
596 lines
15 KiB

** $Id: rcvbox.c,v 1.6 1998/04/28 08:34:44 paul Exp $
** Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 Michael 'Ghandi' Herold
#include "config.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <fnmatch.h>
#include "log.h"
#include "rcvbox.h"
#include "streamio.h"
#include "libvbox.h"
/** Prototypes ***********************************************************/
static int vboxrc_goto_section(char *);
static int vboxrc_parse_time(char *);
static int vboxrc_parse_days(char *);
static void vboxrc_return_timestr(time_t, char *);
static time_t vboxrc_return_time(time_t, char *, int);
/** Variables ************************************************************/
static char *weekdaynames[] =
"SO" , "MO" , "DI" , "MI" , "DO" , "FR" , "SA" ,
"SUN", "MON", "TUE", "WED", "THU", "FRI", "SAT",
/** vboxrc_return_time(): Converts a time string to seconds since the **/
/** 1st januar 1970. **/
static time_t vboxrc_return_time(time_t timenow, char *timestr, int mode)
struct tm *locala;
struct tm localb;
char timestring[5 + 1];
char *hourstr;
char *minsstr;
int hourint;
int minsint;
int secsint;
xstrncpy(timestring, timestr, 5);
hourstr = timestring;
minsstr = index(hourstr, ':');
if (!minsstr)
if (mode == 0) minsstr = "00";
if (mode != 0) minsstr = "59";
else *minsstr++ = '\0';
if (mode == 0) secsint = 0;
else secsint = 59;
hourint = atoi(hourstr);
minsint = atoi(minsstr);
if ((hourint < 0) || (hourint > 23)) return(0);
if ((minsint < 0) || (minsint > 59)) return(0);
if (!(locala = localtime(&timenow))) return(0);
memcpy(&localb, locala, sizeof(struct tm));
localb.tm_sec = secsint;
localb.tm_min = minsint;
localb.tm_hour = hourint;
/** vboxrc_return_timestr(): Converts a unix time into a string like **/
/** HH:MM:SS. **/
static void vboxrc_return_timestr(time_t timeint, char *timestr)
struct tm *tm;
if ((tm = localtime(&timeint)))
if (strftime(timestr, 20, "%H:%M:%S", tm) == 8) return;
xstrncpy(timestr, "??:??:??", 8);
/** vboxrc_parse_time(): Checks if one or more timestring match the **/
/** current time. **/
static int vboxrc_parse_time(char *timestr)
char timestring[VBOXRC_MAX_RCLINE + 1];
char timevaluebeg[8 + 1];
char timevalueend[8 + 1];
char timevaluenow[8 + 1];
char *timeptr;
char *timenxt;
char *timebeg;
char *timeend;
time_t timenow;
time_t timesecsbeg;
time_t timesecsend;
log(L_DEBUG, "Parsing time(s) \"%s\"...\n", timestr);
xstrncpy(timestring, timestr, VBOXRC_MAX_RCLINE);
timeptr = timestring;
timenow = time(NULL);
vboxrc_return_timestr(timenow, timevaluenow);
if (strcmp(timestring, "*") == 0)
log(L_DEBUG, "Range **:**:** - **:**:** (%s): match.\n", timevaluenow);
if ((strcmp(timestring, "!") == 0) || (strcmp(timestring, "-") == 0))
log(L_DEBUG, "Range --:--:-- - --:--:-- (%s): don't match.\n", timevaluenow);
while (timeptr)
if ((timenxt = index(timeptr, ','))) *timenxt++ = '\0';
timebeg = timeptr;
timeend = index(timebeg, '-');
if (timeend)
*timeend++ = '\0';
timeend = timebeg;
if (!timeend) timeend = timebeg;
