#if defined WIN32 && defined NDEBUG #pragma optimize("gt",on) #endif #include #include #include #include #include "SangomaPort.h" #include "sangoma_interface.h" #include "driver_configurator.h" #ifdef linux #include #include #endif #ifndef INT_MAX #define INT_MAX ((int)(~0U>>1)) #endif #define DBG_PORT if(0)printf #define INFO_PORT if(0)printf //This macro is for Error reporting and should NOT be disabled. #define ERR_PORT if(0)printf("Error:%s():line:%d: ", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);if(0)printf #define DBG_OPEN if(0)printf #define PORT_FUNC() if(0)printf("%s(): Line: %u\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__) extern void print_data_buffer(unsigned char *buffer, int buffer_length); using namespace Sangoma; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \fn NotWhitespace(const char character) /// \brief Determines whether the specified character is a /// non-whitespace character. /// \param[in] character - The character to be examined. /// \return True if the character is a non-whitespace character /// or false if the character is a whitespace character. /// \author Kyle Hickernell /// \date 06/07/2011 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool NotWhitespace(const char character) { const int NON_WHITE_SPACE_RETURN_CODE = 0; bool character_is_whitespace = (NON_WHITE_SPACE_RETURN_CODE != isspace(character)); return !character_is_whitespace; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \fn ToFloat(const std::string& string_to_convert, float& float_value) /// \brief Converts a string to a float. /// \param[in] string_to_convert - The string to convert. /// \param[out] float_value - The converted float. If this function returns false, /// then this data should be considered invalid. /// \return True if the conversion succeeded. False otherwise. /// \author Luke Roling /// \date 09/16/2011 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool ToFloat(const std::string& string_to_convert, float& float_value) { // RESET THE OUTPUT PARAMETER TO A DEFAULT VALUE. float_value = 0; // CONVERT THE STRING TO A DOUBLE. // Set errno to 0 for error checking. #if defined WIN32 const int DEFAULT_ERRNO_VALUE = 0; errno_t set_errno_result = _set_errno(DEFAULT_ERRNO_VALUE); const int SET_ERRNO_SUCCESS = 0; bool set_errno_successfully = (SET_ERRNO_SUCCESS == set_errno_result); if(!set_errno_successfully) { // Return since the errno value could not be set. return false; } #elif defined LINUX errno = 0; #endif char* remaining_characters; double double_value = strtod(string_to_convert.c_str(), &remaining_characters); // VERIFY THAT THE CONVERSION WAS SUCCESSFUL. // Check if valid conversion occurred. const double POSSIBLE_CONVERSION_ERROR_OCCURRED = 0.0; bool possible_conversion_error_occurred = (POSSIBLE_CONVERSION_ERROR_OCCURRED == double_value); if (possible_conversion_error_occurred) { // Check if 0 was parsed. bool string_to_convert_valid = (string_to_convert.c_str() != remaining_characters); if (!string_to_convert_valid) { // The conversion failed due to the input string not containing valid digits, so exit here. return false; } } // Check if number parsed is out of range. bool double_value_in_range = (ERANGE != errno); if (!double_value_in_range) { // Conversion failed because the value was out of a Double's range, so exit here. return false; } // CHECK IF THERE ARE TRAILING INVALID CHARACTERS. // Since trailing whitespace characters are acceptable, the only // characters we are looking for are non-whitespace characters. std::string remaining_string = remaining_characters; std::string::iterator non_whitespace_character_index = std::find_if( remaining_string.begin(), remaining_string.end(), NotWhitespace); bool trailing_characters_valid = (remaining_string.end() == non_whitespace_character_index); if (!trailing_characters_valid) { // Conversion failed because invalid trailing characters were found, so exit here. return false; } // CHECK IF DOUBLE CAN BE CONVERTED TO FLOAT. // A float contains three different ranges. The first two ranges contain the possible positive // and negative values a float can represent. The third range is the value zero which does not // fall into the other two ranges. The diagram below shows the ranges on a number line. // // Float -Max Float -Min Float Min Float Max // |---------------------| | |---------------------| // |-------------------------------| | |-------------------------------| // Double -Max Double -Min 0 Double Min Double Max // <--------------------------------------Real Number line---------------------------------------> // Check if double is in the positive float range. const double MAX_POSITIVE_FLOAT = FLT_MAX; const double MIN_POSITIVE_FLOAT = FLT_MIN; bool double_value_is_in_valid_positive_range = ((double_value >= MIN_POSITIVE_FLOAT) && (double_value <= MAX_POSITIVE_FLOAT)); // Check if the double is zero which a float can represent. const double FLOAT_ZERO = 0; bool double_value_is_equal_to_zero = (double_value == FLOAT_ZERO); // Check if double is in the negative float range. const double MAX_NEGATIVE_FLOAT = -MAX_POSITIVE_FLOAT; const double MIN_NEGATIVE_FLOAT = -MIN_POSITIVE_FLOAT; bool double_value_is_in_valid_negative_range = ((double_value <= MIN_NEGATIVE_FLOAT) && (double_value >= MAX_NEGATIVE_FLOAT)); // Check if double falls into one of the float ranges. bool double_to_float_conversion_possible = ( double_value_is_in_valid_positive_range || double_value_is_equal_to_zero || double_value_is_in_valid_negative_range); if(!double_to_float_conversion_possible) { // Conversion failed because the double could not be converted to a float, so exit here. return false; } // Conversion was successful. float_value = static_cast(double_value); return true; } const unsigned int BufferSettings::MAXIMUM_BUFFER_MULTIPLIER_FACTOR = MAX_BUFFER_MULTIPLIER_FACTOR; const unsigned int BufferSettings::MINIMUM_BUFFER_MULTIPLIER_FACTOR = MIN_BUFFER_MULTIPLIER_FACTOR; const unsigned int BufferSettings::MINIMUM_NUMBER_OF_BUFFERS_PER_API_INTERFACE = MIN_NUMBER_OF_BUFFERS_PER_API_INTERFACE; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \fn Alarms::Alarms() /// \brief Constructor (for the Alarms structure) /// \author J. Markwordt /// \date 10/19/2007 