
1798 lines
57 KiB
Executable File

# pppconfig: a text menu based utility for configuring ppp.
# Copyright (C) 1999 John G. Hasler (john@dhh.gt.org)
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# or contact the author.
# On Debian systems the GNU General Public License can be found in
# /usr/doc/copyright/GPL or /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL.
# This hack exists so that the program can run in the absence of gettext
# or POSIX.
eval "use Locale::gettext";
$no_gettext = $@;
eval "use POSIX";
if ($no_gettext || $@) {
eval 'sub gettext($) { return $_[0]; }';
else {
setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, "");
$version = "2.0.5";
$etc = "/etc";
#$etc = "/u/home/john/pppconfig/pppconfig-2.0";
$ppppath = "$etc/ppp";
$pppconfig_dir = "/var/lib/pppconfig";
$pppresolv = "$ppppath/resolv";
$optionpath = "$ppppath/peers";
$chatpath = "$etc/chatscripts";
$ipdefault = $ipnumber = $route = $user_arg = $ispport = '';
$connectcmd = $authcmd = $debugcmd = $demand = $ispspeed = $ispauth = '';
$nullnull = $abortstring = $modemnull = $modeminit = $modemok = '';
$ispnumber = $atdx = $ispconnect = $isplogin = $ispname = '';
$ispprompt = $dns = $remotename = $ipparam = $ipparam_arg = '';
$isppassword = $prelogin = $postlogin = $postloginsend = '';
$ispnull = $usepeerdns = $ipcp_accept_local = $ipcp_accept_remote = '';
$persist = $idle = $idle_arg ='';
# Global arrays
@chatarray = ();
@deletelist = ();
@optionarray = ();
@secrets = ();
@pap_secrets = ();
@chap_secrets = ();
@newuserlist = ();
%oldfiles = ();
$resolv_conf ="OK";
$maxoptionfile = 20000; # Arbitrary upper limits on option and chat files.
$maxchatfile = 2000; # If they are bigger than this something is wrong.
$backtitle = gettext("\"GNU/Linux PPP Configuration Utility\"");
LOOP: foreach $opt (@ARGV) {
$opt =~ /\-\-version/ && do {
usage() if $#ARGV > 0;
$opt =~ /\-\-help/ && do {
usage() if $#ARGV > 0;
$opt =~ /\-\-whiptail/ && do {
usage() if $ui;
$ui = "whiptail";
next LOOP;
$opt =~ /\-\-dialog/ && do {
usage() if $ui;
$ui = "dialog";
next LOOP;
$opt =~ /\-\-gdialog/ && do {
usage() if $ui;
$ui = "gdialog";
next LOOP;
$opt =~ /\-\-kdialog/ && do {
usage() if $ui;
$ui = "kdialog";
next LOOP;
$opt =~ /\-\-noname/ && do {
usage() if $provider;
$noname = 1;
$provider = "provider";
next LOOP;
$opt =~ /\-\-ttyport/ && do {
next LOOP;
$opt =~ /\-\-provider/ && do {
usage() if $provider;
next LOOP;
if ($prev_opt=~/ttyport/){
next LOOP;
if ($prev_opt=~/provider/){
next LOOP;
print "NO OPITON\n";
next LOOP;
$ui = `which whiptail` ? "whiptail" : "dialog" unless $ui;
die gettext("No UI") unless `which $ui`;
die (gettext("You must be root to run this program.\n")) if( $> != 0 );
die(gettext("$etc/chatscripts does not exist.\n")) if( ! -d "$etc/chatscripts" );
die(gettext("$etc/ppp/peers does not exist.\n")) if( ! -d "$etc/ppp/peers" );
MAIN: do_action (); # This is the main loop.
# Make a dialog box.
sub dialogbox(@) {
$text=shift( @vars );
$title=shift( @vars ) if( $#vars >= 0 );
undef $args;
$args=join( ' ', @vars ) if( $#vars >= 0 );
$item=`$ui '--title' $title '--backtitle' $backtitle $type $text 22 80 $args 2>&1 1>/dev/tty 0</dev/tty `;
chomp $item; # For gdialog, which returns strings with newlines.
$result = $?;
$result = ($? >> 8);
quit() if ($result == 255);
die(gettext("Internal error ")) unless($result == 0 || $result == 1);
return $item;
sub msgbox(@) {
dialogbox( "\-\-msgbox", @_ );
sub infobox(@) {
dialogbox( "\-\-infobox", @_ );
sub yesnobox(@) {
dialogbox( "\-\-yesno", @_ );
sub noyesbox(@) {
if ($ui =~ /whiptail|gdialog/) {
dialogbox( "\-\-defaultno \-\-yesno ", @_ );
else {
dialogbox( "\-\-yesno", @_ );
sub inputbox(@) {
dialogbox( "\-\-inputbox", @_ );
sub menu(@) {
$text=shift( @_ );
$title=shift( @_ );
$menu_height=shift( @_ );
dialogbox( ' --menu', $text, $title, $menu_height, @_ );
sub radiolist(@) {
$text=shift( @_ );
local $title=shift( @_ );
$menu_height=shift( @_ );
dialogbox( "\-\-radiolist", $text, $title, $menu_height, @_ );
# end of interface to whiptail
sub mkmenu {
my ($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f, $h, $i, $j) = '';
my $action = '';
my @menuvar = '';
my $menu = $_[0];
local @previous_menu_stack = ();
SWITCH: for( $menu ) {
/^main/ && do {
# This section sets up the main menu.
@previous_menu_stack = ("main");
@menuvar = (gettext("\"This is the PPP configuration utility. It does not connect to your isp: it \
just configures ppp so that you can do so with a utility such as pon. It \
will ask for the username, password, and phone number that your ISP gave \
you. If your ISP uses PAP or CHAP, that is all you need. If you must use \
a chat script, you will need to know how your ISP prompts for your username \
and password. If you do not know what your ISP uses, try PAP. Use the up \
and down arrow keys to move around the menus. Hit ENTER to select an item. \
Use the TAB key to move from the menu to <OK> to <CANCEL> and back. When \
you are ready to move on to the next menu go to <OK> and hit ENTER. To go \
back to the main menu go to <CANCEL> and hit enter.\""),
gettext("\"Main Menu\""), 5,
'"Create"', gettext("\"Create a connection\""));
push @menuvar, '"Change"', gettext("\"Change a connection\""),
'"Delete"', gettext("\"Delete a connection\"") unless $noname;
push @menuvar, '"Finished"', gettext("\"Finish and save files\"") if checkchanges("CHECK");
push @menuvar, '\'--nocancel\'' unless $ui =~ /dialog/;
last SWITCH;
/^previous_menu/ && do {
# Pop previous menu if he hit "Previous".
pop @previous_menu_stack;
$menu = pop @previous_menu_stack;
redo SWITCH;
/^method/ && do {
# menu of connection methods
my $authmethod = uc($$ispauth);
@menuvar = (gettext("\"\
Please select the authentication method for this connection. PAP is the \
method most often used in Windows 95, so if your ISP supports the NT or \
Win95 dial up client, try PAP. The method is now set to $authmethod.\""),
gettext("\" Authentication Method for $provider\""), 6,
'"PAP"', gettext("\"Peer Authentication Protocol\""),
'"Chat"', gettext("\"Use \"chat\" for login:/password: authentication\""),
'"CHAP"', gettext("\"Crypto Handshake Auth Protocol\""),
'" "', '" "' );
last SWITCH;