timesecsbeg = vboxrc_return_time(timenow, timebeg, 0);
timesecsend = vboxrc_return_time(timenow, timeend, 1);
if ((timesecsbeg > 0) && (timesecsend > 0))
if ((timesecsend >= timesecsbeg))
vboxrc_return_timestr(timesecsbeg, timevaluebeg);
vboxrc_return_timestr(timesecsend, timevalueend);
vboxrc_return_timestr(timenow , timevaluenow);
log_line(L_DEBUG, "Range %s - %s (%s): ", timevaluebeg, timevalueend, timevaluenow);
if ((timenow >= timesecsbeg) && (timenow <= timesecsend))
log_text(L_DEBUG, "match.\n");
else log_text(L_DEBUG, "don't match.\n");
else log(L_WARN, "Bad time; start greater than end (%s-%s) - ignored...\n", timebeg, timeend);
else log(L_WARN, "Bad time; can't convert timestring (%s-%s) - ignored...\n", timebeg, timeend);
timeptr = timenxt;
log(L_JUNK, "String contains no matching time!\n");
/** vboxrc_parse_days(): Checks if one or more daystrings match the **/
/** current day. **/
static int vboxrc_parse_days(char *strdays)
struct tm *timelocal;
char *beg;
char *nxt;
char days[VBOXRC_MAX_RCLINE + 1];
int i;
int d;
time_t currenttime;
xstrncpy(days, strdays, VBOXRC_MAX_RCLINE);
log(L_DEBUG, "Parsing day(s) \"%s\"...\n", days);
if (strcmp(days, "*") == 0)
log(L_DEBUG, "Range *: match.\n");
if ((strcmp(days, "-") == 0) || (strcmp(days, "!") == 0))
log(L_DEBUG, "Range -: don't match.\n");
currenttime = time(NULL);
if (!(timelocal = localtime(&currenttime)))
log(L_ERROR, "Can't get local time (don't match)...\n");
for (i = 0; i < strlen(days); i++)
if ((!isalpha(days[i])) && (days[i] != ','))
log(L_ERROR, "Error in day string \"%s\" in line #%ld (don't match).\n", days, setup.vboxrc->line);
beg = days;
while (beg)
if ((nxt = index(beg, ','))) *nxt++ = 0;
d = 0;
i = 0;
while (weekdaynames[i])
if (strcasecmp(weekdaynames[i], beg) == 0)
if (d == timelocal->tm_wday)
log(L_DEBUG, "Range %s: match.\n", beg);
else log(L_DEBUG, "Range %s: don't match.\n", beg);
if (d >= 7) d = 0;
beg = nxt;
log(L_JUNK, "String contains no matching day!\n");
/** vboxrc_goto_section(): Jump to a specified section. **/
static int vboxrc_goto_section(char *section)
char line[VBOXRC_MAX_RCLINE + 1];
log(L_JUNK, "Jumping to section \"%s\"...\n", section);
setup.vboxrc = streamio_reopen(setup.vboxrc);
while (streamio_gets(line, VBOXRC_MAX_RCLINE, setup.vboxrc))
if (strcasecmp(line, section) == 0) returnok();
/** vboxrc_get_rings_to_wait(): Returns the number of rings to answer **/
/** call. **/
int vboxrc_get_rings_to_wait(void)
char line[VBOXRC_MAX_RCLINE + 1];
char *time;
char *ring;
char *days;
char *stop;
int need;
log(L_DEBUG, "Getting number of rings to wait before answer call...\n");
if (vboxrc_goto_section("[RINGS]"))
while (streamio_gets(line, VBOXRC_MAX_RCLINE, setup.vboxrc))
if ((*line == '[') || (*line == ']')) break;
time = strtok(line, "\t ");
days = strtok(NULL, "\t ");
ring = strtok(NULL, "\t ");
if ((!time) || (!ring) || (!days))
log(L_ERROR, "Error in vboxrc line #%ld (ignored).\n", setup.vboxrc->line);
if ((vboxrc_parse_time(time)) && (vboxrc_parse_days(days)))