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Alarms::Alarms() : LossOfSignal(false), ReceiveLossOfSignal(false), AlternateLossOfSignalStatus(false), OutOfFrame(false), Red(false), AlarmIndicationSignal(false), LossOfSignalingMultiframe(false), LossOfCrcMultiframe(false), OutOfOfflineFrame(false), ReceiveLossOfSignalV(false), Yellow(false) { } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \fn DriverVersion::DriverVersion() /// \brief Constructor (for the DriverVersion structure) /// \author J. Markwordt /// \date 10/19/2007 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DriverVersion::DriverVersion() : Major(0), Minor(0), Build(0), Revision(0) { } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \fn DriverVersion::ToString() /// \brief Converts the DriverVersion to a string. /// \return The string representation of the driver version (e.g. "") /// \author Kyle Hickernell /// \date 03/21/2011 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// std::string DriverVersion::ToString() { std::ostringstream driver_version; driver_version << Major << "." << Minor << "." << Build << "." << Revision; return driver_version.str(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \fn PortEvent::PortEvent() /// \brief Constructor (for the PortEvent structure) /// \author J. Markwordt /// \date 10/18/2007 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PortEvent::PortEvent() : EventType(Unsignalled), EventHandle(NULL) { } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \fn SangomaPort::SangomaPort(const unsigned int card_number, const unsigned int port_number, /// const BufferSettings & receive_buffer_settings, /// const BufferSettings & transmit_buffer_settings) /// \brief Constructor /// /// Sets the size and number of the port's buffers for transmit and recieve (see the /// BufferSettings structure for more details). Receive or transmit can be disabled, /// allowing more resources to be devoted to the other direction by setting the /// NumberOfBuffersPerPort for their respective BufferSettings structures. /// \param card_number unsigned int number of the SangomaCard that this port is part of /// (zero indexed) /// \param port_number unsigned int number of the port that this object represents /// (this is relative to the card and zero indexed, so the first /// port of both card 1 and 2 will be 0) /// \param receive_buffer_settings BufferSettings to configure the host memory buffers /// for receive operations on this port (set NumberOfBuffersPerPort /// to 0 to disable receiving data on this port) /// \param transmit_buffer_settings BufferSettings to configure the host memory buffers /// for transmit operations on this port (set NumberOfBuffersPerPort /// to 0 to disable transmitting data on this port) /// \author J. Markwordt /// \date 10/04/2007 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SangomaPort::SangomaPort(const unsigned int card_number, const unsigned int port_number, const BufferSettings & receive_buffer_settings, const BufferSettings & transmit_buffer_settings) : pReceiveBuffer(NULL), pTransmitBuffer(NULL), RxDiscardCounter(0), RxCount(0), SyncCount(0), RxLength(0), CardNumber(card_number), PortNumber(port_number), Event(), IsOpen(false), CurrentConfiguration(), PortStatistics(), LastError(NO_ERROR_OCCURRED), ReceiveBufferSettings(receive_buffer_settings), TransmitBufferSettings(transmit_buffer_settings), pSangomaInterface(NULL), cs_CriticalSection(), rxhdr(), txhdr(), wp_api(), pTxFile(NULL), TxMtu(INT_MAX) { PORT_FUNC(); DBG_PORT("%s(): card_number: %u, port_number: %u\n", __FUNCTION__, card_number, port_number); InitializeCriticalSection(&cs_CriticalSection); pSangomaInterface = new sangoma_interface(CardNumber, PortNumber); DBG_PORT("pSangomaInterface: 0x%p\n", pSangomaInterface); rxhdr = new wp_api_hdr_t(); txhdr = new wp_api_hdr_t(); wp_api = new wanpipe_api_t(); // Calculate the size of a host memory buffer by multiplying the maximum buffer size as defined // by the Sangoma API by a multiplier (buffer_multiplier_factor) for both the receive and transmit buffers pReceiveBuffer = new PortBuffer(sizeof(RX_DATA_STRUCT) * ReceiveBufferSettings.BufferMultiplierFactor); pTransmitBuffer = new PortBuffer(sizeof(TX_DATA_STRUCT) * TransmitBufferSettings.BufferMultiplierFactor); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \fn SangomaPort::~SangomaPort() /// \brief Destructor /// \author J. Markwordt /// \date 10/04/2007 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SangomaPort::~SangomaPort() { PORT_FUNC(); // If the has not been properly closed, close it if (IsOpen) { Close(); } delete rxhdr; delete txhdr; delete wp_api; // Deallocate Rx/Tx Port buffers delete pReceiveBuffer; delete pTransmitBuffer; if(pSangomaInterface != NULL){ delete pSangomaInterface; pSangomaInterface = NULL; } if (pTxFile) { fclose( pTxFile ); } PORT_FUNC(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \fn SangomaPort::SetPortConfiguration(const Configuration & config) /// \brief Implementation of Sangoma's low level API call to set port configuration - T1/E1. /// \author David Rokhvarg /// \date 11/08/2007 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int SangomaPort::SetPortConfiguration(const Configuration & config) { int return_code; sdla_fe_cfg_t sdla_fe_cfg; buffer_settings_t buffer_settings; std::ostringstream error_msg; driver_configurator *p_drv_cfg_obj = new driver_configurator(); if(p_drv_cfg_obj->init(CardNumber, pSangomaInterface->get_mapped_port_number())){ error_msg << "ERROR: " << __FUNCTION__ << "(): failed to initialize Sangoma Driver Configuration object"; LastError = error_msg.str(); delete p_drv_cfg_obj; return 1; } memset(&sdla_fe_cfg, 0x00, sizeof(sdla_fe_cfg_t)); switch(config.E1OrT1) { case T1: FE_LBO(&sdla_fe_cfg) = WAN_T1_LBO_0_DB;//important to set to a valid value for both T1 and E1!! FE_MEDIA(&sdla_fe_cfg) = WAN_MEDIA_T1; switch(config.LineCoding) { case OFF: FE_LCODE(&sdla_fe_cfg) = WAN_LCODE_AMI; break; case ON: FE_LCODE(&sdla_fe_cfg) = WAN_LCODE_B8ZS; break; default: error_msg << "ERROR: " << __FUNCTION__ << "(): T1 invalid lineCoding " << config.LineCoding; LastError = error_msg.str(); delete p_drv_cfg_obj; return 1; } switch(config.Framing) { case T1_EXTENDED_SUPERFRAME: