,
GENERAL_STR = 0x1b, // not implemented
UNIVERSAL_STR = 0x1c, // not implemented
CHARACTER_STR = 0x1d, // not implemented
BMP_STR = 0x1e, // not implemented
CHOICE = 0x1f, // does not have a value
DEFINED = 0x2d
// values not implemented
// 20 TeletexString, T61String
// 21 VideotexString
// 25 GraphicString
// 27 GeneralString
// 28 UniversalString
// 30 BMPString
* Error types
enum Error {
InvalidLengthOrTag = -1,
ConstraintBreakError = -2,
ParseError = -3,
InvalidContentsError = -4,
IndefiniteForm = -5,
* Constructor
* Destructor
* Decode the length of the block data containing the ASN.1 type data
* @param data Input block from which to extract the length
* @return The length of the data block containing data, -1 if it couldn't be decoded
static int decodeLength(DataBlock& data);
* Decode a boolean value from the encoded data
* @param data Input block from which the boolean value should be extracted
* @param val Pointer to a boolean to be filled with the decoded value
* @param tagCheck Flag for indicating if in the process of decoding the value the presence of the ASN.1 tag for boolean (0x01) should be verified
* @return Length of data consumed from the input data it the decoding was successful, -1 if the boolean value could not be decoded
static int decodeBoolean(DataBlock& data, bool* val, bool tagCheck);
* Decode an integer value from the encoded data
* @param data Input block from which the integer value should be extracted
* @param intVal Integer to be filled with the decoded value
* @param bytes Width of the decoded integer field
* @param tagCheck Flag for indicating if in the process of decoding the value the presence of the ASN.1 tag for integer (0x02) should be verified
* @return Length of data consumed from the input data it the decoding was successful, -1 if the integer value could not be decoded
static int decodeInteger(DataBlock& data, u_int64_t& intVal, unsigned int bytes, bool tagCheck);
* Decode an unsigned integer value from the encoded data - helper function for casting from u_int64_t to u_int8_t in case of size constraints
* @param data Input block from which the integer value should be extracted
* @param intVal Integer to be filled with the decoded value
* @param tagCheck Flag for indicating if in the process of decoding the value the presence of the ASN.1 tag for integer (0x02) should be verified
* @return Length of data consumed from the input data it the decoding was successful, -1 if the integer value could not be decoded
static int decodeUINT8(DataBlock& data, u_int8_t* intVal, bool tagCheck);
* Decode an unsigned integer value from the encoded data - helper function for casting from u_int64_t to u_int16_t in case of size constraints
* @param data Input block from which the integer value should be extracted
* @param intVal Integer to be filled with the decoded value
* @param tagCheck Flag for indicating if in the process of decoding the value the presence of the ASN.1 tag for integer (0x02) should be verified
* @return Length of data consumed from the input data it the decoding was successful, -1 if the integer value could not be decoded
static int decodeUINT16(DataBlock& data, u_int16_t* intVal, bool tagCheck);
* Decode an unsigned integer value from the encoded data - helper function for casting from u_int64_t to u_int32_t in case of size constraints
* @param data Input block from which the integer value should be extracted
* @param intVal Integer to be filled with the decoded value
* @param tagCheck Flag for indicating if in the process of decoding the value the presence of the ASN.1 tag for integer (0x02) should be verified
* @return Length of data consumed from the input data it the decoding was successful, -1 if the integer value could not be decoded
static int decodeUINT32(DataBlock& data, u_int32_t* intVal, bool tagCheck);
* Decode an unsigned integer value from the encoded data - helper function for casting in case of size constraints
* @param data Input block from which the integer value should be extracted
* @param intVal Integer to be filled with the decoded value
* @param tagCheck Flag for indicating if in the process of decoding the value the presence of the ASN.1 tag for integer (0x02) should be verified
* @return Length of data consumed from the input data it the decoding was successful, -1 if the integer value could not be decoded
static int decodeUINT64(DataBlock& data, u_int64_t* intVal, bool tagCheck);
* Decode an integer value from the encoded data - helper function for casting from u_int64_t to int8_t in case of size constraints
