
59 lines
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#ifndef _XawNetstatP_h
#define _XawNetstatP_h
#include "Net.h"
#include <X11/Xaw/SimpleP.h>
#define NETUP_COMMAND "/sbin/isdnnet start &"
#define NETDOWN_COMMAND "/sbin/isdnnet stop &"
typedef struct { /* new fields for netstat widget */
/* resources */
int update; /* 1/100 seconds between updates */
Pixel foreground_pixel; /* color index of normal state fg */
String filename; /* filename to watch */
Boolean flipit; /* do flip of full pixmap */
int volume; /* bell volume */
/* local state */
GC gc; /* normal GC to use */
long last_size; /* size in bytes of netstatname */
XtIntervalId interval_id; /* time between checks */
Boolean state; /* state of ISDN connection */
struct _mbimage {
Pixmap bitmap, mask; /* depth 1, describing shape */
Pixmap pixmap; /* full depth pixmap */
int width, height; /* geometry of pixmaps */
} active, waiting, inactive, activeout, start, stop;
Boolean shapeit; /* do shape extension */
struct {
Pixmap mask;
int x, y;
} shape_cache; /* last set of info */
} NetstatPart;
typedef struct _NetstatRec { /* full instance record */
CorePart core;
SimplePart simple;
NetstatPart netstat;
} NetstatRec;
typedef struct { /* new fields for netstat class */
int dummy; /* stupid C compiler */
} NetstatClassPart;
typedef struct _NetstatClassRec { /* full class record declaration */
CoreClassPart core_class;
SimpleClassPart simple_class;
NetstatClassPart netstat_class;
} NetstatClassRec;
extern NetstatClassRec netstatClassRec; /* class pointer */
#endif /* _XawNetstatP_h */