
79 lines
2.6 KiB
Executable File

# GPL Paul Slootman <> 1998
# Peter Marschall <> 2012
# script to convert .config as generated by 'make menuconfig' into
# scripts/autoconf.h ans scripts/, so that one can edit
# .config by hand and then non-interactively create a configuration
# ready for building. Useful for package building (I'm thinking Debian
# or Red Hat here).
open(IN, "<.config") or die "Can't open .config: $!\n";
open(OUT_H, ">scripts/autoconf.h") or die "Can't open scripts/autoconf.h: $!\n";
open(OUT_MK, ">scripts/") or die "Can't open scripts/ $!\n";
while (my $line = <IN>) {
if ($line =~ /^#\s*$/o) { # empty comment line; ignore for autoconf.h
printf OUT_MK "%s\n", $line;
elsif ($line =~ /^\s*$/o) { # empty line; echo
print OUT_H "\n";
printf OUT_MK "%s\n", $line;
elsif ($line =~ /^# ([^\s]+) is not set/o) { # unset variables
my $var = $1;
printf OUT_H "#undef %s\n", $var;
printf OUT_MK "%s\n", $line;
elsif ($line =~ /^#\s+([^\s].*)\s*/o) { # comment
my $comment = $1;
$line =~ s/(make menuconfig)/'$1' and '$0'/
if ($line =~/Automatically generated by/);
printf OUT_H "/*\n * %s\n */\n", $comment;
print OUT_H "#define AUTOCONF_INCLUDED\n"
if ($line =~/Automatically generated by/);
printf OUT_MK "# %s\n", $comment;
elsif ($line =~ /(\w+)=(.*)/o) { # assignment
my ($var,$val) = ($1,$2);
if ($val =~ /^(?:y|yes|true|on)$/io) { # boolean TRUE value
printf OUT_H "#define %-32s 1\n", $var;
printf OUT_MK "%-32s = y\n", $var;
elsif ($val =~ /^(?:n|no|false|off)$/io) { # boolean FALSE value; like unset variable
printf OUT_H "#undef %s\n", $var;
printf OUT_MK "# %s is not set\n", $var;
elsif ($val =~ /^(['"])(.*)\1$/o) { # string value
my $str = $2;
printf OUT_H "#define %-32s \"%s\"\n", $var, $str;
printf OUT_MK "%-32s = %s\n", $var, $str;
elsif ($val =~ /^(-?\d+)$/) { # numeric value
my $num = $1;
printf OUT_H "#define %-32s (%s)\n", $var, $num;
printf OUT_MK "%-32s = %s\n", $var, $num;
else {
die "Unexpected input in .config at line $.: $line\n";
else {
die "Unexpected input in .config at line $.: $line\n";