
342 lines
11 KiB

/* Any C code */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#if defined(__WINDOWS__)
#include "wanpipe_includes.h"
#include "unistd.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/queue.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include "wan_ec_argy.h"
#include "wan_ecmain.h"
#include "wanec_api.h"
#define WAN_EC_VERSION "1.3"
#if !defined(YYLMAX)
#define YYLMAX 512
#define token(x) x
#define END(v) (v-1+sizeof(v)/sizeof(v[0]))
#define YY_NO_UNPUT
#undef YY_INPUT
#define YY_INPUT(buf,result,max_size) \
{ \
char c; \
if (targv < arglim){ \
c = targv[0][offset++]; \
if (c == '\n'){ \
result = 0; \
}else if (c==' ' || c=='\0'){ \
targv++; \
offset = 0; \
buf[0] = '\n'; \
result = 1; \
}else{ \
buf[0] = c; \
result = 1; \
} \
}else{ \
result = 0; \
} \
char **targv;
static char **arglim;
unsigned offset = 0;
extern wanec_client_t ec_client;
int action = WAN_EC_ACT_CMD;
char idstr[YYLMAX];
int gl_err = 0;
extern long convert_str(char* str, int type);
extern void yyerror(char*);
extern int yyparse();
void yy_reset(void);
static void s_lookup(int);
static int lookup_name(void);
int help(int);
static int help1(int);
sign [-]
letter [a-zA-Z_]
exp_letter [a-zA-Z_\x80-\xFF]
digit [0-9]
hex [a-fA-F0-9]
power [Ee][+-]?{digit}+
float_suffix (f|F|l|L)
integer_suffix ("u"|"U"|"l"|"L"|"ul"|"lu"|"Ul"|"lU"|"uL"|"Lu"|"UL"|"LU")
letter_or_digit [a-zA-Z_0-9]
exp_letter_or_digit [a-zA-Z_0-9\x80-\xFF]
blank [ \t]
"-v" { ec_client.verbose = 1; }
"-vv" { ec_client.verbose = 2; }
"--h" { help(1); exit(0); }
"?" { help(1); exit(0); }
"/?" { help(1); exit(0); }
"help" { help(1); exit(0); }
"--h1" { help(1); exit(0); }
"--help" { help(1); exit(0); }
"-help" { help(1); exit(0); }
{digit}{digit}*{integer_suffix}? { /* decimal */
return token(DEC_CONSTANT);
"t"{digit}{digit}* { /* decimal */
return token(DIAL_STRING);
{letter}{letter_or_digit}* { return lookup_name(); }
"-" { return token('-'); }
"." { return token('.'); }
"=" { return token('='); }
"--" { return token(CUSTOM_PARAM_TOKEN); }
. {
//return token(yytext[0]);
return token(CHAR_STRING);
static struct table_args_t {
char* name;
int value;
char* descr;
} table_args[] = {
{"alaw", token(PCM_ALAW_TOKEN), "Description" },
{"all", token(ALL_TOKEN), "Description" },
{"all_ports", token(ALL_PORT_TOKEN), "Description" },
{"bd", token(BYPASS_DISABLE_TOKEN), "Description" },
{"be", token(BYPASS_ENABLE_TOKEN), "Description" },
{"buffer_load", token(BUFFER_LOAD_TOKEN), "Description" },
{"buffer_unload", token(BUFFER_UNLOAD_TOKEN), "Description" },
{"config", token(CONFIG_TOKEN), "Description" },
{"dd", token(DTMF_DISABLE_TOKEN), "Description" },
{"de", token(DTMF_ENABLE_TOKEN), "Description" },
{"disable", token(DISABLE_TOKEN), "Description" },
{"duration", token(DURATION_TOKEN), "Description" },
{"enable", token(ENABLE_TOKEN), "Description" },
{"fd", token(FAX_DISABLE_TOKEN), "Description" },
{"fe", token(FAX_ENABLE_TOKEN), "Description" },
{"help", token(HELP_TOKEN), "Description" },
{"help1", token(HELP1_TOKEN), "Description" },
{"hwimage", token(HWIMAGE_TOKEN), "Description" },
{"kill", token(KILL_TOKEN), "Description" },