need = (int)strtoul(ring, &stop, 10);
if (*stop != 0)
log(L_ERROR, "Bad number of rings in line #%ld (ignored).\n", setup.vboxrc->line);
log(L_DEBUG, "Call will be answered after %ld rings...\n", need);
else log(L_WARN, "Unable to locate section \"[RINGS]\" (useing defaults)...\n");
log(L_WARN, "Call will be answered after %ld rings (default)...\n", need);
/** vboxrc_find_user_from_id(): Finds a user with a specified caller **/
/** number. **/
void vboxrc_find_user_from_id(char *id)
char line[VBOXRC_MAX_RCLINE + 1];
char *phone;
char *table;
char *owner;
char *dummy;
log(L_DEBUG, "Searching user with caller number \"%s\"...\n", id);
if (vboxrc_goto_section("[CALLERIDS]"))
while (streamio_gets(line, VBOXRC_MAX_RCLINE, setup.vboxrc))
if ((*line == '[') || (*line == ']')) break;
dummy = line;
owner = NULL;
table = NULL;
phone = NULL;
while (isspace(*dummy)) dummy++;
if ((*dummy) && (dummy)) phone = strsep(&dummy, "\t ");
while (isspace(*dummy)) dummy++;
if ((*dummy) && (phone)) table = strsep(&dummy, "\t ");
while (isspace(*dummy)) dummy++;
if ((*dummy) && (table)) owner = dummy;
if ((!owner) || (!phone) || (!table))
log(L_ERROR, "Error in vboxrc line #%ld (ignored).\n", setup.vboxrc->line);
if (fnmatch(phone, id, FNM_NOESCAPE | FNM_PERIOD) == 0)
if ((*table == '*') || (*table == '-'))
if (*table == '*') xstrncpy(setup.voice.section, owner , VOICE_MAX_SECTION);
if (*table == '-') xstrncpy(setup.voice.section, "STANDARD", VOICE_MAX_SECTION);
else xstrncpy(setup.voice.section, table, VOICE_MAX_SECTION);
xstrncpy(, owner, VOICE_MAX_NAME);
log(L_DEBUG, "Caller number match user \"%s\"...\n",;
log(L_DEBUG, "Section \"[%s]\" will be used...\n", setup.voice.section);
else log(L_WARN, "Unable to locate section \"[CALLERIDS]\" (useing defaults)...\n");
log(L_WARN, "Section \"[%s]\" will be used (default)...\n", setup.voice.section);
/** vboxrc_find_user_section(): Finds a specified user section. **/
void vboxrc_find_user_section(char *section)
char line[VBOXRC_MAX_RCLINE + 1];
char *time;
char *days;
char *text;
char *strg;
char *stop;
char *args;
int correct;
sprintf(line, "[%s]", section);
log(L_DEBUG, "Parsing settings from section \"%s\"...\n", line);
correct = FALSE;
if (vboxrc_goto_section(line))
while (streamio_gets(line, VBOXRC_MAX_RCLINE, setup.vboxrc))
if ((*line == '[') || (*line == ']')) break;
time = strtok(line, "\t ");
days = strtok(NULL, "\t ");
text = strtok(NULL, "\t ");
strg = strtok(NULL, "\t ");
if ((!time) || (!text) || (!strg) || (!days))
log(L_ERROR, "Error in vboxrc line #%ld (ignored).\n", setup.vboxrc->line);
if ((vboxrc_parse_time(time)) && (vboxrc_parse_days(days)))
setup.voice.recordtime = (int)strtoul(strg, &stop, 10);
if ((*stop != 0) || (setup.voice.recordtime < 0))
log(L_ERROR, "Bad record time in line #%ld (using defaults).\n", setup.vboxrc->line);
setup.voice.recordtime = 60;
if (!index(text, '/'))
xstrncpy(setup.voice.standardmsg, setup.spool , VOICE_MAX_MESSAGE);
xstrncat(setup.voice.standardmsg, "/messages/", VOICE_MAX_MESSAGE);
