
585 lines
15 KiB

#ifndef __MASTER
#define __MASTER
* gmalloc alloziert einen normalen Block, der Zeiger auf aufzuräumende
* Blöcke haben kann, aber selber nicht aufgeräumt wird.
* gcmalloc alloziert einen Block, der aufgeräumt werden kann.
* gbmalloc dito, aber ohne interne Zeiger.
#include <gc.h>
#define gmalloc GC_malloc_uncollectable
#define gcmalloc GC_malloc
#define gbmalloc GC_malloc_atomic
#define gfree GC_free
#define grealloc GC_realloc
#define MALLOC_INIT() GC_enable_incremental()
#define MALLOC_IDLE() GC_collect_a_little()
#define gmalloc malloc
#define gcmalloc malloc
#define gbmalloc malloc
#define gfree free
#define grealloc realloc
#define MALLOC_INIT() do { } while(0)
#define MALLOC_IDLE() do { } while(0)
* A large heap of include files. Some may no longer be necessary...
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "f_signal.h"
#include "kernel.h"
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <syslog.h>
#include "streams.h"
#include "sioctl.h"
#include "primitives.h"
#include "isdn_34.h"
#include "dump.h"
#include "timeout.h"
#include "primitives.h"
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/file.h>
#include <sys/uio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include "f_ioctl.h"
#include "f_termio.h"
#include <sys/sysmacros.h>
#include "stropts.h"
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include "f_strings.h"
#include <syslog.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include "f_user.h"
#include <utmp.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include "streamlib.h"
#include "phone_1TR6.h"
#include "phone_ETSI.h"
#include "isdn_proto.h"
#include "wildmat.h"
#include "vectcmp.h"
#if __GNU_LIBRARY__ - 0 < 6
#include <linux/fs.h>
#if LEVEL < 4
#include "isdn_23.h"
#include "isdn_limits.h"
#include "x75.h"
#include "proto.h"
#define EXTERN
#define INIT(a) = a
#define EXTERN extern
#define INIT(a)
EXTERN int fd_mon;
EXTERN char *progname;
void xquit (const char *s, const char *t);
void *xmalloc(size_t sz);
void *gxmalloc(size_t sz);
void *gcxmalloc(size_t sz);
void *gbxmalloc(size_t sz);
#include <malloc.h>
EXTERN FILE *mallstream;
EXTERN char mallenv[]= "MALLOC_TRACE";
EXTERN char mallbuf[BUFSIZ]; /* Buffer for the output. */
/* Old hook values. */
EXTERN void (*tr_old_free_hook) __P ((__ptr_t ptr));
EXTERN __ptr_t (*tr_old_malloc_hook) __P ((size_t size));
EXTERN __ptr_t (*tr_old_realloc_hook) __P ((__ptr_t ptr, size_t size));
#define BI(x) __builtin_return_address((x))
void tr_freehook __P ((__ptr_t));
__ptr_t tr_mallochook __P ((size_t));
__ptr_t tr_reallochook __P ((__ptr_t, size_t));
void mmtrace ();
/* Old hook values. */
EXTERN void (*old_free_hook) __P ((__ptr_t ptr));
EXTERN __ptr_t (*old_malloc_hook) __P ((size_t size));
EXTERN __ptr_t (*old_realloc_hook) __P ((__ptr_t ptr, size_t size));
/* Function to call when something awful happens. */
void abort __P ((void));
EXTERN void (*abortfunc) __P ((void)) INIT((void (*) __P ((void))) abort);
/* Arbitrary magical numbers. */
#define MAGICWORD 0xfedabeeb
#define MAGICBYTE ((char) 0xd7)
EXTERN struct hdr
size_t size; /* Exact size requested by user. */
unsigned long int magic; /* Magic number to check header integrity. */
struct hdr *prevb;
struct hdr *nextb;
} thelist INIT({ 0,0, &thelist, &thelist });
void checkhdr __P ((__const struct hdr *));
int mallcheck(void *foo);
void freehook __P ((__ptr_t));
__ptr_t mallochook __P ((size_t));
__ptr_t reallochook __P ((__ptr_t, size_t));
void mcheck (void (*func) __P ((void)));
#else /* not DO_DEBUG_MALLOC */
#define chkall() do { } while (0)
#define chkone(f) do { } while (0)
#define ID_priv_Busy CHAR2('=','B')
#define ID_priv_Print CHAR2('=','P')
#ifndef NCARDS
