
726 lines
19 KiB
Executable File

#! /usr/bin/perl
# This version of pp_rate originates from rates4linux:
# $Id: pp_rate,v 1.9 2003/11/22 17:25:50 tobiasb Exp $
# The rates4linux homepage:
# It bases on Rev. 1.5 of isdn4k-utils/isdnlog/tools/dest/pp_rate
# in the CVS at
use wld;
use strict;
use IO::File;
# perl 5.8.0 could use UTF-8 as default encoding, which has to be prevented.
eval q( use open ':encoding(iso-8859-1)' );
use vars qw( %names $COUNTRY %myalias $co_dat );
use vars qw( $rtags_filename @rtags );
$COUNTRY = '../country';
$COUNTRY = '' unless (-x $COUNTRY); # disable country query if not available
# unique global determination of countryfile to use:
# The guessed filename country.dat works used within rates4linux.
$co_dat = '';
eval 'use i4lconf; $co_dat = locate_countryfile(\'country.dat\');';
unless ($co_dat) { # old behaviour as last ressort
$co_dat = '/usr/lib/isdn/country-de.dat';
sub get_country {
my ($name, $alias, $key, $nn, $na);
sub add1 {
my (@all, $a);
$names{lc $name}=$key;
@all=split(/\s*,\s*/, $alias);
foreach $a (@all) {
$names{lc $a}=$key;
open(IN,$co_dat) || die("Cant read $co_dat");
while (<IN>) {
if (/^N:(.*)/) {
elsif (/^[AE]:(.*)/) {
$alias = $alias ne '' ? "$alias,$1" : $1;
elsif (/^T:(.*)/) {
close IN;
print "$nn Countrys $na Aliases loaded from $co_dat\n";
sub get_alias {
`cp ~/.country-alias .country-alias`;
open(IN, ".country-alias");
while (<IN>) {
my($c,$a) = split(/\t/);
# prototypes for lower case tag processing
sub complete_T ($\@);
sub fill_T (\@$$$$);
sub same_hours (@);
sub find_ranges (@);
sub prep_rate {
my ($l, $infile, $outfile);
my (@lines, @files, @ofiles, @streams, @outf, @Ttags);
my ($include, $wrinclude);
$wrinclude = $include = 0;
my $inc_mode;
$infile = $ARGV[0] || '/usr/lib/isdn/rate-at.dat';
$outfile = $ARGV[1] || "$";
$rtags_filename = $outfile;
$outf[$wrinclude] = new IO::File ("$ofiles[$wrinclude]",'w');
die("Cant write $ofiles[$wrinclude]") unless defined $outf[$wrinclude];
$lines[$include] = $l = 0;
$streams[$include] = new IO::File($files[$include]) || die("Can't read $files[$include]");
print("\nReading $files[$include]\n");
print("Writing $ofiles[$wrinclude]\n");
while ($_=$streams[$include]->getline) {
my($a,@a, $c, $oc, $r, $d, @keys, $name, $m, $tf);
print "$l\r";# if $l % 10 == 0;
if (/^([Ii]):\s*(\S+)/) {
my $f = $2;
$inc_mode = $1;
$f =~ s/\s*#.*$//;
if ($include >= $MAX_INCLUDE+1) {
print("Include nested to deeply - ignored\n");
$lines[$include] = $l;
if ($f =~ m#/#) {
$files[$include] = $f;
else {
my $n = $files[0];
$n =~ s#(.*/).*#$1#;
$n .= $f;
$files[$include] = $n;
if ($inc_mode eq 'i') { # include and put contents in same outfile
goto ropen;
else { # make real include file
if ($f =~ m#/#) {
$ofiles[$wrinclude] = "$";
else {
my $n = $ofiles[0];
$n =~ s#(.*/).*#$1#;
$n .= $f;
$ofiles[$wrinclude] = $n;
if($ofiles[$wrinclude] eq $files[$include]) {
$ofiles[$wrinclude] .= '.inc';
$f = $ofiles[$wrinclude];
$f =~ s#.*/##;