{"load", token(LOAD_TOKEN), "Description" },
{"mhtf", token(MODE_HT_FREEZE_TOKEN), "Description" },
{"mhtr", token(MODE_HT_RESET_TOKEN), "Description" },
{"mn", token(MODE_NORMAL_TOKEN), "Description" },
{"mne", token(MODE_NO_ECHO_TOKEN), "Description" },
{"modify", token(MODIFY_TOKEN), "Description" },
{"monitor", token(MONITOR_TOKEN), "Description" },
{"monitor120", token(MONITOR120_TOKEN), "Description" },
{"mpd", token(MODE_POWERDOWN_TOKEN), "Description" },
{"msr", token(MODE_SPEECH_RECOGNITION_TOKEN), "Description" },
{"mute", token(MUTE_TOKEN), "Description" },
{"playout_start", token(PLAYOUT_START_TOKEN), "Description" },
{"playout_stop", token(PLAYOUT_STOP_TOKEN), "Description" },
{"release", token(RELEASE_TOKEN), "Description" },
{"repeat", token(REPEAT_TOKEN), "Description" },
{"rin", token(RIN_PORT_TOKEN), "Description" },
{"rout", token(ROUT_PORT_TOKEN), "Description" },
{"sin", token(SIN_PORT_TOKEN), "Description" },
{"sout", token(SOUT_PORT_TOKEN), "Description" },
{"stats", token(STATS_TOKEN), "Description" },
{"stats_full", token(STATS_FULL_TOKEN), "Description" },
{"test", token(TEST_TOKEN), "Description" },
{"ulaw", token(PCM_ULAW_TOKEN), "Description" },
{"unload", token(UNLOAD_TOKEN), "Description" },
{"unmute", token(UNMUTE_TOKEN), "Description" }
static int lookup_name()
struct table_args_t *first_arg = table_args,
*last_arg = END(table_args),
int res = 0;
while(first_arg <= last_arg){
mid_arg = first_arg + (last_arg - first_arg) / 2;
res = strcmp(mid_arg->name, yytext);
if (res == 0){
res = strlen(mid_arg->name) - strlen(yytext);
if (res == 0) return mid_arg->value;
if (res < 0){
first_arg = mid_arg + 1;
last_arg = mid_arg - 1;
return token(CHAR_STRING);
#ifndef YYSTYPE
static char* strsave(char* str)
long len = strlen(str);
char* new_str = NULL;
if (len > YYLMAX){
yyerror("Line is to long!");
return NULL;
new_str = calloc(len, sizeof(char));
strlcpy(new_str, str, len);
return new_str;
static void s_lookup(int yylex)
#ifdef YYSTYPE
memset(idstr, 0, YYLMAX*sizeof(char));
strlcpy(idstr, yytext, YYLMAX);
yylval.val = convert_str(idstr, yylex);
//yylval.str = idstr;
memset(idstr, 0, YYLMAX*sizeof(char));
strlcpy(idstr, yytext, YYLMAX);
yylval.str = idstr;
memset(idstr, 0, YYLMAX*sizeof(char));
strlcpy(idstr, yytext, YYLMAX);
yylval.str = idstr;
yylval = strsave(yytext);
void yy_reset()
yy_start = 0;
yyleng = 0;
int yywrap(void) { return 1; }
static void help_extra(int verbose)
printf(" where:\n");
printf(" fe_chan values:\n");
printf(" 1,2,..,24 - for T1 line\n");
printf(" 1,2,..,31 - for E1 line\n");
printf(" all - all channels\n");
printf(" port values:\n");
printf(" sin|sout|rin|rout - EC port\n");
printf(" all_ports - all EC ports\n");
printf("wan_ec_client wanpipe1 enable all #Enable ec on all channels\n");
printf("wan_ec_client wanpipe1 enable 1-15.17-31 #Enable ec on 1 to 15 and 17 to 31 channels\n");
printf("wan_ec_client wanpipe1 disable all #Disable ec on all channels\n");
printf("wan_ec_client wanpipe1 disable 1-15.17-31 #Disable ec on 1 to 15 and 17 to 31 channels\n");
printf("wanpipemon -i w1g1 -c ehw #List currently active ec on span 1\n");