# end of method block
/^properties/ && do { # list of variables about a connection
# to be modified by the user.
# Format the variables for display.
$a = sprintf "%-20.20s", $$ispnumber =~ /at.*?d[p|t]([^'"]+)/i; #'
$b = sprintf "%-20.20s", $$isplogin ? $$isplogin : "ogin:";
$c = sprintf "%-20.20s", $$ispname;
$d = sprintf "%-20.20s", $$ispprompt ? $$ispprompt : "ssword:";
$e = $$isppassword;
$e =~ s/^\\q//;
$e =~ s/"/\\"/g;
$e = sprintf "%-20.20s", $e;
$f = sprintf "%-20.20s", $$ispspeed;
$g = sprintf "%-20.20s", $$ispport;
$h = sprintf "%-20.20s", $$ispauth;
@menuvar = (gettext("\"\
Please select the property you wish to modify, select \"Cancel\" to go back \
to start over, or select \"Finished\" to write out the changed files.\""),
gettext("\"Properties of $provider\""), 14,
"Number", gettext("\"$a Telephone number\""));
push @menuvar, ( "ISPLogin", gettext("\"$b Login prompt\"" ))
if( uc($$ispauth) eq "CHAT" );
push @menuvar, ( "User", gettext("\"$c ISP user name\""));
push @menuvar, ( "ISPPrompt", gettext("\"$d Password prompt\"" ))
if( uc($$ispauth) eq "CHAT" );
push @menuvar, ( "Password", gettext("\"$e ISP password\""),
"Speed", gettext("\"$f Port speed\""),
"Com", gettext("\"$g Modem com port\""),
"Method", gettext("\"$h Authentication method\""),
'" "', '" "',
"Advanced", gettext("\"Advanced Options\""),
'" "', '" "',
"Finished", gettext("\"Write files and return to main menu.\""));
last SWITCH;
# end of properties block
/^advanced/ && do { # configure advanced properties
if ($$usepeerdns eq "usepeerdns") {
$dns = "dynamic";
elsif ($$ipparam eq "ipparam") {
$dns = "static";
else {
$dns = "none";
$a = sprintf "%-20.20s", $$ispconnect;
$b = sprintf "%-20.20s", $$postlogin;
$c = sprintf "%-20.20s", $$modeminit;
$d = sprintf "%-20.20s", $$route;
$e = sprintf "%-20.20s", $$ipdefault;
$f = $$debugcmd ? "enabled" : "disabled";
$g = sprintf "%-20.20s", $f;
$h = sprintf "%-20.20s", $$prelogin;
$i = sprintf "%-20.20s", $dns;
$j = sprintf "%-20.20s", $$remotename_arg;
$k = sprintf "%-20.20s", $$idle ? $$idle_arg : "none";
$l = $$demand ? "enabled" : "disabled";
$m = sprintf "%-20.20s", $l;
$n = $$persist ? "enabled" : "disabled";
$o = sprintf "%-20.20s", $n;
@menuvar = (gettext("\"\
This menu allows you to change some of the more obscure settings. Select \
the setting you wish to change, and select \"Previous\" when you are done. \
Use the arrow keys to scroll the list.\""),
gettext("\"Advanced Settings for $provider\""), 11,
'"Modeminit"', gettext("\"$c Modem init string\""),
'"ISPConnect"', gettext("\"$a Connect response\""),
'"Pre-Login"', gettext("\"$h Pre-login chat\""),
'"Defaultroute"', gettext("\"$d Default route state\""),
'"Ipdefault"', gettext("\"$e Set ip addresses\""),
'"Debug"', gettext("\"$g Turn debugging on or off\""),
'"Demand"', gettext("\"$m Turn demand dialing on or off\""));
push @menuvar, ('"Persist"', gettext("\"$o Turn persist on or off\""))
unless $$demand;
push @menuvar, ('"Nameservers"', gettext("\"$i Change DNS\""));
push @menuvar, ('"Add-User"', gettext("\" Add a ppp user\"")) if(getgrnam("dip"));
push @menuvar, ('"Post-Login"', gettext("\"$b Post-login chat \""))
if( uc($$ispauth) eq "CHAT" );
push @menuvar, ('"Remotename"', gettext("\"$j Change remotename \""))
unless( uc($$ispauth) eq "CHAT" );
push @menuvar, ('"Idle-timeout"', gettext("\"$k Idle timeout \""),
'" "', '" "' );
last SWITCH; };
# end of Advanced block
/^CANCEL/ && do {
return "CANCEL";
last SWITCH; };
} # End of SWITCH
push @menuvar, '"Previous"', ( gettext("\"Return to previous menu\"")) unless $menu eq "main";
push @menuvar, ( ' "Quit" ', gettext("\"Exit this utility\""));
do { $action = menu @menuvar } while $action eq ' ' ;
# Put up the menu that we just constructed.
# ' ' means that a blank line has been selected, so just loop.
return "CANCEL" if ($result != 0); # He hit cancel: return to main menu.
push @previous_menu_stack, $menu if $menu ne $previous_menu_stack[-1];
return $action;
} # end of mkmenu
sub do_action() {
my $action;
my $menu = "main";
my @previous_action_stack;
my @previous_menu_stack = "main";
while (1) {
push @previous_menu_stack, $menu if $menu ne $previous_menu_stack[-1];
$action = mkmenu( $menu );
ACTION: for( $action ) {
/^CANCEL/ && do {
$menu = "main";
last ACTION;
/^Previous/ && do {
# $menu = "previous_menu";
pop @previous_menu_stack;
$menu = pop @previous_menu_stack;
last ACTION;
/^Properties/ && do {
$menu = "properties";
last ACTION;
/^Advanced/ && do {
$menu = "advanced";
last ACTION;
/^Method/ && do {
$menu = "method";
last ACTION;
/^Change/ && do {
$menu = changeConnection( $menu );
last ACTION;
/^PAP/ && do {
$menu = ispauth( "PAP", $menu );
last ACTION;
/^CHAP/ && do {
$menu = ispauth( "CHAP", $menu );
last ACTION;
/^Chat/ && do {
$menu = ispauth( "Chat", $menu );
last ACTION;
/^Nameservers/ && do {
$menu = getnameservers( $menu );
last ACTION;
/^Add-User/ && do {
$menu = add_user( $menu );
last ACTION;
/^ISPConnect/ && do {
$menu = ispconnect( $menu );
last ACTION;
/^Pre-Login/ && do {
$menu = prelogin( $menu );
last ACTION;
/^ISPLogin/ && do {
$menu = isplogin( $menu );
last ACTION;
/^ISPPrompt/ && do {
$menu = ispprompt( $menu );
last ACTION;
/^Post-Login/ && do {
$menu = postlogin( $menu );
last ACTION;
/^Password/ && do {
$menu = isppassword( $menu );
last ACTION;
/^Com/ && do {
$menu = ispport( $menu );
last ACTION;
/^Defaultroute/ && do {
$menu = defaultroute( $menu );
last ACTION;
/^Ipdefault/ && do {
$menu = ipdefault( $menu );
last ACTION;
/^Speed/ && do {
$menu = ispspeed( $menu );
last ACTION;
/^User/ && do {
$menu = ispname( $menu );
last ACTION;
/^Number/ && do {
$menu = ispnumber( $menu );
last ACTION;
/^Modeminit/ && do {
$menu = modeminit( $menu );
last ACTION;
/^Finished/ && do {
$menu = finish( $menu );
last ACTION;
/^Create/ && do {
$menu = newConnection( $menu );
last ACTION;
/^Delete/ && do {
$menu = deleteconnection( $menu );
last ACTION;
/^Debug/ && do {
$menu = debug( $menu );
last ACTION;
/^Demand/ && do {
$menu = demand( $menu );
last ACTION;
/^Persist/ && do {
$menu = persist( $menu );
last ACTION;
/^Remotename/ && do {
$menu = remotename( $menu );
last ACTION;
/^Idle-timeout/ && do {
$menu = idle_timeout( $menu );
last ACTION;
/^Quit/ && do {
$menu = quit( $menu );
last ACTION;
/.*/ && do {
die (gettext("Internal error: no such thing as $action, "));
} # End of while(1)
} # End of do_action
sub ispconnect($) { # the connection string sent by the modem
Enter the text of connect acknowledgement, if any. This string will be \
sent when the CONNECT string is received from the modem. Unless you know \
for sure that your ISP requires such an acknowledgement you should leave \
this as a null string: that is, \'\'.\
\""), gettext("\"Ack String\""), "\"$$ispconnect\"" );
return "CANCEL" if( $result != 0 );
return $_[0];
sub isplogin($) { # the login prompt string sent by the ISP
Enter the text of the login prompt. Chat will send your username in \
response. The most common prompts are login: and username:. Sometimes the \
first letter is capitalized and so we leave it off and match the rest of \
the word. Sometimes the colon is omitted. If you aren\'t sure, try ogin:.\
gettext("\"Login Prompt\""), "$$isplogin" ? "\"$$isplogin\"" : "ogin:" );
return "CANCEL" if( $result != 0 );
return $_[0];