$outf[$wrinclude-1]->print ("I:$f\n");
goto wopen;
elsif (/^A:(.*)/) {
my $acmt = '';
if ( $a =~ s/(\s*#.*$)// ) { # preserve comments in A: lines
$acmt = $1;
$acmt = '' unless ( $acmt =~/#\s*\S/ ); # only non-empty
$a =~ s/[,\s]+$//;
@a=split(/\s*,\s*/, $a);
foreach $c (@a) {
next if ($c eq '');
$c = lc $c;
if ($c =~ /^\+?\d+/ || $c eq '+') {
elsif ($d=$names{$c}) {
elsif ($d=$names{$myalias{$c}}) {
else {
$oc = $c;
print "'$c'";
$m=99; $tf='';
if ($COUNTRY) {
my $cc = `$COUNTRY "$c"`;
($tf, $m) = $cc =~ /<.*?>=<(.*?)>\sd=(\d+)/;
$m=99 if ($cc =~/unknown/);
$tf = lc $tf;
else {
foreach $name (keys(%names)) {
if (($r=wld($name,$c,$m)) < $m) {
$m=$r; $tf=$name;
print "\r'$c' searching (d<$m) ..";
last if($m==0);
print "\r'$c'";
if ($tf && $m<=1) {
print " -> $tf\n";
else {
print "\nLine $l: $c => $tf ($m)\n ? [j,q,i,[+|=]...,/] : ";
$x = <STDIN>;
if ($x =~ /^=(.*)/) {
$c = $1 if($1 ne '');
goto again;
elsif ($x =~ /^\+(.*)/) {
$c = $oc . $1;
goto again;
elsif ($x =~ /^\/(.*)/) {
print `grep -3 -i $1 $co_dat`;
goto choice;
if ($x eq 'j') {
$c = $tf;
goto ok;
elsif ($x eq 'h') {
print "j => Vorschlag annehmen\n";
print "q => abbrechen\n";
print "n => [ohne Funktion] unbekannt ignorieren (gilt dann fuer die gesamte Datei)\n";
print "i => Eintrag ignorieren\n";
print "+xx => xx an unbekannt anhaengen\n";
print "= SO => SO uebernehmen\n";
print "= => unbekannt uebernehmen\n";
$co_dat =~ m{/([^/]*)$};
print "/xx => in $1 nach xx greppen\n";
print "xx => xx ausprobieren\n";
goto choice;
elsif ($x eq 'q') {
elsif ($x eq 'i') {
else {
$c = $x;
goto again;
} # else found
} # foreach
$outf[$wrinclude]->print ("A:", join(',',@keys),"$acmt\n") || die("can't write");
} # if A
elsif (/^t:(.*)/) {
$outf[$wrinclude]->print( complete_T($1, @Ttags) );
else { # all other lines remain unchanged
$outf[$wrinclude]->print( $_);
push @Ttags, $_ if (/^T:/);
@Ttags = () if (/^Z:/);
push @rtags, $1 if (/^r:(.*)/ and $include==0);
} # while IN
if($include) {
$l = $lines[$include];
if ($inc_mode eq 'I') { # write separate files
goto ragain;
open(OUT, ">.country-alias") || die("Can't write .country-alias");
foreach my $c (sort(keys(%myalias))) {
print OUT "$c\t",$myalias{$c},"\n";
`mv .country-alias ~/.country-alias`;
print "\nOk.\n";
} # prep_rate
sub process_rtags { # handle r: tags
return unless (@rtags);
print "\n$rtags_filename contains " . scalar(@rtags)
. " r: tags to process.\n";
rename($rtags_filename, $rtags_filename . ".tmp")
or die "Can't generate temporary file $rtags_filename.tmp";
open(RIN, "<" . $rtags_filename . ".tmp")
or die "Can't open $rtags_filename.tmp for input";
open(ROUT, ">". $rtags_filename)
or die "Can't open $rtags_filename for output";
# step 1 - find out requested source data
my ($src, $i, $prov, $zone, @ignore, @zones, @provs);
foreach $i (0 .. $#rtags) {
if ( $rtags[$i] =~ /^\s*(\d+|\d+\s*,\s*\d+)\s*;\s*(\d+)-\s*(#.*)?$/ ) {
$prov = $1;
$zone = $2;
else {
print "Illegal r: tag format: $rtags[$i], this will be ignored and remain unaltered.";
