
3489 lines
103 KiB
Executable File

# config-zaptel.pl
# Sangoma Dahdi/Zaptel/TDM API/SMG Configuration Script.
# Copyright (c) 2009, Sangoma Technologies Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
# 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# May 5 2009 2.33 Jignesh Patel Update start script for smgbri and wancfg_fs update
# Apr 28 2009 2.32 smg_ctrl boot script update
# Apr 27 2009 2,31 Yannick Lam Added support --silent --safe_mode for smg
# Apr 20 2009 2.30 Yannick Lam Added support for fax detect support and smg_ctrl safe_start
# Apr 13 2009 2.29 Yannick Lam Update for start/script with --silent
# Apr 07 2009 2.28 Jignesh Patel Added freeswitch conf for analog and BRI
# Mar 17 2009 2.27 Jignesh Patel Added HWDTMF Option for BRI
# Mar 10 2009 2.26 Yannick Lam Added Config only Option
# Jan 09 2009 2.25 Jignesh Patel Removed LAW option for FlexBRI-analog
# Dec 11 2008 2.24 Konrad Hammmel Added support for BUSID and multiple USBFXO
# Nov 26 2008 2.23 Jignesh Patel Added support for B600 and B700
# Oct 16 2008 2.22 Jignesh Patel Added Support for A600
# Oct 07 2008 2.21 Jignesh Patel Dahdi Soft-EC conf support for Analog & A101/2 cards
# Sep 30 2008 2.20 Jignesh Patel Configuration Support for Dahdi
# Aug 20 2008 2.19 Jignesh Patel Suppor for HP TDM API for A10x added hp_a100
# Update A10x.pm-for SH and old a101/2cards
# Aug 1 2008 2.17 Jignesh Patel Support for Analog & a101/2 card for wancfg_tdmapi
# Update A10u.pm,A20x.pm,wanpipe.tdm.a10u/a200
# Jul 22 2008 2.17 Jignesh Patel Support for FreeBSD ztcfg path
# Jun 6 2008 2.16 Jignesh Patel Added Zaptel Timer option for a500 cards
# May 28 2008 2.15 Jignesh Patel Minor d-chan update for FreeBSD- A10x.pm update
# May 27 2008 2.14 Jignesh Patel Added XMPT2 only option for SS7
# May 27 2008 2.14 Jignesh Patel Updated ss7_a100x templates for new XMPT2 interface
# May 22 2008 2.13 Jignesh Patel Added confirmation /dev/zap/* loaded for hardhdlc test
# Apr 28 2008 2.13 Jignesh Patel Added TDM_OP_MODE for Analog and confirmation check
# Mar 28 2008 2.12 Jignesh Patel Removed BRI master clock and update unload_zap
# Jan 02 2008 2.11 David Yat Sin Support for per span configuration in silent mode
# Jan 02 2008 2.10 David Yat Sin Added option for BRI master clock
# Dec 15 2007 2.9 David Yat Sin Support for Zaptel hardware hdlc for Zaptel 1.4
# Nov 29 2007 2.8 David Yat Sin Support for BRI cards on Trixbox
# Aug 22 2007 2.7 David Yat Sin support for hardware DTMF option
# Aug 15 2007 2.6 David Yat Sin support for BRI cards in SMG mode
# Jul 20, 2007 2.5 David Yat Sin silent option
# Jun 13, 2007 Yuan Shen SS7 support
# Jan 15, 2007 David Yat Sin support for non-trixbox installations. Major
# changes to script.
# Jan 8, 2007 David Yat Sin script renamed to config-zaptel.pl
# Jan 5, 2007 2.1 David Yat Sin v2.1 fix for analog cards inserted in wrong
# context
# Dec 12, 2006 2.0 David Yat Sin 2.0 support for T1/E1 cards
# Oct 13, 2006 David Yat Sin Added --opermode and --law option
# Oct 12, 2006 David Yat Sin Initial version
# ============================================================================
print "\n########################################################################";
print "\n# Sangoma Wanpipe #";
print "\n# Dahdi/Zaptel/SMG/TDMAPI/BOOT Configuration Script #";
print "\n# v2.32 #";
print "\n# Sangoma Technologies Inc. #";
print "\n# Copyright(c) 2009. #";
print "\n########################################################################\n\n";
use strict;
#use warnings;
#use diagnostics;
use Card;
use A10x;
use A10u;
use A20x;
use A50x;
use U10x;
use analogspan;
use boostspan;
my $FALSE = 1;
my $TRUE = 0;
my $zaptelprobe=' ';
my $etc_dir="";
my $rc_dir="";
my $include_dir="";
my $module_list="";
my $module_load="";
my $module_unload="";
my $os_type_name="";
my $dchan_str="dchan";
my $have_update_rc_d = 0;
my $os_type_list=`sysctl -a 2>/dev/null |grep ostype`;
if ($os_type_list =~ m/Linux/){
$module_unload="modprobe -r";
}elsif ($os_type_list =~ m/FreeBSD/){
print("Failed to determine OS type\n");
#check if os have update-rc.d
if (system('which update-rc.d 1>>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null') == 0) {
$have_update_rc_d = 1;
my $no_boot=$FALSE;
my $no_smgboot=$FALSE;
my $boot_only=$FALSE;
my $no_hwdtmf=$FALSE;
my $usb_device_support=$TRUE;
my $startup_string="";
my $cfg_string="";
my $first_cfg=1;
my $zaptel_conf="";
my $zapata_conf="";
my $bri_conf="";
my $woomera_conf="";
my $devnum=1;
my $current_zap_span=1;
my $current_tdmapi_span=1;
#my $current_bri_span=1;
my $current_zap_channel=1;
my $num_analog_devices=0;
my $num_analog_devices_total=0;
my $num_usb_devices_total=0;
my $num_usb_devices=0;
my $num_bri_devices=0;
my $num_bri_devices_total=0;
my $num_digital_devices=0;
my $num_digital_devices_total=0;
my $num_ss7_config=0;
my $num_zaptel_config=0;
my $line_media='';
my $max_chans=0;
my $ss7_tdmvoicechans='';
my $ss7_array_length=0;
my $ztcfg_path='';
# FS conf array
my @fxsspan;
my @fxospan;
my @boostbrispan;
my $openzap_pos='';
my $config_openzap = $FALSE;
my $device_has_hwec=$FALSE;
my $device_has_normal_clock=$FALSE;
my @device_normal_clocks=("0");
my @woomera_groups=("0");
my $bri_device_has_master_clock=$FALSE;
my $is_tdm_api=$FALSE;
my $is_hp_tdm_api=$FALSE;
my $is_fs=$FALSE;
my $def_femedia='';
my $def_feclock='';
my $def_bri_option='';
my $def_bri_default_tei='';
my $def_bri_default_tei_opt=$FALSE;
my $def_signalling='';
my $def_switchtype='';
my $def_zapata_context='';
my $def_woomera_context='';
my $def_zapata_group='';
my $def_te_ref_clock='';
my $def_tdmv_dchan=0;
my $def_woomera_group='';
my $def_felcode='';
my $def_feframe='';
my $def_te_sig_mode='';
my $def_hw_dtmf="YES";
my $def_hw_fax="NO";
my $def_tdm_law='';
my $def_tdm_opermode="FCC";
my $def_is_ss7_xmpt2_only='';
my @silent_femedias;
my @silent_feframes;
my @silent_felcodes;
my @silent_tdm_laws;
my @silent_feclocks;
my @silent_signallings;
my @silent_pri_switchtypes;
my @silent_zapata_contexts;
my @silent_woomera_contexts;
my @silent_zapata_groups;
my @silent_bri_conn_types;
my @silent_woomera_groups;
my @silent_hwdtmfs;
my @silent_first_chans;
my @silent_last_chans;
my $silent_hwdtmf;
my $silent_femedia="T1";
my $silent_feframe="ESF";
#my $silent_feframe_e1="CRC4";
my $silent_felcode="B8ZS";
my $silent_tdm_law="MULAW";
my $silent_feclock="NORMAL";
my $silent_signalling="PRI CPE";
my $silent_pri_switchtype="national";
my $silent_zapata_context="from-pstn";
my $silent_zapata_context_opt = $FALSE;
my $silent_zapata_group_opt = $FALSE;
my $silent_zapata_context_fxo="from-pstn";
my $silent_zapata_context_fxs="from-internal";
my $silent_woomera_context="from-pstn";
my $silent_zapata_group="0";
my $silent_te_sig_mode='CCS';
my $silent_bri_conn_type="point_to_multipoint";
my $silent_woomera_group="1";
my $silent_first_chan=1;
my $silent_last_chan=24;
my $def_bri_country="europe";
my $def_bri_operator="etsi";
my $def_bri_conn_type="Point to multipoint";
my $is_trixbox = $FALSE;
my $silent = $FALSE;
my $config_zaptel = $TRUE;
my $config_zapata = $TRUE;
my $config_woomera = $TRUE;
my $is_smg = $FALSE;
my $safe_mode = $FALSE;
my $silent_zapata_conf_file = $FALSE;
my $current_run_level=3;
my $zaptel_start_level=9;
my $tdm_api_span_num=0;
my $zaptel_installed=$FALSE;
my $dahdi_installed=$FALSE;
my $modprobe_list=`$module_list`;
my $is_ss7_xmpt2_only = $FALSE;
my $zaptel_dahdi_installed=$FALSE;
my $dahdi_echo='mg2';
my $def_chunk_size=40;
my $def_mtu_mru=' ';
if ($os_type_list =~ m/FreeBSD/){
exit( &config_boot_freebsd());
} else {
exit( &config_boot_linux());
my $current_dir=`pwd`;
my $cfg_dir='tmp_cfg';
my $curdircfg="$current_dir"."/"."$cfg_dir";
unless ( -d $curdircfg ) {
$curdircfg = "mkdir " . $curdircfg;
system ($curdircfg);
my $debug_info_file="$current_dir/$cfg_dir/debug_info";
my @hwprobe=`wanrouter hwprobe verbose`;
my $wanpipe_conf_dir="$etc_dir/wanpipe";
my $asterisk_conf_dir="$etc_dir/asterisk";
my $fs_conf_dir="/usr/local/freeswitch/conf";
my $wanrouter_rc_template="$current_dir/templates/wanrouter.rc.template";
my $zaptel_conf_template="$current_dir/templates/zaptel.conf";
my $zaptel_conf_file="$current_dir/$cfg_dir/zaptel.conf";
my $zaptel_conf_file_t="$etc_dir/zaptel.conf";
my $zapata_conf_template="$current_dir/templates/zapata.conf";
my $zapata_conf_file="$current_dir/$cfg_dir/zapata.conf";
my $zapata_conf_file_t="$asterisk_conf_dir/zapata.conf";
my $zaptel_string="Zaptel";
my $zapata_string="Zapata";
my $wancfg_config="wancfg_zaptel";
my $zaptel_boot = "zaptel";
my $zaptel_cfg_script="zaptel_cfg_script";
my $zap_cfg = "ztcfg";
my $zap_com ="zap";
my $openzap_conf_template="$current_dir/templates/openzap.conf";
my $openzap_conf_file="$current_dir/$cfg_dir/openzap.conf";
my $openzap_conf_file_t="$fs_conf_dir/openzap.conf";
if ($dahdi_installed== $TRUE) {
if ($is_fs== $TRUE) {
$config_zapata = $FALSE;
$config_openzap= $TRUE;
my $bri_conf_template="$current_dir/templates/smg_bri.conf";
my $bri_conf_file="$current_dir/$cfg_dir/smg_bri.conf";
my $bri_conf_file_t="$wanpipe_conf_dir/smg_bri.conf";
my $woomera_conf_template="$current_dir/templates/woomera.conf";
my $woomera_conf_file="$current_dir/$cfg_dir/woomera.conf";
my $woomera_conf_file_t="$asterisk_conf_dir/woomera.conf";
my $date=`date +%F`;