sub ispprompt($) { # password prompt sent by the ISP
Enter the text of the password prompt. Chat will send your password in \
response. The most common prompt is password:. Sometimes the first letter \
is capitalized and so we leave it off and match the last part of the \
word. \
\""), gettext("\"Password Prompt\""), "$$ispprompt" ? "\"$$ispprompt\"" : "ssword:" );
return "CANCEL" if( $result != 0 );
return $_[0];
sub prelogin($) { # optional pre-login chat
$temp = inputbox(gettext("\"\
You probably do not need to put anything here. Enter any additional input \
your isp requires before you log in. If you need to make an entry, make \
the first entry the prompt you expect and the second the required response. \
Example: your isp sends \'Server:\' and expect you to respond with \
\'trilobite\'. You would put \'erver trilobite\' (without the quotes) \
here. All entries must be separated by white space. You can have more \
than one expect-send pair.\
\""), gettext("\"Pre-Login\""), "\"$$prelogin\"" );
return "CANCEL" if( $result != 0 );
$$prelogin = $temp;
return $_[0];
sub postlogin($) { # post-login chat
$temp = inputbox(gettext("\"\
You probably do not need to change this. It is initially \'\' \\d\\c \
which tells chat to expect nothing, wait one second, and send nothing. \
This gives your isp time to get ppp started. If your isp requires any \
additional input after you have logged in you should put it here. This may \
be a program name like ppp as a response to a menu prompt. If you need to \
make an entry, make the first entry the prompt you expect and the second \
the required response. Example: your isp sends \'Protocol\' and expect you \
to respond with \'ppp\'. You would put \'otocol ppp\' (without the quotes) \
here. Fields must be separated by white space. You can have more than one \
expect-send pair.\
\""), gettext("\"Post-Login\""), "\"$$postlogin\"" );
return "CANCEL" if( $result != 0 );
$$postlogin = $temp;
return $_[0];
sub do_ops($) {
my $temp;
$temp = ispname($_[0]);
return "CANCEL" if $temp eq "CANCEL";
$temp = isppassword($_[0]);
return "CANCEL" if $temp eq "CANCEL";
$temp = ispspeed($_[0]);
return "CANCEL"if $temp eq "CANCEL";
$temp = ispnumber($_[0]);
return "CANCEL" if $temp eq "CANCEL";
$temp = ispport($_[0]);
return $temp;
sub ispname($) { # input the user name for the ppp account
$temp=inputbox (gettext("\"\
Enter the username given to you by your ISP.\
gettext("\"User Name\""), "\"$$ispname\"");
return "CANCEL" if ( $result != 0 );
$$ispname = $temp;
return $_[0];
sub ispport($) { # identify the port the modem is on
my (@ttys, $manual, $tty, $port, $lines, @array, $temp);
my $good = 0;
if ($$ispport =~ /ttyWP/){
return 0;
Answer \'yes\' to have the port your modem is on identified automatically. \
It will take several seconds to test each serial port. Answer \'no\' if \
you would rather enter the serial port yourself\
NOTE: If you are using WANPIPE Async/Sync ports (eg:/dev/ttyWP0)\
skip this option and select the appropriate /dev/ttyWPX port \
(X = TTY Minor Number) based on the TTY Minor number selected \
during WANPIPE configuration. \""),
gettext("\"Choose Modem Config Method\""));
if (! $result) { # true $result means no.
if (!system("pidof", "pppd")) {
Can\'t probe while pppd is running.\""));
goto MANUAL;
$manual = "on";
system ("clear");
foreach $tty (grep /16[45]50/, (`setserial -g /dev/ttyS\* 2>/dev/null`)) {
($port) = $tty =~ /^(\/dev\/ttyS\d+)/;
print gettext("Probing $port"), "\n";
$temp = `pppd nodetach noauth nocrtscts $port connect \"chat -t1 \'\' AT OK\"`;
$good = (grep /established/, $temp) ? "on" : "off";
$manual = "off" if $good eq "on";
push @ttys, ($port, "\" \"", $good);
$lines = $#ttys > 12 ? 5 : ($#ttys + 1)/3 + 1;
@array = (gettext("\"\
Below is a list of all the serial ports that appear to have hardware \
that can be used for ppp. One that seems to have a modem on it has \
been preselected. If no modem was found \'Manual\' was preselected. To \
accept the preselection just hit TAB and then ENTER. Use the up and \
down arrow keys to move among the selections, and press the spacebar \
to select one. When you are finished, use TAB to select <OK> and ENTER \
to move on to the next item. \""), gettext("\"Select Modem Port\""), $lines);
push @array, @ttys;
push @array, '"Manual"', gettext("\"Enter the port by hand. \""), $manual;
$temp = radiolist @array;
return "CANCEL" if ( $result != 0 ) ;
if ($temp ne "Manual") {
$$ispport = $temp;
return $_[0];
MANUAL: $temp=inputbox (gettext("\"\
Enter the port your modem is on. \
WANPIPE Async/Sync Serial Ports:\
/dev/ttyWP0 used by WANPIPE device with TTY Minor=0.\
/dev/ttyWP1 used by WANPIPE device with TTY Minor=1.\
Standard Async Serial Ports:\
/dev/ttyS0 is COM1 in DOS. \
/dev/ttyS1 is COM2 in DOS. \
/dev/ttyS2 is COM3 in DOS. \
/dev/ttyS3 is COM4 in DOS. \
/dev/ttyS1 is the most common. Note that this must be typed exactly as \
shown. Capitalization is important: ttyS1 is not the same as ttys1.\""),
gettext("\"Manually Select Modem Port\""), "\"$$ispport\"");
return "CANCEL" if ( $result != 0 ) ;
$$ispport = $temp;
return $_[0];
sub defaultroute($) {
if ( $$route eq "defaultroute" ) {
else {
$temp=radiolist (gettext("\"\
Enabling default routing tells your system that the way to reach hosts to \
which it is not directly connected is via your ISP. This is almost certainly \
what you want. Use the up and down arrow keys to move among the selections, \
and press the spacebar to select one. When you are finished, use TAB to \
select <OK> and ENTER to move on to the next item.\""),
gettext("\"Default Route\""), 2,
'"defaultroute"', gettext("\"Enable default route\""), $ddefaultroute,
'"nodefaultroute"', gettext("\"Disable default route\""), $nodefaultroute);
return "CANCEL"if ( $result != 0 );
$$route = $temp;
return $_[0];
sub ipdefault($) {
$temp=inputbox (gettext("\"\
You almost certainly do not want to change this from the default value of \
noipdefault. This not the place for your nameserver ip numbers. It is the \
place for your ip number if and only if your ISP has assigned you a static \
one. If you have been given only a local static ip, enter it with a colon \
at the end, like this: If you have been given both a local \
and a remote ip, enter the local ip, a colon, and the remote ip, like this: \ \""),
gettext("\"IP Numbers\""), "\"$$ipdefault\"");
return "CANCEL" if ( $result != 0 );
$$ipdefault = $temp;
return $_[0];
sub ispspeed($) { # get the port speed
$temp=inputbox (gettext("\"\
Enter your modem port speed (e.g. 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200). \
For WANPIPE async use 38400 ; otherwise I suggest that you leave it at 115200.\""),
gettext("\"Speed\""), "\"$$ispspeed\"");
return "CANCEL" if ( $result != 0 );
$$ispspeed = $temp;
return $_[0];
sub modeminit($) {
$temp=inputbox (gettext("\"\
Enter modem initialization string. The default value is ATZ, which tells \
the modem to use it\'s default settings. As most modems are shipped from \
the factory with default settings that are appropriate for ppp, I suggest \
you not change this.\""),
gettext("\"Modem Initialization\""), "\"$$modeminit\"");
return "CANCEL"if ( $result != 0 );
$$modeminit = chatescape($temp);
return $_[0];
sub ispnumber($) { # Are we using pulse or dial?
