
608 lines
20 KiB

%define KERNEL_VERSION %{?kern_ver}
%define WANPIPE_VER wanpipe-util
%define name %{WANPIPE_VER}
%define version 3.5.12
%define release 0
%define serial 1
%define ETC_DIR /etc
%define USR_DIR /usr
%define UTILS_DIR /usr/sbin
%define PROD_HOME /etc/wanpipe
%define WANCFG_LIBS_DIR /etc/wanpipe/wancfg/lib
%define API_DIR /etc/wanpipe/api
%define DOCS_DIR /usr/share/doc/wanpipe
%define PROD wanrouter
%define META_CONF %{PROD_HOME}/%{PROD}.rc
%define WAN_INTR_DIR %{PROD_HOME}/interfaces
%define PROD_CONF %{WAN_CONF_DIR}/wanpipe1.conf
%define LIBSANGOMA_CONF /etc/ld.so.conf.d/libsangoma.so.conf
#%define START_SCRIPT S07%{PROD}
#%define OLD_START S07router
#%define STOP_SCRIPT K10%{PROD}
#%define OLD_STOP K10router
%define WANROUTER_STARTUP_SMPL %{PROD_HOME}/samples/wanrouter
%define WANROUTER_STARTUP /usr/sbin/wanrouter
%define NEW_IF_TYPE NO
%define PROD_INIT /usr/sbin/
Summary: Sangoma WANPIPE package for Linux. It contains WANPIPE configuration/startup/debugging utilities for Linux. This package requires the wanpipe-mod package!
Name: %{name}
Version: %{version}
Release: %{release}
License: GPL
Group: Applications/Communications
#Source0: %{WANPIPE_VER}.tgz
#Source1: bridge-utils-0.9.1.tar.gz
Vendor: Sangoma Technologies Inc.
Url: www.sangoma.com
Group: Networking/WAN
Linux Utilities for Sangoma AFT-Series of cards and S-Series of Cards. Wanpipe supports the following protocols, TDM Voice, Frame Relay, X25(API), PPP,Multi-link PPP, CHDLC and custom API development for WAN and Voice.
Install Wanpipe-modules package for wanpipe drivers.
echo "Uninstalling WANPIPE..."
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Remove initialization scripts.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
chkconfig --del wanrouter
rm /etc/init.d/wanrouter
# Examine system bootstrap files.
if [ -d /etc/rc0.d ]
then RC_DIR=/etc
elif [ -d /etc/rc.d/rc0.d ]
then RC_DIR=/etc/rc.d
else return 0
echo "Removing start-up scripts..."
rm -f $RC_DIR/rc2.d/%{START_SCRIPT}
rm -f $RC_DIR/rc3.d/%{START_SCRIPT}
rm -f $RC_DIR/rc4.d/%{START_SCRIPT}
rm -f $RC_DIR/rc5.d/%{START_SCRIPT}
rm -f $RC_DIR/rc0.d/%{STOP_SCRIPT}
rm -f $RC_DIR/rc1.d/%{STOP_SCRIPT}
rm -f $RC_DIR/rc6.d/%{STOP_SCRIPT}
rm -f $RC_DIR/init.d/%{PROD}
return 0
#remove start-on-boot scripts
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create meta-configuration file.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