my $debug_tarball="$wanpipe_conf_dir/debug-".$date.".tgz";
if( $zaptel_installed==$TRUE || $dahdi_installed==$TRUE ) {
if ($os_type_list =~ m/FreeBSD/ && $zaptel_dahdi_installed==$TRUE) {
if( $zaptel_installed==$TRUE && $os_type_list =~ m/Linux/ && $is_fs == $FALSE) {
if($usb_device_support == $TRUE && $os_type_list =~ m/Linux/) {
if ($os_type_list =~ m/FreeBSD/){
} else {
if($os_type_list =~ m/Linux/){
print "Sangoma cards configuration complete, exiting...\n\n";
sub get_card_name{
my ($card_name) = @_;
if ( $card_name eq '600' || $card_name eq '700') {
$card_name = "B".$card_name;
} else {
$card_name = "A".$card_name;
return $card_name;
sub set_zaptel_hwhdlc{
print "Checking for native zaptel hardhdlc support...";
my $cnt = 0;
while ($cnt++ < 30) {
if ((system("ls /dev/zap* > /dev/null 2> /dev/null")) == 0) {
goto wait_done;
} else {
print "." ;
print "Error";
print "\n\n No /dev/zap* Found on the system \n";
printf " Contact Sangoma Support\n";
print " Send e-mail to techdesk\@sangoma\.com \n\n";
exit 1;
if ((system("ztcfg -t -c $current_dir/templates/zaptel.conf_test > /dev/null 2>/dev/null")==0)){
print "Yes \n\n";
} else {
print "No \n\n";
sub config_boot_freebsd{
return 1;
my $res;
my $rc_init="";
if (!open (FH,"$rc_dir/rc.conf")) {
print "Warning: Could not open $rc_dir/rc.conf. Using empty template\n";
open (FH,"$current_dir/templates/rc_init_template_freebsd");
while (<FH>) {
$rc_init .= $_;
close (FH);
print ("Would you like wanrouter to start on system boot?\n");
$res= &prompt_user_list("YES","NO","");
open (FH,">$rc_dir/rc.conf");
# $rc_init =~ s/WAN_DEVICES\s*=.*/WAN_DEVICES="$startup_string"/g;
if ( $res eq "YES" ) {
$rc_init =~ s/wanpipe_enable\s*=.*/wanpipe_enable="YES"/g;
} else {
$rc_init =~ s/wanpipe_enable\s*=.*/wanpipe_enable="NO"/g;
print FH $rc_init;
close (FH);
sub config_boot_linux {
my $script_name="wanrouter";
my $zaptel_stop_level=92;
my $wanrouter_start_level=8;
my $wanrouter_stop_level=91;
my $command='';
# my $rc_dir=$etc_dir;
my $res=`cat $etc_dir/inittab |grep id`;
if ($res =~ /id:(\d+):initdefault/){
print "Current boot level is $current_run_level\n";
} else {
print "Warning: Failed to determine init boot level, assuming 3\n";
print "\nWanrouter boot scripts configuration...\n\n";
print "Removing existing $script_name boot scripts...";
if ($have_update_rc_d) {#debian/ubuntu
$command = "update-rc.d -f $script_name remove >>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null";
} else {
$command="rm -f $rc_dir/rc?.d/*$script_name >/dev/null 2>/dev/null";
if(system($command) == 0){
print "OK\n";
} else {
print "Not installed\n";
if($no_boot==$TRUE){ #remove old script anyway.
return 1;
print ("Would you like $script_name to start on system boot?\n");
$res= &prompt_user_list("YES","NO","");
if ( $res eq 'YES'){
#examine system bootstrap files
$command="find ".$etc_dir."/rc0.d >/dev/null 2>/dev/null";
if (system($command) == 0){
} else {
$command="find ".$etc_dir."rc.d/rc0.d >/dev/null 2>/dev/null";
if (system($command) == 0){
} else {
print "Failed to locate boostrap directory\n";
print "wanrouter boot scripts will not be installed\n";
return 1;
print "Verifying $zaptel_string boot scripts...\n";
print "Verifying $zaptel_string boot scripts...";
#find zaptel/dahdi start scripts
$command="find $rc_dir/rc".$current_run_level.".d/*$zaptel_boot >/dev/null 2>/dev/null";
if (system($command) == 0){
$command="find $rc_dir/rc".$current_run_level.".d/*$zaptel_boot";
if ($res =~ /.*S(\d+)$zaptel_boot/){
print "Enabled (level:$zaptel_start_level)\n";
} else {
print "\nfailed to parse zaptel boot level, assuming $zaptel_start_level";
} else {
print "Not installed\n";
#find zaptel stop scripts
print "Verifying $zaptel_string shutdown scripts...";
$command="find ".$rc_dir."/rc6.d/*$zaptel_boot >/dev/null 2>/dev/null";
if (system($command) == 0){
$command="find ".$rc_dir."/rc6.d/*$zaptel_boot";
if ($res =~ /.*K(\d+)$zaptel_boot/){
print "Enabled (level:$zaptel_stop_level)\n";
} else {
print "\nfailed to parse zaptel boot level, assuming $zaptel_stop_level\n";
} else {
print "Not installed\n";
if ($zaptel_start_level != 0){
if ($zaptel_stop_level != 0){
my $wanrouter_start_script='';
if($wanrouter_start_level < 10){
} else {
my $wanrouter_stop_script='';
if($wanrouter_stop_level < 10){
} else {
$command="find $etc_dir/init.d/$script_name >/dev/null 2>/dev/null";
if(system($command) !=0){
$command="install -D -m 755 /usr/sbin/$script_name $rc_dir/init.d/$script_name";
if(system($command) !=0){
print "Failed to install $script_name script to $rc_dir/init.d/$script_name\n";
print "$script_name boot scripts not installed\n";
return 1;
if ($have_update_rc_d) {
print "Enabling $script_name init scripts ...(start:$wanrouter_start_level, stop:$wanrouter_stop_level)\n";
$command = "update-rc.d $script_name defaults $wanrouter_start_level $wanrouter_stop_level";
if (system($command .' >>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null') != 0) {
print "Command failed: $command\n";
return 1;
print "Enabling $script_name boot scripts ...(level:$wanrouter_start_level)\n";
my @run_levels= ("2","3","4","5");
foreach my $run_level (@run_levels) {
$command="ln -sf $rc_dir/init.d/$script_name ".$rc_dir."/rc".$run_level.".d/".$wanrouter_start_script;
if(system($command) !=0){
print "Failed to install $script_name init script to $rc_dir/rc$run_level.d/$wanrouter_start_script\n";
print "$script_name start scripts not installed\n";
return 1;
print "Enabling $script_name shutdown scripts ...(level:$wanrouter_stop_level)\n";
@run_levels= ("0","1","6");
foreach my $run_level (@run_levels) {
$command="ln -sf $rc_dir/init.d/$script_name ".$rc_dir."/rc".$run_level.".d/".$wanrouter_stop_script;
if(system($command) !=0){
print "Failed to install $script_name shutdown script to $rc_dir/rc$run_level.d/$wanrouter_stop_script\n";
print "$script_name stop scripts not installed\n";
return 1;
return 0;
sub config_ztcfg_start{
if($silent==$TRUE) {
printf("Removing old stop/start scripts....\n");
exec_command("rm -rf $wanpipe_conf_dir/scripts/start");
exec_command("rm -rf $wanpipe_conf_dir/scripts/stop");
if($num_zaptel_config != 0){
printf("Installing new $zaptel_string start script....\n");
exec_command("mkdir -p $wanpipe_conf_dir/scripts");
exec_command("cp -f $current_dir/templates/$zaptel_cfg_script $wanpipe_conf_dir/scripts/start");
if ($num_zaptel_config ==0){
exec_command("rm -rf $wanpipe_conf_dir/scripts/start");
exec_command("rm -rf $wanpipe_conf_dir/scripts/stop");
#Zaptel/Dahdi init scripts not installed, prompt for wanpipe_zaptel_start_script
print ("\nWould you like to execute \'$zap_cfg\' each time wanrouter starts?\n");
if (&prompt_user_list("YES","NO","") eq 'YES'){
if ( ! -d "$wanpipe_conf_dir/scripts" ) {
exec_command("mkdir -p $wanpipe_conf_dir/scripts");
exec_command("cp -f $current_dir/templates/$zaptel_cfg_script $wanpipe_conf_dir/scripts/start");
} elsif(-e "$wanpipe_conf_dir/scripts/start") {
print ("\nWould you like to remove old wanrouter start scripts ?\n");
if (&prompt_user_list("YES","NO","") eq 'YES'){
exec_command("rm -rf $wanpipe_conf_dir/scripts/start");
sub config_smg_ctrl_start{
if($num_bri_devices == 0){
my $res;
if($silent==$FALSE) {
print ("Would you like smg_ctrl to start/stop on wanrouter start \nor would you like to run smg_ctrl in safe start?\n");
$res = &prompt_user_list("YES","NO","SAFE_START","");
} else {
$res = "SAFE_START";
} else{
$res = "YES";
if ($res eq "YES" || $res eq "SAFE_START"){
#if zaptel start script is in $wanpipe_conf_dir/scripts/start, do not overwrite
my $command="find ".$wanpipe_conf_dir."/scripts/start >/dev/null 2>/dev/null";
if (system($command) == 0){
my $command="cat ".$wanpipe_conf_dir."/scripts/start | grep smg_ctrl >/dev/null 2>/dev/null";
if (system($command) == 0){
print("smgbri start script already installed!\n");
my $command="cat ".$current_dir."/templates/smgbri_start_script_addon >>".$wanpipe_conf_dir."/scripts/start";
if (system($command) == 0){
print("smgbri start script installed successfully\n");
} elsif(system($command) != 0) {
$command="cp -f ".$current_dir."/templates/smgbri_start_script ".$wanpipe_conf_dir."/scripts/start";
if (system($command) == 0){
print("smgbri start scrtip installed scuessfully\n");
} else {
print "failed to install smgbri start script\n";
$command="cp -f ".$current_dir."/templates/smgbri_stop_script ".$wanpipe_conf_dir."/scripts/stop";
if (system($command) == 0){
print "smgbri stop script installed successfully\n";
} else {
print "failed to install smgbri start script\n";
if($res eq "SAFE_START") {
$safe_mode=$TRUE;#set it true anyway for boot safe_start
sub check_zaptel{
if ((system("$module_list | grep zaptel > /dev/null 2> /dev/null")) == 0){
sub check_dahdi
if ((system("$module_list | grep dahdi > /dev/null 2> /dev/null")) == 0){
sub apply_changes{
my $asterisk_command='';
my $bri_command='';
my $asterisk_restart=$FALSE;
my $res='';
if($silent==$FALSE) {system('clear')};
$res="Stop now";
}elsif($is_tdm_api==$TRUE || $is_hp_tdm_api==$TRUE){
print "\n Wanpipe configuration complete: choose action\n";
$res=&prompt_user_list( "Save cfg: Stop Wanpipe now",
"Do not save cfg: Exit",
print "\n$zaptel_string and Wanpipe configuration complete: choose action\n";
$res=&prompt_user_list("Save cfg: Restart Asterisk & Wanpipe now",