printf("wan_ec_client stats_full 1 #Read full config and stats of channel 1\n");
printf("wan_ec_client stats 1 #Read abbreviated config and stats of channel 1\n");
printf("wan_ec_client stats #Read global config and stats\n");
printf("wan_ec_client wanpipe1 modify all --WANEC_DtmfToneRemoval=TRUE\n");
printf("wan_ec_client wanpipe1 modify all --WANEC_DtmfToneRemoval=FALSE\n");
printf("\nFor More info and detailed list of modify options\nDownload ftp://ftp.sangoma.com/linux/current_wanpipe/doc/WanpipeEC_API.pdf\n");
int help(int verbose)
printf("\nWanpipe Echo Canceller setup utility (ver. %s)\n\n",
printf(" wan_ec_client <devname> <commands>\n");
printf(" Commands are:\n");
printf(" config - Configure all Echo Canceller channels\n");
printf(" in Normal mode!\n");
printf(" release - Close/Release all Echo Canceller channels\n");
printf(" enable <fe_chan> - Enable Echo canceller on specified channel(s)\n");
printf(" disable <fe_chan> - Disable Echo canceller on specified channel(s)\n");
printf(" de <fe_chan> [sout|rout] - Enable DTMF detection on specified channel(s)\n");
printf(" dd <fe_chan> [sout|rout] - Disable DTMF detection on specified channel(s)\n");
printf(" stats - Read Echo Canceller Chip/Image statistis\n");
printf(" stats <fe_chan> - Read Echo Canceller channel statistis\n");
printf(" hwimage - Read Echo Canceller image statistis\n");
printf(" monitor <fe_chan> - Enable recording for 15sec on specified channel\n");
printf(" monitor120 <fe_chan> - Enable recording for 120sec on specified channel\n");
printf(" monitor - Read last recording for previously specified channel\n");
return 0;
static int help1(int verbose)
printf(" Special commands are:\n");
printf(" be <fe_chan> - Enable Echo canceller bypass mode\n");
printf(" bd <fe_chan> - Disable Echo canceller bypass mode\n");
printf(" mn <fe_chan> - Set Echo canceller in Normal mode\n");
printf(" mpd <fe_chan> - set Echo canceller in Power-Down mode\n");
printf(" mhtf <fe_chan> - set Echo canceller in HT Freeze mode\n");
printf(" mhtr <fe_chan> - set Echo canceller in HT Reset mode\n");
printf(" mne <fe_chan> - set Echo canceller in No Echo mode\n");
printf(" msr <fe_chan> - set Echo canceller in Speech Recognition mode\n");
printf(" buffer_load <name> - Load specific buffer (name.pcm)\n");
printf(" buffer_unload <index> - Unload specific buffer (index \n");
printf(" returns by buffer_load command)\n");
printf(" playout_start <fe_chan> <id> [duration <num> | repeat <cnt> <port>]\n");
printf(" - Start playout specific bufer\n");
printf(" playout_stop <fe_chan> <id> [port] - Stop playout specific buffer\n");
printf(" stats_full <fe_chan> - Read full Echo Canceller channel statistis\n");
printf(" modify <fe_chan> - Modify channel configuration parameters\n");
printf(" mute <channel> [ports] - Mute specified channels on ports\n");
printf(" unmute <channel> [ports] - Un-Mute specified channels on ports\n");
if (verbose) help_extra(verbose);
return 0;
int wan_ec_args_parse_and_run(int argc, char* argv[])
if (argc == 1){
return 1;
targv = argv+1;
arglim = argv+argc;
return gl_err;