$prov =~ s/\s+//g;
$provs[$i] = $prov;
$zones[$i] = $zone;
if ( not defined $src->{$prov}->{start} or
$zone < $src->{$prov}->{start} ) {
$src->{$prov}->{start} = $zone;
# step 2 - get this source data
print "Fetching required source data from $rtags_filename.tmp:\n";
my ($line, $getP, $getZ);
$getP = $getZ = 0;
while ($line = <RIN>) {
if ($line =~ /^P:\s*(\d+(\s*,\s*\d+)?)/) {
$prov = $1;
$prov =~ s/\s+//g;
if (defined $src->{$prov}) {
$getP = 1;
print "\t$prov: ";
else {
print "\n" if ($getP);
$getP = 0;
$getZ = 0;
next unless ($getP);
if ($line =~ /^Z:\s*(\d+)/) {
$zone = $1;
if ($zone >= $src->{$prov}->{start}) {
unless ($getZ) {
$getZ = 1;
push @{$src->{$prov}->{$zone}}, $line;
print ".";
elsif ($getZ) {
$getZ = 0;
next unless ($getZ);
if ($line =~ /^\s*#/) { # comment only line
else {
push @{$src->{$prov}->{$zone}}, $line;
print "\n" if ($getP);
# step 3 - copy entire file and replace r: tags
my $l = 0;
my ($sline, %seen, @szones, $watch_a);
$i = -1;
seek(RIN, 0, 0) or die "Can't seek to start of $rtags_filename.tmp";
print "Rewriting to $rtags_filename:\n";
while ($line = <RIN>) {
print "$l\r";
# TODO: watch A: lines only for providers with r: tags
if ($line =~ /^P:\s*(\d+|\d+\s*,\s*\d+)/) {
my $sprov = $1;
$sprov =~ s/\s+//g;
$rtags[$i+1] =~ /^\s*(\d+|\d+\s*,\s*\d+)/;
my $dprov = $1;
$dprov =~ s/\s+//g;
$watch_a = ($sprov eq $dprov) ? 1 : 0;
undef %seen;
if ($watch_a and $line =~ /^A:\s*([^#]+)/) {
my $a = $1;
my $b;
$a =~ s/\s+//g;
foreach $b (split(/,/, $a)) {
if ($line !~ /^r:/) {
print ROUT $line;
# r: tag line
if ($ignore[$i]) {
print "ignoring illegal r: tag: $line";
print ROUT $line;
print "Processing: $line";
print ROUT "# $line";
$prov = $provs[$i];
foreach $zone (keys %{$src->{$prov}}) {
next unless ($zone =~ /^\d/);
push @szones, $zone if ($zone >= $zones[$i]);
foreach $zone (sort {$a<=>$b} @szones) {
my $have_a = 0;
my (@zlines, $zline);
foreach $zline (@{$src->{$prov}->{$zone}}) {
if ($zline !~ /^A:/) {
push @zlines, $zline;
my $l = $zline;
my $right = "";
$right = $1 if ($l =~ s/(\s+#.*)$//);
chomp $l;
$right .= "\n";
$l =~ /^(A:\s*)(.*)$/;
my $left = $1;
my $dests = $2;
$dests =~ s/\s+//g;
my ($d, $nd);
foreach $d (split /,/, $dests) {
$nd .= ",$d" if (not defined $seen{$d});
$nd =~ s/^,//;
if ($nd) {
push @zlines, "$left$nd$right";
if ($have_a) { # zone has new destinations
print ROUT join("", @zlines);
$l += scalar( @zlines );
print "$l\r";
print ROUT "# /$line";
print "$l\r";
unlink "$rtags_filename.tmp"
or warn "Can't remove temporary file $rtags_filename.tmp";
print "\nProcessing of r: tags completed.\n";
} # /process_rtags
# handle lines with t: tag
sub complete_T ($\@) {
my $tline = shift @_ or return ""; # all after t: from input line
my $Ttags = shift @_ or return ""; # ref to array with previous A: lines
my @addT; # additional T: lines
my $range = "";
if ($tline =~ s/^\s*(\[[^\]]+\])//) {
$range = $1;
if ($tline =~ /^\s*(\?H?)\s*=(.*)$/) {
fill_T(@addT, $range, $1, $2, $Ttags);