FE_FRAME(&sdla_fe_cfg) = WAN_FR_ESF; break; case T1_SUPERFRAME: FE_FRAME(&sdla_fe_cfg) = WAN_FR_D4; break; default: error_msg << "ERROR: " << __FUNCTION__ << "(): T1: invalid Framing " << config.Framing; LastError = error_msg.str(); delete p_drv_cfg_obj; return 1; } FE_SIG_MODE(&sdla_fe_cfg) = WAN_TE1_SIG_CCS; FE_LBO(&sdla_fe_cfg) = WAN_T1_LBO_0_DB; //320*24=7680 TxMtu = 7680; break; case E1: FE_LBO(&sdla_fe_cfg) = WAN_E1_120;//important to set to a valid value for both T1 and E1!! FE_MEDIA(&sdla_fe_cfg) = WAN_MEDIA_E1; switch(config.LineCoding) { case OFF: FE_LCODE(&sdla_fe_cfg) = WAN_LCODE_AMI; break; case ON: FE_LCODE(&sdla_fe_cfg) = WAN_LCODE_HDB3; break; default: error_msg << "ERROR: " << __FUNCTION__ << "(): E1 invalid lineCoding " << config.LineCoding; LastError = error_msg.str(); delete p_drv_cfg_obj; return 1; } //FE_FRAME(&sdla_fe_cfg) = WAN_FR_CRC4; switch(config.Framing) { case E1_CAS_CRC4_ON: FE_FRAME(&sdla_fe_cfg) = WAN_FR_CRC4; FE_SIG_MODE(&sdla_fe_cfg) = WAN_TE1_SIG_CAS; //240*31=7440 TxMtu = 7440; break; case E1_CAS_CRC4_OFF: FE_FRAME(&sdla_fe_cfg) = WAN_FR_NCRC4; FE_SIG_MODE(&sdla_fe_cfg) = WAN_TE1_SIG_CAS; //240*31=7440 TxMtu = 7440; break; case E1_CCS_CRC4_ON: FE_FRAME(&sdla_fe_cfg) = WAN_FR_CRC4; FE_SIG_MODE(&sdla_fe_cfg) = WAN_TE1_SIG_CCS; //240*31=7440 TxMtu = 7440; break; case E1_CCS_CRC4_OFF: FE_FRAME(&sdla_fe_cfg) = WAN_FR_NCRC4; FE_SIG_MODE(&sdla_fe_cfg) = WAN_TE1_SIG_CCS; //240*31=7440 TxMtu = 7440; break; case E1_CAS_UNFRAMED: FE_FRAME(&sdla_fe_cfg) = WAN_FR_UNFRAMED; FE_SIG_MODE(&sdla_fe_cfg) = WAN_TE1_SIG_CAS; //240*32=7680 TxMtu = 7680; break; case E1_CCS_UNFRAMED: FE_FRAME(&sdla_fe_cfg) = WAN_FR_UNFRAMED; FE_SIG_MODE(&sdla_fe_cfg) = WAN_TE1_SIG_CCS; //240*32=7680 TxMtu = 7680; break; default: error_msg << "ERROR: " << __FUNCTION__ << "(): E1: invalid Framing " << config.Framing; LastError = error_msg.str(); delete p_drv_cfg_obj; return 1; } break; default: error_msg << "ERROR: " << __FUNCTION__ << "(): Invalid configuration! Not T1 or E1."; LastError = error_msg.str(); delete p_drv_cfg_obj; return 1; }//switch(config.e1Ort1) //FE_REFCLK(&sdla_fe_cfg) = 0; //optional /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //DAVIDR: for "TAPPING" set clock to WAN_NORMAL_CLK //FE_CLK(&sdla_fe_cfg) = WAN_NORMAL_CLK; //DAVIDR: for "PLAYBACK/RECORD" set clock to WAN_NORMAL_CLK or WAN_MASTER_CLK, // depending on how the other side is configured! if (config.Master) { FE_CLK(&sdla_fe_cfg) = WAN_MASTER_CLK; } else { FE_CLK(&sdla_fe_cfg) = WAN_NORMAL_CLK; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //DAVIDR: High Impedance can be used only with external filters installed!! FE_HIMPEDANCE_MODE(&sdla_fe_cfg) = (config.HighImpedanceMode == true ? WANOPT_YES:WANOPT_NO); FE_RX_SLEVEL(&sdla_fe_cfg) = config.MaxCableLoss; FE_TXTRISTATE(&sdla_fe_cfg) = (config.TxTristateMode == true ? WANOPT_YES:WANOPT_NO); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //The same buffer settings will be used in both directions - Tx and Rx. buffer_settings.buffer_multiplier_factor = ReceiveBufferSettings.BufferMultiplierFactor; buffer_settings.number_of_buffers_per_api_interface = ReceiveBufferSettings.NumberOfBuffersPerPort; p_drv_cfg_obj->set_dchan(config.dchan,config.dchan_seven_bit,config.dchan_mtp1_filter); p_drv_cfg_obj->set_chunk_ms(config.chunk_ms); p_drv_cfg_obj->set_span_api_mode(); switch (config.api_mode) { case SNG_SPAN_MODE: p_drv_cfg_obj->set_span_api_mode(); break; case SNG_CHAN_MODE: p_drv_cfg_obj->set_chan_api_mode(); buffer_settings.buffer_multiplier_factor=1; ReceiveBufferSettings.BufferMultiplierFactor=0; break; case SNG_DATA_MODE: p_drv_cfg_obj->set_data_api_mode(); buffer_settings.buffer_multiplier_factor=1; ReceiveBufferSettings.BufferMultiplierFactor=0; break; } return_code = p_drv_cfg_obj->set_t1_e1_configuration(&sdla_fe_cfg, &buffer_settings); delete p_drv_cfg_obj; return return_code; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \fn SangomaPort::Open(const Configuration & config) /// \brief Opens this port, setting its current configuration to the one provided /// \author J. Markwordt /// \date 10/05/2007 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool SangomaPort::Open(const Configuration & config) { LastError = NO_ERROR_OCCURRED; // Reset so if the function is successful GetLastError() will return NO_ERROR_OCCURRED EnterPortCriticalSection(); PORT_FUNC(); DBG_OPEN("%s(): CardNumber: %u, PortNumber: %u (mapped port: %u)\n", __FUNCTION__, CardNumber, PortNumber, pSangomaInterface->get_mapped_port_number()); DBG_PORT("%s, Framing: %u, lineCoding: %u, HighImpedanceMode: %u\n", (config.E1OrT1 == T1 ? "T1" : (config.E1OrT1 == E1 ? "E1" : "Error: Not T1 or E1")), config.Framing, config.LineCoding, config.HighImpedanceMode); // If the port is already opened, return false, it must be Closed first before it can be reopened if (IsOpen) { PORT_FUNC(); std::ostringstream error_msg; error_msg << "ERROR: SangomaPort::Open() failed to open, port " << GetPortNumber() << " is already opened."; error_msg << "SangomaPort::Close() must be called before attempting to reopen."; LastError = error_msg.str(); // Return false to indicate the open failed, but do not change // IsOpen since port is currently open in a valid configuration LeavePortCriticalSection(); return false; } // Apply configuration to the port after checking that the configuration is valid. if(SetPortConfiguration(config)){ PORT_FUNC(); std::ostringstream error_msg; error_msg << "ERROR: SangomaPort::SetPortConfiguration() failed for port " << GetPortNumber() << "."; LastError = error_msg.str(); Event.EventHandle = NULL; ERR_PORT("SetPortConfiguration() failed! (CardNumber: %u, PortNumber: %u (mapped port: %u))\n", CardNumber, PortNumber, pSangomaInterface->get_mapped_port_number()); //axit(1); LeavePortCriticalSection(); return false; } // Perform any operations necessary to open the port with the new configuration and prepare to receive data if(pSangomaInterface->init()){ PORT_FUNC(); std::ostringstream error_msg; error_msg << "ERROR: SangomaPort: pSangomaInterface->init() failed for port " << GetPortNumber() << "."; LastError = error_msg.str(); Event.EventHandle = NULL; ERR_PORT("pSangomaInterface->init() failed! (CardNumber: %u, PortNumber: %u (mapped