
463 lines
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/// \file SangomaPort.h
/// \brief This file contains the declaration of the SangomaPort class
#ifdef WIN32
#define __WINDOWS__
#include <windows.h>
#include <string>
#include "PortBuffer.h"
// Forward declarations to limit the third-party Sangoma includes to the .cpp file only.
struct sangoma_wait_obj;
typedef sangoma_wait_obj sangoma_wait_obj_t;
class sangoma_interface;
#ifdef LINUX
typedef pthread_mutex_t CRITICAL_SECTION;
struct wanpipe_api;
typedef wanpipe_api wanpipe_api_t;
namespace Sangoma {
// Read/Write error codes
const int ERROR_NO_DATA_AVAILABLE = -1; ///< Error code indicating that a SangomaPort::Read was attempted when no data was available (indicates a possible abuse of the API by polling for data instead of waiting for the DataAvailableEvent)
const int ERROR_INVALID_DESTINATION_BUFFER = -2; ///< Error code indicating that the destination buffer provided to SangomaPort::Read was NULL
const int ERROR_INVALID_SOURCE_BUFFER = -3; ///< Error code indicating that the source buffer provided to SangomaPort::Write was NULL
const int ERROR_NO_DATA_WRITTEN = -4; ///< Error code indicating that the SangomaPort::Write command failed
const int ERROR_PORT_NOT_OPEN = -5; ///< Error code indicating that the Read or Write command failed because the port has not been opened. Call SangomaPort::Open() successfully before attempting to Read or Write.
const int ERROR_INVALID_DESTINATION_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL = -6; ///< Error code indicating that the destination buffer provided to SangomaPort::Read was to small to contain a full buffer's worth of data (configuration error)
const int ERROR_INVALID_READ_REQUEST = -7; ///< Error code indicating that the input to SangomaPort::Read was invalid
/// \todo Add more detailed read/write failure codes as available from the API (more detail is better)
const int ERROR_DEVICE_IOCTL = -8; ///< Error code indicating that DeviceIoControl() for API Device Driver failed. Check '/System32/drivers/wanpipelog.txt' messages log for details.
const int ERROR_INVALID_TX_DATA_LENGTH = -8; ///< Error code indicating that SangomaPort::Write failed because user data was too long.
const std::string NO_ERROR_OCCURRED = ""; ///< String indicating that no error occurred on the last operation (returned by GetLastError() when the last operation was successful)
const unsigned int MAX_SANGOMA_BUFFER_SIZE = 8188; ///< Maximum Sangoma buffer size in bytes
const unsigned int ALARM_WAIT_TIME_MS = 30000; ///< The number of milliseconds that the Sangoma API must wait in order to be able to reliably report the absence of alarms.
/// If GetAlarms() is called before this amount of time has elapsed after setting a configuration, the card will always
/// report no alarms, giving a false positive that we have found synchronization.