"Save cfg: Restart Asterisk & Wanpipe when convenient",
"Save cfg: Stop Asterisk & Wanpipe now",
"Save cfg: Stop Asterisk & Wanpipe when convenient",
"Save cfg: Save cfg only",
"Do not save cfg: Exit",
if ($res =~ m/cfg only/){
print "\nRemoving old configuration files...\n";
exec_command("rm -f $wanpipe_conf_dir/wanpipe*.conf");
print "\nCopying new Wanpipe configuration files...\n";
if($num_bri_devices != 0){
print "\nCopying new sangoma_brid configuration files ($bri_conf_file_t)...\n";
exec_command("cp -f $bri_conf_file $bri_conf_file_t");
if($config_woomera == $TRUE){
exec_command("cp -f $woomera_conf_file $woomera_conf_file_t");
if ($zaptel_dahdi_installed==$TRUE){
if ($num_zaptel_config !=0){
print "\nCopying new $zaptel_string configuration file ($zaptel_conf_file_t)...\n";
exec_command("cp -f $zaptel_conf_file $zaptel_conf_file_t");
if ($config_zapata==$TRUE || $is_trixbox==$TRUE){
if ($num_zaptel_config !=0){
print "\nCopying new $zapata_string configuration files ($zapata_conf_file_t)...\n";
exec_command("cp -f $zapata_conf_file $zapata_conf_file_t");
print "Saving files only\n";
if ($os_type_list =~ m/FreeBSD/){
} else {
exit 0;
if ($res =~ m/Exit/){
print "No changes made to your configuration files\n";
exit 0;
if ($res =~ m/now/){
$asterisk_command='stop now';
} else {
$asterisk_command='stop when convenient';
if ($res =~ m/Restart/){
} else {
if ($is_trixbox==$TRUE){
exec_command("amportal stop");
} elsif ($is_tdm_api==$FALSE || $is_hp_tdm_api==$FALSE ){
if (`(pidof asterisk)` != 0 ){
print "\nStopping Asterisk...\n";
exec_command("asterisk -rx \"$asterisk_command\"");
sleep 2;
while (`(pidof asterisk)` != 0 ){
if ($asterisk_command eq "stop now"){
print "Failed to stop asterisk using command: \'$asterisk_command\' \n";
my @options=("Force Stop - Send KILL signal to asterisk", "Wait - Wait for asterisk to stop", "Exit - Do not apply changes");
my $res=&prompt_user_list(@options,"");
if ( $res =~ m/Force Stop/){
execute_command("kill -KILL \$(pidof asterisk)");
} elsif ( $res =~ m/Exit/ ){
} else {
print "Waiting for asterisk to stop...\n";
sleep 5;
exec_command("asterisk -rx \"$asterisk_command\"");
} else {
#stop when convenient option was selected
print "Waiting for asterisk to stop...\n";
sleep 3;
}else {
print "\nAsterisk is not running...\n";
if($num_bri_devices != 0){
exec_command("/usr/sbin/smg_ctrl stop");
print "\nStopping Wanpipe...\n";
exec_command("wanrouter stop all");
if ($zaptel_dahdi_installed==$TRUE){
if($is_tdm_api==$FALSE || $is_hp_tdm_api==$FALSE){
print "\nUnloading $zaptel_string modules...\n";
print "\nRemoving old configuration files...\n";
exec_command("rm -f $wanpipe_conf_dir/wanpipe*.conf");
print "\nCopying new Wanpipe configuration files...\n";
if($num_bri_devices != 0){
print "\nCopying new sangoma_brid configuration files ($bri_conf_file_t)...\n";
exec_command("cp -f $bri_conf_file $bri_conf_file_t");
if($config_woomera == $TRUE){
exec_command("cp -f $woomera_conf_file $woomera_conf_file_t");
if ($zaptel_dahdi_installed==$TRUE){
if ($num_zaptel_config !=0){
print "\nCopying new $zaptel_string configuration file ($zaptel_conf_file_t)...\n";
exec_command("cp -f $zaptel_conf_file $zaptel_conf_file_t");
if ($config_zapata==$TRUE || $is_trixbox==$TRUE){
if ($num_zaptel_config !=0){
print "\nCopying new $zapata_string configuration files ($zapata_conf_file_t)...\n";
exec_command("cp -f $zapata_conf_file $zapata_conf_file_t");
if($config_openzap == $TRUE){
print "\nCopying new openzap configuration files ($openzap_conf_file_t)...\n";
exec_command("cp -f $openzap_conf_file $openzap_conf_file_t");
if( $asterisk_restart == $TRUE && $is_tdm_api==$FALSE && $is_hp_tdm_api==$FALSE ){
print "\nStarting Wanpipe...\n";
exec_command("wanrouter start");
if($num_bri_devices != 0){
print "Loading SMG BRI...\n";
sleep 2;
exec_command("/usr/sbin/smg_ctrl start");
if ($num_zaptel_config != 0){
print "Loading $zaptel_string...\n";
sleep 2;
if ($zaptel_installed==$TRUE){
exec_command("$ztcfg_path\ztcfg -v");
exec_command("dahdi_cfg -v");
if ($is_trixbox==$TRUE){
print "\nStarting Amportal...\n";
exec_command("amportal start");
sleep 2;
print "\nStarting Asterisk...\n";
sleep 2;
if ($num_zaptel_config != 0){
print "\nListing Asterisk channels...\n\n";
exec_command("asterisk -rx \"$zap_com show channels\"");
print "\nType \"asterisk -r\" to connect to Asterisk console\n\n";
print "\nWanrouter start complete...\n";
sub save_debug_info{
my $version=`wanrouter version`;
my $uname=`uname -a`;
my $issue='';
if ($os_type_list =~ m/Linux/){
$issue=`cat $etc_dir/issue`;
my $debug_info="\n";
$debug_info.=" SANGOMA DEBUG INFO FILE \n";
$debug_info.=" Generated on $date \n";
$debug_info.="\n\nwanrouter hwprobe\n";
$debug_info.="\nwanrouter version\n";
$debug_info.="\nKernel \"uname -a\"\n";
if ($os_type_list =~ m/Linux/){
$debug_info.="\n$os_type_name distribution \"cat $etc_dir/issue\"\n";
open (FH,">$debug_info_file") or die "Could not open $debug_info_file";
print FH $debug_info;
close (FH);
exec_command("tar cvfz $debug_tarball $cfg_dir/* >/dev/null 2>/dev/null");
sub get_chan_no{
my ($chan_name,$first_ch, $last_ch)=@_;
my $res_ch=&prompt_user("\nInput the $chan_name channel for this span [$first_ch-$last_ch]\n");
while(length($res_ch)==0 ||!($res_ch =~/(\d+)/)
|| $res_ch<$first_ch || $res_ch>$last_ch){
print "Invalid channel, must be between $first_ch and $last_ch\n";
$res_ch=&prompt_user("Input the channel for this port[$first_ch-$last_ch]");
return $res_ch;
sub get_zapata_context{
my ($card_model,$card_port)=@_;
my $context='';
my @options = ("from-pstn", "from-internal","Custom");
@options = ("PSTN", "INTERNAL");
if ($silent==$FALSE){
printf ("Select dialplan context for AFT-A%s on port %s\n", get_card_name($card_model), $card_port);
my $res = &prompt_user_list(@options,$def_zapata_context);
if($res eq "PSTN"){
}elsif($res eq "INTERNAL"| $res eq "from-internal"){
}elsif($res eq "from-pstn"){
}elsif($res eq "Custom"){
my $res_context=&prompt_user("Input the context for this port");
print "Invalid context, input a non-empty string\n";
$res_context=&prompt_user("Input the context for this port",$def_zapata_context);
}elsif($res eq $def_zapata_context){
print "Internal error:invalid context,group\n";
exit 1;
} else {
if($#silent_zapata_contexts >= 0){
return $context;
sub get_woomera_context{
my ($group,$card_model,$card_port,$bri_type)=@_;
my $context='';
my @options = ("from-pstn", "from-internal","Custom");
if($bri_type eq 'bri_nt'){
@options = ("from-internal","Custom");
} elsif ($bri_type eq 'bri_te'){
@options = ("from-pstn","Custom");
@options = ("PSTN", "INTERNAL");
if ($silent==$FALSE){
printf ("\nSelect dialplan context for group:%d\n", $group);
my $res = &prompt_user_list(@options,$def_woomera_context);
if($res eq "PSTN"){
}elsif($res eq "INTERNAL"| $res eq "from-internal"){
}elsif($res eq "from-pstn"){
}elsif($res eq "Custom"){
my $res_context=&prompt_user("Input the context for this port");
print "Invalid context, input a non-empty string\n";
$res_context=&prompt_user("Input the context for this port",$def_woomera_context);
}elsif($res eq $def_woomera_context){
print "Internal error:invalid context,group\n";
exit 1;
} else {
if($#silent_woomera_contexts >= 0){
return $context;
sub gen_wanrouter_rc{
#update wanpipe startup sequence
my $rcfile="";
if (!open (FH,"$wanpipe_conf_dir/wanrouter.rc")) {
open (FH,"$wanrouter_rc_template");
while (<FH>) {
$rcfile .= $_;
close (FH);
open (FH,">$current_dir/$cfg_dir/wanrouter.rc");
$rcfile =~ s/WAN_DEVICES\s*=.*/WAN_DEVICES="$startup_string"/g;
print FH $rcfile;
close (FH);
sub update_zapata_template{
#update comments for zapata.conf or chan_dahdi.conf
my $zapfile="";
if (!open (FH,"$zapata_conf_file")) {
printf("Unable to modify $zapata_conf_file\n");
while (<FH>) {
$zapfile .= $_;
close (FH);
open (FH,">$zapata_conf_file");
$zapfile =~ s/ZAPATA_STRING/$zaptel_string/g;
$zapfile =~ s/LOCATION/$zapata_conf_file_t/g;
$zapfile =~ s/WANCFG_CONFIG/$wancfg_config/g;
$zapfile =~ s/DATE/$date/g;
print FH $zapfile;
close (FH);
sub update_zaptel_template{
#update coments forzaptel.conf or chan_dahdi.conf
my $zapfile="";
if (!open (FH,"$zaptel_conf_file")) {
printf("Unable to modify $zaptel_conf_file\n");
while (<FH>) {
$zapfile .= $_;
close (FH);
open (FH,">$zaptel_conf_file");
$zapfile =~ s/ZAPATA_STRING/$zaptel_string/g;
$zapfile =~ s/LOCATION/$zaptel_conf_file_t/g;
$zapfile =~ s/WANCFG_CONFIG/$wancfg_config/g;
$zapfile =~ s/DATE/$date/g;
print FH $zapfile;
close (FH);
sub prepare_files{
if ($is_trixbox==$TRUE || ($silent_zapata_conf_file==$TRUE && $silent==$TRUE)){
if ($silent==$FALSE){
if ($is_trixbox==$FALSE && $is_smg==$FALSE && $is_tdm_api==$FALSE && $is_hp_tdm_api==$FALSE){
print "Would you like to generate $zapata_conf_file_t\n";
if (&prompt_user_list(("YES","NO","")) eq 'NO'){
$config_zapata = $FALSE;
#remove temp files
my $tmp_cfg_dir="$current_dir"."/"."$cfg_dir";
if ( -d "$current_dir"."/"."$cfg_dir") {
exec_command("rm -f $current_dir/$cfg_dir/*");
#backup existing configuration files
if ( -f $zaptel_conf_file_t ) {
exec_command("cp -f $zaptel_conf_file_t $zaptel_conf_file_t.bak ");
if ( -f $zapata_conf_file_t ) {
exec_command("cp -f $zapata_conf_file_t $zapata_conf_file_t.bak");
sub parse_wanrouter_rc