#define NCARDS 10
#ifndef MAXLINE
#define MAXLINE 4096
EXTERN uid_t user[NMINOR];
/* Unique refnum, always incremented by two */
/* The lower level also has one of these, but with the low bit set */
EXTERN long isdn4_connref INIT(2);
EXTERN int fd_mon; /* the lower/layer connection */
EXTERN char *progname;
EXTERN int log_34 INIT(0);
EXTERN int testonly INIT(0); /* set if fd_mon is not actually connected */
EXTERN int igstdin INIT(1); /* Ignore stdin */
EXTERN int cards_known INIT(0); /* Stuff we know about */
EXTERN int cards_loading INIT(0); /* Stuff we don't really yet know about */
#ifdef __linux__
EXTERN int isdnterm INIT(0); /* major number of the terminal driver */
EXTERN int isdnstd INIT(0); /* major number of the standard driver */
EXTERN short cardidx INIT(0); /* Used to cycle among interfaces */
EXTERN short numidx INIT(0); /* Used to cycle among numbers */
EXTERN short progidx INIT(0); /* Used to cycle among startups */
EXTERN void *locputchar INIT(NULL); /* Glue */
#if LEVEL < 4 /* More glue */
EXTERN int xnkernel INIT(0);
EXTERN struct user u;
EXTERN mblk_t *mbfreelist INIT(NULL);
EXTERN void *dbfreelist[30] INIT({NULL});
EXTERN int connseq INIT(0);
EXTERN struct xstream *xs_mon; /* Pseudo-stream for the L3 engine */
#define DUMPW(s,l) do { if(!(log_34 & 1)) break; printf("HL W "); dumpascii((uchar_t *)(s),(l)); printf("\n"); } while(0)
/* String database. Should probably be an AVL tree or a hash but I'm lazy. */
/** The purpose of this thing is to be able not to bother with keeping track
of how many references there are. */
/**** Todo: Garbage collection. Sometime in the future... */
EXTERN struct string {
struct string *left;
struct string *right;
char data[2];
} *stringdb INIT(NULL);
char *str_enter(char *master);
char *wildmatch(char *a, char *b);
char *classmatch(char *a, char *b);
ulong_t maskmatch(ulong_t a, ulong_t b);
char *strippat(char *a);
/* List of cards */
typedef struct __card {
long id;
long modes;
uchar_t bchans;
} *_card;
EXTERN struct __card card[NCARDS];
/* List of connection-related programs */
typedef struct proginfo {
struct proginfo *next;
struct conninfo *master;
char *site;
char *protocol;
char *cclass;
char *card;
long id;
ulong_t mask;
char *type;
pid_t pid;
} *_proginfo;
/* States of a connection */
typedef enum connstate {
c_unknown, /* Unknown */
c_forceoff, /* forced inactive due to a serious error */
c_offdown, /* Being turned off */
c_off, /* Turned off, unavailable */
c_down, /* Inactive */
c_going_down, /* Going inactive */
c_going_up, /* Being activated */
c_up /* ONLINE */
} CState;
/* ... translated to human-readable strings */
char *state2str(CState state);
/* Info about a connection */
typedef struct conngrab {
char *errmsg;
char *site;
char *protocol;
char *cclass;
char *card;
ulong_t mask;
char *oldnr;
char *oldlnr;
char *nr;
char *lnr;
char *nrsuf;
char *lnrsuf;
struct _cf *dl;
struct _cf *dp;
struct _cf *ml;
struct _cf *r_;
mblk_t *par_in;
mblk_t *par_out;
int flags;
int refs;
short delay, mintime;
short d_level, d_nextlevel, retries;
int dropline;
} *conngrab;
typedef struct conninfo {
struct conninfo *next;
struct proginfo *run;
struct conngrab *cg;
long connref; /* L3 connection ID, globally unique */
long charge;
long ccharge; /* cumulative charge, informational msg */
pid_t pid;
long id;
uchar_t minor;
uchar_t fminor;
CState state;
long flags;
int retiming;
int ctimer;
int cause;
char *causeInfo, *cardname, *classname, *lastMsg;
int seqnum;
short retries;
time_t upwhen;
unsigned timer_reconn:1;
unsigned want_fast_reconn:1;
unsigned want_reconn:3;
#define MAX_RECONN 7
unsigned retime:1; /* Timer for off->down change is running */
unsigned char locked;