($openquote, $atdx, $number, $closequote) = $$ispnumber =~ /(^['"]??)(at[^'"]*?d[p|t])([^'"]+)(\1?$)/i;
$pulse = $atdx =~ /dp/i ? "on" : "off";
$tone = $pulse eq "on" ? "off" : "on";
$temp=radiolist (gettext("\"\
Select method of dialing. Since almost everyone has touch-tone, you should \
leave the dialing method set to tone unless you are sure you need \
pulse. Use the up and down arrow keys to move among the selections, and \
press the spacebar to select one. When you are finished, use TAB to \
select <OK> and ENTER to move on to the next item.\""),
gettext("\"Pulse or Tone\""), 2,
'"Tone"', '""', $tone,
'"Pulse"', '""' , $pulse);
return "CANCEL" if ( $result != 0 );
$atdx =~ s/dp/DT/i if ($temp eq "Tone" && $pulse);
$atdx =~ s/dt/DP/i if ($temp eq "Pulse" && $tone);
# Now get the number.
$number=inputbox (gettext("\"\
Enter the number to dial. Don\'t include any dashes. See your modem manual \
if you need to do anything unusual like dialing through a PBX.\""),
gettext("\"Phone Number\""), "\"$number\"");
return "CANCEL" if ( $result != 0 );
$temp = $openquote . $atdx . $number . $closequote;
$$ispnumber = chatescape($temp);
return $_[0];
sub isppassword($) {
$d = $$isppassword;
$d =~ s/^\\q//;
$d =~ s/"/\\"/g;
$temp = inputbox (gettext("\"\
Enter the password your ISP gave you.\""),
return "CANCEL" if ( $result != 0 );
$$isppassword = ( uc($$ispauth) eq "CHAT" ) ? "\\q" . $temp : $temp;
return $_[0];
sub ispauth(@) {
return $_[1] if($_[0] eq $$ispauth);
my $oldauth = $$ispauth;
my $newauth = $_[0];
$password = $$isppassword;
if($newauth =~/AP/) {
$password =~ s/^\\q// if $oldauth eq "chat";
secrets_file("delete", $provider, $oldauth) unless ($oldauth eq "chat");
secrets_file("get", $provider, $newauth) unless ($newauth eq "chat");
$$ispauth = $newauth;
$$ispconnect = "\\d\\c";
SWITCH: for ($_[0]) {
/^PAP/ && do {
$$postlogin = '';
$$remotename = "remotename";
$$remotename_arg = $provider;
last SWITCH;
/^CHAP/ && do {
$$postlogin = $$remotename = $$remotename_arg = '';
last SWITCH;
/^Chat/ && do { # Builds a chat file
my $temp = isplogin($newauth);
return "CANCEL" if $temp eq "CANCEL";
$temp = ispprompt($newauth);
return "CANCEL" if $temp eq "CANCEL";
secrets_file("delete", $provider, $oldauth);
$$ispauth = "chat";
$password = "\\q" . $password;
$$ispconnect = "\'\'";
$$postlogin = "\'\' \\d\\c";
last SWITCH;
$$isppassword = $password;
for ($i=0; $i<=$#chatarray; ++$i) {
return $_[1];
sub getname() {
local $temp = "provider";
if ($provider){
$temp = $provider;
getname: do {
Enter the name you wish to use to refer to this isp. You will probably \
want to give the default name of \'provider\' to your primary isp. That way, \
you can dial it by just giving the command \'pon\'. Give each additional isp \
a unique name. For example, you might call your employer \'theoffice\' and \
your university \'theschool\'. Then you can connect to your isp with \'pon\', \
your office with \'pon theoffice\', and your university with \'pon theschool\'.\""),
gettext("\"Provider Name\""), "\"$temp\"" );
return "CANCEL" if( $result != 0 );
if (do_files ( "test", $temp )) {
noyesbox (gettext("\"This connection exists. Do you want to overwrite it?\""),
gettext("\"Connection Exists\""));
goto getname if( $result ); # true $result means no so go back to getname.
$provider = $temp;
$$remotename_arg = $provider if $$remotename;
$$ipparam_arg = $provider if $$ipparam;
return $temp;
sub finish($) {
# this is to tidy up things with the user and is in no way
# associated with any Finnish Connections ;)
my $temp;
Finished configuring connection and writing changed files. The chat \
strings for connecting to the ISP are in /etc/chatscripts/$provider, \
while the options for pppd are in /etc/ppp/peers/$provider. You may \
edit these files by hand if you wish. You will now have an opportunity \
to exit the program, configure another connection, or revise this or \
another one.\""),
$result = 0;
if ($provider) {
do_files( "put", $provider );
unlink "$pppconfig_dir/$provider";
foreach $temp (@deletelist) {
next if $temp eq $provider; # Don't delete the new provider by accident
do_files("get", $temp);
secrets_file("delete", $temp, $$ispauth) if(lc($$ispauth) ne "chat");
rename("$optionpath/$temp", "$optionpath/$temp.bak");
rename("$chatpath/$temp", "$chatpath/$temp.bak");
rename("$pppresolv/$temp", "$pppresolv/$temp.bak");
unlink "$pppconfig_dir/$temp";
foreach $temp (@newuserlist) {
%oldfiles = ();
@deletelist = ();
@newuserlist = ();
return "CANCEL";
sub newConnection($) {
# this sets up new connections by calling other functions to:
# - initialize a clean state by zeroing state variables
# - query the user for information about a connection
$title=gettext("\"Create Connection\"");
$temp = getname() unless $noname; # Get the name of this provider.
return "CANCEL" if $temp eq "CANCEL";
do_files( "init", $provider );
# Get variables now that we know the name
$temp = getnameservers( $_[0] );
return "CANCEL" if $temp eq "CANCEL";
$temp = mkmenu( "method" ); # Put up a menu of methods.