#Set ztcfg_path based on $etc_dir/wanpipe/wanrouter.rc
if ( -f "$etc_dir/wanpipe/wanrouter.rc" ) {
my $line= `cat $etc_dir/wanpipe/wanrouter.rc | grep ZAPTEL_BIN_DIR`;
my @parts = split(/=/,$line);
#Use this wanrouter.rc as new template
my $command="cp -f $etc_dir/wanpipe/wanrouter.rc $current_dir/templates/wanrouter.rc.template.new > /dev/null 2>/dev/null ";
sub update_zaptel_cfg_script(){
#update zaptel_cfg_script based on ztcfg_path
my $sscript ="";
open (FH,"$current_dir/templates/$zaptel_cfg_script");
while (<FH>) {
$sscript .= $_;
close (FH);
open (FH,">$current_dir/templates/$zaptel_cfg_script");
$sscript =~ s/.*ztcfg.*/$ztcfg_path\ztcfg -v/;
print FH $sscript;
close (FH);
sub update_start_smgbri_safe{
#update start script for safe start
my $sscript ="";
open (FH,"$wanpipe_conf_dir/scripts/start");
while (<FH>) {
$sscript .= $_;
close (FH);
open (FH,">$wanpipe_conf_dir/scripts/start");
$sscript =~ s/.*smg_ctrl start.*/smg_ctrl safe_start/;
print FH $sscript;
close (FH);
sub clean_files{
exec_command("rm -rf $current_dir/$cfg_dir");
sub write_zapata_conf{
my $zp_file="";
open(FH, "$zapata_conf_template") or die "cannot open $zapata_conf_template";
while (<FH>) {
$zp_file .= $_;
close (FH);
open(FH, ">$zapata_conf_file") or die "cannot open $zapata_conf_file";
print FH $zp_file;
sub copy_config_files{
my @wanpipe_files = split / /, $cfg_string;
exec_command("cp -f $current_dir/$cfg_dir/wanrouter.rc $wanpipe_conf_dir");
foreach my $wanpipe_file (@wanpipe_files) {
exec_command("cp -f $current_dir/$cfg_dir/$wanpipe_file.conf $wanpipe_conf_dir");
sub unload_zap_modules{
my @modules_list = ("ztdummy","wctdm","wcfxo","wcte11xp","wct1xxp","wct4xxp","wctc4xxp","wcb4xxp","tor2","zttranscode","wcusb", "wctdm24xxp","xpp_usb","xpp" ,"wcte12xp","opvxa1200", "dahdi_dummy" ,"dahdi_transcode","dahdi_echocan_mg2", "dahdi", "zaptel");
foreach my $module (@modules_list) {
if ($modprobe_list =~ m/$module /){
exec_command("$module_unload $module");
sub write_zaptel_conf{
my $zp_file="";
open(FH, "$zaptel_conf_template") or die "cannot open $zaptel_conf_template";
while (<FH>) {
$zp_file .= $_;
close (FH);
open(FH, ">$zaptel_conf_file") or die "cannot open $zaptel_conf_file";
print FH $zp_file;
sub summary{
if ($silent==$FALSE) {system('clear')};
print "\n###################################################################";
print "\n# SUMMARY #";
print "\n###################################################################\n\n";
print("\n\nNo Sangoma voice compatible cards found/configured\n\n");
exit 0;
if ($num_zaptel_config != 0 && $config_zaptel==$TRUE){
if ($num_bri_devices != 0 ){
if($config_woomera == $TRUE){
if ($num_zaptel_config != 0 && $config_zapata==$TRUE){
if($is_fs == $TRUE) {
if ($silent==$FALSE) {system('clear')};
my $file_list = 1;
print "\n###################################################################";
print "\n# SUMMARY #";
print "\n###################################################################\n\n";
print(" $num_digital_devices_total T1/E1 port(s) detected, $num_digital_devices configured\n");
print(" $num_bri_devices_total ISDN BRI port(s) detected, $num_bri_devices configured\n");
print(" $num_analog_devices_total analog card(s) detected, $num_analog_devices configured\n");
print(" $num_usb_devices_total usb device(s) detected, $num_usb_devices configured\n");
print "\nConfigurator will create the following files:\n";
print "\t1. Wanpipe config files in $wanpipe_conf_dir\n";
if ($num_bri_devices != 0){
print "\t$file_list. sangoma_brid config file $wanpipe_conf_dir/smg_bri\n";
if($config_openzap == $TRUE){
print "\t$file_list. openzap config file $fs_conf_dir/openzap\n";
if ($num_zaptel_config != 0){
print "\t$file_list. $zaptel_string config file $zaptel_conf_file_t\n";
if ($config_zapata==$TRUE){
print "\t$file_list. $zapata_string config file $zapata_conf_file_t\n";
if (($num_zaptel_config != 0) | ($config_zapata==$TRUE)){
print "\n\nYour original configuration files will be saved to:\n";
if ($num_zaptel_config != 0){
print "\t$file_list. $zaptel_conf_file_t.bak \n";
if ($num_zaptel_config !=0 && $config_zapata==$TRUE){
print "\t$file_list. $zapata_conf_file_t.bak \n\n";
print "\nYour configuration has been saved in $debug_tarball.\n";
print "When requesting support, email this file to techdesk\@sangoma.com\n\n";
print "\n###################################################################\n\n";
sub confirm_conf(){
print "Configuration Complete! Please select following:\n";
if(&prompt_user_list("YES - Continue", "NO - Exit" ,"") =~ m/YES/){
return $?;
} else {
print "No changes made to your configuration files\n";
print "exiting.....\n";
exit $?;
sub exec_command{
my @command = @_;
if (system(@command) != 0 ){
print "Error executing command:\n@command\n\n";
print "Would you like to continue?\n";
if(&prompt_user_list("No - exit", "YES", "No") eq 'YES'){
return $?;
} else {
exit $?;
return $?;
sub prompt_user{
my($promptString, $defaultValue) = @_;
if ($defaultValue) {
print $promptString, "def=\"$defaultValue\": ";
} else {
print $promptString, ": ";
$| = 1; # force a flush after our print
$_ = <STDIN>; # get the input from STDIN (presumably the keyboard)
if ("$defaultValue") {
return $_ ? $_ : $defaultValue; # return $_ if it has a value
} else {
return $_;
sub prompt_user_list{
my @list = @_;
my $defaultValue = @list[$#list];
my $i;
my $valid = 0;
for $i (0..$#list-1) {
printf(" %s\. %s\n",$i+1, @list[$i]);
while ($valid == 0){
my $list_sz = $#list;
print "[1-$list_sz";
if ( ! $defaultValue eq ''){
print ", ENTER=\'$defaultValue\']:";
print "]:";
$| = 1;
$_ = <STDIN>;
if ( $_ eq '' & ! $defaultValue eq ''){
print "\n";
return $defaultValue;
if ( $_ =~ /(\d+)/ ){
if ( $1 > $list_sz) {
print "\nError: Invalid option, input a value between 1 and $list_sz \n";
} else {
print "\n";
return @list[$1-1] ;
} else {
print "\nError: Invalid option, input an integer\n";
sub read_args {
my $arg_num;
foreach $arg_num (0 .. $#ARGV) {
$_ = $ARGV[$arg_num];
if( /^--trixbox$/){
}elsif ( /^--install_boot_script/){
}elsif ( /^--tdm_api/){
}elsif ( /^--smg$/){
}elsif ( /^--hp_tdm_api/){
}elsif ( /^--no_boot$/){
}elsif ( /^--no_smgboot$/){
}elsif ( /^--conf_fs$/){
$is_tdm_api=$TRUE;#fs use tdmapi mode
}elsif ( /^--no_hwdtmf$/){
}elsif ( /^--silent$/){
}elsif (/^--safe_mode$/){
}elsif ( /^--no-zapata$/){
}elsif ( /^--no-zaptel$/){
}elsif ( $_ =~ /--zapata_context=(\w+)/){
push(@silent_zapata_contexts, $silent_zapata_context);
}elsif ( $_ =~ /--zapata_group=(\d+)/){
push(@silent_zapata_groups, $silent_zapata_group);
}elsif ( $_ =~ /--woomera_context=(\w+)/){
push(@silent_woomera_contexts, $silent_woomera_context);
}elsif ( $_ =~ /--woomera_group=(\d+)/){
push(@silent_woomera_groups, $silent_woomera_group);
}elsif ( $_ =~ /--fe_media=(\w+)/){
if(!($silent_femedia eq 'T1' || $silent_femedia eq 'E1')){
printf("Invalid value for fe_media, should be T1/E1\n");
} else {
push(@silent_femedias, $silent_femedia);
if($silent_femedia eq 'E1'){
if(!($silent_feframe eq 'CRC4' || $silent_feframe eq 'NCRC4')){
if(!($silent_felcode eq 'HDB3' || $silent_felcode eq 'AMI')){
}elsif ( $_ =~ /--fractional_chans=(\d+)-(\d+)/ ){
push(@silent_first_chans, $silent_first_chan);
push(@silent_last_chans, $silent_last_chan);
}elsif ( $_ =~ /--hw_dtmf=(\w+)/){
if(!($silent_hwdtmf eq 'YES' || $silent_hwdtmf eq 'NO')){
printf("Invalid value for hw_dtmf, should be YES/NO\n");
} else {
push(@silent_hwdtmfs, $silent_hwdtmf);
}elsif ( $_ =~ /--fe_lcode=(\w+)/){
if(!($silent_felcode eq 'B8ZS' || $silent_felcode eq 'HDB3' || $silent_felcode eq 'AMI')){
printf("Invalid value for fe_lcode, should be B8ZS/HDB3/AMI \n");
} else {
push(@silent_felcodes, $silent_felcode);
}elsif ( $_ =~ /--fe_frame=(\w+)/){
if(!($silent_feframe eq 'ESF' || $silent_feframe eq 'D4' || $silent_feframe eq 'CRC4' || $silent_feframe eq 'NCRC4')){
printf("Invalid value for fe_frame, should be ESF/D4/CRC4/NCRC4\n");
} else {
push(@silent_feframes, $silent_feframe);
}elsif ( $_ =~ /--tdm_law=(\w+)/){
if(!($silent_tdm_law eq 'MULAW' || $silent_tdm_law eq 'ALAW')){
printf("Invalid value for tdm_law, should be MULAW/ALAW\n");
} else {
push(@silent_tdm_laws, $silent_tdm_law);
}elsif ( $_ =~ /--fe_clock=(\w+)/){
if(!($silent_feclock eq 'NORMAL' || $silent_feclock eq 'MASTER' )){
printf("Invalid value for fe_clock, should be NORMAL/MASTER\n");
} else {
push(@silent_feclocks, $silent_feclock);
}elsif ( $_ =~ /--signalling=(\w+)/){
my $tmp_signalling=$1;
if ($tmp_signalling eq 'em'){
$silent_signalling="E & M";
}elsif ($tmp_signalling eq 'em_w'){
$silent_signalling="E & M Wink";
}elsif ($tmp_signalling eq 'pri_cpe'){
$silent_signalling="PRI CPE";
}elsif ($tmp_signalling eq 'pri_net'){
$silent_signalling="PRI NET";
}elsif ($tmp_signalling eq 'fxs_ls'){
$silent_signalling="FXS - Loop Start";
}elsif ($tmp_signalling eq 'fxs_gs'){
$silent_signalling="FXS - Ground Start";
}elsif ($tmp_signalling eq 'fxs_ks'){
$silent_signalling="FXS - Kewl Start";
}elsif ($tmp_signalling eq 'fxo_ls'){
$silent_signalling="FXO - Loop Start";
}elsif ($tmp_signalling eq 'fxo_gs'){
$silent_signalling="FXO - Ground Start";
}elsif ($tmp_signalling eq 'fxo_ks'){
$silent_signalling="FXO - Kewl Start";
printf("Invalid option for --signalling, options are\n");
printf("\t pri_cpe/pri_net/em/em_w\n");