/// \enum E1OrT1
/// \brief Enumeration indicating whether a port is in E1 or T1 mode
enum E1OrT1 {
E1=32, ///< Indicates that the port is configured as an E1 port
T1=24 ///< Indicates that the port is configured as a T1 port
/// \enum FramingType
/// \brief Enumeration indicating the framing type and signaling of the port
enum FramingType {
//DAVIDR: i added the UNFRAMED E1 types
E1_CCS_UNFRAMED, ///< Indicates that Common Channel Signalling (CCS) with Unframed E1, all 32 timeslots available for the E1 port
E1_CAS_UNFRAMED, ///< Indicates that Channel Associated Signaling (CAS) with Unframed E1, all 32 timeslots available for the E1 port
E1_CAS_CRC4_ON, ///< Indicates that Channel Associated Signaling (CAS) with CRC4 is the framing type for the E1 port
E1_CAS_CRC4_OFF, ///< Indicates that Channel Associated Signaling (CAS) with no CRC4 is the framing type for the E1 port
E1_CCS_CRC4_ON, ///< Indicates that Common Channel Signalling (CCS) with CRC4 is the framing type for the E1 port
E1_CCS_CRC4_OFF, ///< Indicates that Common Channel Signalling (CCS) with no CRC4 is the framing type for the E1 port
T1_EXTENDED_SUPERFRAME, ///< Indicates that Extended Superframe (ESF, also called D5 framing) is the framing type for the T1 port
T1_SUPERFRAME ///< Indicates that Superframe (also called D4 or D3/D4 framing) is the framing type for the T1 port
#define DECODE_FRAMING(framing)\
(framing == E1_CCS_UNFRAMED)? "E1_CCS_UNFRAMED" : \
(framing == E1_CAS_UNFRAMED)? "E1_CAS_UNFRAMED" : \
(framing == E1_CAS_CRC4_ON) ? "E1_CAS_CRC4_ON" : \
(framing == E1_CAS_CRC4_OFF)? "E1_CAS_CRC4_OFF" : \
(framing == E1_CCS_CRC4_ON) ? "E1_CCS_CRC4_ON" : \
(framing == E1_CCS_CRC4_OFF)? "E1_CCS_CRC4_OFF" : \
(framing == T1_SUPERFRAME) ? "T1_SUPERFRAME" : "???"
#define DECODE_CARD_TYPE(type) \
(type == A104)? "A104" : \
(type == A108)? "A108" : \
(type == A116)? "A116" : \
(type == T116)? "T116" : "Invalid Card"
//DAVIDR: On E1 line Sangoma card provides access to timeslot 0 ONLY if Framing is "Unframed E1".
/// \enum LineCoding
/// \brief Enumeration indicating whether line coding is on or off for the port
enum LineCoding {
OFF, ///< Indicates that line coding is off (meaning set to the default AMI value)
ON ///< Indicates that line coding is on (meaning B8ZS for T1, and HDB3 for E1)
DAVIDR: Receiver Sensitivity (Max Cable Loss Allowed) (dB)
The user will have the following option to choose:
30 dB
22.5 dB
17.5 dB
12 dB
Depending on selection, use the following values:
2. NORMAL mode:
12 dB
18 dB
30 dB
36 dB (for T1)
43 dB (for E1)
Depending on selection, use the following values:
typedef enum SNG_API_MODE{
} sng_api_mode_t;
/// \struct Configuration
/// \brief Structure containing all settings necessary to configure a Sangoma port
struct Configuration {
Sangoma::E1OrT1 E1OrT1; ///< Configures the port as either E1 or T1
FramingType Framing; ///< Framing type and signalling of the E1/T1 port
Sangoma::LineCoding LineCoding; ///< Indicates whether line coding is ON or OFF
bool HighImpedanceMode; ///< true to indicate High Impedance mode is to be enabled, false to disable it
MAX_CABLE_LOSS MaxCableLoss; ///< If High Impedance is true, indicates value of external resistor.
bool TxTristateMode; ///< If true, indicates transmitter is disabled on T1/E1 level.
