
332 lines
8.0 KiB
Executable File

# compare/verify zone entries
# Copyright 1999 by Leopold Toetsch <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# codefile:
# 1
# 2142
# 2143
# ...
# zonefile
# 1 2142 0
# 1 2143 0
# ...
# reducedfile:
# 1 252 1
# ...
# 1 2 0
use strict;
use GDBM_File;
use Getopt::Std;
my $LOOK = '/usr/bin/look';
my $LINK = 127;
my($L) = 'S'; # pack short
$| =1;
my($zonef, $reducedf, $from, $to, $auto,$verbose, $mem, %all, %link);
my($halt, $codef, %zones, $reverse, $dbm, @nums);
my $reduce_a=1; #dont't turn on, it doesn't work
if ($codef) {
else {
# verify codefile against orig or reduced zone file
sub get_codes {
open(IN, $codef) || die("Can't read $codef");
my (@codes, $num, $ort, $line);
while ($line = <IN>) {
($num, $ort) =split(/\t/, $line);
push(@codes, $num);
if($mem && $reducedf) {
else {
tie(%all, 'GDBM_File',$reducedf, GDBM_READER, 644);
&read_orig if($mem==2);
printf "Verifying...\n" if($verbose);
my ($i,$j,$c,$n);
for ($i = 0; $i < @codes-1; $i++) {
for ($j = $i+1; $j < @codes; $j++) {
$from = $codes[$i];
$to = $codes[$j];
$c = $zonef? &get_orig($from,$to) : &get_compact($from, $to);
print "Loch $from $to\n" if ($c eq '');
exit 1 if ($halt && $c eq '');
print STDERR "$n\r" if ($verbose&& $n%100==0);
unless($mem && $reducedf) {
sub min {
return $_[0] < $_[1] ? $_[0] : $_[1];
sub read_compact {
my ($from,$to,$z,$n, $cc);
print "Reading $reducedf...\n" if($verbose);
if (!$dbm) {
open(IN, $reducedf) || die("Can't read $reducedf");
while (<IN>) {
($from,$to,$z) = split(/\s+/);
$all{"$from $to"} = $z;
$link{$from} = $to if($z eq $LINK);
print STDERR "$n\r" if ($verbose&& $n%1000==0);
else {
tie(%db, 'GDBM_File',$reducedf, GDBM_READER, 644);
my ($vers) = $db{"vErSiO\x0"};
print "$vers\n" if($verbose);
my (@vinfo) = split(/ /, $vers);
my ($v, $pack_key, $pack_table, $n, $t, $i, $ind);
foreach (@vinfo) {
$v = $1 if(/V(.*)/);
$pack_key = $1 if(/K(\w)/);
$pack_table = $1 if(/C(\w)/);
$n = $1 if(/N(\d+)/);
$t = $1 if(/T(\d+)/);
$cc = $1 if(/A(\d+)/);
my($bnum) = $db{"_tAbLe\x0"};
my %len = ('C' => 1, 'S' => 2, 'L' => 4);
print "pack_table $pack_table pack_ke $pack_key\n" if($verbose>=2);
$i=min($n, 256);
@nums = unpack("$pack_table$i", $bnum);
print "$i:\n@nums\n" if($verbose>=3);
while ( ($key, $value) = each(%db) ) {
next if ($key eq "_tAbLe\x0" || $key eq "vErSiO\x0");
my($temp) = unpack($pack_key, $key);
next if( $temp !~ /\d/);
if ($cc) {
my($ort) = substr($value,0, $ind=index($value, "\x0"));
$value = substr($value, $ind+1);
my($count) = unpack('S', $value);
$value=substr($value, 2); # past count
while ($count--) {
my($b, $z, $v);
$z = unpack("C", $value);
$value=substr($value, 1);
$L = 'C';
$ind = 1;
if ($z >= 128) {
$z -= 128;
$L = $pack_key;
$b = unpack($L, $value);
$value=substr($value, $len{$L});
print STDERR "$n\r" if ($verbose && $n%1000==0);
$b = $nums[$b] if($ind);
$all{"$temp $b"} = $z;
$link{$temp} = $b if($z eq $LINK);
} # while each
print STDERR "$n\n" if ($verbose);
print STDERR "$n\n" if ($verbose);
sub read_orig {
my ($from,$to,$z,$n);
open(IN, $zonef) || die("Can't read $zonef");
print "Reading $zonef...\n" if($verbose);
while (<IN>) {
($from,$to,$z) = split(/\s+/);
$zones{"$from $to"} = $z;
print STDERR "$n\r" if ($verbose&& $n%1000==0);