return "previous_menu" if( $temp eq "Previous" );
return quit() if( $temp eq "Quit" );
# this starts the process of collecting all other
# connection related information
$temp = ispauth( $temp );
return "CANCEL" if $temp eq "CANCEL";
$temp = do_ops($temp);
return "CANCEL" if $temp eq "CANCEL";
return "properties";
sub changeConnection($) {
# Change an existing connection.
# - Get the names of all existing connections.
# - Ask the user to select one.
undef @files;
local $temp;
opendir OPTIONDIR, $optionpath;
@optionfiles = readdir OPTIONDIR;
closedir OPTIONDIR;
foreach $entry ( @optionfiles ) {
push @files, $entry if do_files( "test", $entry );
$afiles = ( join '" " " "', @files );
$afiles = ( "\"$afiles\" \" \"" );
do {
$temp = menu(gettext("\"Select connection to change.\""), gettext("\"Select a Connection\""), 14, $afiles );
} while( $temp eq ' ' );
return "CANCEL" if( $result != 0 || $afiles !~ /\w+/);
$provider = $temp;
$title="\"Change $provider\"";
do_files( "get", $provider );
# Get variables now that we know the name
return "properties";
sub deleteconnection($) {
# Delete an existing connection.
# - Get the names of all existing connections.
# - Ask the user to select one.
undef @files;
local $temp;
opendir OPTIONDIR, $optionpath;
@optionfiles = readdir OPTIONDIR;
closedir OPTIONDIR;
foreach $entry ( @optionfiles ) {
push @files, $entry if do_files( "test", $entry );
$afiles = ( join '" " " "', @files );
$afiles = ( "\"$afiles\" \" \"" );
do {
$temp = menu(gettext("\"\
Select connection to delete.\""), gettext("\"Delete a Connection\""), 14, $afiles );
} while( $temp eq ' ' );
return "CANCEL" if( $result != 0 || $afiles !~ /\w+/);
push @deletelist, $temp;
return $_[0];
sub quit($) {
if (checkchanges( CHECK )) {
noyesbox (gettext("\"\
Do you wish to quit without saving your changes?\""), gettext("\"Quit\""));
if( $result ) {
# true $result means no so go back to menu.
return $_[0];
# system(clear);
sub debug($) {
$a = $$debugcmd ? "enabled" : "disabled";
Selecting YES will enable debugging. Selecting NO will disable it. \
Debugging is presently $a.\""), gettext("\"Debug Command\""));
if( $result ) { # true $result means no.
$$debugcmd = '';
$$connectcmd =~ s/chat +-v/chat/;
else {
$$debugcmd = "debug";
$$connectcmd =~ s/chat/chat -v/ if $$connectcmd !~ /chat +-v/;
return $_[0];
sub demand($) {
$a = $$demand ? "enabled" : "disabled";
Selecting YES will enable demand dialing for this provider. Selecting NO \
will disable it. Note that you will still need to start pppd with pon: \
pppconfig will not do that for you. When you do so, pppd will go into the \
background and wait for you to attempt access something on the Net, and \
then dial up the ISP. if you do enable demand dialing you will also want \
to set an idle-timeout so that the link will go down when it is idle \
Demand dialing is presently $a.\""), gettext("\"Demand Command\""));
if( $result ) { # true $result means no.
$$demand = '';
else {
$$demand = "demand";
$$persist = '';
return $_[0];
sub persist($) {
$a = $$persist ? "enabled" : "disabled";
Selecting YES will enable persist mode. Selecting NO will disable it. \
This will cause pppd to keep trying until it connects and to try to \
reconnect if the connection goes down. Persist is incompatible with demand \
dialing: enabling demand will disable persist. \
Persist is presently $a.\""), gettext("\"Persist Command\""));
if( $result ) { # true $result means no.
$$persist = '';
else {
$$persist = "persist";
return $_[0];
# Get the nameservers.
# resolv_conf is initialized to "OK".
sub getnameservers($) {
my ($a, $b, $c);
$a = $b = $c = "off";
if ($$usepeerdns eq "usepeerdns") {
$dns = "dynamic"; $b = "on";
elsif ($$ipparam eq "ipparam") {
$dns = "static"; $a = "on";
else {
$dns = "none"; $c = "on";
my $method = radiolist(gettext("\"\
Choose a method. \'Static\' means that the same nameservers will be used \
every time this provider is used. You will be asked for the nameserver \
numbers in the next screen. 'Dynamic' means that pppd will automatically \
get the nameserver numbers each time you connect to this provider. 'None' \
means that DNS will be handled by other means, such as BIND (named) or \
manual editing of /etc/resolv.conf. Use the up and down arrow keys to move \
among the selections, and press the spacebar \ to select one. When you are \
finished, use TAB to select <OK> and ENTER \ to move on to the next item.\""),
gettext("\"Configure Nameservers (DNS)\"") , 3,
'"Static"', gettext("\"Use static DNS\""), $a,
'"Dynamic"', gettext("\"Use dynamic DNS\""), $b,
'"None"', gettext("\"DNS will be handled by other means\""), $c );
return "CANCEL" if( $result != 0 );
SWITCH: for( $method ) {
/Static/ && do {
my $ipnumber = inputbox(gettext("\"\
Enter the IP number for your primary nameserver.\""), gettext("\"IP number\""), '' );
return "CANCEL" if( $result );
# true $result means CANCEL so go back to main menu.
$NAMESERVER1 = "nameserver ".$ipnumber."\n" if $ipnumber;
$$usepeerdns = "";
$$ipparam = "ipparam";
$$ipparam_arg = $provider;
$dns = "static";
$ipnumber = inputbox(gettext("\"\
Enter the IP number for your secondary nameserver (if any).\""), gettext("\"IP number\""), '' );
return "CANCEL" if( $result );
$NAMESERVER2 = "nameserver ".$ipnumber."\n" if $ipnumber;
return $_[0];
last SWITCH;
/Dynamic/ && do {
$$usepeerdns = "usepeerdns";
$$ipparam = "ipparam";
$$ipparam_arg = $provider;
$dns = "dynamic";
return $_[0];
last SWITCH;
/None/ && do {
$$usepeerdns = "";
$$ipparam = "";
$$ipparam_arg = "";
$dns = "none";
return $_[0];
last SWITCH;
sub add_user($) {
LOOP: $temp=inputbox (gettext("\"\
Enter the username of a user who you want to be able to start and stop ppp. \
She will be able to start any connection. To remove a user run the program \
vigr and remove the user from the dip group. \""),
gettext("\"Add User \""), "\"\"");
return "CANCEL" if ( $result != 0 );
unless (getpwnam $temp) { # Make sure the user exists.
msgbox (gettext("\"\
No such user as $temp. \""));
goto LOOP;
push @newuserlist, $temp;
return $_[0];
sub adduser($) { # Called from finish() to actually add the user.