elsif ($range and $tline =~ s/^\s*=\s*\[([^\]]+)\]//) {
my $srcrange = $1; # (start of) date range to copy from
my $re = quotemeta($srcrange);
my $newname = "";
if ( $tline =~ /^\s*([^#]+)/ ) {
$newname = $1;
$newname = "" unless ($newname =~ /\S/);
$re = "^T:\\s*\\[" . $re;
$re = qr/$re/;
my ($Aline, $newline);
foreach $Aline (@$Ttags) {
if ($Aline =~ $re) {
$newline = $Aline;
$newline =~ s/^(T:\s*)\[[^\]]+\]/$1.$range/e;
if ($newname) {
$newline =~ s/^([^=]+=\S+\s+)[^#]+/$1.$newname/e;
if ($newline =~ /#/) {
$Aline =~ /(\s*#)/;
my $cmtstart = $1;
$newline =~ s/(\s*#)/$cmtstart/e;
push @addT, $newline;
else {
print "unrecognized format for t: tag: $tline!\n";
push @$Ttags, @addT; # save new T: lines for next t: line
return join("", @addT);
} # /sub complete_T
sub fill_T (\@$$$$) {
my $addT = shift @_; # ref to array for new T: lines
my $range = shift @_; # date range [..] or empty
my $modus = shift @_; # fill modus: ? or ?H
my $content = shift @_; # chars right of =
my $Ttags = shift @_; # ref to array with previous A: lines
my $holiday = 0;
$holiday = 1 if ($modus =~ /H/);
# step 1 - get already definied day/hour sets.
my ($dh, $Tline, $numday, $only_anyday);
$numday = 0;
$only_anyday = 1; # only T: for day "*" present
foreach $Tline (@$Ttags) {
my ($day, $aday, @days, $hour, $ahour, @hours);
if ($Tline =~ /^T:\s*(\[[^\]]+\])\s*([1-7WEH,*-]+)\s*\/\s*([0-9,*-]+)\s*=/ ) {
next if ($range and $1 ne $range); # only T: for same date range
$day = $2;
$hour = $3;
elsif ($Tline =~ /^T:\s*([1-7WEH,*-]+)\s*\/\s*([0-9,*-]+)\s*=/ ) {
$day = $1;
$hour = $2;
else {
print "Unrecognized T: format: $Tline";
$numday = 1 if ($day =~ /\d/); # use numbers (1-7) instead of W|E|H
$only_anyday = 0 if ($day ne "*");
foreach $aday (split(/,/, $day)) {
if ($aday =~ /^(\d)-(\d)$/) {
push @days, ($1 .. $2);
elsif ($aday =~ /^([\dWEH*])$/) {
push @days, ($1);
if ($1 eq "*") {
push @days, (1..7);
push @days, ("H");
elsif ($1 eq "W") {
push @days, (1..5);
elsif ($1 eq "E") {
push @days, (6, 7);
else {
print "Unknown day part: $Tline";
@days = ("*") if ($only_anyday); # day "*" matches all other days
foreach $ahour (split(/,/, $hour)) {
$ahour =~ s/(^|-)0?(\d)/$1$2/g; # remove leading zeros, 00 -> 0
if ($ahour eq "*") {
push @hours, (0 .. 23, "*");
elsif ($ahour =~ /^(\d+)-(\d+)$/) {
my $a = $1; my $b = $2-1; # 09-18 means 9 .. 17
$b = 23 if ($b == -1);
if ($a > $b) {
push @hours, ($a .. 23);
push @hours, (0 .. $b);
else {
push @hours, ($a .. $b);
elsif ($ahour =~ /^(\d+)$/) {
push @hours, ($1);
else {
print "Unknown hour part: $Tline";
foreach $aday (@days) {
foreach $ahour (@hours) {
} # /read all previous T: lines
# step 2 - find missing day/hour pairs
my ($d, $h, $x, $y, @adays, @bdays, @hours, %hd);
# step 2.1 - find days with complete hours
foreach $d (keys %$dh) {
if (defined $dh->{$d}->{"*"}) {
$dh->{$d}->{"_bits"} = 0xFFFFFF;
my $bits=0;
for $h (0..23) {
if (defined $dh->{$d}->{$h}) {
$bits |= 1<<$h;
else {
$x = 0;
