
275 lines
6.8 KiB
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** $Id: rc.c,v 1.5 1998/09/18 15:09:02 michael Exp $
** Copyright 1996-1998 Michael 'Ghandi' Herold <>
# include "../config.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <fnmatch.h>
#include "rc.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "stringutils.h"
/** Prototypes ***********************************************************/
static unsigned char *rc_strip(unsigned char *, int);
/** rc_read(): Liest eine Konfiguration vom Typ <name>=<value> ein. **/
/** => rc Zeiger auf die Konfigurations-Struktur. **/
/** => rcname Name der Konfiguration die eingelesen werden soll. **/
/** => section Sektion zu der gesprungen werden soll. **/
/** **/
/** <= 0 wenn die Konfiguration eingelesen wurde, -1 bei **/
/** einem Fehler und -2 wenn die Sektion nicht gefunden **/
/** wurde. **/
int rc_read(struct vboxrc *rc, unsigned char *rcname, unsigned char *section)
unsigned char rctmpln[VBOX_MAX_RCLINE_SIZE + 1];
unsigned char *rctmplp;
FILE *rctxtio;
int rcerror;
int rcsjump;
unsigned char *stop;
unsigned char *name;
unsigned char *args;
if (section) section = xstrtoupper(section);
log_line(LOG_D, "Parsing \"%s\" [%s]...\n", rcname, ((char *)section ? (char *)section : "global"));
rcerror = 0;
rcsjump = 0;
if ((rctxtio = fopen(rcname, "r")))
while ((fgets(rctmpln, VBOX_MAX_RCLINE_SIZE, rctxtio)) && (rcerror == 0))
rctmpln[strlen(rctmpln) - 1] = '\0';
rctmplp = rc_strip(rctmpln, 1);
if (*rctmplp == '\0') continue;
if ((section) && (!rcsjump))
if ((strlen(rctmplp) > 1) && (*rctmplp == '['))
rctmplp[strlen(rctmplp) - 1] = '\0';
rctmplp = xstrtoupper(rctmplp);
if (fnmatch(rctmplp, section, 0) == 0)
log(LOG_D, "Section match \"[%s]\"...\n", rctmplp);
rcsjump = 1;
if ((section) && (rcsjump))
if (*rctmplp == '[') break;
if ((stop = index(rctmplp, '=')))
*stop++ = '\0';
name = rc_strip(rctmplp, 0);
args = rc_strip(stop , 0);
rc_set_entry(rc, name, args);
else log(LOG_E, "Invalid line \"%s\".\n", rctmplp);
log(LOG_E, "Can't open \"%s\" (%s).\n", rcname, strerror(errno));
rcerror = -1;
if ((rcerror == 0) && (section) && (rcsjump == 0))
log_line(LOG_E, "Section \"%s\" not found.\n", section);
rcerror = -2;
** rc_strip(): Strips comments, trailing and leading whitespaces. **
** => line Pointer to line **
** => strp Boolean if you want to strip comments **
** **
** The call return a pointer to the stripped line. **
unsigned char *rc_strip(unsigned char *line, int strp)
char *stop;
if (strlen(line) > 0)
while (isspace(*line)) line++;
if (strp)
if ((stop = rindex(line, '#'))) *stop = '\0';
while (strlen(line) > 0)
if (!isspace(line[strlen(line) - 1])) break;
line[strlen(line) - 1] = '\0';
/** rc_free(): Gibt den Speicher einer Konfigurations-Struktur frei. **/
/** => rc Zeiger auf die Konfigurations-Struktur. **/
void rc_free(struct vboxrc *rc)
int i = 0;
while (rc[i].name)
if (rc[i].value) free(rc[i].value);
rc[i].value = NULL;
/** rc_get_entry(): Gibt den Wert eines Konfigurations-Eintrags zu- **/
/** r<>ck. **/
/** => rc Zeiger auf die Konfigurations-Struktur. **/
/** => name Name des Eintrags dessen Wert man haben m<>chte. **/
/** **/
/** <= Wert des Eintrages oder NULL. **/
unsigned char *rc_get_entry(struct vboxrc *rc, unsigned char *name)
int i = 0;
while (rc[i].name)
if (strcasecmp(rc[i].name, name) == 0) return(rc[i].value);
/** rc_set_entry(): Setzt den Wert eines Konfigurations-Eintrags. **/
/** => rc Zeiger auf die Konfigurations-Struktur. **/
/** => name Name des Eintrags dessen Wert gesetzt werden soll. **/
/** => value Wert der gesetzt werden soll. **/
/** **/
/** <= Wert des Eintrags oder NULL. **/
unsigned char *rc_set_entry(struct vboxrc *rc, unsigned char *name, unsigned char *value)
int i = 0;
unsigned char *v = NULL;
log(LOG_D, "Setting \"%s\" to \"%s\"...\n", ((char *)name ? (char *)name : "???"), ((char *)value ? (char *)value : "???"));
if ((!name) || (!value))
if (!name ) log_line(LOG_W, "Configuration variable name not set (ignored).\n");
if (!value) log_line(LOG_W, "Configuration argument not set (ignored).\n");
while (rc[i].name)
if (strcasecmp(rc[i].name, name) == 0)
v = strdup(value);
if (v)
if (rc[i].value) free(rc[i].value);
rc[i].value = v;
else log_line(LOG_E, "Can't set \"%s\"'s value.\n", name);
log_line(LOG_W, "Unknown entry \"%s\" ignored.\n", name);
/** rc_set_empty(): Setzt den Wert eines Konfigurations-Eintrags wenn **/
/** dieser noch keinen Wert enth<74>lt. **/
/** Siehe rc_set_entry(). **/
unsigned char *rc_set_empty(struct vboxrc *rc, unsigned char *name, unsigned char *value)
int i = 0;
while (rc[i].name)
if (strcasecmp(rc[i].name, name) == 0)
if (rc[i].value) return(rc[i].value);
return(rc_set_entry(rc, name, value));