local response
# Select directory for the log file.
if [ -d /var/log ]; then
elif [ -d /var/adm wanpipe1]; then
# Select directory for the lock file.
if [ -d /var/lock/subsys ]; then
elif [ -d /var/lock ]; then
# wanrouter.rc WAN router meta-configuration file.
# This file defines variables used by the router shell scripts
# and should be located in /etc/wanpipe directory. These are:
# ROUTER_BOOT = Boot flag (YES/NO).
# WAN_CONF_DIR = Where to put wanpipe config files.
# WAN_INTR_DIR = Where to put wanpipe interface files.
# WAN_LOG = Where to put start-up log file.
# WAN_LOCK = File used as a lock.
# WAN_IP_FORWARD = Enable IP Forwarding on startup.
# WAN_DEVICES = Name of the wanpipe devices to be
# loaded on 'wanrouter start'
# (ex: "wanpipe1 wanpipe2 wanpipe3...")
# Note: Name of wanpipe devices correspond
# to the configuration files in
# WANPIPE_CONF_DIR directory:
# (ex. /etc/wanpipe/wanpipe1.conf )
# Note: This file is 'executed' by the shell script, so
# the usual shell syntax must be observed.
echo "WAN_LOCK_DIR=/var/lock/subsys" >> %{META_CONF}
echo "WAN_LIB_DIR=/etc/wanpipe/lib" >> %{META_CONF}
echo "WAN_ADSL_LIST=/etc/wanpipe/wan_adsl.list" >> %{META_CONF}
echo "WAN_SCRIPTS_DIR=/etc/wanpipe/scripts" >> %{META_CONF}
echo "WAN_FIRMWARE_DIR=/etc/wanpipe/firmware" >> %{META_CONF}
echo "WAN_DEVICES=\"wanpipe1\"" >> %{META_CONF}
return 0
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Install initialization scripts.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ln -s /usr/sbin/wanrouter /etc/init.d/wanrouter
chkconfig --add wanrouter
chkconfig wanrouter on
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enable MGD and BRI log for A500-BRI
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
if [ -e /etc/syslog.conf ]; then
eval "grep "local2.*sangoma_mgd" /etc/syslog.conf" > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
eval "grep "local2" /etc/syslog.conf " > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Warning : local2 is already used in syslog.conf"
echo -e "\n# Sangoma Media Gateway log" > tmp.$$
echo -e "local2.* /var/log/sangoma_mgd.log\n" >> tmp.$$
eval "cat /etc/syslog.conf tmp.$$ > tmp1.$$"
\cp -f tmp1.$$ /etc/syslog.conf
eval "/etc/init.d/syslog restart" > /dev/null 2>/dev/null
eval "grep "local3.*sangoma_bri" /etc/syslog.conf" > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
eval "grep "local3" /etc/syslog.conf " > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Warning : local3 is already used in syslog.conf"
echo -e "\n# Sangoma BRI Daemon (smg_bri) log" > tmp.$$
echo -e "local3.* /var/log/sangoma_bri.log\n" >> tmp.$$
eval "cat /etc/syslog.conf tmp.$$ > tmp1.$$"
\cp -f tmp1.$$ /etc/syslog.conf
eval "/etc/init.d/syslog restart" > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
echo "Warning: /etc/syslog.conf not found"
if [ -f tmp1.$$ ]; then
rm -f tmp1.$$
if [ -f tmp.$$ ]; then
rm -f tmp.$$
echo "Ok"
echo "Checking logrotate ..."
eval "type logrotate" > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Error: Logrotate not found !"
if [ -e /etc/logrotate.d ] && [ -e /etc/logrotate.d/syslog ]; then
eval "grep sangoma_mgd /etc/logrotate.d/syslog" > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
eval "sed -e 's/messages/messages \/var\/log\/sangoma_mgd.log/' /etc/logrotate.d/syslog >tmp2.$$ 2>/dev/null"
eval "cp -f tmp2.$$ /etc/logrotate.d/syslog"
eval "logrotate -f /etc/logrotate.d/syslog"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Error: logrotate restart failed!";
exit 1;
echo "Logrotate is being changed and restarted!"
echo "Logrotate is configured!"
echo "Error: Logrotate dir: /etc/logrotate.d not found !"
echo "OK."
#Examine system bootstrap files.
if [ -d /etc/rc0.d ]
then RC_DIR=/etc
elif [ -d /etc/rc.d/rc0.d ]
then RC_DIR=/etc/rc.d
else return 0
# Install start scripts.
[ -d $RC_DIR/rc2.d ] && ln -sf $PROD_INIT $RC_DIR/rc2.d/%{START_SCRIPT}
[ -d $RC_DIR/rc3.d ] && ln -sf $PROD_INIT $RC_DIR/rc3.d/%{START_SCRIPT}
[ -d $RC_DIR/rc5.d ] && ln -sf $PROD_INIT $RC_DIR/rc4.d/%{START_SCRIPT}
[ -d $RC_DIR/rc5.d ] && ln -sf $PROD_INIT $RC_DIR/rc5.d/%{START_SCRIPT}
# Install stop scripts.
[ -d $RC_DIR/rc0.d ] && ln -sf $PROD_INIT $RC_DIR/rc0.d/%{STOP_SCRIPT}
[ -d $RC_DIR/rc1.d ] && ln -sf $PROD_INIT $RC_DIR/rc1.d/%{STOP_SCRIPT}
[ -d $RC_DIR/rc6.d ] && ln -sf $PROD_INIT $RC_DIR/rc6.d/%{STOP_SCRIPT}
[ -d $RC_DIR/init.d ] && ln -sf $PROD_INIT $RC_DIR/init.d/%{PROD}
return 0
if [ -d "/usr/local/wanrouter" ]; then
cat <<EOM
*** Previous installation of Wanpipe detected.
Please use /usr/sbin/wancfg instead of /usr/local/wanrouter/wancfg
for Wanpipe configuration.
The new configuration files will be saved in /etc/wanpipe
and /etc/wanpipe/interfaces directories.
echo 'no old wanpipe detected' > /dev/null
cat <<EOM
*** Sangoma Wanpipe was successfully installed.
Run wancfg command to configure wanpipe.
Refer to %{DOCS_DIR} for documentation.