# compare a zone file against a reduced one
sub comp_zones {
my ($errs) = 0;
my ($z, $cz, $i, $entry);
if ($mem) {
if ($mem == 2) {
printf "Verifying...\n" if($verbose);
if ($auto) {
if ($mem==2) {
foreach $entry (keys (%zones)) {
($from, $to) = split(/\s/, $entry);
if (($cz =&get_compact($from, $to)) == $zones{$entry}) {
print STDERR "$i\r" if ($verbose && $i%100==0);
else {
if ($verbose == 2) {
&get_compact($from, $to);
print "$from $to $z - $cz NIX\n";
exit 1 if ($halt);
$errs++ ;
else {
open(IN, $zonef) || die("Can't read $zonef");
while (<IN>) {
($from,$to,$z) = split(/\s+/);
if (($cz=&get_compact($from,$to)) == $z) {
print STDERR "$i\r" if ($verbose && $i%100==0);
else {
if ($verbose == 2) {
&get_compact($from, $to);
print "$from $to $z - $cz NIX\n";
exit 1 if ($halt);
$errs++ ;
} #mem
print STDERR "$i\n" if ($verbose);
print "\nThere where $errs Errs\n";
} #auto
else {
$z = &get_orig($from,$to);
$cz = &get_compact($from,$to);
print "$z, $cz\n";
sub getargs {
$from = $to = '';
$mem=1; # for mem = 0, data must be resorted for 'look'
push(@ARGV,'-V'); # last options seems not to work, so I push 1 more
getopt('z:r:c:v:h:dxm:a', \%opt);
$auto=1 if ($codef || $reducedf);
$verbose=$opt{'v'} if($opt{'v'} ne '');
$halt=$opt{'h'} if($opt{'h'} ne '');
$auto=1 if($opt{'a'});
$dbm=1 if($opt{'d'});
$reverse=1 if($opt{'x'});
$mem=$opt{'m'} if($opt{'m'} ne '');
print "Mem = '$mem' Halt ='$halt' DBM='$dbm'\n";
foreach (@ARGV) {
$from=$1,next if (/^(\d+)/ && $from eq '');
$to=$1,next if (/^(\d+)/ && $to eq '');
&usage unless( (($zonef && $reducedf) && (($from && $to) || $auto)) ||
($codef && ($reducedf || $zonef)) );
if ($verbose) {
if ($from && $to) {
print "Checking '$from' '$to' from '$zonef'\n";
elsif ($codef) {
print "Verifying Codefile '$codef' against '",$zonef?$zonef:$reducedf,"'\n";
else {
print "Verifying Reduced '$reducedf' against Zonefile '$zonef'\n";
print STDERR "This requires resorting '$reducedf'" unless ($mem);
sub usage {
print "$0: -zZonefile -rReducedzonefile from to [-vVerboselevel ] [-m ]\n";
print "$0: -zZonefile -rReducedzonefile -auto [-vVerboselevel ] [-m[2] ] [-h ]\n";
print "$0: -zZonefile -cCodefile [-vVerboselevel ] [-h ]\n";
print "\t-v = Verbose (1)\n";
print "\t-m read Reduced to mem (yes)\n";
print "\t-h = halt on errs (1)\n";
print "\t-ccodefile\n";
print "\t-m read Reduced to mem, -m2 Zonefile too\n";
exit 1;
sub get_orig {
my ($from, $to) = @_;
my ($q, $res);
die ("Can't read $zonef") if (! -f $zonef);
$q = "$from $to";
if ($mem==2) {
return $zones{$q};
$res = `$LOOK "$q" $zonef`;
return ((split(/\s+/, $res))[2]);
sub get_compact {
my ($from, $to) = @_;
($from, $to) = ($to, $from) if($reverse);
my ($q, $res);
my ($i,$j,$t,$f);
die ("Can't read $reducedf") if (! -f $reducedf);
for ($i=0;$i < length($from) ;$i++) {
for ($j=0;$j<length($to);$j++) {
$f = $from;
$f = substr($f, 0, length($f)-$i);
$t = $to;
$t = substr($t, 0, length($t)-$j);
next unless(length($f) && length($t));
$q = "$f $t";
print "$q:\n" if($verbose==3);
if ($mem) {
$res = $all{$q};
else {
$res = `$LOOK "$q" $reducedf`;
if ($res ne '') {
print "$res" unless($auto);
$res= ((split(/\s+/, $res))[2]);
return $res if($res ne '');
if ($res eq '' && $link{$from}) {
return get_compact($link{$from}, $to);
return '';