unsigned ignore:3; /* 0: normal; 1: did drop it; 2: kill it; 3: reporter */
unsigned sentsetup:1;
unsigned did_bounce:1;
} *conninfo;
/* Special flags. Ordered for improved readability when debugging. */
#define F_DIALUP 0x1 /* dialup connection */
#define F_MULTIDIALUP 0x2 /* dialup connection, independent */
#define F_PERMANENT 0x4 /* dialup connection which doesn't really die */
#define F_LEASED 0x8 /* connection on leased line */
#define F_INCOMING 0x10 /* incoming call */
#define F_OUTGOING 0x20 /* outgoing call */
#define F_SETINITIAL 0x40 /* initial connection setup */
#define F_SETLATER 0x80 /* later re-setup */
#define F_NRCOMPLETE 0x100 /* remote number is complete */
#define F_LNRCOMPLETE 0x200 /* local number is complete */
#define F_OUTCOMPLETE 0x400 /* outgoing call info complete */
#define F_INTERRUPT 0x800 /* interrupt, don't disconnect */
#define F_PREFOUT 0x1000 /* drop incoming connection on call collision */
#define F_FORCEOUT 0x2000 /* always drop incoming connection */
#define F_FORCEIN 0x4000 /* always drop incoming connection */
#define F_FASTDROP 0x8000 /* immediate connection reject */
#define F_FASTREDIAL 0x10000 /* don't delay much when a dial attempt fails */
#define F_CHANBUSY 0x20000 /* busy if no free channel */
#define F_NOREJECT 0x40000 /* don't cause "temp unavailable" messages */
#define F_BACKCALL 0x80000 /* callback on B if incoming call on A busy */
#define F_NOSTART 0x100000 /* Do not start the call */
#define F_IGNORELIMIT 0x200000 /* override connection limit */
#define F_FOOBAR 0x400000 /* dummy, to return non-FALSE for zeroed flags */
/* Flags we set on start of a connection from the conngrab */
* translate a header ID to a name
char *HdrName (int hdr);
* Translate flag bits to a string
char *FlagInfo(int flag);
/* The List */
EXTERN struct conninfo *isdn4_conn INIT(NULL);
#define newgrab(x) Xnewgrab((x),__LINE__)
conngrab Xnewgrab(conngrab master, int lin);
#define dropgrab(x) Xdropgrab((x),__LINE__)
void Xdropgrab(conngrab cg,int lin);
/* Forward declarations */
int backrun(int fd, int timeout);
void try_reconn(struct conninfo *);
void run_now(void *nix);
EXTERN int do_run_now INIT(0);
int has_progs(void);
void do_quitnow(void *nix);
/* Debug code to show that a connection reference value is changed */
#define setconnref(a,b) Xsetconnref(__FILE__,__LINE__,(a),(b))
void Xsetconnref(const char *deb_file,unsigned int deb_line, conninfo conn, int connref);
void connreport(char *foo, char *card, int minor);
/* Changing a connection status, and things to do */
const char *CauseInfo(int cause, char *pri);
void ReportOneConn(conninfo conn, int minor);
#define ReportConn(a) ReportOneConn((a),0)
#define setconnstate(a,b) Xsetconnstate(__FILE__,__LINE__,(a),(b))
void Xsetconnstate(const char *deb_file, unsigned int deb_line,conninfo conn, CState state);
/* Device names. 's'=short, 'm'=medium, ''=fullname; 'i'=non-terminal version */
char * sdevname (short minor);
char * mdevname (short minor);
char * devname (short minor);
char * isdevname (short minor);
char * idevname (short minor);
/* Check a lock file. */
void checkdev(int dev);
/* Lock a device. One failure, for externally-opened devices (cu), may be tolerated. */
int lockdev(int dev, char onefailok);
/* ... and unlock it. */
void unlockdev(int dev);
/* Put something into the environment. */
void putenv2 (const char *key, const char *val);
** Number String Stuff
char *match_nr (char *extnr, char *locnr, char *locpref);
int match_suffix(char *extsuf, char *extnr);
int match_incom(char *extsuf, char *extnr);
char *build_nr (char *extnr, char *locnr, char *locpref, int islocal);
char *append_nr(char *extnr, char *extext);
char *strip_nr(char *extnr, int keepfirst);