port: %u))\n", CardNumber, PortNumber, pSangomaInterface->get_mapped_port_number()); //exit(1); LeavePortCriticalSection(); return false; } if(ReceiveBufferSettings.BufferMultiplierFactor && pSangomaInterface->set_buffer_multiplier(wp_api, ReceiveBufferSettings.BufferMultiplierFactor)){ PORT_FUNC(); std::ostringstream error_msg; error_msg << "ERROR: SangomaPort: pSangomaInterface->set_buffer_multiplier() failed for port " << GetPortNumber() << "."; LastError = error_msg.str(); Event.EventHandle = NULL; ERR_PORT("pSangomaInterface->set_buffer_multiplier() failed! (CardNumber: %u, PortNumber: %u (mapped port: %u))\n", CardNumber, PortNumber, pSangomaInterface->get_mapped_port_number()); //exit(1); LeavePortCriticalSection(); return false; } Event.EventHandle = pSangomaInterface->get_wait_object_reference(); // Store the time that this successful Open() occurred, both for statistics // purposes and so that we can calculate time elapsed since opening for // determining whether we have achieved synchronization. time(&PortStatistics.TimeLastOpened); DBG_PORT("%s(): PortStatistics.TimeLastOpened:%u (ptr: 0x%p)\n", __FUNCTION__, (uint32_t)PortStatistics.TimeLastOpened, &PortStatistics.TimeLastOpened); IsOpen = true; PORT_FUNC(); // Save the current configuration since it was successfully applied to the port CurrentConfiguration = config; LeavePortCriticalSection(); // Unless the port was successfully opened, IsOpen will still be false return IsOpen; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \fn SangomaPort::Close() /// \brief Closes this port /// \return true if the port was successfully closed, false if /// \author J. Markwordt /// \date 10/05/2007 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool SangomaPort::Close() { EnterPortCriticalSection(); PORT_FUNC(); LastError = NO_ERROR_OCCURRED; // Reset so if the function is successful GetLastError() will return NO_ERROR_OCCURRED DBG_OPEN("%s(): CardNumber: %u, PortNumber: %u (mapped port: %u)\n", __FUNCTION__, CardNumber, PortNumber, pSangomaInterface->get_mapped_port_number()); // If the port is not currently opened just return true, there is nothing to do if (!IsOpen) { LeavePortCriticalSection(); return true; // this is not an error, there is just nothing to do, already closed } IsOpen = false; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Signal the wait object BEFORE deleting it so anyone who is waiting will not use it anymore //sangoma_wait_obj_signal(pSangomaInterface->get_wait_object_reference()); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Perform actions to close and cleanup the port bool close_successful = false; if(pSangomaInterface->cleanup() == 0){ close_successful = true; }else{ ERR_PORT("CardNumber: %u, PortNumber: %u (mapped port: %u): failed the cleanup()!!\n", CardNumber, PortNumber, pSangomaInterface->get_mapped_port_number()); } if (close_successful) { // Store the time that this successful Close() occurred for statistical purposes time(&PortStatistics.TimeLastClosed); LeavePortCriticalSection(); return true; } LeavePortCriticalSection(); return false; } bool SangomaPort::GetIsOpen() { bool boolTmpIsOpen; if(TryEnterPortCriticalSection()){ //Do NOT wait! We only want to check, not actually wait for another thread to complete its work. return false; } boolTmpIsOpen = IsOpen; LeavePortCriticalSection(); return boolTmpIsOpen; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \fn SangomaPort::Read(unsigned int event_flag) /// \brief When the wait object for this port is signaled, this method is used to process the /// result. If the flag indicates a read event, then the data will be placed in the port's /// receive buffer. If the flag indicates a write event, then the method returns that a /// transmit buffer is available. If the flag indicates a status event, then the status /// event type will be returned. On error, the return value describes the error that occurred. /// /// \param[in] event_flag - An integer value representing the type of event to process. The value may /// be either POLLIN, POLLOUT, or POLLPRI. /// \return For each available event, the method's return value is defined below. /// /// Read Event (POLLIN): /// ReadDataAvailable - The data for the read event is available in the port's receive buffer. /// ERROR_NO_DATA_AVAILABLE - No data is available from the receiver. /// ERROR_PORT_NOT_OPEN - A read event cannot be processed on a closed port. /// ERROR_DEVICE_IOCTL - Failed to retrieve information from the driver. /// /// Write Event (POLLOUT): /// TransmitBufferAvailable - A buffer is available to transmit user data. /// ERROR_PORT_NOT_OPEN - A write event cannot be processed on a closed port. /// /// Line Status Event (POLLPRI): /// LineConnected - An line has been connected to the port. /// LineDisconnected - The line has been disconnected from the port. /// ERROR_PORT_NOT_OPEN - A status event cannot be processed on a closed port. /// ERROR_DEVICE_IOCTL - Failed to retrieve information from the driver. /// /// Invalid Event Flag: /// ERROR_INVALID_READ_REQUEST - The specified event flag is invalid. /// /// \author David Rokhvarg /// \date 11/15/2007 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int SangomaPort::Read(unsigned int event_flag) { int return_code = ERROR_NO_DATA_AVAILABLE; EnterPortCriticalSection(); // The port must have been successfully opened with a valid configuration before a read can be performed if (!IsOpen) { std::ostringstream error_msg; error_msg << "ERROR: SangomaPort::Read(unsigned char*, int) attempted when port " << GetPortNumber() << " had not been opened yet."; LastError = error_msg.str(); LeavePortCriticalSection(); return ERROR_PORT_NOT_OPEN; } switch(event_flag) { case POLLIN: if(pSangomaInterface->read_data(rxhdr, pReceiveBuffer->GetPortBuffer(), pReceiveBuffer->GetPortBufferSize())) { std::ostringstream error_msg; error_msg << "ERROR: read_data() failed! Port: " << GetPortNumber() << " error description: DeviceIoControl() failed\n"; LastError = error_msg.str(); LeavePortCriticalSection(); return ERROR_DEVICE_IOCTL; } break; case POLLPRI: if(pSangomaInterface->read_event(wp_api)) { std::ostringstream error_msg; error_msg << "ERROR: read_event() failed! Port: " << GetPortNumber() << " error description: DeviceIoControl() failed\n"; LastError = error_msg.str(); LeavePortCriticalSection(); return ERROR_DEVICE_IOCTL; } break; case POLLOUT: return_code = TransmitBufferAvailable; break; default: std::ostringstream error_msg; error_msg << "ERROR: SangomaPort::Read(unsigned int event_flag) for port " << GetPortNumber() << " invalid 'event_flag'=" << event_flag << "\n"; ERR_PORT("Port %u: SangomaPort::Read() invalid event_flag=0x%X!