printf("\t fxo_ls/fxo_gs/fxo_ks\n");
printf("\t fxs_ls/fxs_gs/fxs_ks\n");
push(@silent_signallings, $silent_signalling);
}elsif ( $_ =~ /--pri_switchtype=(\w+)/){
my $tmp_switchtype=$1;
if ($tmp_switchtype eq 'national'){
}elsif ($tmp_switchtype eq 'dms100'){
}elsif ($tmp_switchtype eq '4ess'){
}elsif ($tmp_switchtype eq '5ess'){
}elsif ($tmp_switchtype eq 'euroisdn'){
}elsif ($tmp_switchtype eq 'ni1'){
}elsif ($tmp_switchtype eq 'qsig'){
} else {
printf("Invalid option for --pri_switchtype, options are\n");
printf("\t national/dms100/4ess/5ess/euroisdn/ni1/qsig");
push(@silent_pri_switchtypes, $silent_pri_switchtype);
}elsif ( $_ =~ /--conf_dir=(.*)/){
if (! -d $etc_dir){
printf("Error: directory $1 does not exist\n");
}elsif ( $_ =~/--zapata_auto_conf/){
}else {
printf("Error: Unrecognized parameter \"$_\" \n");
@silent_femedias = reverse(@silent_femedias);
@silent_feframes = reverse(@silent_feframes);
@silent_felcodes = reverse(@silent_felcodes);
@silent_tdm_laws = reverse(@silent_tdm_laws);
@silent_feclocks = reverse(@silent_feclocks);
@silent_signallings = reverse(@silent_signallings);
@silent_pri_switchtypes = reverse(@silent_pri_switchtypes);
@silent_zapata_contexts = reverse(@silent_zapata_contexts);
@silent_woomera_contexts = reverse(@silent_woomera_contexts);
@silent_zapata_groups = reverse(@silent_zapata_groups);
@silent_hwdtmfs = reverse(@silent_hwdtmfs);
@silent_first_chans = reverse(@silent_first_chans);
@silent_last_chans = reverse(@silent_last_chans);
if ($is_trixbox==$TRUE){
print "\nGenerating configuration files for Trixbox\n";
if ($is_smg==$TRUE){
print "\nGenerating configuration files for Sangoma Media Gateway\n";
if ($is_tdm_api==$TRUE | $is_hp_tdm_api==$TRUE | $is_fs == $TRUE){
$config_zapata = $FALSE;
#------------------------------BRI FUNCTIONS------------------------------------#
sub get_bri_country {
$def_bri_country = "europe";
return $def_bri_country;
sub get_woomera_group{
if($#silent_woomera_groups >= 0){
return $silent_woomera_group;
my $group;
my $res_group=&prompt_user("\nInput the group for this port\n",$def_woomera_group);
while(length($res_group)==0 |!($res_group =~/(\d+)/)| $res_group eq '0'){
print "Invalid group, input an integer greater than 0\n";
$res_group=&prompt_user("Input the group for this port",$def_woomera_group);
return $def_woomera_group;
sub get_bri_default_tei{
# if($silent==$TRUE){
# if($#silent_woomera_groups >= 0){
# $silent_woomera_group=pop(@silent_woomera_groups);
# }
# return $silent_woomera_group;
# }
my $res_default_tei;
$res_default_tei=&prompt_user("\nInput the TEI for this port \n",$def_bri_default_tei);
while(length($res_default_tei)==0 |!($res_default_tei =~/(\d+)/)){
print "Invalid TEI value, must be an integer\n";
$res_default_tei=&prompt_user("Input the TEI for this port ",$def_bri_default_tei);
$res_default_tei =~ /(\d+)/;
if( $1 < 0 | $1 > 127) {
print "Invalid TEI value, must be between 0 and 127\n";
goto get_bri_default_tei;
return $def_bri_default_tei;
sub get_bri_operator {
#warning returning ETSI
$def_bri_operator = "etsi";
return $def_bri_operator;
my @options = ( "European ETSI Technical Comittee", "France Telecom VN2", "France Telecom VN3",
"France Telecom VN6", "Deutsche Telekom 1TR6", "British Telecom ISDN2",
"Belgian V1", "Sweedish Televerket", "ECMA 143 QSIG");
my @options_val = ("etsi", "ft_vn2", "ft_vn3", "ft_vn6", "dt_1tr6", "bt_isdn2", "bg_vi", "st_swd", "ecma_qsi");
my $res = &prompt_user_list(@options,$def_switchtype);
my $i;
for $i (0..$#options){
if ( $res eq @options[$i] ){
return @options_val[$i];
print "Internal error: Invalid PRI switchtype\n";
exit 1;
sub write_bri_conf{
my $bri_file="";
open(FH, "$bri_conf_template") or die "cannot open $bri_conf_template";
while (<FH>) {
$bri_file .= $_;
close (FH);
open(FH, ">$bri_conf_file") or die "cannot open $bri_conf_file";
print FH $bri_file;
sub write_woomera_conf{
my $woomera_file="";
open(FH, "$woomera_conf_template") or die "cannot open $woomera_conf_template";
while (<FH>) {
$woomera_file .= $_;
close (FH);
open(FH, ">$woomera_conf_file") or die "cannot open $woomera_conf_file";
print FH $woomera_file;
sub get_bri_conn_type{
my ($port)=@_;
if($#silent_bri_conn_types >= 0){
return $silent_bri_conn_type;
printf("\nSelect connection type for port %d\n", $port);
my $conn_type;
my @options = ( "Point to multipoint", "Point to point");
my @options_val = ("point_to_multipoint", "point_to_point");
my $res = &prompt_user_list(@options,$def_bri_conn_type);
my $i;
for $i (0..$#options){
if ( $res eq @options[$i] ){
return @options_val[$i];
print "Internal error: Invalid BRI connection type\n";
exit 1;
sub config_bri{
if($is_smg!=$TRUE && $is_trixbox==$FALSE && $is_fs==$FALSE){
my $a50x;
if (!$first_cfg && $silent==$FALSE) {
print "------------------------------------\n";
print "Configuring ISDN BRI cards [A500/B700]\n";
print "------------------------------------\n";
my $skip_card=$FALSE;
foreach my $dev (@hwprobe) {
if ( $dev =~ /.*AFT-A(\d+)(.*):.*SLOT=(\d+).*BUS=(\d+).*PORT=(\d+).*HWEC=(\w+).*/ ||
$dev =~ /.*AFT-B(\d+)(.*):.*SLOT=(\d+).*BUS=(\d+).*PORT=(\d+).*HWEC=(\w+).*/){
if ($1 eq '500' || ($1 eq '700' && $5 < '5')){
my $card = eval {new Card(); } or die ($@);
my $hwec=0;
if($6 gt 0){
if ($hwec==0){
if ($card->card_model eq '500' || $card->card_model eq '700'){
if($5 eq '1'){
if ($silent==$FALSE) {
print "\n-----------------------------------------------------------\n";
print "A$1 detected on slot:$3 bus:$4\n";
print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n";
printf ("\nWould you like to configure AFT-%s port %s on slot:%s bus:%s\n",
get_card_name($card->card_model), $5, $3, $4);
my @options=("YES", "NO", "Exit");
} else {
if($def_bri_option eq 'YES'){
$bri_conf.="\n;Sangoma AFT-".get_card_name($1)." port $5 [slot:$3 bus:$4 span:$current_tdmapi_span]";
}elsif($def_bri_option eq 'NO'){
print "Exit without applying changes?\n";
if (&prompt_user_list(("YES","NO","YES")) eq 'YES'){
print "No changes made to your configuration files.\n\n";
exit 0;
} else {
goto select_bri_option;
if ($skip_card==$FALSE){
$startup_string.="wanpipe$devnum ";
$cfg_string.="wanpipe$devnum ";
$a50x = eval {new A50x(); } or die ($@);
if ($silent==$FALSE){
if ($card->hwec_mode eq "YES"){
if ($card->hw_dtmf eq "YES"){
} else {
printf ("%s on slot:%s bus:%s port:%s not configured\n", get_card_name($card->card_model), $3, $4, $5);
prompt_user("Press any key to continue");
}elsif (($dev =~ /(\d+):NT/ |
$dev =~ /(\d+):TE/ )&
$skip_card==$FALSE ){
my $context="";
my $group="";
my $bri_pos=$a50x->card->tdmv_span_no;
printf("\nConfiguring port %d on AFT-%s [slot:%d bus:%d span:%d]\n", $a50x->fe_line(), get_card_name($a50x->card->card_model()), $a50x->card->pci_slot(), $a50x->card->pci_bus(), $current_tdmapi_span-1);
my $conn_type=get_bri_conn_type($a50x->fe_line());
my $country=get_bri_country();
my $operator=get_bri_operator();
if( ($is_trixbox==$TRUE && $silent==$FALSE)){
if ( $dev =~ /(\d+):NT/ ){
} else {
} elsif ($is_fs == $TRUE) {
if ( $dev =~ /(\d+):NT/ ){
} else {
}else {
#if a context has already been assigned to this group, do not prompt for options
foreach my $f_group (@woomera_groups) {
if($f_group eq $group){
if(!($context eq "WOOMERA_NO_CONFIG")){
if ( $dev =~ /(\d+):NT/ ){
$context=get_woomera_context($group, $a50x->card->card_model(),$a50x->fe_line(),'bri_nt');
} else {
$context=get_woomera_context($group, $a50x->card->card_model(),$a50x->fe_line(),'bri_te');
push(@woomera_groups, $group);
if ($os_type_list =~ m/FreeBSD/){
} else {
# $a50x->gen_wanpipe_conf();
if ( $dev =~ /(\d+):NT/ ){
$bri_conf.=$a50x->gen_bri_conf($bri_pos,"bri_nt", $group, $country, $operator, $conn_type, '');
if($is_fs == $TRUE) {
my $boostspan = eval { new boostspan();} or die ($@);
my $openzapspan = $current_tdmapi_span-1;
# $boostspan->print();
} else {
my $current_bri_default_tei='127';
if ($def_bri_default_tei_opt==$TRUE){
printf("\nConfiguring span:%s as TEI:%s\n", $bri_pos, $current_bri_default_tei);
my @options = ("YES - Keep this setting", "NO - Specify a different TEI");
my $res = &prompt_user_list(@options, "YES");
if ($res =~ m/NO/) {
if ($def_bri_default_tei_opt==$FALSE){
$bri_conf.=$a50x->gen_bri_conf($bri_pos,"bri_te", $group, $country, $operator, $conn_type, '');
} else {
$bri_conf.=$a50x->gen_bri_conf($bri_pos,"bri_te", $group, $country, $operator, $conn_type, $current_bri_default_tei);
if($is_fs == $TRUE) {
my $boostspan = eval { new boostspan();} or die ($@);
my $openzapspan = $current_tdmapi_span-1;
# $boostspan->print();
if(!($context eq "WOOMERA_NO_CONFIG") && $config_woomera==$TRUE){
$woomera_conf.=$a50x->gen_woomera_conf($group, $context);
print("\nISBN BRI card configuration complete\n\n");
} else {
print("\nNo Sangoma ISDN BRI cards detected\n\n");
prompt_user("Press any key to continue");
#------------------------------T1/E1 FUNCTIONS------------------------------------#
sub get_te_ref_clock{
my @list_normal_clocks=@_;
my @f_list_normal_clocks;
my $f_port;
foreach my $port (@list_normal_clocks) {
if ($port eq '0'){
$f_port = "Free run";
} else {
$f_port = "Port ".$port;
push(@f_list_normal_clocks, $f_port);
my $res = &prompt_user_list(@f_list_normal_clocks, "Free run");
my $i;
for $i (0..$#f_list_normal_clocks){
if ( $res eq @f_list_normal_clocks[$i] ){
return @list_normal_clocks[$i];
