WANPIPE RPMS ============= Author: Nenad Corbic For change log information refer to linux/current_wanpipe/README IMPORTANT: ---------- o Wanpipe RPMs contain wanpipe kernel modules. This makes the RPMs kernel sensitive. o RPM Packages are build for stock distribution kernels only!! If you have a custom built kernel use the latest wanpipe source package from current_wanpipe/ directory. One can build custom RPMS using the ./Setup buildrpm option, during source install. Refer the current_wanpipe/doc/README.rpmbuild for more info. Choosing an RPM: -------------- o Determine the Linux Distribution: cat /etc/issue (eg: RedHat 7.1) o Determine the Kernel image you are running: uname -r (eg: 2.4.2-2 : it is not an smp kernel) (eg: 2.4.2-2smp : smp kernel) o Determine the processor type uname -m (eg: i686) o Based on the above information choose an RPM package. wanpipe-....rpm eg: ftp.sangoma.com/linux/RPM/redhat/7.1/i686/ wanpipe-2.2.4-3.rh71up.k242-2.i686.rpm Installing RPM ---------- o List the contents of the rpm rpm -qipl Make sure that the /lib/modules/ directory matches your current kernel modules directory. i.e. the output of command 'uname -r' must match the above directory. o The rpm must be installed using the --force option, to override the old modules. rpm -i --force Checking Kernel Modules ------------------ o Run 'depmod -a' command This command will calculate module dependencies. Look for error messages. o Run 'modprobe wanpipe' command Look for error messages. o Check hardware probe information wanrouter hwprobe or modprobe wanpipe cat /proc/net/wanrouter/hwprobe Configuring Wanpipe --------------- o Run '/usr/sbin/wancfg' to create the configuration file. Each 'wancfg' GUI option contains HELP associated with it. o Refer to /usr/share/doc/wanpipe/README-2.config Wanpipe Operation -------------- o Start wanpipe 'wanrouter start' or 'wanrouter start wanpipe1' o Refer to /usr/share/doc/wanpipe/README-3.operation