`adduser --quiet @_[0] dip`;
sub remotename($) {
You probably don't want to change this. Pppd uses the remotename as well \
as the username to find the right password in the secrets file. The default \
remotename is the provider name. This allows you to use the same username \
with different providers. To disable the remotename option give a blank \
remotename. The remotename option will be omitted from the provider file \
and a line with a * instead of a remotename will be put in the secrets file. \
\""), gettext("\"Remotename\""), "\"$$remotename_arg\"");
return "CANCEL" if( $result != 0 );
$$remotename_arg = $temp =~ /\w+/ ? $temp : "";;
$$remotename = $$remotename_arg ? "remotename" : "";
return $_[0];
sub idle_timeout($) {
If you want this PPP link to shut down automatically when it has been idle \
for a certain number of seconds, put that number here. Leave this blank \
if you want no idle shutdown at all. \
\""), gettext("\"Idle Timeout\""), "\"$$idle_arg\"");
return "CANCEL" if( $result != 0 );
$$idle_arg = $temp =~ /\w+/ ? $temp : "";;
$$idle = $$idle_arg ? "idle" : "";
return $_[0];
sub putnameservers () {
# Fix up resolv.conf if needed.
return if( $resolv_conf eq "OK" );
system "touch $pppresolv/$provider";
open( RESOLV, ">$pppresolv/$provider" ) or die(gettext("Couldn\'t open $pppresolv/$provider.\n"));
chmod 0644, "$pppresolv/$provider" if( $resolv_conf eq "NONE" );
# Put some nameservers in it.
close RESOLV;
# Static vars for checkchanges()
my $optionchecksum = 0;
my $chatchecksum = 0;
my $papchecksum = checksum(@pap_secrets);
my $chapchecksum = checksum(@chap_secrets);
sub checkchanges(@) {
# If called with CHECK, compare checksums for the arrays with those
# computed when the files were read in. Return true if any have changed.
# If called with SET initialize the checksums.
SWITCH: for( $_[0] ) {
/CHECK/ && do {
return (($optionchecksum != checksum (@optionarray)) ||
($chatchecksum != checksum (@chatarray)) ||
($papchecksum != checksum (@pap_secrets)) ||
($chapchecksum != checksum (@chap_secrets)) ||
($resolv_conf eq "SAVE")) ||
($#deletelist != -1) ||
($#newuserlist != -1);
last SWITCH;
/SET/ && do {
$optionchecksum = checksum (@optionarray);
$chatchecksum = checksum (@chatarray);
last SWITCH;
sub checksum(@) {
# Compute a 32 bit checksum.
return (unpack ("%32C*", (join '', @_)));
sub chatescape(@) {
# Just inserts quotes for now.
return $_[0] if $_[0] !~ / +/ || $_[0] =~ /^'.*'$/ || $_[0] =~ /^".*"$/;
return '\'' . $_[0] . '\'';
sub tokenize_options(@) {
# Parse the file into comments, quoted strings, unquoted strings
# and whitespace while keeping everything in order. This will allow
# us to edit the file in place and write it back out without mucking
# up the sysadmin's changes.
my @array;
while( $_[0] =~ /(^#.*\n)|('[^']*')|("[^"]*")|(\S+)|(\s+)/gom ) {
@array = (@array, $&);
return @array;
sub tokenize_chat(@) {
# Parse the file into comments, quoted strings, unquoted strings
# and whitespace while keeping everything in order. This will allow
# us to edit the file in place and write it back out. Handle
# ispauth specially.
my @array;
while( $_[0] =~ /(^# ispauth\s+)|(^#.*\n)|(\S*?'[^']*')|("[^"]*")|(\S+)|(\s+)/gomi ) {
@array = (@array, $&);
return @array;
sub parse_options(@) {
# Point the option variables at the correct fields in the optionarray
# filled in by tokenize_options() so that they can be edited in place.
my $dquad = "\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}";
for( my $i = 0; $i < $#optionarray; $i++ ) {
SWITCH: for( $optionarray[$i] ) {
/^noipdefault$/o && do {
$ipdefault = \$optionarray[$i];
last SWITCH;
/($dquad:)|(:$dquad)|($dquad:$dquad)/o && do {
$ipnumber = \$optionarray[$i];
last SWITCH;
/^(no)??defaultroute$/o && do {
$route = \$optionarray[$i];
last SWITCH;
/^user$/o && do {
$i += 2; # Skip over whitespace.
$user_arg = \$optionarray[$i];
last SWITCH;
/^(\/dev\/)??tty\w[0-9]{1,2}?$|^\/dev\/modem$/o && do {
$ispport = \$optionarray[$i];
last SWITCH;
/^connect$/o && do {
$i += 2; # Skip over whitespace.
$connectcmd = \$optionarray[$i];
last SWITCH;
/^(no)??auth$/o && do {
$authcmd = \$optionarray[$i];
last SWITCH;
/^debug$/o && do {
$debugcmd = \$optionarray[$i];
last SWITCH;
/^demand$/o && do {
$demand = \$optionarray[$i];
last SWITCH;
# /^ipcp-accept-local$/o && do {
# $ipcp_accept_local = \$optionarray[$i];
# last SWITCH;
# };
# /^ipcp-accept-remote$/o && do {
# $ipcp_accept_remote = \$optionarray[$i];
# last SWITCH;
# };
/^persist$/o && do {
$persist = \$optionarray[$i];
last SWITCH;
/^[0-9]{3,6}$/o && do {
$ispspeed = \$optionarray[$i];
last SWITCH;
/^usepeerdns$/o && do {
$usepeerdns = \$optionarray[$i];
last SWITCH;
/^remotename$/o && do {
$remotename = \$optionarray[$i];
$i += 2; # Skip over whitespace.
$remotename_arg = \$optionarray[$i];
last SWITCH;
/^idle$/o && do {
$idle = \$optionarray[$i];
$i += 2; # Skip over whitespace.
$idle_arg = \$optionarray[$i];
last SWITCH;
/^ipparam$/o && do {
$ipparam = \$optionarray[$i];
$i += 2; # Skip over whitespace.
$ipparam_arg = \$optionarray[$i];
last SWITCH;
sub parse_chat(@) {
# Point the chat variables at the correct fields in the chatarray
# filled in by tokenize_chat() so that they can be edited in place.
$i = 0;
$i++ until $chatarray[$i] =~ /^# ispauth/o || $i > $#chatarray;
parse_field( $i, "# ispauth ", "ispauth", '', "nullnull" );
$i++ until $chatarray[$i] =~ /^# abortstring$/o || $i > $#chatarray;
parse_field( $i, "# abortstring\n", "abortstring", '' );
$i++ until $chatarray[$i] =~ /^# modeminit$/o || $i > $#chatarray;
parse_field( $i, "# modeminit\n", "modemnull", " ", "modeminit" );
$i++ until $chatarray[$i] =~ /^# ispnumber$/o || $i > $#chatarray;
parse_field( $i, "# ispconnect\n", "modemok", '', "ispnumber" );
$i++ until $chatarray[$i] =~ /^# ispconnect$/o || $i > $#chatarray;
parse_field( $i, "# ispconnect\n", "ispCONNECT", " ", "ispconnect" );
$i++ until $chatarray[$i] =~ /^# prelogin$/o || $i > $#chatarray;
parse_field( $i, "# prelogin\n", "prelogin", '' );
$i++ until $chatarray[$i] =~ /^# ispname$/o || $i > $#chatarray;
parse_field( $i, "# ispname\n", "isplogin", " ", "ispname" );
$i++ until $chatarray[$i] =~ /^# isppassword$/o || $i > $#chatarray;
parse_field( $i, "# isppassword\n", "ispprompt", " ", "isppassword" );
$i++ until $chatarray[$i] =~ /^# postlogin$/o || $i > $#chatarray;
parse_field( $i, "# postlogin\n", "postlogin", '' );
$i++ until $chatarray[$i] =~ /^# end/o || $i > $#chatarray;
sub parse_field(@) { # Call with index, tag, expect var, separator, send var.