print "Internal error: Invalid reference clock\n";
exit 1;
sub prompt_user_hw_dchan{
my ($card_model, $port, $port_femedia) = @_;
my $res_dchan='';
my $dchan;
printf("Hardware HDLC can be performed on the data channel.\n");
$res_dchan = &prompt_user("Select the data channel on A$card_model, port:$port, select 0 for unused.\n","0");
while(length($res_dchan)==0 |!($res_dchan =~/(\d+)/)){
print "Invalid channel, input an integer (0 for unused).\n";
$res_dchan=&prompt_user("Select the data channel","0");
if ( $res_dchan < 0){
printf("Error: channel cannot have negative value\n");
goto prompt_hw_dchan;
if ( $port_femedia eq 'T1' && $res_dchan > 24){
printf("Error: only 24 channels available on T1\n");
goto prompt_hw_dchan;
}elsif ($port_femedia eq 'E1' && $res_dchan > 31){
printf("Error: only 31 channels available on E1\n");
goto prompt_hw_dchan;
if ($res_dchan == 0){
printf("HW HDLC channel not used\n");
printf("HW HDLC channel set to:%d\n", $res_dchan);
return $res_dchan;
sub get_zapata_group{
my ($card_model,$card_port,$context)=@_;
my $group='';
if($#silent_zapata_groups >= 0){
$silent_zapata_group =
return $silent_zapata_group;
if($context eq "from-zaptel"){
return $group;
}elsif($context eq "from-internal"){
return $group;
print "Internal error:invalid group for Trixbox\n";
if($context eq "from-pstn"){
}elsif($context eq "from-internal"){
my $res_group=&prompt_user("\nInput the group for this port\n",$def_zapata_group);
while(length($res_group)==0 |!($res_group =~/(\d+)/)){
print "Invalid group, input an integer.\n";
$res_group=&prompt_user("Input the group for this port",$def_zapata_group);
return $group;
sub prompt_hw_dtmf {
#HW DTMF not supported in the 3.2 drivers
# return "NO";
if( $no_hwdtmf == $TRUE){
return "NO";
print("Would you like to enable hardware DTMF detection?\n");
my @options = ("YES","NO");
$def_hw_dtmf = prompt_user_list(@options, $def_hw_dtmf);
return $def_hw_dtmf;
sub prompt_hw_fax {
#HW DTMF not supported in the 3.2 drivers
# return "NO";
if( $no_hwdtmf == $TRUE){
return "NO";
print("Would you like to enable hardware fax detection?\n");
my @options = ("YES","NO");
$def_hw_fax = prompt_user_list(@options, $def_hw_fax);
return $def_hw_fax;
sub prompt_tdm_law {
print("Which codec will be used?\n");
my @options = ("MULAW - North America","ALAW - Europe");
my @options_val = ("MULAW", "ALAW");
my $res = &prompt_user_list(@options, $def_tdm_law);
my $i;
for $i (0..$#options){
if ( $res eq @options[$i] ){
return @options_val[$i];
print "Internal error: Invalid TDM LAW type\n";
exit 1;
sub prompt_tdm_opemode {
print("Which Operation Mode will be used?\n");
my @options = ("FCC","TBR21","AUSTRALIA");
my $def_tdm_opermode = &prompt_user_list(@options, $def_tdm_opermode);
return $def_tdm_opermode;
sub get_pri_switchtype {
my @options = ( "National ISDN 2", "Nortel DMS100", "AT&T 4ESS", "Lucent 5ESS", "EuroISDN", "Old National ISDN 1", "Q.SIG" );
my @options_val = ( "national", "dms100", "4ess", "5ess", "euroisdn", "ni1", "qsig" );
my $res = &prompt_user_list(@options,$def_switchtype);
my $i;
for $i (0..$#options){
if ( $res eq @options[$i] ){
return @options_val[$i];
print "Internal error: Invalid PRI switchtype\n";
exit 1;
sub gen_ss7_voicechans{
my @ss7_array = @_;
my $T1CHANS = pop(@ss7_array);
my $count = @ss7_array;
my $output ='';
my $chan_in = 1;
my $chan_de = 0;
my $flag = 0;
my $i = 0;
my $j = 0;
while($i < $count){
$j = $i + 1;
if ($ss7_array[$i] > 2 && $i == 0){
$chan_de = $ss7_array[$i] - 1;
$output .= "1-$chan_de";
$flag = 1;
}elsif ($ss7_array[$i] == 2 && $i == 0){
$output .= "1";
$flag = 1;
if ($ss7_array[$j] == ($ss7_array[$i] + 1) && $j < $count){
goto Incrementing;
}elsif ($ss7_array[$i] == $T1CHANS && $i == ($count-1)){
goto Incrementing;
if ($i < ($count-1)){
$chan_in = $ss7_array[$i]+1;
if ($chan_in < ($ss7_array[$j]-1)){
$chan_de = $ss7_array[$j] - 1;
if ($flag != 0){
$output .= ".$chan_in-$chan_de";
$output .= "$chan_in-$chan_de";
$flag = 1;
if ($flag != 0){
$output .= ".$chan_in";
$output .= "$chan_in";
$flag = 1;
$chan_in = $ss7_array[$i]+1;
if ($chan_in < $T1CHANS){
$chan_de = $T1CHANS;
if ($flag != 0){
$output .= ".$chan_in-$chan_de";
$output .= "$chan_in-$chan_de";
$flag = 1;
if ($flag != 0){
$output .= ".$T1CHANS";
$output .= "$T1CHANS";
$flag = 1;
return $output;
sub prompt_user_ss7_chans{
my @ss7_string = @_;
my $def_ss7_group_chan = '';
my $ss7_group_chan=&prompt_user("$ss7_string[0]",$def_ss7_group_chan);
CHECK1: while (length($ss7_group_chan)==0 |!($ss7_group_chan =~ /^\d+$/)){
print("ERROR: Invalid channel number, input an integer only.\n\n");
if ($line_media eq 'T1'){
while ($ss7_group_chan>24 || $ss7_group_chan<1){
print("Invalid channel number, there are only 24 channels in T1.\n\n");
goto CHECK1;
}elsif ($line_media eq 'E1'){
while ($ss7_group_chan>31 || $ss7_group_chan<1){
print("Invalid channel number, there are only 31 channels in E1.\n\n");
goto CHECK1;
return $ss7_group_chan;
sub config_t1e1{
if (!$first_cfg && $silent==$FALSE) {
print "---------------------------------------------\n";
print "Configuring T1/E1 cards [A101/A102/A104/A108]\n";
print "---------------------------------------------\n";
foreach my $dev (@hwprobe) {
if ( $dev =~ /A(\d+)(.*):.*SLOT=(\d+).*BUS=(\d+).*CPU=(\w+).*PORT=(\w+).*/){
if ( ! ($1 eq '200' | $1 eq '400' | $1 eq '500' | $1 eq '600') ){
#do not count analog devices
my $card = eval {new Card(); } or die ($@);
my $hwec=0;
if($dahdi_installed == $TRUE) {
if ( $dev =~ /HWEC=(\d+)/){
if($1 gt 0){
if ( $dev =~ /A(\d+)(.*):.*SLOT=(\d+).*BUS=(\d+).*CPU=(\w+).*PORT=(\w+).*/){
my $abc=0;
if ($hwec==0){
my $port=$6;
if ($6 eq 'PRI') {
if ( $card->card_model eq '101' |
$card->card_model eq '102' |
$card->card_model eq '104' |
$card->card_model eq '108' ){
if (!$first_cfg && $silent==$FALSE) {
if (($6 eq '1' || $6 eq 'PRI') && $5 eq 'A'){
print "A$1 detected on slot:$3 bus:$4\n";
@device_normal_clocks = ("0");
my $msg ="Configuring port ".$port." on A".$card->card_model." slot:".$card->pci_slot." bus:".$card->pci_bus.".\n";
print "\n-----------------------------------------------------------\n";
print "$msg";
print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n";
my $fe_media = '';
if ($silent==$TRUE){
if($#silent_femedias >= 0){
$fe_media = $silent_femedia;
} else {
printf ("\nSelect media type for AFT-A%s on port %s [slot:%s bus:%s span:$devnum]\n", $card->card_model, $port, $card->pci_slot, $card->pci_bus);
my @options = ("T1", "E1", "Unused","Exit");
$fe_media = prompt_user_list( @options, $def_femedia);
if ( $fe_media eq 'Exit'){
print "Exit without applying changes?\n";
if (&prompt_user_list(("YES","NO","YES")) eq 'YES'){
print "No changes made to your configuration files.\n\n";
exit 0;
}elsif ( $fe_media eq 'Unused'){
my $msg= "A$1 on slot:$3 bus:$4 port:$port not configured\n";
print "$msg";
prompt_user("Press any key to continue");
if ($card->hwec_mode eq 'YES' && $device_has_hwec==$FALSE){
$cfg_string.="wanpipe$devnum ";
my $a10x;
if ($1 !~ m/104/ && $2 !~ m/SH/) {
if($is_hp_tdm_api == $TRUE){
#hp_tdm_api uses same templates:)
$a10x = eval {new A10x(); } or die ($@);
$a10x = eval {new A10u(); } or die ($@);
if ($5 eq "A") {
} else {
} else {
$a10x = eval {new A10x(); } or die ($@);
if ($dev =~ /A(\d+)(.*):.*SLOT=(\d+).*BUS=(\d+).*CPU=(\w+).*PORT=(\w+).*/){
my $abc=0;
if ( $fe_media eq 'T1' ){
$max_chans = 24;
$line_media = 'T1';
if(!($def_felcode eq 'B8ZS' || $def_felcode eq 'AMI')){
if(!($def_feframe eq 'ESF' || $def_feframe eq 'D4')){
if ($silent==$FALSE){
printf ("Configuring port %s on AFT-A%s as: %s, coding:%s, framing:%s.\n",
my @options = ("YES - Keep these settings", "NO - Configure line coding and framing");
my $res = &prompt_user_list(@options, "YES");
if ($res =~ m/NO/){
printf("Select line coding for port %s on %s\n", $port, $card->card_model);
my @options = ("B8ZS", "AMI");
$def_felcode= &prompt_user_list(@options, $def_felcode);
printf("Select framing for port %s on %s\n", $port, $card->card_model);
@options = ("ESF", "D4");
$def_feframe= &prompt_user_list(@options, $def_feframe);
} else {
if($#silent_felcodes >= 0){
if(!($def_felcode eq 'B8ZS' || $def_felcode eq 'AMI')){
if($#silent_feframes >= 0){
if(!($def_feframe eq 'ESF' || $def_feframe eq 'D4')){
}else{ #fe_media = E1
$max_chans = 31;
$line_media = 'E1';
if(!($def_felcode eq 'HDB3' || $def_felcode eq 'AMI')){
if(!($def_feframe eq 'CRC4' || $def_feframe eq 'NCRC4' || $def_feframe eq 'UNFRAMED')){
if ($silent==$FALSE){
printf ("Configuring port %s on %s as %s, line coding:%s, framing:%s \n",
my @options = ("YES - Keep these settings", "NO - Configure line coding and framing");
my $res = &prompt_user_list(@options, "YES");
if ($res =~ m/NO/){
printf("Select line coding for port %s on %s\n", $port, $card->card_model);
my @options = ("HDB3", "AMI");
$def_felcode= &prompt_user_list(@options, $def_felcode);
printf("Select framing for port %s on %s\n", $port, $card->card_model);
@options = ("CRC4", "NCRC4","UNFRAMED");
$def_feframe = &prompt_user_list(@options, $def_feframe);
# printf("Select signalling mode for port %s on %s\n", $port, $card->card_model);
# my @options = ("CCS - Clear channel signalling ", "CAS");
# $def_te_sig_mode = &prompt_user_list(@options, $def_te_sig_mode);
} else {
if($#silent_felcodes >= 0){