\n", GetPortNumber(), event_flag); LastError = error_msg.str(); LeavePortCriticalSection(); return ERROR_INVALID_READ_REQUEST; }//switch() if (POLLIN == event_flag) { switch (rxhdr->operation_status) { case SANG_STATUS_RX_DATA_AVAILABLE: return_code = ReadDataAvailable; pReceiveBuffer->SetUserDataLength(rxhdr->data_length); break; default: ERR_PORT("Port %u: Rx Error: Operation Status: %s (%d)\n", GetPortNumber(), SDLA_DECODE_SANG_STATUS(rxhdr->operation_status), rxhdr->operation_status); return_code = ERROR_NO_DATA_AVAILABLE; break; } } if (POLLPRI == event_flag) { wp_api_event_t *wp_tdm_api_event = &wp_api->wp_cmd.event; switch (wp_api->wp_cmd.result) { case SANG_STATUS_SUCCESS: switch(wp_tdm_api_event->wp_tdm_api_event_type) { case WP_TDMAPI_EVENT_LINK_STATUS: if(wp_tdm_api_event->wp_tdm_api_event_link_status == WAN_EVENT_LINK_STATUS_CONNECTED){ return_code = LineConnected; }else{ return_code = LineDisconnected; } break; case WP_TDMAPI_EVENT_ALARM: if(wp_tdm_api_event->wp_tdm_api_event_alarm == 0){ return_code = LineConnected; }else{ return_code = LineDisconnected; } } break; default: if (rxhdr->operation_status == SANG_STATUS_RX_DATA_AVAILABLE) { return_code = ReadDataAvailable; } else { ERR_PORT("Port %u: Event Error: Operation Status: %s (%d)\n", GetPortNumber(), SDLA_DECODE_SANG_STATUS(rxhdr->operation_status), rxhdr->operation_status); return_code = ERROR_NO_DATA_AVAILABLE; } break; } } if(return_code == ReadDataAvailable){ PortStatistics.BytesReceived += pReceiveBuffer->GetUserDataLength(); } LeavePortCriticalSection(); return return_code; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \fn SangomaPort::Write(unsigned char* p_source_buffer, const unsigned int bytes_to_write) /// \brief Writes the specified number of bytes from the source buffer to the port /// \param p_source_buffer Pointer to an array of unsigned chars used as the source of the /// data to write. Assumes that it contains at least bytes_to_write /// number of bytes. /// \param bytes_to_write the number of bytes to write to the port /// \return Zero if successful (all bytes are written) or one of the following error codes: /// ERROR_NO_DATA_WRITTEN - no data was able to be written on the port /// ERROR_INVALID_SOURCE_BUFFER - a NULL source buffer was provided so nothing was written /// ERROR_PORT_NOT_OPEN - Write attempted before the port had been opened /// \author J. Markwordt /// \date 10/15/2007 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int SangomaPort::Write(unsigned char* p_source_buffer, const unsigned int bytes_to_write) { EnterPortCriticalSection(); //PORT_FUNC(); // The port must have been successfully opened with a valid configuration before a write can be performed if (!IsOpen) { std::ostringstream error_msg; error_msg << "ERROR: SangomaPort::Write(unsigned char*, int) attempted when port " << GetPortNumber() << " had not been opened yet."; LastError = error_msg.str(); LeavePortCriticalSection(); return ERROR_PORT_NOT_OPEN; } // Check to make sure the source is valid before attempting to access it bool invalid_source_buffer = (NULL == p_source_buffer); if (invalid_source_buffer) { std::ostringstream error_msg; error_msg << "ERROR: SangomaPort::Write(unsigned char*, int) attempted with invalid source buffer on port " << GetPortNumber() << "."; LastError = error_msg.str(); LeavePortCriticalSection(); return ERROR_INVALID_SOURCE_BUFFER; } // Perform Sangoma API functions to write data to the port. if(bytes_to_write > pTransmitBuffer->GetPortBufferSize()){ std::ostringstream error_msg; error_msg << "ERROR: SangomaPort::Write(unsigned char*, int) attempted with Tx data length exceeding maximum " << GetPortNumber() << "."; LastError = error_msg.str(); LeavePortCriticalSection(); return ERROR_INVALID_TX_DATA_LENGTH; } pTransmitBuffer->SetUserDataLength(bytes_to_write); // //If src and dst buffers are the same, there is no need to copy the data because //it is already there. This is the case for TxFile (see code in WriteChunkOfTxFile()). // if (pTransmitBuffer->GetUserDataBuffer() != p_source_buffer) { memcpy(pTransmitBuffer->GetUserDataBuffer(), p_source_buffer, bytes_to_write); } int number_of_bytes_written = 0; memset(txhdr, 0x00, sizeof(*txhdr)); #if 0 if (GetPortNumber() == 0) { print_data_buffer((unsigned char*)pTransmitBuffer->GetUserDataBuffer(), pTransmitBuffer->GetUserDataLength()); } #endif if(pSangomaInterface->transmit(txhdr, pTransmitBuffer->GetUserDataBuffer(), pTransmitBuffer->GetUserDataLength())){ std::ostringstream error_msg; error_msg << "ERROR: SangomaPort::" << __FUNCTION__ << "() failed! Port: " << GetPortNumber() << " error description: DeviceIoControl() failed"; LastError = error_msg.str(); LeavePortCriticalSection(); return ERROR_DEVICE_IOCTL; } std::ostringstream error_msg; switch(txhdr->operation_status) { case SANG_STATUS_SUCCESS: PortStatistics.BytesSent += bytes_to_write; number_of_bytes_written = bytes_to_write; break; case SANG_STATUS_TX_TIMEOUT: error_msg << "ERROR: SangomaPort::" << __FUNCTION__ << "() failed! Port: " << GetPortNumber() << " error description: TX_TIMEOUT"; break; case SANG_STATUS_TX_DATA_TOO_LONG: error_msg << "ERROR: SangomaPort::" << __FUNCTION__ << "() failed! Port: " << GetPortNumber() << " error description: TX_DATA_TOO_LONG"; break; case SANG_STATUS_TX_DATA_TOO_SHORT: error_msg << "ERROR: SangomaPort::" << __FUNCTION__ << "() failed! Port: " << GetPortNumber() << " error description: TX_DATA_TOO_SHORT"; break; case SANG_STATUS_LINE_DISCONNECTED: error_msg << "ERROR: SangomaPort::" << __FUNCTION__ << "() failed! Port: " << GetPortNumber() << " error description: PORT_OUT_OF_SYNC"; break; default: break; }//switch() bool no_data_written = (0 == number_of_bytes_written); if (no_data_written) { LastError = error_msg.str(); LeavePortCriticalSection(); return