* @param data Input block from which the integer value should be extracted
* @param intVal Integer to be filled with the decoded value
* @param tagCheck Flag for indicating if in the process of decoding the value the presence of the ASN.1 tag for integer (0x02) should be verified
* @return Length of data consumed from the input data it the decoding was successful, -1 if the integer value could not be decoded
static int decodeINT8(DataBlock& data, int8_t* intVal, bool tagCheck);
* Decode an integer value from the encoded data - helper function for casting from u_int64_t to int16_t in case of size constraints
* @param data Input block from which the integer value should be extracted
* @param intVal Integer to be filled with the decoded value
* @param tagCheck Flag for indicating if in the process of decoding the value the presence of the ASN.1 tag for integer (0x02) should be verified
* @return Length of data consumed from the input data it the decoding was successful, -1 if the integer value could not be decoded
static int decodeINT16(DataBlock& data, int16_t* intVal, bool tagCheck);
* Decode an integer value from the encoded data - helper function for casting from u_int64_t to int32_t in case of size constraints
* @param data Input block from which the integer value should be extracted
* @param intVal Integer to be filled with the decoded value
* @param tagCheck Flag for indicating if in the process of decoding the value the presence of the ASN.1 tag for integer (0x02) should be verified
* @return Length of data consumed from the input data it the decoding was successful, -1 if the integer value could not be decoded
static int decodeINT32(DataBlock& data, int32_t* intVal, bool tagCheck);
* Decode an integer value from the encoded data - helper function for casting in case of size constraints
* @param data Input block from which the integer value should be extracted
* @param intVal Integer to be filled with the decoded value
* @param tagCheck Flag for indicating if in the process of decoding the value the presence of the ASN.1 tag for integer (0x02) should be verified
* @return Length of data consumed from the input data it the decoding was successful, -1 if the integer value could not be decoded
static int decodeINT64(DataBlock& data, int64_t* intVal, bool tagCheck);
* Decode a bitstring value from the encoded data
* @param data Input block from which the bitstring value should be extracted
* @param val String to be filled with the decoded value
* @param tagCheck Flag for indicating if in the process of decoding the value the presence of the ASN.1 tag for integer (0x03) should be verified
* @return Length of data consumed from the input data it the decoding was successful, -1 if the integer value could not be decoded
static int decodeBitString(DataBlock& data, String* val, bool tagCheck);
* Decode a string value from the encoded data
* @param data Input block from which the octet string value should be extracted
* @param strVal String to be filled with the decoded value
* @param tagCheck Flag for indicating if in the process of decoding the value the presence of the ASN.1 tag for integer (0x04) should be verified
* @return Length of data consumed from the input data it the decoding was successful, -1 if the integer value could not be decoded
static int decodeOctetString(DataBlock& data, OctetString* strVal, bool tagCheck);
* Decode a null value from the encoded data
* @param data Input block from which the null value should be extracted
* @param tagCheck Flag for indicating if in the process of decoding the value the presence of the ASN.1 tag for integer (0x05) should be verified
* @return Length of data consumed from the input data it the decoding was successful, -1 if the integer value could not be decoded
static int decodeNull(DataBlock& data, bool tagCheck);
* Decode an object id value from the encoded data
* @param data Input block from which the OID value should be extracted
* @param obj ASNObjId to be filled with the decoded value
* @param tagCheck Flag for indicating if in the process of decoding the value the presence of the ASN.1 tag for integer (0x06) should be verified
* @return Length of data consumed from the input data it the decoding was successful, -1 if the integer value could not be decoded
static int decodeOID(DataBlock& data, ASNObjId* obj, bool tagCheck);
* Decode a real value from the encoded data - not implemented
* @param data Input block from which the real value should be extracted
* @param realVal Float to be filled with the decoded value