if(!($def_felcode eq 'HDB3' || $def_felcode eq 'AMI')){
if($#silent_feframes >= 0){
if(!($def_feframe eq 'CRC4' || $def_feframe eq 'NCRC4' || $def_feframe eq 'UNFRAMED')){
my @options = ("NORMAL", "MASTER");
printf ("Select clock for AFT-%s on port %s [slot:%s bus:%s span:$devnum]\n", get_card_name($card->card_model), $port, $card->pci_slot, $card->pci_bus);
$def_feclock=&prompt_user_list(@options, $def_feclock);
} else {
if($#silent_feclocks >= 0){
if ( $def_feclock eq 'NORMAL') {
push(@device_normal_clocks, $a10x->fe_line);
} elsif ( $def_feclock eq 'MASTER' && $device_has_normal_clock == $TRUE ){
printf("Clock synchronization options for %s on port %s [slot:%s bus:%s span:$devnum] \n",
printf(" Free run: Use internal oscillator on card [default] \n");
printf(" Port N: Sync with clock from port N \n\n");
printf("Select clock source %s on port %s [slot:%s bus:%s span:$devnum]\n", $card->card_model, $port, $card->pci_slot, $card->pci_bus);
my @options="";
if ($is_smg==$TRUE && $zaptel_dahdi_installed==$TRUE){
@options = ("PRI CPE", "PRI NET", "E & M", "E & M Wink", "FXS - Loop Start", "FXS - Ground Start", "FXS - Kewl Start", "FX0 - Loop Start", "FX0 - Ground Start", "FX0 - Kewl Start", "SS7 - Sangoma Signal Media Gateway", "No Signaling (Voice Only)");
} elsif ($is_smg==$TRUE && $zaptel_dahdi_installed==$FALSE){
@options = ("SS7 - Sangoma Signal Media Gateway", "No Signaling (Voice Only)");
} elsif ($is_tdm_api==$TRUE){
$def_signalling="TDM API";
} elsif ($is_hp_tdm_api==$TRUE){
$def_signalling="HPTDM API";
} else {
@options = ("PRI CPE", "PRI NET", "E & M", "E & M Wink", "FXS - Loop Start", "FXS - Ground Start", "FXS - Kewl Start", "FX0 - Loop Start", "FX0 - Ground Start", "FX0 - Kewl Start");
if ($silent==$FALSE){
if( $is_tdm_api == $FALSE && $is_hp_tdm_api == $FALSE ){
printf ("Select signalling type for AFT-%s on port %s [slot:%s bus:%s span:$devnum]\n", get_card_name($card->card_model), $port, $card->pci_slot, $card->pci_bus);
} else {
if($#silent_signallings >= 0){
if($is_tdm_api == $TRUE){
$def_signalling="TDM API";
} elsif ($is_hp_tdm_api == $TRUE){
$def_signalling="HPTDM API";
} else {
if ($fe_media eq 'E1') {
if (($def_signalling eq 'TDM API' ||$def_signalling eq 'HPTDM API') & $silent==$FALSE){
printf("Select signalling mode for port %s on %s\n", $port, $card->card_model);
my @options=("CCS","CAS");
$def_te_sig_mode=&prompt_user_list(@options, $def_te_sig_mode);
} elsif ($def_signalling eq 'PRI CPE' |
$def_signalling eq 'PRI NET' |
$def_signalling eq 'SS7 - Sangoma Signal Media Gateway'|
$def_signalling eq 'No Signaling (Voice Only)'){
} else {
my $ss7_chan;
my $ss7_group_start;
my $ss7_group_end;
my @ss7_chan_array;
my @ss7_sorted;
if( $a10x->signalling eq 'SS7 - Sangoma Signal Media Gateway' ){
my @options="";
print("Select an option below to configure SS7 signalling channels:\n");
@options =("Configure SS7 XMPT2 Only",
"Configure SS7 XMPT2 + Voice");
$def_is_ss7_xmpt2_only = &prompt_user_list(@options, "$def_is_ss7_xmpt2_only");
if($def_is_ss7_xmpt2_only=~ m/Only/){
$is_ss7_xmpt2_only = $TRUE;
$is_ss7_xmpt2_only = $FALSE;
print("Choose an option below to configure SS7 signalling channels:\n");
@options =("Configure individual signalling channels(e.g #1,#10)",
"Configure consecutive signalling channels(e.g #1-#16)");
my $res = &prompt_user_list(@options, "");
if ( $res eq 'Configure individual signalling channels(e.g #1,#10)'){
goto SS7CHAN;
while (1){
print("\nAny other SS7 signalling channel to configure?\n");
if (&prompt_user_list("YES","NO","") eq 'NO'){
$ss7_chan = prompt_user_ss7_chans('Specify the channel for SS7 signalling(24 for T1? 16 for E1?)');
push(@ss7_chan_array, $ss7_chan);
$ss7_array_length = @ss7_chan_array;
if ($ss7_array_length == $max_chans){
goto SS7GROUP;
print("\nAny other SS7 consecutive signalling channels to configure?\n");
if (&prompt_user_list("YES","NO","") eq 'NO'){
$ss7_group_start = prompt_user_ss7_chans('Consecutive signalling channels START FROM channel number');
$ss7_group_end = prompt_user_ss7_chans('Consecutive signalling channels END AT channel number');
if ($ss7_group_start > $ss7_group_end){
print("The starting channel number is bigger than the ending one!\n");
goto SS7GROUP;
my $i = 0;
for ($i = $ss7_group_start; $i <= $ss7_group_end; $i++){
push(@ss7_chan_array, $i);
my @remove_duplicate;
@ss7_chan_array = grep(!$remove_duplicate[$_]++, @ss7_chan_array);
$ss7_array_length = @ss7_chan_array;
if ($ss7_array_length > $max_chans){
print("\nERROR : You defined more than $max_chans signalling channels in $line_media and please try to configure them again.\n\n");
@ss7_chan_array = ();
goto SS7GROUP;
if ($ss7_array_length == $max_chans){
@ss7_sorted = sort { $a <=> $b } @ss7_chan_array;
print("\nYou configured the following SS7 signalling channels: @ss7_sorted\n");
my $ss7_voicechans = gen_ss7_voicechans(@ss7_sorted,$max_chans);
$ss7_tdmvoicechans = $ss7_voicechans;
if ($is_ss7_xmpt2_only ==$FALSE){
if ($ss7_voicechans =~ m/(\d+)/){
#wanrouter start/stop for signalling span is controlled by ss7boxd
#$startup_string.="wanpipe$devnum ";
}elsif ( $a10x->signalling eq 'No Signaling (Voice Only)'){
$startup_string.="wanpipe$devnum ";
}elsif ($a10x->signalling eq 'TDM API'){
if ($a10x->te_sig_mode eq "CAS"){
} else {
$a10x->hw_dchan(&prompt_user_hw_dchan($card->card_model, $port, $a10x->fe_media));
$startup_string.="wanpipe$devnum ";
}elsif ($a10x->signalling eq 'HPTDM API'){
@options = ("160","80", "40");
if ($silent==$FALSE){
printf ("Select Chunk Size for AFT-%s on port %s [slot:%s bus:%s]\n", get_card_name($card->card_model), $port, $card->pci_slot, $card->pci_bus);
my @options="";
if ($a10x->te_sig_mode eq "CAS"){
} else {
@ss7_chan_array=&prompt_user_hw_dchan($card->card_model, $port, $a10x->fe_media);
@ss7_sorted = sort { $a <=> $b } @ss7_chan_array;
my $ss7_voicechans = gen_ss7_voicechans(@ss7_sorted,$max_chans);
$ss7_tdmvoicechans = $ss7_voicechans;
if ($ss7_voicechans =~ m/(\d+)/){
#wanrouter start/stop for signalling span is controlled by ss7boxd
$startup_string.="wanpipe$devnum ";
if ($ss7_sorted[0]==0) {
my $no_chans = $max_chans - 1;
$startup_string.="wanpipe$devnum ";
if ( $a10x->signalling eq 'PRI CPE' | $a10x->signalling eq 'PRI NET' ){
if ($silent==$FALSE && $config_zapata==$TRUE){
printf ("Select switchtype for AFT-%s on port %s \n", get_card_name($card->card_model), $port);
} else {
if($#silent_pri_switchtypes >= 0){
# prompt the user if they would like to enable HW DTMF...HW_DTMF needs to be disabled for SMG
if (!($a10x->signalling eq 'SS7 - Sangoma Signal Media Gateway'| $a10x->signalling eq 'No Signaling (Voice Only)')){
if ($silent==$FALSE){
if ($card->hwec_mode eq "YES"){
if ($card->hw_dtmf eq "YES"){
} else {
} else {
if($#silent_hwdtmfs >= 0){
if ($card->hwec_mode eq "YES" && $no_hwdtmf==$FALSE){
} else {
#wanpipe gen section
if( $a10x->signalling eq 'SS7 - Sangoma Signal Media Gateway' ){
if ($ss7_tdmvoicechans ne ''){
my $ss7_element;
foreach $ss7_element (@ss7_sorted){
if ($os_type_list =~ m/FreeBSD/){
} else {
if ($ss7_tdmvoicechans ne ''){
foreach $ss7_element (@ss7_sorted){
}elsif ($a10x->signalling =~ m/HPTDM/){
if ($ss7_tdmvoicechans ne ''){
my $ss7_element;
foreach $ss7_element (@ss7_sorted){
if ($ss7_element != 0) {
if ($os_type_list =~ m/FreeBSD/){
} else {
if ($ss7_tdmvoicechans ne ''){
prompt_user("Press any key to continue");
if (@ss7_sorted != 0) {
foreach $ss7_element (@ss7_sorted){
if ($ss7_element != 0) {
if ($os_type_list =~ m/FreeBSD/){
} else {
if ($is_smg==$TRUE && $config_zapata==$FALSE){
if (!($a10x->signalling eq 'SS7 - Sangoma Signal Media Gateway'
| $a10x->signalling eq 'No Signaling (Voice Only)')){
}elsif ($is_smg==$TRUE && $config_zapata==$TRUE){
if (!($a10x->signalling eq 'SS7 - Sangoma Signal Media Gateway'| $a10x->signalling eq 'No Signaling (Voice Only)')){
}elsif ($is_trixbox==$TRUE | $config_zapata==$TRUE){
printf ("Configuring port %s on AFT-%s as a full %s\n", $a10x->fe_line(), get_card_name($a10x->card->card_model()),$a10x->fe_media());
my $res=&prompt_user_list("YES - Use all channels", "NO - Configure for fractional","YES");
if ($res =~ m/NO/){
my $max_chan=0;
if($a10x->fe_media eq 'T1'){
} else {
my $first_chan = &get_chan_no("first",1,$max_chan-1);
my $last_chan = &get_chan_no("last",$first_chan,$max_chan);
} else {
if($#silent_first_chans >= 0){
$silent_first_chan = pop(@silent_first_chans);
$silent_last_chan = pop(@silent_last_chans);
if($silent_first_chan != 0){
}elsif ($is_tdm_api == $FALSE && $is_hp_tdm_api == $FALSE ){
# done with this port time to move on to the next port
my $msg ="\nPort ".$port." on AFT-A".$card->card_model." configuration complete...\n";
print "$msg";
prompt_user("Press any key to continue");
print("\nT1/E1 card configuration complete.\n");
prompt_user("Press any key to continue");
# close SCR;
#------------------------------ANALOG FUNCTIONS------------------------------------#
sub config_analog{
my $a20x;
if (!$first_cfg && $silent==$FALSE) {
print "------------------------------------\n";
print "Configuring analog cards [A200/A400/B600/B700]\n";
print "------------------------------------\n";
my $skip_card=$FALSE;
if($is_tdm_api == $FALSE && $is_hp_tdm_api == $FALSE && $is_fs == $FALSE) {
foreach my $dev (@hwprobe) {