bool Master; ///< If true, configure for master clock
int dchan; ///< Integer value of a dchan
int chunk_ms; ///< Integer value of ms chunk size default 20 (160bytes per timeslot)
sng_api_mode_t api_mode;
int dchan_seven_bit;
int dchan_mtp1_filter;
/// \fn Configuration::Configuration()
/// \brief Constructor (for the Configuration structure)
/// \author J. Markwordt
/// \date 10/04/2007
/// \struct Statistics
/// \brief Structure containing all statistics related to a Sangoma port
struct Statistics {
// The following time values are to be calculated using the time() function found in time.h. This
// is standard ANSI C and returns the current time as the number of seconds elapsed since midnight
// on January 1, 1970. Operations involving elapsed time can then be done by subtracting from
// current time (or some other instant) and converting to hours, minutes and seconds
// The function struct tm * localtime(const time_t * timer); will convert the time to a tm structure
// that is broken into date and time fields
// Statistics maintained in software by the SangomaPort class
time_t TimeLastOpened; ///< System time of the last time this port was opened
time_t TimeLastClosed; ///< System time of the last time this port was closed
time_t TimeLastFoundSync; ///< System time of the last time this port found sync with a valid configuration
time_t TimeLastLostSync; ///< System time of the last time this port lost sync when already in sync
unsigned int OpenCount; ///< Count of the number of times the port was opened (i.e. number of times SangomaPort::Open() returned successfully)
unsigned int CloseCount; ///< Count of the number of times the port was closed (i.e. number of times SangomaPort::Close() returned successfully)
unsigned int FoundSyncCount; ///< Count of the number of times synchronization was found on the port (i.e. number of times sync was found when the port was opened)
unsigned int LostSyncCount; ///< Count of the number of times synchronization was lost on the port (i.e. number of times the LineDisconnected event was raised, since both indicate a loss of sync on the line)
// Statistics maintained in hardware, a command will have to be sent to the port to retrieve this data
unsigned int BytesReceived; ///< Number of bytes received on this port
unsigned int BytesSent; ///< Number of bytes transmitted from this port
unsigned int Errors; ///< Number of bytes transmitted from this port
/// \fn Statistics::Statistics()
/// \brief Constructor (for the Statistics structure)
/// \author J. Markwordt
/// \date 10/04/2007
/// \struct Alarms
/// \brief Structure containing a series off boolean flags to indicate the presence of Sangoma
/// hardware alarms. If true, indicates that the given alarm is present, if false indicates
/// that the alarm is not present.
struct Alarms {
bool LossOfSignal; ///< Indicates that the Loss of Signal (ALOSV) alarm is present if true
bool ReceiveLossOfSignal; ///< Indicates that the Receive Loss of Signal (LOS) alarm is present if true
bool AlternateLossOfSignalStatus; ///< Indicates that the Alternate loss of Signal Status (ALTLOS) alarm is present if true
bool OutOfFrame; ///< Indicates that the Out of Frame (OOF) alarm is present if true
bool Red; ///< Indicates that the Telco Red Alarm condition (RED) is present if true
bool AlarmIndicationSignal; ///< Indicates that the Alarm Indication Signal (AIS) is present if true
bool LossOfSignalingMultiframe; ///< Indicates that the Loss of Signaling Multiframe (OOSMFV) alarm is present if true
bool LossOfCrcMultiframe; ///< Indicates that the Loss of CRC Multiframe (OOCMFV) alarm is present if true
bool OutOfOfflineFrame; ///< Indicates that the Out of Off-Line Frame (OOOFV) alarm is present if true
bool ReceiveLossOfSignalV; ///< Indicates that the Receive Loss of Signal (RAIV) alarm is present if true
bool Yellow; ///< Indicates that the Receive Telco Yellow Alarm (YEL) is present if true
Alarms(); ///< Constructor
Alarms(bool value) ///< Constructor
LossOfSignal = value;
ReceiveLossOfSignal = value;
AlternateLossOfSignalStatus = value;
OutOfFrame = value;
Red = value;
AlarmIndicationSignal = value;
LossOfSignalingMultiframe = value;
LossOfCrcMultiframe = value;
OutOfOfflineFrame = value;
ReceiveLossOfSignalV = value;
Yellow = value;
/// \struct DriverVersion
/// \brief Structure containing the driver version number
struct DriverVersion {
unsigned int Major; ///< The major version number of the driver (i.e. the 1 in
unsigned int Minor; ///< The minor version number of the driver (i.e. the 2 in
unsigned int Build; ///< The build version number of the driver (i.e. the 3 in
unsigned int Revision; ///< The revision version number of the driver (i.e. the 4 in
DriverVersion(); ///< Constructor
std::string ToString(); // G3 specific change
/// \enum PortEventType
/// \brief Enumeration indicating the type of event that that triggered a call to the PortEventHandler
enum PortEventType {
Unsignalled, ///< Default value, indicates that the event has not been signalled (should not be seen in actual events that are triggered)
ReadDataAvailable, ///< Indicates that the read buffer is full (SangomaPort::Read() can be called to service the buffer)
LineConnected, ///< Indicates that a port that was unoccupied has had an E1/T1 line plugged in
LineDisconnected, ///< Indicates that a port that had an E1/T1 line plugged in has had the line disconnected
TransmitBufferAvailable ///< Indicated that a port has at least one free Transmit buffer.
