Building a Custom RPM --------------------- ./Setup buildrpm --with-linux= This command will create a custom rpm from for the current system. It will compile the wanpipe kernel modules for the linux source defined by the --with-linux option. Default is /usr/src/linux It will compile all wanpipe utilities using the current libraries. Prerequisites: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. The --with-linux directory must point to a configured (.config file must exist) kernel source. 2. The RPM will be build in a virtual directory called rpmbuild/. Thus, it will not pollute current environment except the patches added to the linux source directory. Manual RPM Build ---------------- In order to further customize a WANPIPE RPM user can manually create one. 1) Install WANPIPE package into a virtual directory (eg: /root/rpmbuild) ./Setup install silent --builddir=/root/rpmbuild --with-linux=/usr/src/linux 2) Customize the /root/rpmbuild directory. eg: Copy already created wanpipe1.conf configuration file into /root/rpmbuild/etc/wanpipe directory. This way the rpm can be installed and wanpipe drivers started without further re-configuration at the customer site. 3) The RPM spec file is located in rpmspec/ directory. Add any extra files into the %files list if needed. 4) Create the new rpm using the following command. rpm -ba --buildroot /root/buildrpm rpmspec/wanpipe.spec 5) The new binary rpm will be located in /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386 directory. 6) Test the rpm using: rpm -qipl The above command will display the installation tree of the new rpm.