* @param tagCheck Flag for indicating if in the process of decoding the value the presence of the ASN.1 tag for integer (0x09) should be verified
* @return Length of data consumed from the input data it the decoding was successful, -1 if the integer value could not be decoded
static int decodeReal(DataBlock& data, float* realVal, bool tagCheck);
* Decode other types of ASN.1 strings from the encoded data (NumericString, PrintableString, VisibleString, IA5String)
* @param data Input block from which the string value should be extracted
* @param str String to be filled with the decoded value
* @param type Integer to be filled with the value indicating which type of string has been decoded
* @param tagCheck Flag for indicating if in the process of decoding the value the presence of the ASN.1 tag should be verified
* @return Length of data consumed from the input data it the decoding was successful, -1 if the integer value could not be decoded
static int decodeString(DataBlock& data, String* str, int* type, bool tagCheck);
* Decode an UTF8 string from the encoded data
* @param data Input block from which the string value should be extracted
* @param str String to be filled with the decoded value
* @param tagCheck Flag for indicating if in the process of decoding the value the presence of the ASN.1 tag (0x0c) should be verified
* @return Length of data consumed from the input data it the decoding was successful, -1 if the integer value could not be decoded
static int decodeUtf8(DataBlock& data, String* str, bool tagCheck);
* Decode a GeneralizedTime value from the encoded data
* @param data Input block from which the value should be extracted
* @param time Integer to be filled with time in seconds since epoch
* @param fractions Integer to be filled with fractions of a second
* @param utc Flag indicating if the decode time value represent local time or UTC time
* @param tagCheck Flag for indicating if in the process of decoding the value the presence of the ASN.1 tag (0x18) should be verified
* @return Length of data consumed from the input data it the decoding was successful, -1 if the integer value could not be decoded
static int decodeGenTime(DataBlock& data, unsigned int* time, unsigned int* fractions, bool* utc, bool tagCheck);
* Decode a UTC time value from the encoded data
* @param data Input block from which the value should be extracted
* @param time Integer to be filled with time in seconds since epoch
* @param tagCheck Flag for indicating if in the process of decoding the value the presence of the ASN.1 tag (0x17) should be verified
* @return Length of data consumed from the input data it the decoding was successful, -1 if the integer value could not be decoded
static int decodeUTCTime(DataBlock& data, unsigned int* time, bool tagCheck);
* Decode a block of arbitrary data
* @param data Input block from which the value should be extracted
* @param val DataBlock in which the data shoulb be copied
* @param tagCheck Flag for indicating if in the process of decoding the value the presence of the ASN.1 should be verified
* @return Length of data consumed from the input data it the decoding was successful, -1 if the integer value could not be decoded
static int decodeAny(DataBlock data, DataBlock* val, bool tagCheck);
* Decode the header of an ASN.1 sequence ( decodes the tag and the length of the sequence)
* @param data Input block from which the header should be extracted
* @param tagCheck Flag for indicating if in the process of decoding the value the presence of the ASN.1 (0x30) should be verified
* @return Length of data consumed from the input data it the decoding was succesful, -1 if the integer value could not be decoded
static int decodeSequence(DataBlock& data, bool tagCheck);
* Decode the header of an ASN.1 set ( decodes the tag and the length of the sequence)
* @param data Input block from which the header should be extracted
* @param tagCheck Flag for indicating if in the process of decoding the value the presence of the ASN.1 (0x31) should be verified
* @return Length of data consumed from the input data it the decoding was succesful, -1 if the integer value could not be decoded
static int decodeSet(DataBlock& data, bool tagCheck);
* Encode the length of the given data
* @param data The data for which the length should be encoded
* @return The data block which now contains the length encoding
static DataBlock buildLength(DataBlock& data);
* Encode the given boolean value
* @param val The boolean value to encode
