
151 lines
3.3 KiB

* Written by Gabor Egressy
* gabor@vmunix.com
* Original : January 1995
* Last update : November 1997
* The functions contained herein have been tested on FreeBSD and LINUX.
* The operating system used must be POSIX compliant UNIX to utilize
* getkey() and kbdhit(). you might need to include some of the if lines
* on some compilers with broken selects and headers. eg. on hp-ux you
* might need to change #if 0 to #if 1
* all of the functions in this file return the constant IOERROR when an
* error occurs; make sure to check for this return value.
* make sure you include unixio.h in necessary headers
* Make sure to link in termcap/terminfo library
* You might need to change the line
* #include <termcap.h> to #include <terminfo.h> in the unixio.c file
#include "unixio.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <termcap.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#if 0
typedef int fd_set;
#if 0
struct timeval {
long tv_sec;
long tv_usec;
#if 0
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <termios.h>
static enum {g_RAW, g_CBREAK, g_RESET} tty_status = g_RESET;
static int no_block = 0;
* signal handling functions; these are not interface functions -
* termSetup() is - do not call these functions
void saveMode(int);
void resetMode(int);
void dieOnSignal(int);
void cleanup(void);
static int timeout(void);
#define ESC 0X1B
* kbdhit :
* return non-zero if a key on the keyboard was hit; 0 otherwise
* the key that was typed will be stored in input iff it is a valid character
* otherwise -1 is stored in input: valid characters are those that fit
* into one char; if input is null nothing is stored in input
* might be a good idea to turn off echo when using this function; you can
* turn echo back on when you need to
* IN : pointer to variable to store input
* OUT : non-zero if keyboard was hit, 0 if not; IOERROR on error
kbdhit(int *input)
unsigned char ch;
int n, retval;
struct termios oattr, attr;
if(tty_status == g_RESET) {
if((tcgetattr)(STDIN_FILENO,&oattr) < 0)
return IOERROR;
attr = oattr;
attr.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO);
attr.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;
attr.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
if((tcsetattr)(STDIN_FILENO,TCSAFLUSH,&attr) < 0)
return IOERROR;
} else if(!(isatty)(STDIN_FILENO))
return IOERROR;
no_block = 1;
if((n = timeout()) < 0)
return IOERROR;
retval = n;
if(retval) {
if((read)(STDIN_FILENO,&ch,1) != 1)
return IOERROR;
*input = ch;
if(ch == ESC) {
if((n = timeout()) < 0)
return IOERROR;
if(n) {
do {
if((read)(STDIN_FILENO,&ch,1) != 1)
return IOERROR;
if((n = timeout()) < 0)
return IOERROR;
} while(n);
*input = (-1);
if(tty_status == g_RESET)
if((tcsetattr)(STDIN_FILENO,TCSAFLUSH,&oattr) < 0)
return IOERROR;
return retval;
static int
struct timeval tv;
fd_set readfds;
int n;
return IOERROR;
tv.tv_sec = TIMEOUT_SEC;
tv.tv_usec = TIMEOUT_USEC + no_block;
if((n = (select)(1,&readfds,(fd_set*)NULL,(fd_set*)NULL,&tv)) < 0)
return IOERROR;
return n;