ERROR_NO_DATA_WRITTEN; } LeavePortCriticalSection(); return 0;// ALL bytes were written } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \fn SangomaPort::GetSynchronizationStatus() /// \brief Returns whether the port has achieved frame synchronization using the current /// configuration. If the port has not yet been opened with a configuration, then this /// method will fail and return false. /// /// Frame synchronization is determined by checking the presence of Sangoma hardware /// alarms on the port. When the port is first opened, it is initialized with an alarm /// present. If frame synchronization is achieved, all hardware alarms are cleared. If /// frame synchronization is not achieved, alarms will remain present. /// /// Failing to achieve synchronization can be caused by the configuration being /// incompatible with the current data or by attenuation on the port. /// \return True if the port has achieved synchronization, false otherwise. /// \author Jeff Barbieri /// \date 12/29/2011 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool SangomaPort::GetSynchronizationStatus() { // ENTER A CRITICAL SECTION TO PROTECT HARDWARE RESOURCES FROM SIMULTANEOUS ACCESS. EnterPortCriticalSection(); // CHECK IF THE PORT IS OPEN. if (!IsOpen) { // Synchronization can only be achieved on an open port. LeavePortCriticalSection(); return false; } // CHECK IF HARDWARE ALARMS ARE PRESENT ON THE PORT. char alarms_present_result = pSangomaInterface->alarms_present(); const char ALARMS_PRESENT_RESULT_TRUE = 1; bool hardware_alarms_present_on_port = (ALARMS_PRESENT_RESULT_TRUE == alarms_present_result); if (hardware_alarms_present_on_port) { // Synchronization has not been achieved. LeavePortCriticalSection(); return false; } // SYNCHRONIZATION HAS BEEN ACHIEVED. // Update the port statistics to indicate that the port has found synchronization. time_t CurrentTime; time(&CurrentTime); PortStatistics.TimeLastFoundSync = CurrentTime; // Return true to indicate that synchronization has been achieved. LeavePortCriticalSection(); return true; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \fn SangomaPort::GetReceiverLevelInDb(float& receiver_level_in_db) /// \brief Returns the current receiver level reported by the front end E1/T1 framer on the /// Sangoma card. This is a relative value reported in decibels. The value is dependent /// on the current port configuration and is therefore only defined for an open port. /// \note The front end E1/T1 framer reports a range of values with a resolution of -2.5dB. /// This method returns the minimum receiver level reported. For all possible receiver /// level ranges see Table 9-17 in the front end E1/T1 framer specification. /// \param[out] receiver_level_in_db - The current receiver level reported by the front end E1/T1 /// framer on the Sangoma card. This value will range between -2.5dB and -44dB. /// \author Jeff Barbieri /// \date 12/28/2011 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool SangomaPort::GetReceiverLevelInDb(float& receiver_level_in_db) { // ENTER A CRITICAL SECTION TO PROTECT HARDWARE RESOURCES FROM SIMULTANEOUS ACCESS. EnterPortCriticalSection(); // RESET THE OUT PARAMETER. receiver_level_in_db = 0; // CHECK IF THE PORT IS OPEN. if (!IsOpen) { // The Rx Level is dependent on the current port configuration and therefore only defined // for an open port. Return false to indicate that an error has occurred. LeavePortCriticalSection(); return false; } // ATTEMPT TO RETRIEVE THE E1/T1 FRONT END FRAMER STATISTICS. std::string receiver_level_range; bool receiver_level_range_retrieved = pSangomaInterface->GetReceiverLevelRange(receiver_level_range); if (!receiver_level_range_retrieved) { // The receiver level range could not be retrieved. LeavePortCriticalSection(); return false; } // PARSE THE NUMERICAL RECEIVER LEVEL IN DECIBELS FROM ITS STRING REPRESENTATION. // The text representing the receiver level range has the following format. The values range from -2.5 // decibels to -22 decibels. // // >-2.5db // -2.5db to -5db // ... const std::string NEGATIVE_SIGN = "-"; std::string::size_type negative_sign_location = receiver_level_range.find_first_of(NEGATIVE_SIGN); const std::string DECIBEL_UNIT = "db"; std::string::size_type db_unit_location = receiver_level_range.find(DECIBEL_UNIT); // Check whether the format of the receiver level range is valid. bool receiver_level_range_valid = (negative_sign_location != std::string::npos) && (db_unit_location != std::string::npos) && (negative_sign_location < db_unit_location); if(!receiver_level_range_valid) { // The receiver level range did not match the expected format. Return false // to indicate that an error has occurred. LeavePortCriticalSection(); return false; } // Convert the minimum receiver level string to its associated floating point value. std::string::size_type numerical_db_string_length = (db_unit_location - negative_sign_location); std::string receiver_level_string = receiver_level_range.substr(negative_sign_location, numerical_db_string_length); float receiver_level_float = 0; bool conversion_to_float_successful = ToFloat( receiver_level_string, receiver_level_float); if (!conversion_to_float_successful) { // The minimum receiver level could not be converted. Return false to indicate // that an error has occurred. LeavePortCriticalSection(); return false; } // CHECK IF THE RECEIVER LEVEL IS WITHIN THE EXPECTED RANGE. const float MAXIMUM_EXPECTED_RECEIVE_LEVEL = -2.5f; const float MINIMUM_EXPECTED_RECEIVE_LEVEL = -44.0f; bool receiver_level_float_within_expected_range = (receiver_level_float <= MAXIMUM_EXPECTED_RECEIVE_LEVEL) && (receiver_level_float >= MINIMUM_EXPECTED_RECEIVE_LEVEL); if (!receiver_level_float_within_expected_range) { // The receiver level is outside the expected range. LeavePortCriticalSection(); return false; } // STORE THE RECEIVER LEVEL TO RETURN TO THE USER. receiver_level_in_db = receiver_level_float; LeavePortCriticalSection(); return true; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \fn SangomaPort::GetPortNumber() const /// \brief Returns this port's number (zero indexed, relative to the card) /// \return This port's number (zero indexed, relative to the card) /// \author J. Markwordt /// \date 10/15/2007 