@rem @rem This is a demo makefile for making the CAPI 2.0 Development Kit @rem library with the IBM VisualAge C++ compiler for a 32 bit @rem OS/2 environment. @rem @rem If as parameter dbg is given, the symbol CPROT is defined @rem and the library will be build including the protocol functions @ @ @if "%1" == "dbg" goto dbg @ @ set icc=/C+ /Isource /DTARGET_32BIT icc source\func.c source\msg.c source\gcmsgos2.c source\cos2.c if exist os2\capi20.lib del os2\capi20.lib ilib /nobrowse os2\capi20.lib msg.obj cos2.obj func.obj gcmsgos2.obj os2\capi20i.lib; del *.obj @ goto end @ :dbg @ @ set icc=/C+ /Isource /DTARGET_32BIT /DCPROT icc source\func.c source\msg.c source\gcmsgos2.c source\cos2.c if exist os2\capi20d.lib del os2\capi20d.lib ilib /nobrowse os2\capi20d.lib msg.obj cos2.obj func.obj gcmsgos2.obj os2\capi20i.lib; del *.obj @ goto end @ :end