#install start-on-boot scripts
#create wanrouter.rc in /etc/wanpipe
* Mon Jun 28 2010 Nenad Corbic <ncorbic@sangoma.com> - 3.5.12
- Fixed Dahdi 2.3 Support
- Fixed FreeSwitch Openzap HardHDLC option for AFT cards
- Fixed wanpipemon support for non aft cards.
- Merged USB FXO code from 3.6 release
- USB FXO bug fix for 2.6.32 kernels
- Support for B800 Analog card
- Fixed alarm reporting in DAHDI/ZAPTEL
- Added Extra EC DSP Configuration Options
HWEC_OPERATION_MODE = OCT_NORMAL # OCT_NORMAL: echo cancelation enabled with nlp (default)
# OCT_SPEECH: improves software tone detection by disabling NLP (echo possible)
# OCT_NO_ECHO:disables echo cancelation but allows VQE/tone functions.
HWEC_DTMF_REMOVAL = NO # NO: default YES: remove dtmf out of incoming media (must have hwdtmf enabled)
HWEC_NOISE_REDUCTION = NO # NO: default YES: reduces noise on the line - could break fax
HWEC_ACUSTIC_ECHO = NO # NO: default YES: enables acustic echo cancelation
HWEC_NLP_DISABLE = NO # NO: default YES: guarantees software tone detection (possible echo)
HWEC_TX_AUTO_GAIN = 0 # 0: disable -40-0: default tx audio level to be maintained (-20 default)
HWEC_RX_AUTO_GAIN = 0 # 0: disable -40-0: default rx audio level to be maintained (-20 default)
HWEC_TX_GAIN = 0 # 0: disable -24-24: db values to be applied to tx signal
HWEC_RX_GAIN = 0 # 0: disable -24-24: db values to be applied to tx signal
- Added AIS BLUE Alarm Maintenance Startup option
Allows a port to be started in BLUE alarm.
TE_AIS_MAINTENANCE = NO #NO: defualt YES: Start port in AIS Blue Alarm and keep line down
#wanpipemon -i w1g1 -c Ttx_ais_off to disable AIS maintenance mode
#wanpipemon -i w1g1 -c Ttx_ais_on to enable AIS maintenance mode
- Fixed Legacy XDLC compile
- Fixed core edge case scenarios where
potential race condition could occour.
* Thu Apr 08 2010 Nenad Corbic <ncorbic@sangoma.com> - 3.5.11
- Fix for 2.6.31 and higher kernels
- TDM API Analog rx gain feature
- Disabled default NOISE REDUCTION feature in hwec
that was enabled in 3.5.9 release.
- Updates to T1/E1 Loopback and BERT Test
* Wed Jan 11 2010 Nenad Corbic <ncorbic@sangoma.com> - 3.5.10
- Release cleanup script earsed libsangoma.c during release packaging.
I have update release procedure so this does not happen again.
This release has no functionl differences aside from the missing
file from 3.5.9 release.
* Wed Dec 30 2009 Nenad Corbic <ncorbic@sangoma.com> - 3.5.9
- New logger dev feature
- Bug fix in tx fifo handler
- Dahdi 2.2 broke wanpipe rbs support.
- Fixed free run interrupt supported on V38 (A108)
- Fixed RBS signalling for E1 channel 31
- Added Front end Reset Detection
-> Support for new A108 Firmware V40
- Fixed RTP TAP bug: Caused high system load on RTP TAP usage.
- Added excessive fifo error sanity check. Fixes random pci dma errors.
- HWEC: Increased EC VQE Delay: Fixes random fax failure due to hwec.
- HWEC: Check state before bypass enable.
- HWEC: Disable bypass on release
- HWEC: Enabled Noise Reduction by default
- HWEC: Enabled Auto Gain Control by default
- HWEC: To disable Noise Reduction and Gain control set
-> HWEC_NOISE_REDUCTION_DISABLE=NO in [wanpipe] section of wanpipe1.conf
To check if Noise Reduction or Gain control are set
-> wan_ec_client wanpipe1 stats 1
* Thu Oct 02 2009 Nenad Corbic <ncorbic@sangoma.com> - 3.5.8
- Bug fix in sangoma_prid PRI stack for FreeSwitch & Asterisk.
There was a slow memory leak.
* Thu Sep 04 2009 Nenad Corbic <ncorbic@sangoma.com> - 3.5.7
- New Telesoft PRI Stack Support for FreeSwitch & Asterisk
For Asterisk: The new stack uses the existing Sangoma Media Gateway
architecture currently used by SS7 and BRI.
-> run: wancfg_dahdi or wancfg_zaptel to configure
for sangoma prid stack.
For FreeSwitch: The new stack binds to openzap directly just like
current SS7 and BRI.
-> run: wancfg_fs to configure freeswitch for
sangoma prid, brid, ss7.