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// unsigned int SangomaPort::GetPortNumber() const { return PortNumber; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \fn SangomaPort::GetUnmappedPortNumber() /// \brief Returns this port's number UNMAPPED (Without G3 port mapping). Use for debugging only. /// \return This port's UNMAPPED number (zero indexed, relative to the card) /// \author David Rokhvarg (davidr@sangoma.com) /// \date 1/10/2008 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// unsigned int SangomaPort::GetUnmappedPortNumber() { unsigned int unmapped_port = 0; EnterPortCriticalSection(); if(pSangomaInterface != NULL){ unmapped_port = pSangomaInterface->get_mapped_port_number(); } LeavePortCriticalSection(); return unmapped_port; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \fn SangomaPort::GetConfiguration(Configuration& current_configuration) /// \brief Returns the current port configuration. /// \param[out] current_configuration - The configuration currently in use on the port. /// \return The current port configuration. /// \author Jeff Barbieri /// \date 12/30/2011 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool SangomaPort::GetConfiguration(Configuration& current_configuration) { // ENTER A CRITICAL SECTION TO PROTECT HARDWARE RESOURCES FROM SIMULTANEOUS ACCESS. EnterPortCriticalSection(); // CLEAR THE OUT PARAMETER. current_configuration = Configuration(); // CHECK IF THE PORT IS OPEN. if(!IsOpen) { // No configuration is currently defined. LeavePortCriticalSection(); return false; } // STORE THE CURRENT CONFIGURATION TO RETURN TO THE USER. current_configuration = CurrentConfiguration; LeavePortCriticalSection(); return true; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \fn SangomaPort::GetEvent() const /// \brief Return the PortEvent associated with this port /// \return PortEvent structure for events associated with this port /// \author J. Markwordt /// \date 10/18/2007 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PortEvent SangomaPort::GetEvent() const { return Event; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \fn SangomaPort::GetDriverVersion() /// \brief Returns this port's hardware abstraction driver version number. /// /// Sangoma has given the card a driver and the port what Sangoma refers to as a "Hardware /// Abstraction Driver", and although these two should have the same version number if /// installed properly, they are in fact two separate drivers. /// /// This function is to retrieve the driver associated with the port's hardware abstraction /// driver and can be used to verify that it matches the version number of the card as a whole. /// \return DriverVersion containing the version of the software abstraction driver associated /// with this port. /// \author J. Markwordt /// \date 10/17/2007 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DriverVersion SangomaPort::GetDriverVersion() { DriverVersion software_abstraction_driver_version; wan_driver_version_t drv_version; if(pSangomaInterface->get_api_driver_version(&drv_version)){ std::ostringstream error_msg; error_msg << "ERROR: SangomaPort::%s()" << __FUNCTION__ << " failed! Port: " << GetPortNumber(); LastError = error_msg.str(); } //translate low level version structure into high level version structure software_abstraction_driver_version.Major = drv_version.major; software_abstraction_driver_version.Minor = drv_version.minor; software_abstraction_driver_version.Build = drv_version.minor1; software_abstraction_driver_version.Revision = drv_version.minor2; return software_abstraction_driver_version; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \fn SangomaPort::GetStatistics() /// \brief Get the statistics for this port. /// /// The reason this function is not declared constant is that the Statistics strucure /// that is returned contains both statisics that are maintained in software by this /// class, and statistics that are maintained in hardware on the port. We do not want /// to continuously poll to keep these statistics up to date, so when requested, we will /// issue low level commands to fill in these statistics. /// \return Statistics structure containing information related to this port /// \author J. Markwordt /// \date 10/17/2007 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Statistics SangomaPort::GetStatistics() { /// Perform low level calls to retrieve the net_device_stats_t structure and update /// PortStatistics with the statistics we are interested in. For example, /// net_device_stats_t.rx_bytes maps to Statistics.BytesReceived. Statistics maintained /// by the SangomaPort class (such as TimeLastOpened, TimeLastFoundSync, etc.) will be /// returned as is. wanpipe_chan_stats_t stats; EnterPortCriticalSection(); if (IsOpen) { pSangomaInterface->operational_stats(&stats); //translate low level statistics structure into high level statistics structure PortStatistics.BytesReceived = stats.rx_bytes; PortStatistics.BytesSent = stats.tx_bytes; PortStatistics.Errors = stats.errors; } LeavePortCriticalSection(); return PortStatistics; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \fn SangomaPort::ClearStatistics() /// \brief Clear the statistics for this port /// \author J. Markwordt /// \date 10/17/2007 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void SangomaPort::ClearStatistics() { /// \todo Reset the PortStatistics member to default values /// Issue low level command to clear the statistics maintained on the port EnterPortCriticalSection(); if (IsOpen) { pSangomaInterface->flush_operational_stats(); } LeavePortCriticalSection(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \fn SangomaPort::FlushBuffers() /// \brief Clear the statistics for this port /// \author J. Markwordt /// \date 10/17/2007 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void SangomaPort::FlushBuffers() { /// \todo Reset the PortStatistics member to default values /// Issue low level command to clear the statistics maintained on the port EnterPortCriticalSection(); if (IsOpen) { pSangomaInterface->flush_buffers(); } LeavePortCriticalSection(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \fn SangomaPort::GetAlarms() /// \brief Retrieves the alarms from the