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$Id: eftd,v 1.1 1999/06/30 16:51:05 he Exp $
Sorry, rather incomplete and not in man page format.
But feel free to submit patches :-)
eftd: eftp4linux EUROFILE transfer server.
eftd allows clients to connect to your machine via the ISDN and to
transfer files by means of the EUROFILE transfer protocol. That
protocol is specified by ETSI norms ETS 300-075 and ETS 300-383.
Unless the -s option is given, the server loops forever waiting for
incoming connections and forks a child process for each connection
As this is alpha test software, options might change with each release!
eftd [-a [ACCESS_FILE]] [-IlsV?] [-d LEVEL] [-D MASK]
-a Expects a string argument interpreted as a file name.
If eftd is compiled with the CONFIG_EFTD_WUAUTH
option, eftd reads ACCESS_FILE and uses the contents
for user authentication similarly to wu-ftpd's
ftpaccess file. See eftaccess(5) for further details.
-b Expects a string argument interpreted as a file name.
Communication events selected by the -l or -L option
are logged (appended) to the file specified by the
option's argument. (This is the 'LogBook' file in
terms of ETS 300 383, thus the 'b'). If this option is
omitted, a system dependent default (i.e.
/var/log/eftd.log) is used. Opening of the LogBook
file can be supressed simply by not suppling any -l or
-L option.
-d Expects an integer argument which is interpreted as a
log level. Protocol or internal events up to the level
are logged to stderr.
For levels 0 - 3, see the -l option.
Higher values include more events in the log,
such as low level protocol and call traces and
temporarily inserted debugging output statements.
Use of -d as well as level > 3 is primarily intended
for debugging purpose. This also implies that the
output caused by log levels > 3 is not documented and
likely to change between releases.
-D The bitmask argument allows for low level grained
control of stderr output. It overrides previous
-I and augments -d options. For maximum amount of
debugging output use "-D -1". As this is really
intended to be used for low level debugging, examine
the eftp4linux sources (start by reading the source
file src/lib/tdu_user.h) if you really want to use
this option on your own.
-I Logs the contents of /dev/isdnctrl to stderr. For this
to work, other processes reading /dev/isdnctrl (i.e.
isdnlog) should be stopped before). This option is
intended for debugging purpose only.
-l The integer argument specifies the log level for
selecting the events written to the LogBook file
(as specified by the -b option). Levels are
0 No events at all.
1 Important events related to session start
and end (login and logout)
2 Important events during each session.
Also adds some events related session
start/stop of minor priority.
3 Other minor priority events.
>3 Low level events. As these are primarily
useful for debugging purpose, it's probably
better (but not strictly necessary) to log
them by means of the -d option. See the latter
for more info.
CAUTION: this log feature is currently new, extremly
unfinished, incomplete and subject to improvements
(volunteers welcome) and not my highest priority item.
Thus, don't expect the current format of the messages
to be fixed forever.
-L Conceptually similar to -D (see the latter). Allows
fine grained control for selecting the events logged
to the LogBook (-b) file.
-x The string type argument should consist of up to 15
digits which specify the X.25 [X.121/X.301] address
the servers listens on for incoming connections. As
EUROFILE is usually used with ISO-8208 X.25 DTE-DTE
mode, you should use the empty string as argument
here, which is the default. Thus, it is extremely
unlikely that you want to use this option at all.
This option can be given two times, allowing the
server to listen on two different x25 addresses
-s Single process mode. If this option is given, the
server just serves the first incoming connection and
exits when the session is finished. It does not fork a
child process for serving that connection.
This is mainly useful for running eftd under the
control of a debugger (such as gdb). If you want to
debug eftd like this, also make sure that the '-m'
option is not set. (As the -m option forks an additional
supervisor process, -s alone will not result in a
debuggable single process eftd). Further, as the
single process will not run under root permissions any
longer after an EUROFile connection has been accepted,
eftd can not clear isdn connections on its own, you
may need to do so yourself.
-m Multiple connection mode. If this option is given, the
server immidiately continues to accept new connections
without waiting for the just accepted session to finish.
The number of simultaneous served connections is not
internally limited by the server. However, upper
limits might be imposed by the mumber of physically
available isdn B-channels, the number of running
incoming isdn network interfaces configured with
"encap x25iface", or by the authentification procedure
(i.e. group limits configured in /etc/isdn/eftaccess).
When multi mode is activated, the server forks an
extra privileged supervisor process for each accepted
connections which takes care of clearing the isdn
connection after the session is finished. Thus, if N
EURFILE sessions are active, there will be 2N+1 eftd
-U USER When this option is specified, a login attempt
with a user name not in the passwd database will
be using USER as the login name (with empty password).
