@rem @rem This is a demo makefile for making the CAPI 2.0 AVM Development Kit @rem library with the WATCOM CPP 10.5 C compiler for a 32 bit @rem NetWare environment. @rem We assume that the Environment variable WATCOM contains the Install @rem directory of your Watcom C Compiler (e.g. C:\wc105) @rem @rem If as parameter dbg is given, the symbol CPROT is defined @rem and the library will be build including the protocol functions @ @ set COMP=%WATCOM%\BINW\wcc386 @ @if "%1" == "dbg" goto dbg @ set wcc386=/d1 /s /3s /oi /zq /wx /DB1 /DAVM /DTARGET_32BIT /DNDEBUG /DCPROT /Isource @ set LIBNAME=cap2032.lib @ goto compile :dbg @ set wcc386=/d2 /s /3s /oid /zq /wx /DB1 /DAVM /DTARGET_32BIT /DDEBUG /DCPROT /Isource @ set LIBNAME=cap2032d.lib @ goto compile :compile %COMP% /bt=netware /fonetware\func.obj source\func.c %COMP% /bt=netware /fonetware\msg.obj source\msg.c %COMP% /bt=netware /fonetware\gcmsg_nw.obj source\gcmsg_nw.c %COMP% /bt=netware /fonetware\c_nw.obj source\c_nw.c del netware\%LIBNAME% %WATCOM%\BINW\wlib netware\%LIBNAME% +netware\msg +netware\c_nw +netware\func +netware\gcmsg_nw del netware\*.obj @ goto ende @ :ende