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2021-12-29 16:56:27 +00:00
Author: Nenad Corbic <ncorbic@sangoma.com>
Pre requisites
1. A Linux kernel source must be available.
Usually in /usr/src/linux directory.
Furthermore, the linux source version must
match the currently running image.
i.e. Output of 'uname -r'
must match the source version
number in /usr/src/linux/Makefile.
Note: The Setup installation script checks
for this condition and will take
appropriate steps to resolve the
name mismatch.
Wanpipe X25 API solution consists of two separate products:
Original X25API and New Multi Protocol Stack:
Original X25API The X25API is the standard wanpipe
product that implements x25 protocol in firmware.
The wanpipe API driver provides socket API support
to the on board x25 protocol allowing users to build
custom applications.
Multi Protocol Stack X25API:
The MP API is a new multi protocol kernel stack
developed on top of wanpipe MP drivers. It includes
full HDLC, Frame Relay, X25/LAPB and DSP protocols
implemented as kernel modules.
The MP API architecture was designed to be very
scalable and flexible. Using the MP Stack architecture
multiple protocols can be stacked together or used
The X25API Stack would look like the following:
Driver Protocol Stack | Wan Card
API >X25 >LAPB > MP Frame Relay | >HDLC (adapter)
or |
API >X25 >LAPB > MP Protocol | >HDLC (adapter)
When using MP API architecture the sangoma adapter is running
RAW HDLC protocol, thus acting as dumb card.
Furthermore, all adapter ports, both PRI and SEC, can now
be used to carry independent protocols.
(This was a big limitation in the original design.)
From the users perspective, the API interface is identical
to both X25 API models except for few subtle differences.
The choice between to API models is made on creation of
the API socket.
To speed up API development detailed sample API
code has been supplied with the WANPIPE drivers.
We suggest that these programs be used as the starting
point of the x25api/MP API application development. The user is
free to modify change or use the code in any way which will
provide the fastest time to market and ease of use.
Sample Code Location:
X25API : /etc/wanpipe/api/x25
MP API : /etc/wanpipe/api/mpapi/x25
Installing WANPIPE with X25/MPAPI API support
The X25 support is installed by default
during WANPIPE installation process.
The MPAPI support is NOT installed by default
during WANPIPE installation process.
Thus, use the CUSTOM driver compilation
option in ./Setup installation script to enable
MPAPI option:
./Setup install
(Custom Driver Application)
(Choose MPAPI protocol)
After successful installation proceed to
configure the card for X25/MPAPI protocol
/usr/sbin/wancfg GUI configurator.
Installation Verification
Run wanpipe hardware probe to
make sure that the kernel modules
are working fine:
Run: wanrouter hwprobe
In case of error:
Please contact Sangoma Tech Support
Tel. 905 474 1990 ex118
Email: techdesk@sangoma.com
Configuring MPAPI Protocol
Run: /usr/sbin/wancfg
1. Create new device
2. Select wanpipe1
3. Protocol Section
Select Protocol: MP Protocol
or MP Frame Relay
Note: Refer to the above protocol stack
During interface setup
user will have an option to choose
a upper layer protocol.
Select protocol option and hit back.
4. Hardware Section
Select Probe Hardware
Select your adapter PRI or SEC port.
Select all default option and hit back.
5. Interface Section
Select number of interfaces you wish to configure
For each network interface do the following:
Specify interface name.
(Leave it default)
Operation Mode:
ANNEXG used to bind upper layer MPAPI X25/LAPB protocols
over the current protocol (HDLC or Frame Relay).
WANPIPE used to run IP protocol
on top of current protocol.
X25 Link Setup: (MPAPI)
(Only available under ANNEXG (MPAPI) operation mode)
Used to configure upper MPAPI X25/LAPB protocol
Lapb Profile: Configure Lapb Profile
Each profile can be re-used by
other lapb links.
Specify your own MTU
Lapb Interface: Configure interface specific
lapb information
X25 Profile: Configure X25 Profile
Each profile can be re-used by
other X25 links.
Specify your own MTU
Use must select number of SVC's.
(A network interface will be created
for each SVC.)
X25 Interface: Configure each x25 interface
depending on number of supported
Leave interfaces in default API mode.
Note: Use the GUI help buttons for each option.
(Only available in WANPIPE operation mode,
for MP Protocol, (not Frame Relay) )
Specify the current protocol:
RAW HDLC : Use raw IP protocol
PPP : Run PPP protocol
CHDLC : Run CHDLC protocol
Ignore Modem Status:
(Only available in WANPIPE operation mode)
Option used to monitor the front end T1/E1
status. If the front end looses sync the
link will be declared down.
NO: Run front end monitoring (default)
YES: Ignore front end state.
IP Setup:
(Only available in WANPIPE operation mode)
Specify IP info for network interface
6. End of configuration, exit and save
Configuring Firmware X25 API Protocol
Run: /usr/sbin/wancfg
1. Create new device
2. Select wanpipe1
3. Protocol Section
Select Protocol: X25 Protocol
4. Hardware Section
Select Probe Hardware
Select your adapter PRI port.
5. Interface Section
Select number of interfaces you wish to configure
For each network interface do the following:
Specify interface name.
(Leave it default)
Operation Mode:
API used to develop custom applications
on top of x25 protocol
WANPIPE used to run IP protocol
on top of X25.
(Only available in WANPIPE operation mode)
Specify the upper layer protocol:
RAW HDLC : Use raw IP protocol
PPP : Run PPP protocol
CHDLC : Run CHDLC protocol
Ignore Modem Status:
(Only available in WANPIPE operation mode)
Option used to monitor the front end T1/E1
status. If the front end looses sync the
link will be declared down.
NO: Run front end monitoring (default)
YES: Ignore front end state.
IP Setup:
(Only available in WANPIPE operation mode)
Specify IP info for network interface
6. End of configuration, exit and save
Start X25/MPAPI protocol
Run: wanrouter start
In case of errors:
Run: wanrouter messages
It will display kernel error
Please contact Sangoma Tech Support
Tel. 905 474 1990 ex118
Email: techdesk@sangoma.com
Startup Confirmation
Run: wanrouter messages
Make sure no error messages are displayed.
Confirm the state of Front End (T1/E1/V35)
Confirm the Link state
Check for any error events.
Custom API Application
X25: X25 Protocol sample codes
MPAPI: X25 Protocol sample codes
To compile it run: make
Run: ./svc_client
Refer to api options below:
./svc_client API USAGE
scv_client <options> <extra options>
-i <ifname> #interface name
-c <card name> #card name
-r #read enable
-w #write eable
<extra options>
-txcnt <digit> #number of tx packets (Dflt: 1)
-txsize <digit> #tx packet size (Dflt: 10)
-txdelay <digit> #delay in sec after each tx packet (Dflt: 0)
-txdata <digit> #data to tx <1-255>
#X25 Client:
./svc_client <card name> <num of calls> < num of packets to send>
#MPX25 Client:
./svc_client -i wp1lapb -r -w -txsize 100 -txcnt 100 -txchan 1
Use this app as a building block for you custom
Further Info
Please contact Sangoma Tech Support
Tel. 905 474 1990 ex118
Email: techdesk@sangoma.com