xstrncat(setup.voice.standardmsg, text , VOICE_MAX_MESSAGE);
else xstrncpy(setup.voice.standardmsg, text, VOICE_MAX_MESSAGE);
while ((text = strtok(NULL, "\t ")))
log(L_JUNK, "Found Flag \"%s\"...\n", text);
if (strcasecmp(text, "NOANSWER" ) == 0) setup.voice.doanswer = FALSE;
if (strcasecmp(text, "NORECORD" ) == 0) setup.voice.dorecord = FALSE;
if (strcasecmp(text, "NOTIMEOUTMSG") == 0) setup.voice.dotimeout = FALSE;
if (strcasecmp(text, "NOBEEPMSG" ) == 0) setup.voice.dobeep = FALSE;
if (strcasecmp(text, "NOSTDMSG" ) == 0) setup.voice.domessage = FALSE;
if (strncasecmp(text, "RINGS=", 6) == 0)
if ((args = index(text, '=')))
setup.voice.rings = strtol(args, &stop, 10);
if ((*stop != 0) || (setup.voice.rings < 0))
log(L_ERROR, "Bad flag RINGS in line #%ld (ignored).\n", setup.vboxrc->line);
setup.voice.rings = -1;
if (strncasecmp(text, "TOLLRINGS=", 10) == 0)
if ((args = index(text, '=')))
setup.voice.ringsonnew = strtol(args, &stop, 10);
if ((*stop != 0) || (setup.voice.ringsonnew < 0))
log(L_ERROR, "Bad flag TOLLRINGS in line #%ld (ignored).\n", setup.vboxrc->line);
setup.voice.ringsonnew = -1;
if (strncasecmp(text, "SCRIPT=", 7) == 0)
if ((args = index(text, '=')))
if (!index(args, '/'))
xstrncpy(setup.voice.tclscriptname , setup.spool, VOICE_MAX_SCRIPT);
xstrncat(setup.voice.tclscriptname , "/" , VOICE_MAX_SCRIPT);
xstrncat(setup.voice.tclscriptname , args , VOICE_MAX_SCRIPT);
else xstrncpy(setup.voice.tclscriptname, args, VOICE_MAX_SCRIPT);
if (strncasecmp(text, "TOLLCHECK=", 10) == 0)
if ((args = index(text, '=')))
xstrncpy(setup.voice.checknewpath, args, VOICE_MAX_CHECKNEW);
correct = TRUE;
else log(L_WARN, "Unable to locate section \"%s\" (useing defaults)...\n", line);
if (!correct)
log(L_WARN, "No (or not all) settings found (using defaults)...\n");
log(L_JUNK, "Settings: Message \"%s\".\n", setup.voice.standardmsg);
log(L_JUNK, "Settings: Beep \"%s\".\n", setup.voice.beepmsg);
log(L_JUNK, "Settings: Timeout \"%s\".\n", setup.voice.timeoutmsg);
log(L_JUNK, "Settings: Script \"%s\".\n", setup.voice.tclscriptname);
if (setup.voice.rings > 0)
log(L_JUNK, "Settings: Rings changed to %d.\n", setup.voice.rings);
else log(L_JUNK, "Settings: Rings not changed.\n");
if (setup.voice.ringsonnew > 0)
log(L_JUNK, "Settings: Rings changed to %d if new message exist.\n", setup.voice.ringsonnew);
log(L_JUNK, "Settings: Check for new messages in \"%s\".\n", setup.voice.checknewpath);
log(L_JUNK, "Settings: %d secs record time.\n", setup.voice.recordtime);
log(L_JUNK, "Settings: %s.\n", setup.voice.doanswer ? "Answer call" : "Don't answer call");
log(L_JUNK, "Settings: %s.\n", setup.voice.dorecord ? "Record a message" : "Don't record a message");
log(L_JUNK, "Settings: %s.\n", setup.voice.domessage ? "Play standard message" : "Don't play standard message");
log(L_JUNK, "Settings: %s.\n", setup.voice.dobeep ? "Play beep message" : "Don't play beep message");
log(L_JUNK, "Settings: %s.\n", setup.voice.dotimeout ? "Play timeout message" : "Don't play timeout message");