* @param tagCheck Flag to specify if the boolean type tag should be inserted in the encoding
* @return The data block encoding of the value
static DataBlock encodeBoolean(bool val, bool tagCheck);
* Encode the given integer value
* @param intVal The integer value to encode
* @param tagCheck Flag to specify if the integer type tag should be inserted in the encoding
* @return The data block encoding of the value
static DataBlock encodeInteger(u_int64_t intVal, bool tagCheck);
* Encode the given octet string value
* @param strVal The octet string value to encode
* @param tagCheck Flag to specify if the octet string type tag should be inserted in the encoding
* @return The data block encoding of the value
static DataBlock encodeOctetString(OctetString strVal, bool tagCheck);
* Encode a null value
* @param tagCheck Flag to specify if the null tag should be inserted in the encoding
* @return The data block encoding of the value
static DataBlock encodeNull(bool tagCheck);
* Encode the given bitstring value
* @param val The bitstring value to encode
* @param tagCheck Flag to specify if the type tag should be inserted in the encoding
* @return The data block encoding of the value
static DataBlock encodeBitString(String val, bool tagCheck);
* Encode the given OID value
* @param obj The OID value to encode
* @param tagCheck Flag to specify if the type tag should be inserted in the encoding
* @return The data block encoding of the value
static DataBlock encodeOID(ASNObjId obj, bool tagCheck);
* Encode the given real value - not implemented
* @param val The real value to encode
* @param tagCheck Flag to specify if the type tag should be inserted in the encoding
* @return The data block encoding of the value
static DataBlock encodeReal(float val, bool tagCheck);
* Encode the given string value to NumericString, PrintableString, IA5String, VisibleString
* @param str The string value to encode
* @param type The type of the encoding
* @param tagCheck Flag to specify if the type tag should be inserted in the encoding
* @return The data block encoding of the value
static DataBlock encodeString(String str, int type, bool tagCheck);
* Encode the UTF8 string value
* @param str The string value to encode
* @param tagCheck Flag to specify if the type tag should be inserted in the encoding
* @return The data block encoding of the value
static DataBlock encodeUtf8(String str, bool tagCheck);
* Encode the given time value into a GeneralizedTime format
* @param time Time in seconds since epoch to encode
* @param fractions Fractions of a seconds to encode
* @param tagCheck Flag to specify if the type tag should be inserted in the encoding
* @return The data block encoding of the value
static DataBlock encodeGenTime(unsigned int time, unsigned int fractions, bool tagCheck);
* Encode the given time value into an UTCTime format
* @param time Time in seconds since epoch to encode
* @param tagCheck Flag to specify if the type tag should be inserted in the encoding
* @return The data block encoding of the value
static DataBlock encodeUTCTime(unsigned int time, bool tagCheck);
* Encode an arbitrary block a data
* @param data data
* @param tagCheck Flag to specify if the type tag should be inserted in the encoding
* @return The data block encoding of the value
static DataBlock encodeAny(DataBlock data, bool tagCheck);
* Encode the header for a sequence
* @param data Sequence data for which the header is encoded
* @param tagCheck Flag to specify if the ype tag should be inserted in the encoding
* @return The length of the data block length encoding
static int encodeSequence(DataBlock& data, bool tagCheck);
* Encode the header for a set
* @param data Sequence data for which the header is encoded
* @param tagCheck Flag to specify if the type tag should be inserted in the encoding
* @return The length of the data block length encoding
static int encodeSet(DataBlock& data, bool tagCheck);
* Verify the data for End Of Contents presence
* @param data Input block to verify
* @return Length of data consumed from the input data it the decoding was succesful, it should be 2 in case of success, -1 if the data doesn't match EoC
static int matchEOC(DataBlock& data);
* Extract length until a End Of Contents is found.
* @param data Input block for which to determine the length to End Of Contents
* @param length Length to which to add determined length
* @return Length until End Of Contents
static int parseUntilEoC(DataBlock& data, int length = 0);
#endif /* __YATEASN_H */
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