$dh->{$d}->{"*"}++ if ($x);
$dh->{$d}->{"_bits"} = $bits;
# step 2.2 - find days with hour gaps
# priority for _partial_ W or E entries
# as long as the days 1..5 / 6..7 have identical hours
# a better approach separate between common and different hours
if ( defined($dh->{W}) and scalar(%{$dh->{W}})
and not defined $dh->{W}->{"*"}
and same_hours($dh->{1},$dh->{2},$dh->{3},$dh->{4},$dh->{5}) ) {
push @adays, ("W");
map { $dh->{$_}->{"*"}++} (1..5, "W");
if ( defined($dh->{E}) and scalar(%{$dh->{E}})
and not defined $dh->{E}->{"*"}
and same_hours($dh->{6},$dh->{7}) ) {
push @adays, ("E");
map { $dh->{$_}->{"*"}++} (6, 7, "E");
if ($only_anyday) {
push @adays, ("*");
elsif ($numday) {
for $d (1..7) {
push @adays, ($d) unless (defined $dh->{$d}->{"*"});
else { # only W|E(|H) as day
push @adays, ("W") unless (defined $dh->{W}->{"*"});
push @adays, ("E") unless (defined $dh->{E}->{"*"});
if ( ($holiday or defined($dh->{H}) and scalar %{$dh->{H}})
and not defined $dh->{H}->{"*"} ) {
push @adays, ("H");
# step 2.3 - get hours for non empty days
foreach $d (@adays) {
unless( defined($dh->{$d}) and
scalar(%{$dh->{$d}}) ) { # hash $dh->{$d} exists at all cases
push @bdays, ($d); # day complete empty
else {
my $hlist="";
$x = 0; # 0 = hour already there, 1 hour missing
for $h (0..23) {
$y = not defined $dh->{$d}->{$h};
if ($x != $y) { # change existing/missing hour
if ($y) { # now missing
push @hours, ($h);
else {
push @hours, ($h);
$x = $y;
push @hours, ("0") if ($x); # terminate last hour range
if ($hours[0] == 0 and $hours[-1] == 0 ) {
$hours[0] = $hours[-2];
$#hours -= 2;
while (scalar @hours) {
$x = shift @hours;
$y = shift @hours;
if ($x == $y) {
$hlist .= sprintf(",%02d", $x);
else {
$hlist .= sprintf(",%02d-%02d", $x, $y);
$hlist =~ s/^,//;
} # /day with some hours missing
} # /foreach $d (@adays)
# step 2.4 generate T:-lines
foreach $h (sort keys %hd) {
next if $h =~ /^$/; # hourlist must not be empty
$hd{$h} =~ s/^,//;
$hd{$h} = find_ranges(split(/,/, $hd{$h}));
push @$addT, "T:$range$hd{$h}/$h=$content\n";
$d = find_ranges(@bdays); # generate dayranges (1-5) if possible
push @$addT, "T:$range$d/*=$content\n" if ($d);
} # /sub fill_T
# compare hours of given days (given as $dh->{day})
sub same_hours (@) {
my ($d, @days);
# use only days with hour definitions
foreach $d (@_) {
push @days, $d if (defined($d) and scalar(%$d));
return 1 unless (scalar(@days)); # no days, no differences
my ($and, $or);
$d = shift @days;
$and = $or = $d->{"_bits"};
foreach $d (@days) {
$or |= $d->{"_bits"};
$and &= $d->{"_bits"};
return ($and == $or);
} # /sub same_hours
# convert list of numbers to ranges, e.g. 1,2,3,W -> 1-3,W
sub find_ranges (@) {
my @days = sort @_;
my ($d, $x);
$x = -1; # previous day
foreach $d (@days) {
next if ($d !~ /^\d$/);
if ($x+1 == $d) {
$x = $d;
$d = "-$d";
else {
$x = $d;
$d = "," . join(",", @days);
while ($d =~ s/,-\d(,-\d)/$1/g) {};
$d =~ s/(,\d),(-\d)/$1$2/g;
$d =~ s/^,//;
return $d;
} # /sub find_ranges