Wanpipe for Linux Kernel ATM Stack ================================== Author: Nenad Corbic Release: wanpipe-3.1.0.p12.tgz or greater 1. Untar wanpipe release 2. Change directory to newly created wanpipe directory cd wanpipe/ 3. Install wanpipe ./Setup install --protocols=DEF-KATM | ->Select all default. 4. Configure for Kernel ATM mode. Copy wanpipe1.katm into /etc/wanpipe cp samples/wanpipe1.katm /etc/wanpipe/wanpipe1.conf 5. Start wanpipe wanrouter start wanpipe1 6. Confirm that wanpipe device exists in kernel atm cat /proc/net/atm/devices That is it. Nenad