if ( ($dev =~ /(\d+).(\w+\w+).*SLOT=(\d+).*BUS=(\d+).*CPU=(\w+).*PORT=(\w+).*HWEC=(\d+)/) ||
($dev =~ /(\d+).(\w+\w+).*SLOT=(\d+).*BUS=(\d+).*(\w+).*PORT=(\d+).*HWEC=(\d+)/)){
my $card = eval {new Card(); } or die ($@);
my $hwec=$7;
if($dahdi_installed == $TRUE) {
if ($hwec==0){
if ($card->card_model eq '200' || $card->card_model eq '400' || $card->card_model eq '600' || ($card->card_model eq '700' && $6 == '5')){
if($silent==$FALSE) {
print "\n-----------------------------------------------------------\n";
print "A$1 detected on slot:$3 bus:$4\n";
print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n";
if ($silent==$FALSE){
printf ("\nWould you like to configure AFT-%s on slot:%d bus:%s\n",
get_card_name($card->card_model), $3, $4);
if (&prompt_user_list(("YES","NO","")) eq 'NO'){
if ($skip_card==$FALSE){
$a20x = eval {new A20x(); } or die ($@);
if ( $device_has_hwec==$TRUE && $silent==$FALSE){
print "Will this AFT-A$1 synchronize with an existing Sangoma T1/E1 card?\n";
print "\n WARNING: for hardware and firmware requirements, check:\n";
print " http://wiki.sangoma.com/t1e1analogfaxing\n";
if (&prompt_user_list(("NO","YES","")) eq 'NO'){
} else {
if ($silent==$FALSE){
if ($card->hwec_mode eq "YES"){
if ($card->hw_dtmf eq "YES"){
} else {
if ($card->card_model eq '700'){
} else {
} else {
if($#silent_hwdtmfs >= 0){
if ($card->hwec_mode eq "YES" && $no_hwdtmf==$FALSE){
} else {
if($#silent_tdm_laws >= 0){
$startup_string.="wanpipe$devnum ";
$cfg_string.="wanpipe$devnum ";
prompt_user("Press any key to continue");
my $i;
if( $is_tdm_api == $FALSE) {
printf ("AFT-%s configured on slot:%d bus:%d span:%s\n", get_card_name($1), $3, $4,$current_zap_span);
$zaptel_conf.="#Sangoma AFT-".get_card_name($1)." [slot:$3 bus:$4 span:$current_zap_span] <wanpipe".$a20x->card->device_no.">\n";
$zapata_conf.=";Sangoma AFT-".get_card_name($1)." [slot:$3 bus:$4 span:$current_zap_span] <wanpipe".$a20x->card->device_no.">\n";
printf ("AFT-%s configured on slot:%s bus:%s span:$current_tdmapi_span\n", get_card_name($1), $3, $4);
if ($os_type_list =~ m/FreeBSD/){
} else {
printf ("AFT-%s on slot:%s bus:%s not configured\n",
get_card_name($1), $3, $4);
prompt_user("Press any key to continue");
}elsif ( $dev =~ /(\d+):FXS/ & $skip_card==$FALSE){
if( $is_tdm_api==$FALSE) {
my $zap_pos = $1+$current_zap_channel-25;
if($silent==$TRUE & $silent_zapata_context_opt == $TRUE){
if($#silent_zapata_contexts >= 0){
} else {
}elsif ($is_fs==$TRUE){#do fs conf
$openzap_pos=$1+10-10;#to remove leading zero
my $analogspan = eval { new analogspan();} or die ($@);
my $openzapspan = $current_tdmapi_span-1;
}elsif ( $dev =~ /(\d+):FXO/ & $skip_card==$FALSE ){
if( $is_tdm_api==$FALSE) {
my $zap_pos = $1+$current_zap_channel-25;
if($silent==$TRUE & $silent_zapata_context_opt == $TRUE){
if($#silent_zapata_contexts >= 0){
} else {
}elsif ($is_fs==$TRUE){#do fs conf
$openzap_pos=$1+10-10;#to remove leading zero
my $openzapspan = $current_tdmapi_span-1;
my $analogspan = eval { new analogspan();} or die ($@);
print("\nAnalog card configuration complete\n\n");
if( $silent==$FALSE){
prompt_user("Press any key to continue");
sub config_tdmv_dummy
my $command='';
if( $num_digital_devices == 0 && $num_analog_devices == 0 && $num_usb_devices == 0 && $num_bri_devices !=0 && $zaptel_dahdi_installed==$TRUE && $os_type_list =~ m/Linux/ && $silent == $FALSE && $is_fs == $FALSE ){
print("Would you like to configure A500 BRI card as timing source for $zaptel_string?\n");
print("(Visit http://wiki.sangoma.com/wanpipe-linux-asterisk-appendix#bri-tdmv for more information)\n");
if(&prompt_user_list("YES", "NO" ,"") =~ m/YES/){
$command=("sed -i -e 's/TDMV_DUMMY.*/\TDMV_DUMMY_REF = YES/' $current_dir/$cfg_dir/wanpipe1.conf");
if ( system($command) == 0){
printf("TDMV $zaptel_string Timer Enabled\n");
prompt_user("Press any key to continue");
printf("Failed to Enable TDMV $zaptel_string Timer for A500\n");
printf("Please contact Sangoma Tech Support\n");
exit 1;
sub config_usbfxo{
my $u10x;
if (!$first_cfg && $silent==$FALSE) {
print "------------------------------------\n";
print "Configuring USB devices [U100]\n";
print "------------------------------------\n";
my $skip_card=$FALSE;
if($is_tdm_api == $FALSE) {
foreach my $dev (@hwprobe) {
if ( $dev =~ m/ *.(\D\d+).*BUSID=(\d-\d.*\s).* /){
my $card = eval {new Card(); } or die ($@);
if ($card->card_model eq 'U100'){
if($silent==$FALSE) {
print "\n-----------------------------------------------------------\n";
print "USB $1 detected on bus:$2\n";
print "-----------------------------------------------------------\n";
if ($silent==$FALSE){
print "\nWould you like to configure USB $1 on bus:$2\n";
if (&prompt_user_list(("YES","NO","")) eq 'NO'){
if ($skip_card==$FALSE){
$u10x = eval {new U10x(); } or die ($@);
if ($silent==$FALSE){
} else {
if($#silent_tdm_laws >= 0){
$startup_string.="wanpipe$devnum ";
$cfg_string.="wanpipe$devnum ";
prompt_user("Press any key to continue");
my $i;
if( $is_tdm_api == $FALSE) {
print "$1 configured on bus:$2 span:$current_zap_span\n";
$zaptel_conf.="#Sangoma USB $1 [bus:$2 span:$current_zap_span] <wanpipe".$u10x->card->device_no.">\n";
$zapata_conf.=";Sangoma A$1 [slot:$3 bus:$4 span:$current_zap_span] <wanpipe".$u10x->card->device_no.">\n";
print "A$1 configured on slot:$3 bus:$4 span:$current_tdmapi_span\n";
if ($os_type_list =~ m/FreeBSD/){
} else {
for (my $mod = 0; $mod <= 1; $mod++){
my $zap_pos = $mod+$current_zap_channel-2;
if($silent==$TRUE & $silent_zapata_context_opt == $TRUE){
if($#silent_zapata_contexts >= 0){
} else {
print "$1 on bus:$2 not configured\n";
prompt_user("Press any key to continue");
print("\nUSB analog card configuration complete\n\n");
if( $silent==$FALSE){
prompt_user("Press any key to continue");
sub write_openzap_conf{
my $openzap='';
$openzap.="[span wanpipe boostbri]\n";
$openzap.="trunk_type => bri\n";
foreach my $span (@boostbrispan){
my $boostbrispan=$span;
$openzap.="b-channel => ";
$openzap.="[span wanpipe FXS]\n";
$openzap.="name => OpenZAP\n";
foreach my $span (@fxsspan){
my $fxsspan=$span;
$openzap.="fxs-channel => ";
$openzap.="[span wanpipe FX0]\n";
$openzap.="name => OpenZAP\n";
foreach my $span (@fxospan){
my $fxospan=$span;
$openzap.="fxo-channel => ";
#need to fix properly
my $openzap_file="";
open(FH, "$openzap_conf_template") or die "cannot open $woomera_conf_template";
while (<FH>) {
$openzap_file .= $_;
close (FH);
open(FH, ">$openzap_conf_file") or die "cannot open $woomera_conf_file";
print FH $openzap_file;
return ;
sub config_smg_ctrl_boot {
#smg_ctrl must start after network
my $network_start_level=10;
my $smg_ctrl_start_level=11;
my $res='YES';
my $script_name='smg_ctrl';
my $command='';
my @boot_scripts= ('smg_ctrl','smg_ctrl_safe');
foreach my $boot_scripts (@boot_scripts) {
print"Remvoing old $boot_scripts boot";
if ($have_update_rc_d) {#debian/ubuntu
$command = "update-rc.d -f $boot_scripts remove >>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null";
if (system($command) == 0){
} else {
$command="rm -f $rc_dir/rc?.d/*$boot_scripts >/dev/null 2>/dev/null";
if (system($command) == 0){
if($num_bri_devices == 0 || $no_smgboot== $TRUE){
print ("Would you like $script_name to start on system boot?\n");
$res= &prompt_user_list("YES","NO","");
if($res eq "NO"){
exec_command("cp -f $current_dir/templates/smg_ctrl_safe $rc_dir/init.d/smg_ctrl_safe");
print "Verifying Network boot scripts...";
$command="find $rc_dir/rc".$current_run_level.".d/*network >/dev/null 2>/dev/null";
if (system($command) == 0){
$command="find $rc_dir/rc".$current_run_level.".d/*network";
if ($res =~ /.*S(\d+)network/){
print "Enabled (level:$network_start_level)\n";
} else {
print "\nfailed to parse network boot level, assuming $network_start_level";
}elsif(system("find $rc_dir/rcS.d/*networking >>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null") == 0){#ubuntu debian fix
$command="find $rc_dir/rcS.d/*networking ";
if ($res =~ /.*S(\d+)network/){
print "Enabled (level:$network_start_level)\n";
} else {
print "\nfailed to parse network boot level, assuming $network_start_level";
}else {
print "Not installed\n";
if ($network_start_level != 0 && $network_start_level > $zaptel_start_level){
print "Enabling smg_ctrl start scripts...(level:$smg_ctrl_start_level)\n";
#install smg_ctrl in init.d for both safe and regular mode
$command="install -D -m 755 /usr/sbin/smg_ctrl $rc_dir/init.d/smg_ctrl";
if(system($command) !=0){
print "Failed to install smg_ctrl start scripts to $rc_dir/init.d/smg_ctrl";
print "smg_ctrl start scripts not installed";
return 1;
my $smg_ctrl_start_script='';
if($smg_ctrl_start_level < 10){
} else {
print "Enabling $script_name boot scripts ...(level:$smg_ctrl_start_level)\n";
if ($have_update_rc_d) {
$command = "update-rc.d $script_name defaults $smg_ctrl_start_level 20";
if (system($command .' >>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null') !=0 ) {
print "Command failed: $command\n";
}else {
my @run_levels= ("2","3","4","5");
foreach my $run_level (@run_levels) {
$command="ln -sf $rc_dir/init.d/$script_name ".$rc_dir."/rc".$run_level.".d/".$smg_ctrl_start_script;
if(system($command) !=0){
print "Failed to install $script_name init script to $rc_dir/rc$run_level.d/$smg_ctrl_start_script\n";
print "$script_name start scripts not installed\n";