# Point the variable at the right fields, splicing in empty fields as required.
$j = $_[0]+1;
$j++ until( $chatarray[$j] =~ /\S+/ || $j > $#chatarray );
# Find the first non-empty field.
if( $chatarray[$j] =~ /^#.*/ ) {
# If it is a comment (a tag, we assume) then there are no strings.
splice( @chatarray, $_[0], $j - $_[0], ( $_[1], '' , $_[3], '', "\n" ));
# So splice in some null fields to point the variables at.
$j = $_[0] + 1;
${"$_[2]"} = \$chatarray[$j];
${"$_[4]"} = \$chatarray[$j + 2] if( $#_ > 3 );
else {
if( $#_ < 4 ) {
# If only one var was supplied, splice everything up to the next comment
# together and point the variable at the result.
$j++ until( $chatarray[$j + 2] =~ /^#.*/ || $j > $#chatarray );
splice( @chatarray, $_[0] + 1, $j - $_[0], join( "", (@chatarray[$_[0]+1...$j] )));
${"$_[2]"} = \$chatarray[$_[0] + 1];
${"$_[2]"} = \$chatarray[$j];
$j++ until ($chatarray[$j] =~ /\S+/ || $j > $#chatarray);
$j -= 2 if( $chatarray[$j] =~ /^#.*/ );
${"$_[4]"} = \$chatarray[$j];
# Static vars for do_files
my @newoptions = ();
sub do_files(@) { # Call with 'command, provider'.
my $provider = $_[1];
my $optionfile = "$optionpath/$_[1]";
my $chatfile = "$chatpath/$_[1]";
my $options = '';
my $chat = '';
my $filesize = '';
my $line = '';
SWITCH: for ($_[0]) {
/test/ && do {
# Are there valid files for this provider?
return 0 if grep /$provider$/, @deletelist;
$filesize = -s $optionfile;
return 0 if $filesize == 0 or $filesize > $maxoptionfile;
$filesize = -s $chatfile;
return 0 if $filesize == 0 or $filesize > $maxchatfile;
open( OPTIONFILE, "<$optionfile" ) or return 0;
$line = <OPTIONFILE>;
grep( /pppconfig/, $line ) or return 0;
open( CHATFILE, "<$chatfile" ) or return 0;
undef $/;
$chat = <CHATFILE>; # Read the entire file into a string.
$/ = "\n";
# Make sure the file contains all the tags in the correct order.
if ($chat =~ /.*?pppconfig.*?\# ispauth.*?\# abortstring.*?\# modeminit.*?\# ispnumber.*?\# ispconnect.*?\# prelogin.*?\# ispname.*?\# isppassword.*?\# postlogin.*/so)
return 1;
else {
return oldfiles ("test", $provider);
/init/ && do {
my $i;
for( $i = 0; $i < 300; $i++ ) {
$optionarray[$i] = '';
# Load the options variable with defaults.
$options = "# This optionfile was generated by pppconfig $version.
connect \"/usr/sbin/chat -v -f $chatpath/$provider\"
user replace_with_your_login_name
remotename $provider
ipparam $provider
# And then tokenize and parse them just as we would if they had been
# read from a file.
undef $/;
@optionarray = tokenize_options( $options );
$/ = "\n";
parse_options( @optionarray );
return 0;
/get/ && do {
open( OPTIONFILE, "<$optionfile" ) or die( gettext("Can\'t open $optionfile.\n"));
# Get an exclusive lock. Return if we can't get it.
flock( OPTIONFILE, 6 ) or die( gettext("Can\'t lock $optionfile.\n"));
undef $/;
my $options = <OPTIONFILE>; # Read the entire file into a string.
$/ = "\n";
do {} while chomp $options;
$options .= "\n";
flock( OPTIONFILE, 8 ); # Unlock
unshift @optionarray, tokenize_options( $options );
parse_options( @optionarray );
if (exists $oldfiles{$provider}) {
oldfiles("get", $provider);
else {
open( CHATFILE, "<$chatfile" ) or die(gettext("Can\'t open $chatfile.\n"));
# Get an exclusive lock. Return if we can't get it.
flock( CHATFILE, 6 ) or die(gettext("Can\'t lock $chatfile.\n"));
undef $/;
$chat = <CHATFILE>; # Read the entire file into a string.
$/ = "\n";
flock( CHATFILE, 8 ); # unlock
@chatarray = tokenize_chat( $chat );
parse_chat( @chatarray );
if( uc($$ispauth) eq "PAP" || uc($$ispauth) eq "CHAP" ) {
secrets_file( "get", $provider, $$ispauth );
checkchanges( SET );
/put/ && do {
for( $i=1; $i<$#newoptions; $i+=2) {
push( @optionarray, $newoptions[$i-1], $newoptions[$i]) if( $newoptions[$i] );
# Write out the files for this provider. Write to a temporary file and
# then rename the temporary with the name of the original file after renaming
# original (if it exists) with a '.bak' suffix. This makes the operation
# atomic while not disturbing processes which may have the file open for
# reading (nobody else should be writing).
if ( uc($$ispauth) eq "PAP" || uc($$ispauth) eq "CHAP" ) {
secrets_file("put", $provider, $$ispauth);
trimchat ();
undef $\;
writefile(@optionarray, $optionfile, 0640);
writefile(@chatarray, $chatfile, 0640);
putnameservers ();
} # End of do_files
sub newoptions() {
my $i;
for( $i = 0; $i < 300; $i++ ) {
$optionarray[$i] = '';
$optionarray[-1] = "\n";
$i = 0;
$newoptions[$i++] = "\n";
$ipdefault = \$newoptions[$i++];
$newoptions[$i++] = "\n";
$ipnumber = \$newoptions[$i++];
$newoptions[$i++] = "\n";
$route = \$newoptions[$i++];
$newoptions[$i++] = "\nuser ";
$user_arg = \$newoptions[$i++];
$newoptions[$i++] = "\n";
$ispport = \$newoptions[$i++];
$newoptions[$i++] = "\nconnect ";
$connectcmd = \$newoptions[$i++];
$newoptions[$i++] = "\n";
$authcmd = \$newoptions[$i++];
$newoptions[$i++] = "\n";
$debugcmd = \$newoptions[$i++];
$newoptions[$i++] = "\n";
$demand = \$newoptions[$i++];
$newoptions[$i++] = "\n";
# $ipcp_accept_local = \$newoptions[$i++];
# $newoptions[$i++] = "\n";
# $ipcp_accept_remote = \$newoptions[$i++];
# $newoptions[$i++] = "\n";
$persist = \$newoptions[$i++];
$newoptions[$i++] = "\n";
$ispspeed = \$newoptions[$i++];
$newoptions[$i++] = "\n";
$usepeerdns = \$newoptions[$i++];
$newoptions[$i++] = "\n";
$remotename = \$newoptions[$i++];
$newoptions[$i++] = " ";
$remotename_arg = \$newoptions[$i++];
$newoptions[$i++] = "\n";
$ipparam = \$newoptions[$i++];
$newoptions[$i++] = " ";
$ipparam_arg = \$newoptions[$i++];
$newoptions[$i++] = "\n";
$idle = \$newoptions[$i++];
$newoptions[$i++] = " ";
$idle_arg = \$newoptions[$i++];
$newoptions[$i++] = "\n";
} # End of newoptions()
sub chatinit(@) {
my $chat;
# Load the chat variable with defaults.
$chat = "# This chatfile was generated by pppconfig $version.
# Please do not delete any of the comments. Pppconfig needs them.
# ispauth chat
# abortstring
# modeminit
\'\' ATZ
# ispnumber
OK-AT-OK ATDTreplace_with_number
# ispconnect
# prelogin
# ispname
ogin: replace_with_name
# isppassword
ssword: replace_with_password
# postlogin
\'\' \\d\\c
# end of pppconfig stuff
# And tokenize and parse them.
undef $/;
@chatarray = tokenize_chat( $chat );
$/ = "\n";
parse_chat( @chatarray );
checkchanges( SET );
return 0;
sub oldfiles(@) {
my $oldchat = '';
my @oldchatarray = ();
my $provider = $_[1];
open (OLDFILE, "<$pppconfig_dir/$provider") || return 0;
undef $/;
$oldchat = <OLDFILE>; # Read the entire file into a string.