hardware for this port /// \return Alarms structure containing indications of the current alarms /// \author J. Markwordt /// \date 10/17/2007 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Alarms SangomaPort::GetAlarms() { Alarms alarms(FALSE); unsigned long u_alarms = 1; unsigned char adapter_type; EnterPortCriticalSection(); if (IsOpen) { adapter_type = pSangomaInterface->get_adapter_type(); pSangomaInterface->read_te1_56k_stat(&u_alarms); /// translate low level alarms structure into high level alarms structure if (adapter_type == WAN_MEDIA_T1 || adapter_type == WAN_MEDIA_E1){ if(!strcmp(WAN_TE_LOS_ALARM(u_alarms), ON_STR)){ alarms.LossOfSignal = TRUE; } if(!strcmp(WAN_TE_ALOS_ALARM(u_alarms), ON_STR)){ alarms.AlternateLossOfSignalStatus = TRUE; } if(!strcmp(WAN_TE_RED_ALARM(u_alarms), ON_STR)){ alarms.Red = TRUE; } if(!strcmp(WAN_TE_AIS_ALARM(u_alarms), ON_STR)){ alarms.AlarmIndicationSignal = TRUE; } if(!strcmp(WAN_TE_OOF_ALARM(u_alarms), ON_STR)){ alarms.OutOfFrame = TRUE; } if (adapter_type == WAN_MEDIA_T1){ if(!strcmp(WAN_TE_YEL_ALARM(u_alarms), ON_STR)){ alarms.Yellow = TRUE; } } if(!strcmp(WAN_TE_OOSMF_ALARM(u_alarms), ON_STR)){ alarms.LossOfSignalingMultiframe = TRUE; } if(!strcmp(WAN_TE_OOCMF_ALARM(u_alarms), ON_STR)){ alarms.LossOfCrcMultiframe = TRUE; } if(!strcmp(WAN_TE_OOOF_ALARM(u_alarms), ON_STR)){ alarms.OutOfOfflineFrame = TRUE; } if(!strcmp(WAN_TE_RAI_ALARM(u_alarms), ON_STR)){ alarms.ReceiveLossOfSignalV = TRUE; } } } LeavePortCriticalSection(); return alarms; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \fn SangomaPort::GetLastError() const /// \brief Returns a description of the last error that occurred /// \return Returns a description of the last error that occurred (NO_ERROR_OCCURRED if the last command was successful) /// \author J. Markwordt /// \date 10/17/2007 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// std::string SangomaPort::GetLastError() const { return LastError; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \fn SangomaPort::GetRxDataBuffer() /// \brief Returns a pointer to received data. /// \return Returns a pointer to received data after a successful Read() /// \author David Rokhvarg (davidr@sangoma.com) /// \date 1/10/2008 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// unsigned char *SangomaPort::GetRxDataBuffer() { return pReceiveBuffer->GetUserDataBuffer(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \fn SangomaPort::GetRxDataLength() /// \brief Returns length of received data. /// \return Returns length of received data after a successful Read(). /// \author David Rokhvarg (davidr@sangoma.com) /// \date 1/10/2008 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// unsigned int SangomaPort::GetRxDataLength() { return pReceiveBuffer->GetUserDataLength(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \fn SangomaPort::EnterPortCriticalSection() /// \brief Enter a SangomaPort operation in thread-safe manner. /// \return No return value. /// \author David Rokhvarg (davidr@sangoma.com) /// \date 1/10/2008 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void SangomaPort::EnterPortCriticalSection() { EnterCriticalSection(&cs_CriticalSection); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \fn SangomaPort::LeavePortCriticalSection() /// \brief Leave a SangomaPort operation in thread-safe manner. /// \return No return value. /// \author David Rokhvarg (davidr@sangoma.com) /// \date 1/10/2008 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void SangomaPort::LeavePortCriticalSection() { LeaveCriticalSection(&cs_CriticalSection); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \fn SangomaPort::TryEnterPortCriticalSection() /// \brief Try to enter a SangomaPort operation in thread-safe manner. /// \return 1 - the mutex already taken, return without waiting 0 - the mutex was free /// \author David Rokhvarg (davidr@sangoma.com) /// \date 6/2/2010 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int SangomaPort::TryEnterPortCriticalSection() { if (! TryEnterCriticalSection(&cs_CriticalSection) ) { //If another thread already owns the critical section, the return value of TryEnterCriticalSection() is zero. return 1; } return 0; } int SangomaPort::SetAndOpenTxFile(const char *szTxFileName) { pTxFile = fopen(szTxFileName, "rb" ); if( pTxFile == NULL){ ERR_PORT("Can't open file: [%s]\n", szTxFileName); return 1; } return 0; } int SangomaPort::WriteChunkOfTxFile() { unsigned char *user_tx_buffer = NULL; bool file_valid = (pTxFile != NULL); if (!file_valid) { //ERR_PORT("TxFile is NOT open!\n"); return 1; } user_tx_buffer = this->pTransmitBuffer->GetUserDataBuffer(); //Initialize the buffer to 0xFF, so when End-of-File is reached, //the padding up-to-end of tx buffer is automatic. memset( user_tx_buffer, 0xFF, this->pTransmitBuffer->GetUserDataLength() ); if (feof( pTxFile )) { //End-of-File reached. Re-wind the file to zero. fseek( pTxFile, 0, SEEK_SET ); } //Read tx data from the file. fread( user_tx_buffer, 1, TxMtu, pTxFile ); return this->Write(user_tx_buffer, TxMtu); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \fn SangomaPort::LineLoopbackEnable() /// \brief Enable line loopback for testing. All transmitted data will be also received // locally. Requires the Port to be in Master clock mode. /// \return 0 - success, non-zero - error /// \author David Rokhvarg /// \date 01/27/2011 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int SangomaPort::LineLoopbackEnable() { int rc = pSangomaInterface->loopback_command(WAN_TE1_DDLB_MODE, WAN_TE1_LB_ENABLE, ENABLE_ALL_CHANNELS); if (rc) { ERR_PORT("Port %u: %s() failed! rc: %d\n", GetPortNumber(), __FUNCTION__, rc); } return rc; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// \fn SangomaPort::LineLoopbackDisable() /// \brief Disable line loopback which was enabled by SangomaPort::LineLoopbackEnable() /// \return 0 - success, non-zero - error /// \author David Rokhvarg /// \date 01/27/2011 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int SangomaPort::LineLoopbackDisable() { int rc = pSangomaInterface->loopback_command(WAN_TE1_DDLB_MODE, WAN_TE1_LB_DISABLE, ENABLE_ALL_CHANNELS); if (rc) { ERR_PORT("Port %u: %s() failed! rc: %d\n", GetPortNumber(), __FUNCTION__, rc); } return rc; }