/// \struct PortEvent
/// \brief Structure representing an event that occurred on a port within the card
struct PortEvent {
PortEventType EventType; ///< Status code indicating the type of event that occured
sangoma_wait_obj_t *EventHandle; ///< Handle to the Sangoma waitable object
PortEvent(); ///< Constructor
/// \struct BufferSettings
/// \brief Structure containing settings for configuring the host memory buffers assigned to a
/// Sangoma port. Data is transferred to host memory via DMA, and an event is set to indicate
/// that the buffers are full and read to be read, so it is inportant to configure the host
/// memory buffers to the needs of your application. Sangoma defines a MRU/MTU of 8188 bytes
/// (the maximum size of an HDLC frame) and assigns buffers of this size to a port (although
/// data is always read or written in even frames of 8184 bytes for T1 and 8160 for E1
/// (32 timeslots).
/// The size of the buffers will be configurable in multiples of this 8188 bytes enforced
/// by hardware, such that 8188 * BufferMultiplierFactor = BufferSize (i.e. a BufferMultiplierFactor
/// of 4 will result in BufferSize = 4 * 8188 = 32752 byes).
/// Multiple buffers are assigned for transmit and receiving to queue a certain amount of
/// data. These are configured by setting NumberOfBuffersPerPort. If you intend to only
/// use a SangomaPort for either receive or transmit, the NumberOfBuffersPerPort for that
/// set of buffers can be set to 0 (SangomaPort also has special constructors which are
/// for receive-only or transmit-only ports).
struct BufferSettings {
unsigned int BufferMultiplierFactor; ///< Number to multiply the MAX_SANGOMA_BUFFER_SIZE by in order to get the size of the buffers allocated in host memory
unsigned int NumberOfBuffersPerPort; ///< Number of buffers in host memory that will be dedicated to with receiving or transmitting data on this port.
const static unsigned int MAXIMUM_BUFFER_MULTIPLIER_FACTOR;
const static unsigned int MINIMUM_BUFFER_MULTIPLIER_FACTOR;
// G3 specific change start
/// \fn BufferSettings::BufferSettings()
/// \brief Constructor to set the members to default values
/// \fn BufferSettings::Reset()
/// \brief Set the members to default values
void Reset()
BufferMultiplierFactor = 0;
NumberOfBuffersPerPort = 0;
// G3 specific change end
/// \class SangomaPort
/// \brief This class encapsulates the functionality of a physical Sangoma port found on the
/// A104 and A108 card models.
/// \author J. Markwordt
/// \date 10/03/2007
class SangomaPort {
const unsigned int card_number,
const unsigned int port_number,
const BufferSettings& ReceiveBufferSettings,
const BufferSettings& TransmitBufferSettings);
bool Open(const Configuration& configuration);
bool Close();
int Read(unsigned int event_flag); ///< Reads Rx data or an Event and places them in the ReceiveBuffer.