** Configuration section.
typedef struct _cf {
struct _cf *next;
char *protocol;
char *site;
char *cclass;
char *card;
char *type;
char *arg;
char *args;
int num, num2;
ulong_t mask;
char got_err;
} *cf;
#define chkfree(x) do { } while(0)
void chkcf(cf conf);
void chkone(void *foo);
void chkall(void);
#endif /* DO_DEBUG_MALLOC */
void read_file (FILE * ffile, char *errf);
EXTERN char **fileargs;
void read_args (void *nix);
void read_args_run(void *nix);
const char *CauseInfo(int cause, char *pri);
void Xdropconn (struct conninfo *conn, const char *deb_file, unsigned int deb_line);
#define dropconn(x) Xdropconn((x),__FILE__,__LINE__)
void rdropconn (struct conninfo *conn, int deb_line);
void deadkid (void);
void syncflags(conninfo conn, char set);
long matchflag(long flags, char *ts);
cf getcards(conngrab cg, cf list);
void Xbreak(void);
char * pmatch1 (cf prot, conngrab *cgm);
char * pmatch (conngrab *cgm);
char * findsite (conngrab *foo, int nobusy);
char * findit (conngrab *foo, int nobusy);
#if 0
mblk_t * getprot (char *protocol, char *site, char *cclass, char *suffix);
int pushprot (conngrab cg, int minor, int connref, char update);
void xquit (const char *s, const char *t);
EXTERN int quitnow INIT(0);
void panic(const char *x, ...);
struct conninfo * startconn(conngrab cg, int fminor, int connref, char **ret, conngrab *retcg);
EXTERN struct conninfo *zzconn INIT(NULL);
void dropdead(void);
char * runprog (cf cfr, struct conninfo **rconn, conngrab *foo, char what);
void run_rp(struct conninfo *conn, char what);
void kill_rp(struct conninfo *conn, char whatnot);
void retime(struct conninfo *conn);
void time_reconn(struct conninfo *conn);
void do_info (streamchar * data, int len);
void read_info (void);
void read_data (void);
EXTERN fd_set rd;
void syspoll (void);
void do_h (queue_t * q);
void do_l (queue_t * q);
void log_idle (void *xxx);
void queue_idle (void *xxx);
void alarmsig(void);
void kill_progs(struct conninfo *xconn);
struct loader {
char *name;
struct isdncard *card;
FILE *file;
long seqnum; /* position in config file(s) */
int nrfile; /* loaded to card */
long foffset; /* position in load file */
int thislen; /* for EAGAIN */
struct loader *next;
int cardnum;
int connseq;
unsigned timer:1;
void card_load(struct loader *ld);
void card_load_fail(struct loader *ld, int err); /* error */
EXTERN struct loader *isdn4_loader INIT(NULL);
struct isdncard {
struct isdncard *next;
char *name;
long cap;
ushort_t nrdchan; /* seqnum... */
ushort_t nrbchan;
ulong_t mask;
int is_down:1;
EXTERN struct isdncard *isdn4_card INIT(NULL);
int isintime(char *z);
EXTERN uchar_t *theclass INIT(NULL);
EXTERN uid_t rootuser INIT(0);
EXTERN int GrabAllocs INIT(0);
EXTERN int GrabFrees INIT(0);
EXTERN int GrabStrs INIT(0);