You might use '-U ftp' if you have configured
anonymous access and want that unknown user ids
should be handled as an anonymous eft access.
Unknown user ids frequently occur as many clients
insert some dummy user name in the t_associate request
if no user name was configured.
-V Prints version.
-? prints usage message.
The server supports most of the EUROFILE primitives,
including navigation and extended directory format.
However, T-RENAME, T-DELETE, and LIST are not supported yet.
If eftd is compiled with the CONFIG_EFTD_WUAUTH option, user access
is granted using an authentication procedure derived from wu-ftpd,
the Washington University ftp server. Refer to the eft_wuauth man
page for further details.
Transfers can be logged to /var/log/eft_xferlog. The format of this file
is compatible with the wu-ftpd xferlog format. Refer to the
eft_xferlog man page for details. Also see event logging below.
eftd can also be invoked (and then stopped) by means of the
shell script: start|stop
This script reads configuration parameters (usually from
/etc/isdn/eft.conf). You might want to edit this file before
starting it.
Besides starting eftd, the script also takes care of setting up
the necessary isdn network interfaces. The script can be used by
sysvinit to automatically start eft service as part of the system boot
precedure. (But make sure it is called after isdn and x25 modules are
The EUROFILE protocol identifies files to be transferred by means of a
so called `transfer name'. According to ETS 300-383/ETS 300-075,
a transfer name may constist up to 8 keywords separated by the '/'
character. Each keyword may constist of up to 12 printable
(between 0x21 and 0x7e) ascii characters except '(', ')', '*',
'+', and '/'. The total length of the transfer name must not exceed 70
The transfer names generated by eftd (and which will be displayed in
response to a T-Directory request) will always conform to this.
eftd will also accept transfer names within incoming request
(T-Load and T-Save request) that do not conform to the standards.
If a transfer name in an incoming request is valid, it is processed
by a mapping procedure which resolves to a file name. Transfer names
not conforming to the standard are not subject to mapping. They are
treated literally as POSIX filenames.
eftd maps transfer names to file names by means of two different
methods. If the current working directory is writable by the user,
a database is used that maps between transfer names and file names.
The database is currently implemented by means of symlinks which are
created in the working directory. Symlinks matching .++eft_fn.TRANSFER_NAME
contain the file name corresponding to TRANSFER_NAME. Symlinks
matching .++eft_tn.FILE_NAME contain the transfer name name
corresponding to FILE_NAME. You can clean tha database by just
removing all those symlinks (rm .++eft_[ft]n.*).
If the directory is not writable by the user, an algorithm based ob
the file/transfer name and the file's inode number is used to map between
transfer names and file names.
eftd provides for two event logging channels. The first is always
stderr, the other is the so called LogBook file (an ETS 300 383 term)
(which might be altered by means of the -b option)
The amount of events logged can be controlled by a log level, which
may be supplied by means of the -d (for stderr channel) or the -l (for
LogBook file channel). An even finer grained (but even less portable)
control is possible by means of bitmask arguments supplied with the
-D or -L option.
For debugging purpose, it is somtimes helpful to write the standard
error messages syncronized with the logged events into the same stream.
Thus, for generating debugging logs, it is preferable to use the
stderr channel. For debugging certain very low (i.e. Linux kernel)
level protocol problems, it is even desirable to write the isdn
events (as read from /dev/isdnctrl) to the same stream. eftd provides
for a -I option to achieve this goal as close as possible (however,
synchronity cannot be granted here).
Wenn large log levels are used, huge amounts of stderr output will be
generated. Thus you might consider to redirect stderr to a disk file
in such a case.
Writing to a log file might block the eftd process, which might
result in timing problems if the process is blocked for a very long
(several seconds) time. Thus, it is not advisable to log events to
files (i.e. located on unreliable NFS servers) which are likly to
cause such blocking.
The majority of DOS/Windows based clients implicitly assume that
file transfer names fulfil DOS file name conventions and don't
distinguish between upper and lower case names. This is in violation
to the ETSI norms and might cause inter-working problems.
The server provides for a compatibility mode to inter-operate
with such clients. In order to activate that compatibility mode,
prepend a '+' character to the login name when connecting to the
server. See the doc/INTERWOKING file for details.
If you intend to offer files for public download via eft,
it is recommended to use file names that match DOS conventions
RESTRICTIONS (also called BUGS :-)
Renaming and deleting (T-RENAME, T-DELETE) of files is not supported yet.
The S-LIST primitive (recursivly listing all directories) is not
Compression is not supported. This is not a serious limitation
nowadays because on-disk compression formats like [g]zip are widley
available, compress better, and also save disk storage.