///< Returns reason for wait object being signaled
unsigned char *GetRxDataBuffer();
unsigned int GetRxDataLength();
int Write(unsigned char* p_source_buffer, const unsigned int bytes_to_write); ///< Writes the specified number of bytes from the source buffer to the port
bool GetSynchronizationStatus();
unsigned int GetCardNumber() const {return CardNumber;}
unsigned int GetPortNumber() const; ///< Returns this port's number
bool GetConfiguration(Configuration& current_configuration);
PortEvent GetEvent() const; ///< Return the PortEvent associated with this port
bool GetIsOpen(); ///< Return true if this port is currently open, false otherwise
DriverVersion GetDriverVersion(); ///< Returns this port's driver version number
Statistics GetStatistics(); ///< Get the statistics for this port
void ClearStatistics(); ///< Clear the statistics for this port
void FlushBuffers(); ///< Clear the statistics for this port
Alarms GetAlarms(); ///< Retrieves the alarms from the hardware for this port
bool GetReceiverLevelInDb(float& receiver_level_in_db);
std::string GetLastError() const; ///< Returns a description of the last error that occurred (NO_ERROR_OCCURRED if the last command was successful)
PortBuffer *pReceiveBuffer; ///< Buffers allocated to receive data for this port
PortBuffer *pTransmitBuffer; ///< Buffers allocated to transmit data for this port
unsigned int GetUnmappedPortNumber();
int SetAndOpenTxFile(const char *szTxFileName); ///< Open a file which will be continuesly transmitted
int GetTransmitMtu() { return TxMtu; } ///< Provides the chunk size to be used each time data is written to the port. This changes based on the frame type.
int WriteChunkOfTxFile(); ///< Transmit a chunk of the TxFile
int LineLoopbackEnable(); ///< Enable line loopback for testing. All transmitted data will be also received locally. Requires the Port to be in Master clock mode.
int LineLoopbackDisable(); ///< Disable line loopback which was enabled by SangomaPort::LineLoopbackEnable()
unsigned int RxDiscardCounter; ///< Number of rx buffers to discard after LineConnected event (the buffers may contain idle data).
unsigned int RxCount; ///< Number of rx buffers to discard after LineConnected event (the buffers may contain idle data).
unsigned int SyncCount; ///< Number of rx buffers to discard after LineConnected event (the buffers may contain idle data).
unsigned int RxLength; ///< Number of rx buffers to discard after LineConnected event (the buffers may contain idle data).
unsigned int next_framing_type;
time_t rx_pkt_timeout;
// Copy constructor and assigment operator are made private
// and left unimplemented to ensure that the SangomaPort object cannot be copied
SangomaPort(const SangomaPort& port);
SangomaPort& operator=(const SangomaPort& rhs);
unsigned int CardNumber; ///< The number of the SangomaCard that this port is associated with (zero-indexed)
unsigned int PortNumber; ///< The number assigned to this port (zero-indexed)
PortEvent Event; ///< Event used to trigger port events with
bool IsOpen; ///< true if this port is currently open, false otherwise
Configuration CurrentConfiguration; ///< The current configuration of this port
Statistics PortStatistics; ///< Statistics related to this port (made member because some are maintained by the class, some are maintained by the hardware)
std::string LastError; ///< String description of the last error that occurred (should be set if an error occurs in any SangomaPort member functions, or NO_ERROR_OCCURRED if successful)
BufferSettings ReceiveBufferSettings; ///< These are the settings for the buffer that holds the data when it is received.
BufferSettings TransmitBufferSettings; ///< These are the settings for the buffer that holds the data that is to be transmitted.
sangoma_interface *pSangomaInterface;
CRITICAL_SECTION cs_CriticalSection;
void EnterPortCriticalSection();
void LeavePortCriticalSection();
int TryEnterPortCriticalSection();
int SetPortConfiguration(const Configuration & config);
/*! API header for rx data */
wp_api_hdr_t *rxhdr;
/*! API header for tx data */
wp_api_hdr_t *txhdr;
/*! API command structure used to execute API commands. This command structure is used with libsangoma library */
wanpipe_api_t *wp_api;
FILE *pTxFile;
int TxMtu;
}// namespace Sangoma
#endif //_SANGOMA_PORT_H