- Fixed Tx Tristate
- Updated yellow alarm handling for Dallas maxim cards
- Autodetect USB support so that driver will compile
correctly on kernel without USB support
- Added DAHDI Red alarm for Analog
* Thu Aug 20 2009 Nenad Corbic <ncorbic@sangoma.com> - 3.5.6
- Update to T1 Yellow Alarm handling.
In some cases Yellow alarm did not turn off poperly causing
line to stay down an card startup.
- Update configuration utility
wancfg_fs updated for sangoma_prid configuration. Added wancfg_openzap
for OpenZap Configuration
* Mon Aug 17 2009 Nenad Corbic <ncorbic@sangoma.com> - 3.5.5
- Dahdi 2.2 Support
- BRI Update - Added T1 timer for NT module
- AFT Core Update - optimized dma ring buffer usage
- TDM API - refractoring and optimization
- Updated for 2.6.30 kernel
- New firmawre feature for A101/2/5/8: Free Run Timer Interrupt
The AFT T1/E1 cards will now provide perfect timing to zatpel/dahdi
even when the ports are not connected. The free run interrupt
will be enabled when all zaptel/dahdi ports are down, or on
inital card start. To test this feature just start a wanpipe
port with zaptel/dahdi and run zttest.
A108 firmare V38
A104/2/1/ firmware V36
- AFT T1/E1 front end update
Added OOF alarm treshold, so that line does not go down
on very first OOF alarm.
- Added module inc cound when zaptel/dahdi starts.
So wanpipe drivers do not crash if one tries to unload
zaptel/dahdi before stopping wanpipe drivers.
* Thu Jul 07 2009 Nenad Corbic <ncorbic@sangoma.com> -
- Updated for B700 Dchan Critical Timeout
- Fix for FAX detect on PRI
- Updated for 2.6.21 kernel TASK QUEUE REMOVAL caused
unexpected behaviour.
- Updated wancfg_zaptel for fax detect
* Thu Jul 03 2009 Nenad Corbic <ncorbic@sangoma.com> -
- Added DAHDI 2.2 Support
* Thu Jul 02 2009 Nenad Corbic <ncorbic@sangoma.com> -
- AFT 64bit update
No need for --64bit_4G flag any more.
The 64bit check is now down in the driver.
Updated the Global TDM Device
This device can be used to read events an all cards configured in
TDM API mode.
- Libsangoma verion 3.1.0
Added a function to check if hwec is supported
* Tue Jun 30 2009 Nenad Corbic <ncorbic@sangoma.com> -
- Sangoma MGD update v.1.48
Disable hwec on data calls
* Mon Jun 29 2009 Nenad Corbic <ncorbic@sangoma.com> - 3.5.4
- E1 Voice Bug fix introduced in 3.5.3
- Removed NOISE REDUCTION enabled by default.
The noise reduction is disabled by default and should be
- Fixed libsangoma enable dtmf events functionality
* Tue Jun 25 2009 Nenad Corbic <ncorbic@sangoma.com> - 3.5.3
- New Makefile build system
Note this does not replace Setup. Makefile build system can be
used by power users.
make dahdi DAHDI_DIR=<abs path to dahdi>
make install
make zaptel ZAPDIR=<abs path to zaptel>
make install
make openzap
make install
make all_src
make install
- Updated libsangoma API
Redesigned wait object for Linux/Windows integration.
- Turned on HWEC Noise Reduction by default
To disable noise reduction specify
HWEC_NOISE_REDUCTION_DISABLE=YES in [wanpipe1] section of wanpipe
config file.
- Regression tested for FreeSwitch+OpenZAP
- Updated dma buffers in ZAPTEL and TDM API mode.
- Bug fixes for Mixed Data + Voice Mode
- Bug fix on TDM API mode.
Flush buffers could interfere with tx/rx data.
- Added BRI DCHAN monitor in case task is not scheduled by the
system. Sanity check.
- Fixed libsangoma stack overflow check that failed on some kernels.
* Fri May 08 2009 Nenad Corbic <ncorbic@sangoma.com> - 3.5.2
- B700 PCIe cards were being displayed as PCI cards in hwprobe
- Bug fix in wancfg_zaptel
* Thu May 07 2009 Nenad Corbic <ncorbic@sangoma.com> - 3.5.1
- New Hardware Support
B700 - Mixed BRI & Analog
B600 - Analog 4FXO/FXS
USB-FXO - USB Fxo device
- New Unified API for Linux & Windows
API Library - libsangoma
Unified Voice API for Linux & Windows
-More Info
- SPAN mode API
- CHAN mode API
- Unified driver for Linux & Windows
- Updated BRI Stack and Support
- New BRI A500 & B700 firmware that fixes PCI parity errors.
On some systems A500 & B700 cards can generate parity errors.
- FreeSwitch Tested
- Update for 2.6.26 kernel
Note this is a major release. It has been fully regression
tested and stress tested in the lab and in the field.
- - END -