$/ = "\n";
@oldchatarray = split /\n/, $oldchat;
return 0 if uc($oldchatarray[0]) !~ /CHAT|PAP|CHAP/;
return 0 if uc($oldchatarray[0]) =~ /PAP|CHAP/ && $#oldchatarray != 3;
return 0 if uc($oldchatarray[0]) eq "CHAT" && $#oldchatarray != 9;
if ($_[0] eq "test") {
$oldfiles{$provider} = 1;
return 1;
$$ispauth = $oldchatarray[0];
$$modeminit = $oldchatarray[1];
$$atdx = $oldchatarray[2];
$$number = $oldchatarray[3];
if (uc($oldchatarray[0]) eq "CHAT") {
$$ispconnect = $oldchatarray[4];
$$isplogin = $oldchatarray[5];
$$ispname = $oldchatarray[6];
$$ispprompt = $oldchatarray[7];
$$isppassword = $oldchatarray[8];
$$postlogin = $oldchatarray[9];
else {
$$ispconnect = "\\d\\c";
$$isplogin = '';
$$ispname = '';
$$ispprompt = '';
$$isppassword = '';
$$ispnumber = $$atdx . $$number;
$$remotename = "remotename";
$$remotename_arg = $provider;
return 1;
# Static vars for secretsFile
my ($user_key, $remote_key);
my $secrets_pointer = -1;
sub secrets_file(@) { # Call with command, provider, authtype.
my $secrettype = lc($_[2]);
my $secretsfile = "$ppppath/$secrettype-secrets";
my ($secretstring, $return);
return 1 if $secrettype eq "chat";
$secrets = ($secrettype eq "pap") ? \@pap_secrets : \@chap_secrets;
do { open(SECRETSFILE, "<$secretsfile") or die(gettext("Can\'t open $secretsfile.\n"));
# Get an exclusive lock. Exit if we can't get it.
flock (SECRETSFILE, 6) or die(gettext("Can\'t lock $secretsfile.\n"));
undef $/;
$secretstring = <SECRETSFILE>; # Read the entire file into a string.
$/ = "\n";
flock (SECRETSFILE, 8); # Unlock
@$secrets = tokenize_options($secretstring);
$papchecksum = checksum (@pap_secrets) if ($secrettype eq "pap");
$chapchecksum = checksum (@chap_secrets) if ($secrettype eq "chap");
} unless (@$secrets || $_[0] eq "write");
SWITCH: for ($_[0]) {
/get/ && do {
$$ispname = $$user_arg;
$remote_key = $secrettype eq "pap" ? $$remotename_arg : '\*';
for ( $i = 0; $i < $#$secrets; $i++ ) {
if ($$secrets[$i] =~ /$$user_arg/ && $$secrets[$i + 1] =~ /\s+/
&& $$secrets[$i + 2] =~ /$remote_key/) {
$secrets_pointer = $i;
$user_key = \$$secrets[$i];
$remote_key = \$$secrets[$i + 2];
$isppassword = \$$secrets[$i + 4];
return 1;
$return = $$secrets[-1] =~/\n/ ? '' : "\n";
push @$secrets, ($return, $$ispname, " ", $$remote_key,
" ", "replace_with_password");
$user_key = \$$secrets[$#$secrets - 4];
$remote_key = \$$secrets[$#$secrets - 2];
$isppassword = \$$secrets[$#$secrets];
$secrets_pointer = $#$secrets - 4;
return 1;
/put/ && do {
$$user_key = $$ispname;
$$remote_key = $$remotename ? $$remotename_arg : '*';
return 1;
/write/ && do {
if ($papchecksum != checksum (@pap_secrets)) {
writefile(@pap_secrets, "$ppppath/pap-secrets", 0600);
$papchecksum = checksum (@pap_secrets);
if ($chapchecksum != checksum (@chap_secrets)) {
writefile(@chap_secrets, "$ppppath/chap-secrets", 0600);
$chapchecksum = checksum (@chap_secrets);
return 1;
/delete/ && do {
return 0 if($secrets_pointer == -1);
if(($$remote_key eq '*' )
&& ($$secrets[$secrets_pointer - 1] =~ /\#.+pppconfig for $_[1]/)) {
$$secrets[$secrets_pointer - 1] = '';
else { # We can't be sure this line is not used elsewhere.
return 1 if($$remote_key eq '*' );
for ($i = $secrets_pointer; ($$secrets[$i] !~ /\n/) && ($i <= $#$secrets); ++$i) {
$$secrets[$i] = '';
return 1;
} # End of secrets_file
sub trimchat { # Fix up chat script for pap/chap.
$i= 0; $i++ until ($chatarray[$i] =~ /^# ispname/o || $i == $#chattarray);
do {
$chatarray[$i] = '' unless ($chatarray[$i] =~ /^#/);
until ($chatarray[$i] =~ /^# postlogin/o || $i == $#chattarray);
sub writefile(@) {
# Call with @data, filename, mode,
# Write out a file. Write to a temporary file and then rename the
# temporary with the name of the original file after renaming original
# (if it exists) with a '.bak' suffix. This makes the operation atomic
# while not disturbing processes which may have the file open for reading
# (nobody else should be writing).
$mode = pop @_;
$filename = pop @_;
$data = join '', @_;
$data =~ s/\n{2,}/\n/gso; # Remove blank lines
open (TEMPFILE, ">$filename.$$") or die(gettext("Couldn\'t open $filename.$$.\n"));
print (TEMPFILE $data) or die(gettext("Couldn\'t print to $filename.$$.\n"));
rename ("$filename", "$filename.bak") or die(gettext("Couldn\'t rename $filename.\n")) if -f "$filename";
rename ("$filename.$$", "$filename") or die(gettext("Couldn\'t rename $filename.$$.\n"));
chmod $mode, "$filename";
sub usage() {
die(gettext("Usage: pppconfig [--version] | [--help] | [[--dialog]\
| [--ttyport ttyport_name] | [--provider provider_name ]\
\'--version\' prints the version. \'--help\' prints a help message.\
\'--dialog\' uses dialog instead of whiptail. \'--noname\' forces \
\'--ttyport\' serial port /dev/ttyS1 or /dev/ttyWP0 \
\'--provider\' connection name eg: isp_wanpipe1.\n"));
sub help() {
print "pppconfig $version
\n" ;
print (gettext("pppconfig is an interactive, menu driven utility to help automate setting \
up a dial up ppp connection. It currently supports PAP, CHAP, and chat \
authentication. It uses the standard pppd configuration files. It does \
not make a connection to your isp, it just configures your system so that \
you can do so with a utility such as pon. It can detect your modem, and
it can configure ppp for dynamic dns, multiple ISP's and demand dialing. \
Before running pppconfig you should know what sort of authentication your \
isp requires, the username and password that they want you to use, and the \
phone number. If they require you to use chat authentication, you will \
also need to know the login and password prompts and any other prompts and \
responses required for login. If you can\'t get this information from your \
isp you could try dialing in with minicom and working through the procedure \
until you get the garbage that indicates that ppp has started on the other \
end. \
Since pppconfig makes changes in system configuration files, you must be \
logged in as root or use sudo to run it. \
sub version() {
die("pppconfig $version\n");