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<LI><A HREF="#redzone">redzone</A> - Reduce a zonefile</LI>
<LI><A HREF="#compzone">compzone</A> - Compare/Verify zonefiles</LI>
<LI><A HREF="#mkzonedb">mkzonedb</A> - Make a gdbm file from a reduced zonefile</LI>
<LI>zone.c, <A HREF="#zone">zone</A> - i4l-zonefuncs / Standalone zonefile verify</LI>
<H2><A NAME="redzone">redzone</A></H2>
<P><CITE>redzone</CITE> reduces a <A HREF="#zonef">Zonefile</A> by inserting wildcards. The reduction for AT is 99,5%,
for DE 99,3%. </P>
<PRE>redzone -z<CITE>Zonefile</CITE> -r<CITE>Reducedfile</CITE> [ -v<CITE>verboselevel</CITE> ] [ -n ] [ -llen ] [ -k ] [ -o ]</PRE>
-r<CITE><A HREF="#redf">Reducedfile</A></CITE>
-v<CITE>verboselevel</CITE> ... default=1
-n ... Normalize input (i.e. sort ascending)
-l<CITE>len</CITE> ... a number is maximal <CITE>len</CITE> long, default=4
-k ... keep intermediate files
-o ... optimize only (this is the last pass)</PRE>
<H2><A NAME="compzone">compzone</A></H2>
<P>Verifys a <CITE>Reducedfile</CITE> against a <CITE>Zonefile</CITE> or a <CITE>Zonefile</CITE> against a <CITE><A
HREF="#codef">Codefile</A></CITE> or querys the zone of two numbers.</P>
<PRE>compzone -z<CITE>Zonefile</CITE> -r<CITE>Reducedfile</CITE>[-v<CITE>Verboselevel</CITE> ] [ -m[2] ] [-h ] -a [ -d ]
compzone -z<CITE>Zonefile</CITE> -r<CITE>Reducedfile</CITE>[-v<CITE>Verboselevel</CITE> ] [ -m[2] ] <CITE>from</CITE> <CITE>to</CITE> [ -d ]
compzone { -z<CITE>Zonefile</CITE> | -r<CITE>Reducedfile</CITE> } -c<CITE>Codefile</CITE> [-vVerboselevel ] [ -h ] [ -m[2] ]\</PRE>
-vVerboselevel default=1, 2 prints also the steps for searching the Reducedfile
-m ... Read reduced file into memory
-m2 ... Also read zonefile (!!) into memory
-h ... halt on errors
-a ... auto, test all
-d ... the reduced file is a GDBM-file
<PRE>./compzone -zzoneall -ccode -a -h0 -m2 | tee loecher</PRE>
<P>Verifys that all combinations of number are in the zonefile <CITE>zoneall</CITE> and write the result also to
<PRE>./compzone -zzoneall -a -m</PRE>
<P>Verifys the reduced zonefile against the full file and stops on first error.</P>
<H2><A NAME="mkzonedb">mkzonedb</A></H2>
<P>Makes a zonedatabase (gdbm - GNU Database or db - Berkeley DB) from a reduced file.</P>
<PRE>./mkzonedb -d <CITE>zone-CC-PP.gdbm</CITE> -r <CITE>ReducedFile</CITE> -c Codefile [-a CC ] [ -v<CITE>Verboselevel</CITE> ] [ -o Localzone ] [ -l Len ]</PRE>
<PRE>-r <CITE>ReducedFile</CITE> ... reduced zone file from <STRONG>redzone</STRONG>
-d <CITE>zone-CC-PP.gdbm</CITE> ...CC = Iso-Countrycode, PP = Providername/number
-c <CITE>Codefile</CITE>
-v Verboselevel ... default = 1
-o Localzone ... default = 1
-l Len ... default = maxlen of data
-a CC .. Countrycode (only 1 File per country should have this)</PRE>
<P>For examples look at the <TT>Makefile</TT> in target <TT>zonefiles</TT>.</P>
<H2><A NAME="zone">zone</A></H2>
<PRE>zone -d <CITE>Datafile</CITE> [ -v ] [ -V ] { -z <CITE>zonefile</CITE> | num1 num2 }</PRE>
<PRE>zone -d <CITE>Datafile</CITE> [ -v ] [ -V ] -a CC num1 </PRE>
<PRE>zone -d <CITE>Datafile</CITE> [ -v ] [ -V ] -a CC -c codefile </PRE>
<PRE>-v ... verbose
-V ... print version and exit</PRE>
<P>For standalone compile with:</P>
<PRE>cc -DSTANDALONE -o zone zone.c -lgdbm</PRE>
<PRE>int initZone(int provider, char *datapath, char **msg)<BR> returns -1 on error, 0 if ok<BR>void exitZone(int provider)<BR>int getZone(int provider, char *from, char *to)<BR> returns -2 on error, UNKNOWN on not found, zone if ok<BR>int getAreacode(int country, char *num, char **text)<BR> returns UNKNOWN if not found, or len of areacode<BR> text is a malloced string containing the name of the area
the caller should free this text if returnvalue != UNKNOWN.</PRE>
<H4><A NAME="zonef">Zonefile</A></H4>
<P>A sorted whitespace separated list of entries <TT>from</TT> <TT>to</TT> <TT>zone</TT>, where <TT>to</TT> is greater
then <TT>from</TT>.</P>
<PRE>1 2142 0
1 2143 0
1 2252 1
1 2253 1
<P>It has N*(N-1)/2 entries.</P>
<H4><A NAME="redf">Reducedfile</A></H4>
<P>A Zonefile with wildcards. It must be read top down to get correct rsults. The first matching entry is the right
1 252 1
2252 228 1
2252 22 0
2252 2 1
2252 7 1
2253 2252 127
1 2 0
<P>The line with zone 127 is a link to the zone-info 2252, so there are theoretical maximum of 126 zones.</P>
<H4><A NAME="codef">Codefile</A></H4>
<P>File of lines of all tel numbers and cits, separated by &lt;tab&gt;s</P>
<PRE>1 Wien
2142 Gattendorf
2143 Berg
2252 Baden b Wien
<ADDRESS>Leopold Toetsch<BR>
&lt;<A HREF=""></A>&gt;<BR>
<A HREF=""></A></ADDRESS><H2>Copyright</H2>
<P> Copyright 1999 by Leopold Toetsch &lt;;.<BR>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.<BR>
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.